NFPA 102-2016 Standard for Grandstands Folding and Telescopic Seating Tents and Membrane Structures (Effective Date 02 17 2015).pdf

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NFPA 102-2016 Standard for Grandstands Folding and Telescopic Seating Tents and Membrane Structures (Effective Date 02 17 2015).pdf_第1页
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NFPA 102-2016 Standard for Grandstands Folding and Telescopic Seating Tents and Membrane Structures (Effective Date 02 17 2015).pdf_第4页
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NFPA 102-2016 Standard for Grandstands Folding and Telescopic Seating Tents and Membrane Structures (Effective Date 02 17 2015).pdf_第5页
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1、Copyright 2015 National Fire ProtectionAssociation.All Rights Reserved.NFPA102Standard forGrandstands, Folding and Telescopic Seating, Tents, andMembrane Structures2016 EditionThis edition of NFPA102, Standard for Grandstands, Folding and Telescopic Seating, Tents, andMembrane Structures, was prepar

2、ed by theTechnical Committee onAssembly Occupancies andMembrane Structures and released by the Correlating Committee on Safety to Life. It wasissued by the Standards Council on January 28, 2015, with an effective date of February 17,2015, and supersedes all previous editions.This edition of NFPA 102

3、 was approved as an American National Standard on February 17,2015.Origin and Development of NFPA 102This standard is the result of a committee project inaugurated shortly after the circus firein Hartford, CT, on July 6, 1944, in which 168 lives were lost.A committee was organized under the joint sp

4、onsorship of the Building Officials Confer-ence of America and the National Fire Protection Association under the procedure of theAmerican Standards Association. As a result of extensive deliberation during the winter of19441945, this committee prepared a draft of a proposed standard, which was subm

5、itted atthe annual meeting of the National Fire Protection Association in June, 1945. This was thenprinted and sent to all of the members of theAssociation, to a representative group of leadersintheoutdooramusementindustry,andtoallotherswhofiledrequestsforcopies.Asaresult,numerous constructive sugge

6、stions were received, all duly considered by the committee inseveral meetings, and the 1946 standard was completed by the committee. It was thenadopted by the sponsoring organizations, the National Fire Protection Association, and theBuilding Officials Conference ofAmerica, and approved by theAmeric

7、an StandardsAssocia-tion as anAmerican Standard on May 22, 1946.As a result of circulation and use of the 1946 standard, various proposals were made forrevisionintheinterestofclarification.Thesewereconsideredbythecommitteeandrevisionsrecommended by the committee and circulated to all concerned for c

8、omment, furtheramended, and adopted by the National Fire ProtectionAssociation and the Building OfficialsConference ofAmerica in 1948; theAmerican StandardsAssociation approved the 1948 edi-tion as anAmerican Standard on January 5, 1949.In 1949 the committee recommended further changes to include th

9、e essential features of anearlierstandardongrandstands,Z20.1,whichcoveredcertaintypesofgrandstandsnotcoveredinthe 19461948 standard, Z20.2, thus making the continuance of the earlier separate standardunnecessary.The1949revision,Z20.3,alsomadethestandardapplicabletofoldablegrandstandsin buildings tha

10、t had not been previously covered. After the usual circulation for comment, therevisions were adopted in 1949 by the sponsors, and the revised text was approved by theAmeri-can StandardsAssociation as anAmerican Standard onApril 5, 1950.Revisededitionsofthestandardhavebeenpreparedbythecommitteeandad

11、optedbythesponsors in 1957, 1966, and 1967.The 1972 edition was a reconfirmation of the 1967 edition.The 1978 edition was prepared by the Committee on Tents, Grandstands, andAir- SupportedStructures and represented a complete revision of the 1972 edition, complete with a new title,Standard for Assem

12、bly Seating, Tents, and Air-Supported Structures. The means of egress section wascoordinated with the provisions of NFPA101, Life Safety Code.The 1986 edition further coordinated with the Life Safety Code. It was prepared by theTechnical Committee on Safety to Life through its Subcommittee on Tents

13、and MembraneStructures. Its scope was extended beyond assembly occupancies to include tents and mem-brane structures used for any occupancy.1021NFPAand National Fire ProtectionAssociation are registered trademarks of the National Fire ProtectionAssociation, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169.The 1992 and 1

14、995 editions deleted all means of egress provisions that were adequately covered by NFPA101, LifeSafety Code, so as to avoid redundancy and inconsistencies between the two documents. The 1995 edition was retitledStandardforGrandstands,FoldingandTelescopicSeating,Tents,andMembraneStructurestoreflectm

15、oreaccuratelythescopeand contents of the document.The2006editionwasthefirsttobewhollycomprisedofrequirementsextractedfromNFPA101,LifeSafetyCode,andNFPA5000, Building Construction and Safety Code.The 2011 edition continued the extract policy.For future revision cycles, users were advised to submit pu

