,round electrical supplies Part2: Dimensions UDC 629.7.064.5:621.316.541BS4G 173-2:1985 This British Standard, having been prepared under the directio
1、round electrical supplies Part2: Dimensions UDC 629.7.064.5:621.316.541BS4G 173-2:1985 This British Standard, having been prepared under the directionof the Aerospace Standards Committee, was published under the authority ofthe Board of BSI and comes intoeffect on 29November1985 BSI 12-1999 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee referenceACE/6 Draft for comment84/73161DC ISBN 0 580 14708 8 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparati。
2、be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: +1 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: CustomerServicesae.org SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/www.sae.org ISSUED2012-01REAFFIRMED 2017-03THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION CUSTODIAN: AE-8C1 FEDERAL SUPPLY CLASS 5920 AS81790/3 SHEET。
3、t is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2011 SAE International All ri。
4、ns de base pour prise de terrain mod I 233 +004 0 E “J o/= - ;05 - ;()02 F 732 _ g O5 0,312 _ ;m2 G 14,27 f 0,; 0,562 f 0:02 H” 15,06 f 0,5 0,593 k 0,02 J 17,45 + 0,25 0,687 AI 0,Ol K” IO,31 zk 0,5 0,406 * 0,02 L 26,2 1,031 A4 19,05 0,75 N 42,85 1,687 5 P 61 0,24 R 57,2 2,25 * Rayon. IS0 461/2-1985 (F) Voir la note 1 c + + NOTES 1 Au-dela de ce point, les dimensions hors tout nexcedent pas . Ienveloppe representee en trait mixte sur la vue en plan. 2 Le contact fendu femelle devant recevoir。
5、st requirements Aronefs Prises de courant dalimentation au sol Partie 1: Exigences concernant la conception, le fonctionnement et les essais ISO 461-1:2003(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therei。
6、 eJeclrical supplies 本标准参照采用国际标准ISO461t宙封结合L PJA-450GZ型插座L 2骂 孔的尺寸应和特草的销座相适应PJA-450GZ型插座安装尺寸表3 基本尺寸41.7 38.1 19.1 1l.1 N 、 mm 极限偏差士。
.8 士0.,、,飞E 注z尺寸K为半径.A 、iB =3 -:.:.:1 正主3一-气-一-一、A: 自巳、 . -图3 PJA-450HT型插头表4m口1基本尺寸极限偏差46.9(最小值)20.6(最小值)54 4.45(最大值2.5 (最大值54 5 一一6 G/T 13536-92 续表4尺寸符号基本尺寸极眼锦F 28.58 士0.25G 12. 7 土0.13H 25.4 士0.25J 41.3 K 66. 7 L 3. 2 :!: o. 4 注z尺寸C为横截面增加前的最小长度.(2)尺寸L为半径.N , q 可D-250PJD-250B PJD- 450 PJD。
1 基本型式1. 1 PJA型(115/200V.100Hz)交流电源连接器。
1.2 PJD型(28.5V)直流电源连接器.1.3 描座接触件尾端育得接相紧罔件连接两种型式.插头接触件尾端只有焊接种型式。
1. 4 产品型号组成按表1序号内容1 地面电源连接器交流2 直流3 额定电流焊接连接型式4 紧固件连接型式插座5 插头航空工业部1988-06一16发布表l标记代号PJ A D 阿拉伯数字H G z T 1988-12-01实施1 HB6184 88 标记示例.I 2 345 PJ A-400 11 T l 插头代号焊接连接代号额定电流交流代号地面也源连接器代号1 2 3 4 5 PJ D-500 G Z L 插座f号紧固件连接代号额定电流直流代号地面电源连接器代号2 技术要求2. 1 连接器结构.外形及安装尺寸应符合相应严品图样规定。
PJA400GZ、PJD-500GZ安装连接尺才按图1、图202. 2 插头及插座应分别有明显的标志,并包括下。