NISO Z39 48-1992 Permanence of Paper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives《图书馆和档案室刊物及文件的纸张耐久性》.pdf

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NISO Z39 48-1992 Permanence of Paper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives《图书馆和档案室刊物及文件的纸张耐久性》.pdf_第1页
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1、ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (R2002) ISSN: 1041-5653Permanence of Paperfor Publicationsand Documents inLibraries andArchivesAbstract: This standard establishes criteria for coated and uncoated paperthat will last several hundred years without significant deterioration undernormal use and storage conditions

2、 in libraries and archives. This standardidentifies the specific properties of such paper and specifies the testsrequired to demonstrate these properties.Developed by theNational Information Standards OrganizationApproved October 26, 1992 by theAmerican National Standards InstituteBethesda, Maryland

3、, U.S.A.Published byNISO PressP.O. Box 1056Bethesda, MD 20827Copyright 1993 by the National Information Standards OrganizationAll rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic o

4、r mechanical, including photocopy, recording, orany information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. All inquiriesshould be addressed to NISO Press, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814.ISSN: 1041-5653ISBN: 1-880124-00-9Printed in the Un

5、ited States of AmericaThis paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper).Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataPermanence of paper for publications and documents in libraries and archives/ approvedOctober 26 1992, by the American National Standards Institute

6、 ; developed by the NationalInformation Standards Organization. Bethesda, Md., U.S.A.: NISO Press, c1993.p. cm. (National information standards series, ISSN 1041-5653)Cover title: American national standard - Permanence of paper for publications and documentsin libraries and archives.Rev. ed. of: Am

7、erican national standard for information sciencesPermanence of paper forprinted library materials. c1985.“ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992.”ISBN 1-880124-00-91. Permanent paperStandardsUnited States. 2. Library materialsStandardsUnitedStates. 3. Archival materialsStandardsUnited States. 4. BooksStandardsUnited

8、 States. I.National Information Standards Organization (U.S.) II. American National Standards Institute.American national standardPermanence of paper for printed library materials. III. Title. IV.Series.Z701.A56 1993025.3dc20 93-148ContentsPageForeword . iv1. Introduction 11.1. Purpose . 11.2. Scope

9、 . 12. Definitions 13. Referenced Standards . 24. Minimum Requirements for Uncoated Paper . 24.1. pH 34.2. Tear Resistance 34.3. Alkaline Reserve . 34.4. Paper Stock 35. Minimum Requirements for Coated Paper . 35.1. pH 35.2. Tear Resistance 45.3. Alkaline Reserve . 45.4. Paper Stock 46. Notice of Co

10、mpliance 46.1. Symbol and Statement of Compliance. 46.2. Placement of Symbol and Statement in Printed Materials . 46.3. Use in Advertising, Packaging, Promotion, Reviews, and Cataloging in Publication . 4TablesTable 1 Approximate equivalent basis weights and grammages of commonly encounteredbook and

11、 writing papers . 2Table 2 Tear resistance values for commonly encountered weights of uncoated paper . 3Table 3 Tear resistance values for commonly encountered weights of coated paper 4FiguresFigure 1 Tear index 2ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992Page ivForeword(This foreword is not a part of the American Nation

12、al Standard for Permanence of Paper for Publications and Documents inLibraries and Archives, ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992. It is included for information only.)This standard is a revision of American National Standardfor Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials,Z39.48-1984. It was prepared by Stan

13、dards Committee IIof the National Information Standards Organization.Standards Committee II was established in December1986 to revise ANSI Z39.48-1984 to encompass coatedpaper. In 1988, the Committees charge was broadenedto include review and revision of the standardsspecifications for uncoated pape

14、r.The objective of this standard is to establish criteria forcoated and uncoated paper that will last several hun-dred years, without significant deterioration, under nor-mal use and storage conditions in libraries and archives.Actual observation and laboratory test results indicatethat paper meetin

15、g the requirements described in thisstandard should survive for hundreds of years. Librar-ians, archivists, and other persons concerned with thepreservation of library materials are all too familiar withthe speed with which acidic paper embrittles. Thisembrittlement has made probable the loss of the

16、 originalhard copy format of much of the published record fromthe 19th and 20th centuries and has necessitated hugeexpenditures for copying deteriorating publications tomore permanent media. By identifying the propertiesconsistent with paper longevity, the standard seeks toencourage wider use of per

17、manent paper so that compa-rable future preservation problems can be prevented.To obtain the data needed for its work, NISO commis-sioned the Institute of Paper Science and Technology toconduct a series of tests of coated papers and of uncoatedalkaline papers with varying lignin contents and alka-li

