REG NASA-LLIS-6076-2012 MPS Databook.pdf

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1、Public Lessons Learned Entry: 6076 Lesson Info: Lesson Number: 6076 Lesson Date: 2010-12-6 Submitting Organization: JSC Submitted by: Kristen Kinder Subject: MPS Databook Abstract: Several of the Space Shuttle Integrated Disciplines have Databooks that were used as the official locations for analysi

2、s (Natural Environments, Loads, Debris, etc). The Main Propulsion System (MPS) used the Shuttle Performance Assessment Databook (SPAD), however it does not include all areas required for all elements, nor is it under Level II control. Description of Driving Event: Several issues have arisen where do

3、cuments that were not under Level II control (i.e. Shuttle Operational Data Book, etc) were considered official documents that housed important information for analysis and flight rule calls. In addition, changes made at the element levels that impacted other elements or Level II performance were no

4、t updated in appropriate documents as the changes were not known to be of an impact to other elements. Lesson(s) Learned: During review of several outdated items being used in models and flight rules, it was discovered that there was no one source for people to go to find information on the MPS to u

5、se in their own analysis. Most of it was found in old files or outdated documents. Having one location that is continuously updated and under configuration control would not only allow for less mistakes, but would also allow one to identify all end-users. Recommendation(s): There needs to be a Level

6、 II document that houses important information required for Integrated Propulsion Analysis. The MPS is complex and has multiple users of multiple pieces of information. Having one location to house the data needed to perform this analysis is needed. This would prevent obsolete data from being used,

7、it could be under configuration control, and it would also prevent data from being used incorrectly. Evidence of Recurrence Control Effectiveness: N/A Documents Related to Lesson: N/A Mission Directorate(s): Exploration Systems Additional Key Phrase(s): Program Management Business processes Configur

8、ation and data management Systems Engineering and Analysis Review systems Additional Info: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Project: Space Shuttle Approval Info: Approval Date: 2012-08-24 Approval Name: mbell Approval Organization: HQ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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