16、blic proposals on extracted text to the source documents(that is, NFPA101 and NFPA5000) and not to NFPA102The 2016 edition continues the extract policy.1022 GRANDSTANDS, FOLDING AND TELESCOPIC SEATING, TENTS, AND MEMBRANE STRUCTURES2016 EditionCorrelating Committee on Safety to LifeWilliam E. Koffel

17、, ChairKoffelAssociates, Inc., MD SERon Cot, Administrative SecretaryNational Fire ProtectionAssociation, MAWayne D. Holmes, HSB Professional Loss Control, NC IHoward Hopper, UL LLC, CARTStephen Hrustich, Gwinnett County Fire or (2) used as a special amusementbuilding, regardless of occupant load. 5

18、000, 20153.3.4 Bleachers. Agrandstand in which the seats are not pro-vided with backrests. 5000, 20153.3.5* Exit. That portion of a means of egress that is sepa-rated from all other spaces of a building or structure by con-struction,location,orequipmentasrequiredtoprovideapro-tected way of travel to

19、 the exit discharge. 5000, 20153.3.6 Exit Access. That portion of a means of egress thatleads to an exit. 5000, 20153.3.7 Exit Discharge. That portion of a means of egress be-tween the termination of an exit and a public way. 5000, 20153.3.8 Fire Resistance Rating. The time, in minutes or hours,that

20、 materials or assemblies have withstood a fire exposure asdeterminedbythetests,ormethodsbasedontests,prescribedby NFPA 5000.5000, 20153.3.9 Folding and Telescopic Seating. A structure that is usedfor tiered seating of persons and whose overall shape and sizecan be reduced, without being dismantled,

21、for purposes ofmoving or storing. 101, 20153.3.10* Grandstand. A structure that provides tiered orstepped seating. 5000, 20153.3.11 Limited-Combustible (Material). See ofNFPA 5000.1027DEFINITIONS2016 Edition3.3.12* Means of Egress. Acontinuous and unobstructed wayof travel from any point in

22、a building or structure to a publicway consisting of three separate and distinct parts: (1) the exitaccess, (2) the exit, and (3) the exit discharge. 5000, 20153.3.13 Membrane. A thin layer of construction material.5000, 20153.3.14 Membrane Structure. Abuilding or portion of a build-ing incorporatin

23、g an air-inflated, air-supported, tensioned-membrane structure; a membrane roof; or a membrane-covered rigid frame to protect habitable or usable space.5000, 20153.3.15 Noncombustible Material. See of NFPA 5000.3.3.16 Permanent. Any object that is intended to remain inplace for more than 180

24、 days in any consecutive 12-monthperiod. 5000, 20153.3.17 Private Party Tent. A tent erected in the yard of a pri-vate residence for entertainment, recreation, dining, a recep-tion, or similar function. 5000, 20153.3.18 Professional Engineer. Aperson registered or licensedtopracticeengineeringinajur

25、isdiction,subjecttoalllawsandlimitations imposed by the jurisdiction. 5000, 20153.3.19 Tensioned-Membrane Structure. A membrane struc-ture incorporating a membrane and a structural support sys-tem such as arches, columns and cables, or beams wherein thestresses developed in the tensioned membrane in

26、teract withthose in the structural support so that the entire assembly actstogether to resist the applied loads. 5000, 20153.3.20* Tent. Atemporary structure, the covering of which ismade of pliable material that achieves its support by mechani-calmeanssuchasbeams,columns,poles,orarches,orbyropeor c

27、ables, or both. 5000, 20153.3.21 Weathered-Membrane Material. Membrane materialthat has been subjected to a minimum of 3000 hours in aweatherometer in accordance with ASTM G 155, StandardPractice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure ofNon-Metallic Materials, or approved equivalent. 1

28、01, 2015Chapter 4 Means of Egress4.1 New Facilities. New facilities included within the scope ofthis standard shall comply with one of the following:(1) The means of egress provisions of NFPA101 for the appli-cable occupancies(2) The means of egress provisions of NFPA 5000 for the ap-plicable occupa

29、ncies4.2 Existing Facilities. Existing facilities included within thescope of this standard shall comply with the means of egressprovisions of NFPA101 for the applicable occupancies.Chapter 5 Grandstands and Bleachers5.1 General. Grandstands and bleachers shall comply withthe requirements of this ch

30、apter. 5000: Location. Grandstands shall be erected or otherwise lo-cated only where load-carrying capacities exist to support theloads. 5000: Minimum Construction Requirements. 5000: Grandstands and bleachers shall be permitted to be ofunlimited area when of Type I or T

31、ype II construction.5000: Grandstands and bleachers shall be permitted to be ofType III, Type IV, or Type V construction when designed inaccordance with Section 5.7. 5000: Design. 5000: Grandstands shall be designed to withstand the struc-tural loading requirements

32、 of Chapter 35 of NFPA5000 unlessotherwise permitted by 5.4.2. 5000: The manufacturer shall comply with the requirementsof and 5000: Where required by the authority having jurisdiction,the manufacturer shall submit either of the following:(1) Calculations