18、ne reserves. In preparing the revision, the StandardsCommittee II considered the results of these tests, theresults of relevant tests conducted under other auspices,and comments from paper makers, publishers, printers,and the preservation community. The current standardrepresents a reasonable interp

19、retation of currently avail-able information on the permanence of paper, but thereare a number of unresolved questions that require fur-ther investigation. There is evidence that some papersthat do not meet all of the standards criteria, e.g., somealkaline papers with higher than 1% lignin levels, c

20、anexhibit excellent retention of physical properties.Additional research is needed, however, to define moreprecisely the conditions under which higher levels oflignin are compatible with paper permanence. The nextrevision of the standard should reflect the results of suchresearch.This standard inclu

21、des parameters that are relevant tothe permanence of paper. It is assumed that other char-acteristics, such as brightness, opacity, and thickness,will be specified by purchasers based on the intendeduse of their publications and documents. As these pa-rameters have no apparent effect on the permanen

22、ce ofpaper they are excluded from this standard. Tests afterartificial aging are also excluded because the criteria forunaged paper specified in the standard appear to beadequate predictors of acceptable retention of proper-ties after aging. The standard does not dictate the use ofeither virgin or r

23、ecycled paper pulp. As with virginpapers, some recycled papers will meet the standardscriteria and others will not.There are a number of factors beyond the scope of thisstandard that affect the permanence of paper in publica-tions and documents. These include the environmentalconditions under which

24、materials are stored, the methodby which publications are bound, and the use of printinginks that do not adversely affect paper permanence.Permanent paper should be used for all publications anddocuments of potentially long-lasting value. Publishersshould indicate the use of permanent paper in the p

25、ub-lications themselves and in advertising, packaging, set forth in this standard in Section 6, “Notice ofCompliance.”Suggestions for improving this standard are welcome.They should be sent to the National Information Stan-dards Organization, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300,Bethesda, MD 20814

26、.This standard was processed and approved for submit-tal to ANSI by the National Information Standards Orga-nization. NISO approval of this standard does not neces-sarily imply that all Voting Members voted for its ap-proval. At the time it approved this standard, NISO hadthe following members:ANSI/

27、NISO Z39.48-1992Page vNISO Voting MembersAmerican Association of Law LibrariesGary J. BravyAmerican Chemical SocietyRobert S. Tannehill, Jr.Leon R. Blauvelt (Alt)American Library AssociationMyron ChaceGlenn Patton (Alt)American Psychological AssociationMaurine F. JacksonAmerican Society for Informat

28、ion ScienceNolan PopeAmerican Society of IndexersJessica MilsteadPatricia S. Kuhr (Alt)American Theological Library AssociationMyron ChaceApple Computer, Inc.Karen HigginbottomArt Libraries Society of North AmericaPatricia J. BarnettPamela J. Parry (Alt)Association of American PublishersSandra K. Pa

29、ulThomas D. McKee (Alt)Association of American University PressesMary Lou MenchesAssociation of Information and Dissemination CentersBruce H. KieselAssociation for Information and Image ManagementMarilyn CourtotAssociation of Jewish LibrariesBella Hass WeinbergPearl Berger (Alt)The Association for R

30、ecorded Sound CollectionsDonald McCormickBarbara Sawka (Alt)Association of Research LibrariesDuane WebsterAT 329-30.2. Smook G.A. Handbook of Pulp 44.Page 2ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992Table 1 Approximate equivalent basis weights and grammagesof commonly encountered book and writing papersBasis Basisgrammag

31、e weight of book paper Weight of writing paper(g/m2) (lbs) (lbs)90 60 2475 50 2060 40 1645 31 12Figure 1 Tear indextear resistance (mN) tear resistance (g) x 9.81tear index = =grammage of paper (g/m2) grammage of paper (g/m2)Weight equivalents Table 1 lists approximateequivalent basis weights and gr

32、ammages of com-monly encountered book and writing papers.pH The negative logarithm of the hydrogen ionconcentration in an aqueous solution or the loga-rithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion con-centration, measured on a scale of 0-14. Numeri-cally expressed, pH 7 is neutral; lower numbersare ac

33、idic, higher numbers are alkaline.Permanence The ability of paper to last at leastseveral hundred years without significant deterio-ration under normal use and storage conditions inlibraries and archives.Tear index An index of durability, expressed inunits of mNm2/g (millinewtons meter2/ gram), that

34、is computed from a papers tear resistance accord-ing to the formula presented in Figure 1.Uncoated paper Paper with no surface coating inexcess of a maximum weight. Uncoated paper hassurface coating of less than 2.5 lbs. (3.75 g/m2) perside for papers less than 50 lbs. in basis weight (75g/m2) and l

