
the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A num


1、 the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide sets a protocol for generating and reportingchemical analyses that are traceable to SI units or to certifiedreference materials in laboratories that serve the water andenv。

2、称 地址 经营 产品 山东鲁南制药 兰山区 中西药 金锣 集团 兰山区 生猪和火腿肠 天元集团 兰山区 建 筑 蓝天集团 兰山区 物流、批发 江泉集团 罗庄区 建材、电解铝、酒店 沂州水泥 罗庄区 水泥 红日集团 罗庄区 化肥 久泰能源 罗庄区 二甲醚 矿务局 罗庄区 煤炭 罗欣药业 罗庄区 中西药 新光集团 罗庄区 毛纺 银凤陶瓷 罗庄区 华盛中天 恒通化工 郯城 煤化工、盐化工、热电 金沂蒙集团 临沭 化肥 常林机械 临沭 压路机 3 东蒙集团 蒙阴 纺织 兰陵集团 苍山 白酒 2)临沂主要商会 四、活动 步骤: 1)针对临沂大型企业 第一步:电话预约 商会名称 区位位置 会长姓名 联系方式 备注 临沂市工商业联合会 临沂市南坊新区市 政中心1706 号 0539-8727676 传真 0539 8727678 临沂市浙江商会 临沂市兰山区通达路与解放路交汇处蓝海国际大饭店 815、 816 室 夏逸峰 0539-3126888 临沂市温州商会 临沂市兰山区临西一路与金六路交汇处新鼎泰市场三楼 郑国才 0539-7670999 13666391069 传真0539-787660。

3、ely following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers an arranged method for providingcost analysis during the design phase of buildings.1.2 The use of this practice increases the level of commu-nication between the design professional, own。

4、y following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers an arranged method for providingcost analysis during the design phase of a building project.1.2 The use of this practice increases the level of commu-nication between the design profe。


6、y following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers an arranged method for providingcost analysis during the design phase of a building project.1.2 The use of this practice increases the level of commu-nication between the design profe。

7、EPORTING SYSTEM (AMPRS) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 February 1982 1. Purpose. The purpose of this pamphlet is to brief Dist:rict/Division Commanders and Technical Division Chiefs on the background, capabilities and uses of AMPRS. The pamphlet provides an overview of the AYLPRS system. It discusses the basic concepts, structure, capabilities, uses, and limitations of the system. which are included in the ADP Reference Manual, Users Manuti.1, and the Data Dictionary. It does not present the actual technic。

8、立的各月月报; 未正式提交的月报可编辑、删除; 已正式提交的月报不可编辑或删除,只可查看;,62,选择年份月份后,新增执行报告,开始填写具体报告内容; 同月份的月报不可重复新增,系统功能介绍-重点管理,63,编辑月报内容,从实际排放量、超标排放 量、污染治理设施异常运转、上传附件、 小结等内容 填写完毕后进行提交月报告; 支持导出Word格式及PDF格式的报告 内容;,系统功能介绍-重点管理,64,实际排放量信息填写 当月排放口实际排放 量信息,也可根据企 业实际情况新增污染 物种类; 排放口名称、排放口 编码、污染物种类从 排污可证系统自动带 入;,66,系统功能介绍-重点管理超标排放量信息填写,可新增废水、废气超标信息 超标时间段手动输入; 生产设施编号、排放口编号自动带入;,67,填写超标时间段起始时间及结束时间; 生产设施编号自劢从排污许 可证带入; 排放口编号自劢从排污许可 证带入;,系统功能介绍-重点管理,68,PDF版,系统功能介绉-重点管理 可将执行报告月报按Word、PDF格式下载到本地计算机 Word版,69,系统功能介绉-重。

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