
_二、BPart Reading (总题数:10,分数:70.00)2.Water will become the oil in the 21st century because _. A. Asians are enjoying a better life. B. there is an ever


1、二BPart Reading 总题数:10,分数:70.002.Water will become the oil in the 21st century because . A. Asians are enjoying a better 。

2、二BPart Reading 总题数:10,分数:70.002.Randy Pausch teaches in Carnegie Mellon University. A. medical science B. English C. mat。

3、二BPart Reading 总题数:1,分数:70.00Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answe。

4、2.The shore is more suitable for分数:1.00填空项 1:3.New jersey has many sites分数:1.00填空项 1:4.Those who are interested in next 。

5、二BPart Reading 总题数:1,分数:70.00Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answe。

6、二BPart Reading 总题数:10,分数:70.002.Sharp which is now under construction will . A. be put into use in 2010 B. produce small。

7、二BPart Reading 总题数:1,分数:70.00Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answe。

8、二BPart Reading 总题数:1,分数:70.00Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answe。

9、二BPart Reading 总题数:1,分数:70.00Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answe。

10、二BPart Reading 总题数:10,分数:70.002.What eventually made Carla Toebe realize she was spending too much time on the Internet 。

11、 Shes too busy to afford the time for the trip. D. She will manage t,o leave this month.分数:7.00A.B.C.D.2. A. At home. B。

12、 D. He worried about the test.分数:7.00A.B.C.D.2.A. He is making a public advertisement.B. He is a salesman. C. He dose no。

13、l will probably tell Monica about the party. D. That Karl wont tell Monica about the party.分数:7.00A.B.C.D.2. A. He is su。

14、orgot all about the trip. B. His roommate didnt wake him up. C. His landlady forgot to wake him up. D. His landlady didn。

15、ce in teaching sociology. C. Dr. Levensky allows very little flexibility in class. D. Dr. Levensky does not expect stude。

16、 D.She enjoys working for the Students Union.分数:7.00A.B.C.D.2. A.He dislikes Advanced Mathematics hut has to study it. B。

17、doesnt regard the coat as a bargain. D. The man actually doesnt appreciate the coats color.分数:7.00A.B.C.D.2. A. She is g。

18、ring. B. Tell her about the ring. C. Remind her about the time of the next meeting. D. Remind her before each meeting to。

19、y in their school. B. The school year seemed to go by very quickly. C. Theyve been in school for a few days only. D. Tho。

20、e recorder.分数:7.00A.B.C.D.2. A. By going on a diet. B. By having fewer meals. C. By doing physical exercises. D. By eati。

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