35、ess than 4.0 lbs. (6 g/m2) per side forpapers 50 lbs. (75 g/m2) or heavier.3. Referenced StandardsThis standard is intended to be used in conjunctionwith the following standards. When these stan-dards are superseded by revisions, the revisionsshall apply:ASTM D 4988-89, Standard Test Method for Dete

36、r-mination of Calcium Carbonate Content of Paper 3TAPPI T236 cm-85, Kappa Number of Pulp4TAPPI T410 om-88, Grammage of Paper and Paper-board4TAPPI T414 om-88, Internal Tearing Resistance ofPaper4,5TAPPI T509 om-88, Hydrogen Ion Concentration(pH) of Paper Extracts Cold Extraction Method6TAPPI T529 om

37、-88, Surface pH Measurement ofPaper 64. Minimum Requirements for UncoatedPaperUncoated permanent paper shall meet all of thefollowing requirements:3. Available from ASTM, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.4. Available from TAPPI, Technology Park/Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, Atlanta, GA 30348-511

38、3.5. To assure maximum consistency of results, it is recommended that suppliers subscribe to some form of comparativetest program, such as CTS-TAPPI Collaborative Reference Service, Collaborative Testing Services, Inc., 340 HerdonParkway, P.O. Box 1049, Herndon, VA 22070.6. Available from ASTM, 1916

39、 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.Page 3ANSI/NISO Z39.48-19924.1. pHpH in the range of 7.5 to 10.The manufacturers certification of the papers pHvalue and of the use of an alkaline process in itsmanufacture may be accepted as proof that thepaper meets this requirement. As confirmation, anindicati

40、on of the approximate pH of the paper maybe obtained by: (a) splitting the paper, using a drydelaminating method to expose an internal surface,and determining the pH of the internal paper bysurface measurement in accordance with TAPPIT529 om-88 as modified7or (b) applying a pHindicator (e.g., chloro

41、phenol red as liquid or in anindicator pen) to the core surface.Note: Extraction methods (e.g., TAPPI T509 om-88)and surface pH measurement (TAPP T529 om-88)are appropriate for determining the pH of uncoatedpaper only if the paper has no surface sizing or otherlightweight surface coatings. Such ligh

42、tweight sur-face coatings may not be apparent upon visualinspection of the paper.4.2. Tear ResistanceMinimum average machine direction tear index of5.25 mNm2/g (see TAPPI T414 om-88).Table 2 lists for several commonly encounteredweights of paper the tear resistance values in gramsand millinewtons wh

43、ich are equivalent to a tearindex of 5.25 mNm2/g.4.3. Alkaline ReserveMinimum alkaline reserve equivalent to 2% cal-cium carbonate based on oven dry weight of thepaper (see ASTM D 4988-89).4.4. Paper StockThe paper shall contain no more than 1% lignin byweight of the fiber content of the paper, as i

44、ndicatedby a Kappa number not greater than 7 (see TAPPIT236 cm-85).Note: Testing has shown that some papers withhigher lignin levels which otherwise meet the re-quirements of this standard can exhibit excellentretention of physical strength after accelerated aging.5. Minimum Requirements for CoatedP

45、aperCoated paper shall meet all of the following re-quirements:5.1. pHpH of core paper in the range of 7.0 to 10.0, exclusiveof the coating. A neutral pH (7.0) is acceptable forthe core of a coated paper if the paper as a whole,including the coating, meets the minimum alkalinereserve requirements. (

46、See Section 5.3.)The manufacturers certification of the core paperpH value in the acceptable range and of the use of analkaline process in its manufacture may be acceptedas proof that the paper meets this requirement. Asconfirmation, an indication of the approximate pHof the core paper may be obtain

47、ed by: (a) splittingthe paper, using a dry delaminating method toexpose a core surface, and determining a value ofthe pH of the core paper by surface measurement inaccordance with TAPPI T529 om-88 as modified 7or(b) applying a pH indicator (e.g., chlorophenol redas liquid or in an indicator pen) to

48、the core surface.Table 2 Tear resistance values for commonly encountered weights of uncoated paperMinimum average Minimum averageBasis weight Basis weight of machine-direction machine-directionGrammage of book paper writing paper tear resistance tear resistance(g/m2) (lbs) (lbs) (g) (mN)90 60 24 50

49、49175 50 20 40 39260 40 16 32 31445 30 12 24 2357. Disregard Par. 8.5 of the TAPPI method. Do not wait for equilibrium take reading between no less than 15 seconds(to allow for surface electrode stabilization) and no more than 30 seconds (to avoid the effects of possible diffusion ofcoating constitutents into the core as a consequence of the test procedure).Page 4ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992Note: Extraction methods (e.g., TAPPI T509 om-88)are not appropriate for determining the pH of thecore of a finished coated paper. It is not possible toobtain reliable

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