, 标i己:H1921050 1 主要零件的材料及热处理#丁材料基体q口00-2,按GB1348衬套T队,按GB12982 技术条件按HRC4526.热处理人工时效HRC5864,人工时效21 ,标记,H1942025 23 HB 4527.10-91 .A A AI AI 24 HB 4527.
1、 标i己:H1921050 1 主要零件的材料及热处理丁材料基体q口002,按GB1348衬套T队,按GB12982 技术条件按HRC4526.热处理人工时效HRC5864,人工时效21 。
2、标记,H1942025 23 HB 4527.1091 .A A AI AI 24 HB 4527. 1091 分类代号:H194 标记:H1942530 1 主要零件的材料及热处理零件名称材料热处理基体QT7002.按GB1348人工时效。
3、及热处理苓件名称基体衬套HB 4531.9 日1 A , 12.5 100 25工材料热处理45按GB3078 HRC4045.人工时效T8A按GB1298 HRC5864.人工时效2 技术条件按H45260 。
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5、 : http:www.standard.go.kr : :1997 12 31 :2012 12 18 20120728 : : 。
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7、rt is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely vo。
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10、 11, 71DLA ISNOTICE OFVALIDATIONINCHPOUNDMILDTL850524ANOTICE 113 January 2010NOTE: The activities above were interested 。
11、3 89 W 0662949 05l15L09 936 m AC1 Committee E703 Concrete Construction Practices William R. Phillips Chairman Robert E. 。