
_2.Section A_A.Studying and protecting endangered languages.B.Obtaining information contained within a language.C.Tracking the last speakers of each d


1、2.Section A_A.Studying and protecting endangered languages.B.Obtaining information contained within a language.C.Tracking the last speakers of each dying language.D.Seeking international help for smaller ethnic groups.A.Because these languages are used only in remote areas.B.Because the official language of a country rarely changes.C.Because these ethnic groups are not powerful.D.Because the loca。

2、2.Section C(分数:20.00)_Getting behind the wheel of a car can be an exciting new step in a teens life. But along with that excitement comes a new【B1】_understanding the need for common sense and maturity to avoid accidents. In an effort to spread awareness to teens across the nation, the Allstate Foundation 【B2】_a Keep-The-Drive Summit at Sunset Station on January 23rd. Stu。

3、2.Section C(分数:20.00)_Articles in magazines and newspapers and special reports on radio and television【B1】_the concern of many Americans about the increasing dropout rate in our junior and senior high schools. 【B2】_this fact is the warning that soon we will no longer have workforce to fill the many jobs that require properly-educated【B3】_.The high student dropout rate is 。

4、2.Section A_A.Health conditions improve with time spent watching healthy programs.B.Comedy videos can cure most people of chronic heart attacks.C.Chances of having heart attacks reduce with those amused daily.D.Most patients cant survive once they suffer from a second heart attack.A.Laughing is a learned behavior.B.Laughing is a good medicine to patients.C.Laughing is easier than battling wi。

5、2.Section A_A.Health conditions improve with time spent watching healthy programs.B.Comedy videos can cure most people of chronic heart attacks.C.Chances of having heart attacks reduce with those amused daily.D.Most patients cant survive once they suffer from a second heart attack.A.Laughing is a learned behavior.B.Laughing is a good medicine to patients.C.Laughing is easier than battling wi。

6、2.Section A_A.Studying and protecting endangered languages.B.Obtaining information contained within a language.C.Tracking the last speakers of each dying language.D.Seeking international help for smaller ethnic groups.A.Because these languages are used only in remote areas.B.Because the official language of a country rarely changes.C.Because these ethnic groups are not powerful.D.Because the loca。

7、2.Section A_A.He often borrows money from others.B.He has just received his monthly pay.C.He cant pay off his credit cards.D.He has kept track of his income and expenses.A.A small place with a nice view of the city.B.A spacious apartment with cable TV.C.An apartment downtown with free parking.D.An apartment outside of downtown.A.$50.B.$48.C.$990.D.$480.A.He should be careful when using his c。

8、2.Section C(分数:20.00)_The new year always brings with it a cultural tradition of new possibilities. We see it as a chance for【B1】_. We begin to dream of new possible selves. We【B2】_our ideal self or an image that is quite【B3】_what we are now. For some of us, we roll that dreamy film in our heads just because its the beginning of a new year. But we arent serious 。

9、2.Section A_A.An interpreter.B.A foreign language teacher.C.A tour guide.D.A journalist.A.Its boring.B.Its not well-paid.C.It requires traveling a lot.D.Its tiring.A.All of its employees can speak 3 foreign languages.B.Most of the tourists it receives speak Spanish.C.It wont hire people who speak English.D.It is headquartered in South America.A.He can speak three foreign langua。

10、2.Section C(分数:20.00)_In January 1989, the Community of European Railways presented their proposal for a high-speed pan-European train network【B1】_Sweden to Sicily, and from Portugal to Poland by the year 2020. If their proposal becomes a reality, it will【B2】_train travel in Europe. Journey between major cities will take half the time they take today. Brussels will be only on。

11、2.Section C(分数:20.00)_Wilma Subra had no intention of becoming a public speaker. After【B1】_from college with degrees in chemistry and microbiology, she went to work at Gulf South Research Institute in Louisiana. As part of her job, she【B2】_field research on toxic substances in the environment, often in 【B3】_communities located near large industrial polluters. She found m。

12、2.Section C(分数:20.00)_Im interested in the criminal【B1】_system of our country. It seems to me that something has to be done, if were to【B2】_as a country. I certainly dont know what the answers to our problems are. Things certainly【B3】_in a hurry when you get into them, but I wonder if something couldnt be done to deal with some of these problems. One t。

13、2.Section A_A.She cant find a new place to live.B.She thinks she will lose her deposit money.C.The contract states she must stay at least 6 months.D.The landlord wants her to move out after 2 months.A.Take Susan to court.B.Forfeit Susans money.C.Give Susans deposit back.D.Charge Susan extra money.A.1 month before moving out.B.2 months before moving out.C.6 months before moving out.。

14、2.Section C(分数:20.00)_In many stressful situations the bodys responses can improve our performance. We become more 【B1】_, more alert, better able to take effective action. But when stress is【B2】_continually, the bodys reactions are more likely to be harmful than helpful to us. The continual speeding up of bodily reactions and the production of stress-related【B3】_。

15、2.Section C(分数:20.00)_One of the biggest challenges facing employers and educators today is the rapid advance of globalization. The market place is no longer national or【B1】_, but extends to all corners of the world. And this requires a global-ready workforce. Universities have a large part to play in preparing students for the 21st century labor market by【B2】_international e。

16、2.Section C(分数:20.00)_To find out what the weather is going to be, most people【B1】_the radio, television, or newspaper to get an expert weather forecast. But if you know what to look for, you can use your own senses to make weather【B2】_. There are many signs that can help you. For example, in fair weather the air pressure is【B3】_high, the air is still and often full of du。

17、2.Section C(分数:20.00)_George Herbert Mead said that humans are talked into humanity. He meant that we gain personal identity as we communicate with others. In the earliest years of our lives, our parents tell us who we are. “Youre【B1】_.“ “Youre so strong.“ We first see ourselves through the eyes of others, so their messages form important【B2】_of our self-concepts. La。

18、2.Section A_A.He often borrows money from others.B.He has just received his monthly pay.C.He cant pay off his credit cards.D.He has kept track of his income and expenses.A.A small place with a nice view of the city.B.A spacious apartment with cable TV.C.An apartment downtown with free parking.D.An apartment outside of downtown.A.$50.B.$48.C.$990.D.$480.A.He should be careful when using his cr。

19、2.Section A_A.An interpreter.B.A foreign language teacher.C.A tour guide.D.A journalist.A.Its boring.B.Its not well-paid.C.It requires traveling a lot.D.Its tiring.A.All of its employees can speak 3 foreign languages.B.Most of the tourists it receives speak Spanish.C.It wont hire people who speak English.D.It is headquartered in South America.A.He can speak three foreign langu。

20、2.Section A_A.She cant find a new place to live.B.She thinks she will lose her deposit money.C.The contract states she must stay at least 6 months.D.The landlord wants her to move out after 2 months.A.Take Susan to court.B.Forfeit Susans money.C.Give Susans deposit back.D.Charge Susan extra money.A.1 month before moving out.B.2 months before moving out.C.6 months before moving out.。

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