NFPA 1401-2012 Recommended Practice for Fire Service Training Reports and Records (Effective Date 1 2 2012).pdf

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1、NFPA1401 Recommended Practice for Fire Service Training Reports and Records 2012 Edition NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471 An International Codes and Standards Organization Become a MemberSubscribeto theRegister forSeminars, Webinars, and Online CoursesVisit theNFPA CatalogNOTICE AND

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9、 DOCUMENTS IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA DOCUMENTS ADDITIONAL NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS Updating of NFPA Documents Users of NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (“NFPA Documents”) should be aware that these documents may be superseded at any time by the issuance

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25、yright 2012 National Fire ProtectionAssociation.All Rights Reserved.NFPA1401Recommended Practice forFire Service Training Reports and Records2012 EditionThis edition of NFPA1401, Recommended Practice for Fire Service Training Reports and Records, wasprepared by the Technical Committee on Fire Servic

26、e Training. It was issued by the StandardsCouncil on December 13, 2011, with an effective date of January 2, 2012, and supersedes allprevious editions.ThiseditionofNFPA1401wasapprovedasanAmericanNationalStandardonJanuary2,2012.Origin and Development of NFPA 1401The 1970 edition of NFPA 9, Recommende

27、d Practice for Training Records and Reports, wastentatively adopted at the 1969 NFPAAnnual Meeting. The tentative recommended practicewith amendments was officially adopted at the 1970 NFPAAnnual Meeting.ThistextwasdevelopedbytheTechnicalCommitteeonFireServiceTrainingandprocessedinaccordance with NF

28、PA Regulations Governing Technical Committees. It is a recommended firetraining records system for use by fire chiefs and fire training officers. The publication presents asystematic approach for those officers whose responsibility is to manage the training activities of afire department.The1989edit

29、ioncontainedanewchapterdealingwiththelegalaspectsofrecordkeepingand the title was changed to Recommended Practice for Fire Service Training Reports and Records.Thecommitteeprovidedacompleterewriteforthe1996editiontomakethedocumentmoreuser friendly.Additional minor revisions were included in the 2001

30、 edition, and the 2006 edition in-cluded minor editorial revisions.The2012editionupdatestexttoincludecurrentterminologyandtechniques.Formshavealso been updated to current standards.14011NFPAand National Fire ProtectionAssociation are registered trademarks of the National Fire ProtectionAssociation,

31、Quincy, Massachusetts 02169.Technical Committee on Fire Service TrainingWilliam E. Peterson, ChairPlano, TX SERep. International Fire MarshalsAssociationRoger W. Bassett, R. W. Bassett therefore, records should be de-signed to fit into the overall training management cycle.4.1.8 In order to be most

32、effective, these records should con-tribute to the overall organization information cycle.4.2 Elements of Information.4.2.1 Training documents, regardless of their intent or level ofsophistication, should focus on content, accuracy, and clarity.4.2.2 These documents should relay to the reader at lea

33、st fivespecific elements of information as follows (see Annex B for ex-amples of training record forms):(1) Who(a) Who was the instructor?(b) Who participated?(c) Who was in attendance?(d) Who is affected by the documents?(e) Who was included in the training (individuals, com-pany, multi-company, or

34、 organization)?14015ELEMENTS OF TRAINING DOCUMENTS2012 Edition(2) What(a) What was the subject covered?(b) What equipment was utilized?(c) What operation was evaluated or affected?(d) What was the stated objective, and was it met?(3) When(a) When will the training take place? or(b) When did the trai

35、ning take place?(4) Where(a) Where will the training take place? or(b) Where did the training take place?(5) Why(a) Why is the training necessary? or(b) Why did the training occur?4.3 Additional Information. Additional information or detail,which should include but not be limited to the following, s

36、houldbe included to explain or clarify the document as necessary:(1) Source of the information used as a basis for the training(a) Textbook title and edition(b) Lesson plan title and edition(c) Policy name and reference number(d) Videotapes, CDs, and DVDs(e) Distance learning sources(f) Internet add

37、ress(g) Industry best practices(h) Post-incident analysis (PIA)(i) Other(2) Method of training used for delivery(a) Lecture(b) Demonstration(c) Skills training(d) Self-study(e) Video presentation(f) Mentoring(g) Drill(s)(h) Other(3) Evaluation of training objectives(a) Written test(b) Skills examina

38、tion(c) OtherChapter 5 Types of Training Documents5.1 Training Schedules.5.1.1 Need for Training Schedules. All members of a fire department should receive stan-dardized instruction and training. Standardized training should include considerableplanning; however, standardization can be

39、 improved throughthe preparation of training schedules for use by departmentpersonnel. Standardized training schedules should be preparedand published for both short-term scheduling (considerabledetail), intermediate-term scheduling (less detail), and long-term scheduling (little detail) to f

40、acilitate long-term planningby the training staff, instructional staff, company officers, andpersonnel.5.1.2* Types of Training Schedules. Training schedules shouldbe prepared for all training ground and classroom sessions. Periodic Training Schedule Station Training. Thestation training sche

41、dule, which is prepared by the training of-ficer, should designate specific subjects that are to be covered bycompany or station officers in conducting their station training. The company officers should use this schedule toset their own in-station training schedule. A balance betw

42、een manipulative skills training andclassroom sessions should be considered in the preparation oftraining schedules. Such training schedules should include all of thetopics necessary to satisfy job knowledge requirements and tomaintain skills already learned.*PeriodicTrainingSchedule

43、TrainingFacilityActivi-ties. The training facility activities schedule details when compa-niesshouldreporttothetrainingfacilityforevolutionsorclasses. Days also should be set aside for make-up sessions. Trainingactivitiesconductedoutsidethetrainingfacil-ity or by outside agencies a

44、lso should be shown on this schedule.5.1.3* All Other Training. Schedules should be prepared forall training, including, but not limited to, the following:(1) Recruit or entry-level training(2) In-service training(3) Special training(4) Officer training(5) Advanced training(6) Mandated training(7) M

45、edical training(8) Safety training5.2* Training Reports.5.2.1* Logical Sequence. A training report should be com-plete and should follow a logical sequence. A report should clearly and concisely present the es-sentials so those conclusions can be grasped with a minimumof effort and delay.5.2.

46、1.2 Furthermore, a report should provide sufficient discus-sion to ensure the correct interpretation of the findings, whichshould indicate the nature of the analysis and the process of rea-soning that leads to those findings.5.2.2 Purpose. Each item of a report should serve a definitepurpose.

47、 Each table and chart in a report should be within thescope of the report. The tables and charts should enhance the informa-tion stated or shown elsewhere, and they should be accurateand free of the possibility of misunderstanding, within reason.5.2.3 Organization.* The process of writ

48、ing reports should include five stepsthat are generally used in identifying, investigating, evaluating,and solving a problem. These five steps, which should be accomplished be-fore the report is written, are as follows:(1) The purpose and scope of the report should be obtained.(2) The method

49、or procedure should be outlined.14016 FIRE SERVICE TRAINING REPORTS AND RECORDS2012 Edition(3) The essential facts should be collected.(4) These facts should be analyzed and categorized.(5) The correct conclusions should be arrived at and theproper recommendations should be made.5.2.4* While there are differing needs among fire departments,certain reports should be common to most departments. Typical recommended training reports should in-clude the following:(1) A complete inventory of apparatus and equipment


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