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1、making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic ormechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproductionor for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writingis obtained from the copyright proprietors.ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, andCommentaries are intended for guidance in planning,designing, executing, and inspecting construction. Thisdocument is intended for the use of individuals who arecompet。

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1括科MIOIO疲lit纤难地强.国目前尼龙#料的技水呆件尚无相应的与剖析、J敝拭膊上j丰塑t7年阳曲脏1010注射成型问规)(_,L12- c. Z (嗜Mt,格就)校/8611-66部份6/3-66,-66时机,LjIZ- C Z 搜化,周克材去用于十8此-_j比工作咆扭扭怡制时柑胁是饵,事三机械工业部发布蠕三机械工业橱3日1霄把阶模四应按84Gl1更改已按79G4更改1 9 78年7月1目实施mf 、15Zf 起草3 中华人民共和国航空工业部编号j840 I1 实施同期!即年7月/日部标准贾改单i共1页句号f盯标准编号lHST8-乃i飞准名称文草封委更改内容、原因、依据及贯彻办法页点|。

3、3 89 W 0662949 05l15L09 936 m AC1 Committee E-703 Concrete Construction Practices William R. Phillips Chairman Robert E. Glanville Oswin Keifer, Jr. Theodore W. Marotta, Jr. Charles W. Mayer Raymond C. Nowacki Bryon D. Spangler Thomas D. Verti Bradley K. Violetta This document has been reviewed in accordance with Institute publication procedures Printed in the United States of America First Printing-June 1989 Copyright O 1989 AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE P. O. Box 19150, Redford Station Detroit,。

HB 3-8-1976 支撑衬套.pdf
CSN ON 08 7562-1964 《机械支撑》.pdf
MSZ 6214-1979 《支撑架》.pdf
HB 3584-1985 可调导轨.pdf
HB 3587-1985 可调导轨.pdf
HB 3588-1985 可调导轨.pdf
HB 3589-1985 可调导轨.pdf
MNOSZ 1160-1956 《可调(扳手)》.pdf
MSZ 7638-1966 《平行支撑件》.pdf
HB 3585-1985 可调导轨.pdf
HB 3-8-1983 支撑衬套.pdf
HB 3586-1985 可调导轨.pdf
QJ 564-1981 支撑套管.pdf
标签 > 可调支撑[编号:223320]

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