ial Item Description as a replacement for Military Specification MIL-S-36526, which is cancelled. This Commercial Item Description covers surgical sci
1、ial Item Description as a replacement for Military Specification MIL-S-36526, which is cancelled. This Commercial Item Description covers surgical scissors suitable for use in the practice of eye surgery. Salient characteristics: General. The performance of the scissors shall be in accordance with ASTM F1079. Material. Material of the scissors shall be Class 4 corrosion resistant steel in accordance with ASTM F899. Hardness. The scissors shall have a Rockwell Hardness C scale (HRC) of 50 to 55, 。
2、252;r Normung e. V., Berlin, gestattet.ICS 11.040.30!%Kss“2408080www.din.deDIN 58280Medizinische Instrumente Irisscheren, ohne HartmetallEinlagenMedical instruments Iris scissors without carbide insertsInstruments mdicaux Ciseaux iridectomie sans plaquettes en mtal durAlleinverkauf der Normen durch Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 BerlinErsatz frDIN 58280:200901www.beuth.deGesamtumfang 6 SeitenDDIN-Normenausschuss Feinmechanik und Optik (NAFuO)DIN 58280:201。
3、9前言引言1 范围2规范性引用文件3术语和定义4基本功能要求41 自包含42虹膜图像采集与处理43用户标识44用户登记45用户识别46识别失败的判定及处理一47 防伪造48警告与报警5基本性能要求51错误接受率和错误拒绝率。
4、ICS 35.040 L 70 DB14 山西省地方标准 DB 14/T 17562018 信息安全技术 虹膜识别系统 活体识别技术要求 Information security technologyTechnical requirements for liveness detection of iris recognition system 2018 - 12 - 05发布 2019 - 02。
5、共和国公安部发布 l飞;1三j( 2015-01-01实施 ., GA/T 1208-2014 前. - 司在习本标准按照GB/T1.1-2009给出的规则起草。
本标准由全国安全防范与报警系统标准化技术委员会人体生物特征识别应用分技术委员会(SAC/TC 100/SC 2)提出并归口。
I . 1 范围安防虹膜识别应用算法评测方法GA/T 1208-2014 本标准规定了安防虹膜识别应用中算法评测方法的测试库建库规则、测试环境、测试接口和测试方法。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。
6、252;r Normung e. V., Berlin, gestattet.ICS 11.040.30!%Kl“2407394www.din.deDIN 58274Medizinische Instrumente IrispinzettenMedical instruments Iris forcepsInstruments mdicaux Pinces irisAlleinverkauf der Normen durch Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 BerlinErsatz frDIN 58274:200901www.beuth.deGesamtumfang 6 SeitenDDIN-Normenausschuss Feinmechanik und Optik (NAFuO)DIN 58274:2016-03 2 Vorwort Dieses Dokument wurde vom Arbeitsausschuss NA 027-02-01 AA Chirurgische Ins。
7、 6 ISO/IEC 19794-6:2011 Information technology Biometric data interchange formats Part 6: Iris image data (IDT) 2014 / 19794-62014 II 1 - . . ( . . . ) 。
8、dard is the UK implementation of ISO/IEC 29794-6:2015. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee IST/44, Biometrics. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. The British Standards Institution 2015. Published by BSI Standards Limited 2015 ISBN 978 0 580 78376 0。