33、 verifying the design analysis prepared by aprofessional engineer or registered architect(2) Report of load tests conducted by an approved, indepen-dent testing laboratory and certified by a professionalengineer5000: Where required by the authority having jurisdiction,the manufactur

34、er shall certify that the equipment supplied isin accordance with the design. 5000: Seating. 5000: Where grandstand seating without backs is used in-doors, rows of seats shall be spaced not less than 22 in.(560 mm) back-to-back. 5000: The depth of footboards

35、and seat boards in grand-stands shall be not less than 9 in. (230 mm). Where the samelevel is not used for both seat foundations and footrests, foot-rests independent of seats shall be provided. 5000: Seats and footrests of grandstands shall be supportedsecurely and fastened in such a

36、 manner that they cannot bedisplaced inadvertently. 5000: Individual seats or chairs shall be permitted only if se-cured in rows in an approved manner, unless the seats do notexceed 16 in number and are located on level floors andwithin railed-in enclosures, such as boxes. 5000:16.4.9

37、. The maximum number of seats permitted between thefarthest seat in an aisle in grandstands and bleachers shall notexceed that shown in Table 5.5.5. 5000: 5.5.5 Maximum Number of Seats Permitted BetweenFarthest Seat and an AisleApplication Outdoors IndoorsGrandstands 11 6Bleac

38、hers 20 95000: Table GRANDSTANDS, FOLDING AND TELESCOPIC SEATING, TENTS, AND MEMBRANE STRUCTURES2016 Edition5.5.6 Vertical openings between guardrails and footboards orseat boards shall be provided with intermediate constructionso that a 4 in. (100 mm) diameter sphere cannot pass thro

39、ughthe opening. 5000: An opening between the seat board and footboard lo-cated more than 30 in. (760 mm) above grade shall be pro-vided with intermediate construction so that a 4 in. (100 mm)diameter sphere cannot pass through the opening.5000: Guards and Railings. 5000:1

40、 Railingsorguardsnotlessthan42in.(1065mm)abovethe aisle surface or footrest or not less than 36 in. (915 mm)vertically above the center of the seat or seat board surface,whichever is adjacent, shall be provided along those portionsof the backs and ends of all grandstands where the seats

41、aremore than 48 in. (1220 mm) above the floor or ground.5000: The requirement of 5.6.1 shall not apply where an adja-cent wall or fence affords equivalent safeguard.5000: Where the front footrest of any grandstand is morethan 24 in. (610 mm) above the floor, railings or

42、 guards notless than 33 in. (825 mm) above such footrests shall be pro-vided. 5000: The railings required by 5.6.3 shall be permitted to benot less than 26 in. (660 mm) high in grandstands or wherethe front row of seats includes backrests. 5000: Cross aisles located wit

43、hin the seating area shall be pro-vided with rails not less than 26 in. (660 mm) high along thefront edge of the cross aisle. 5000: The railings specified by 5.6.5 shall not be requiredwhere the backs of the seats in front of the cross aisle project24 in. (610 mm) or more above the su

44、rface of the cross aisle.5000: Vertical openings between guardrails and footboards orseat boards shall be provided with intermediate constructionso that a 4 in. (100 mm) diameter sphere cannot pass throughthe opening. 5000: An opening between the seat board and footboar

45、d lo-cated more than 30 in. (760 mm) above grade shall be pro-vided with intermediate construction so that a 4 in. (100 mm)diameter sphere cannot pass through the opening.5000: Special Requirements Type III, Type IV, and Type VGrandstands. 5000: An outdoor grandstand of Type

46、III, Type IV, or Type Vconstruction shall not be erected a distance less than two-thirds of its height from a building, but in no case shall thegrandstand be erected less than 10 ft (3050 mm) from a build-ing, unless one of the following criteria is met:(1) The exterior wall of the building is of at

47、 least 1-hour fireresistancerated construction with all openings protected.(2) Afire wall of at least 1-hour fire resistancerated construc-tion is provided between the grandstand and thebuilding.5000: The following shall apply to outdoor grandstand unitsof Type III, Type IV, or Type V c

48、onstruction:(1) No outdoor grandstand unit shall exceed 10,000 ft2(930 m2) or 200 ft (61 m) in length.(2) Grandstandunitsofthemaximumsizeshallbeplacednotless than 20 ft (6100 mm) apart or shall be separated bywalls with a 1-hour fire resistance rating.(3) Not more than three units shall be erected i

49、n any onegroup.(4) Each group of less than three units shall be separated fromany other group by a wall of 2-hour fire resistance-rated con-struction extending 24 in. (610 mm) above the seat plat-forms or by an open space of not less than 50 ft (15 m).(5) Where entirely constructed of labeled fire retardanttreated wood that has passed the standard rain test inASTM D 2898, Standard Practice forAccelerated Weathering ofFire-Retardant-Treated Wood for Fire Testing, or where con-stru

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