SAE AMS 3041E-2008 Magnetic Particles Nonfluorescent Wet Method Oil Vehicle Ready-to-Use《即用型以油为媒介物的非荧光磁性粒子用湿方法》.pdf

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SAE AMS 3041E-2008 Magnetic Particles Nonfluorescent Wet Method Oil Vehicle Ready-to-Use《即用型以油为媒介物的非荧光磁性粒子用湿方法》.pdf_第1页
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SAE AMS 3041E-2008 Magnetic Particles Nonfluorescent Wet Method Oil Vehicle Ready-to-Use《即用型以油为媒介物的非荧光磁性粒子用湿方法》.pdf_第2页
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SAE AMS 3041E-2008 Magnetic Particles Nonfluorescent Wet Method Oil Vehicle Ready-to-Use《即用型以油为媒介物的非荧光磁性粒子用湿方法》.pdf_第3页
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SAE AMS 3041E-2008 Magnetic Particles Nonfluorescent Wet Method Oil Vehicle Ready-to-Use《即用型以油为媒介物的非荧光磁性粒子用湿方法》.pdf_第4页
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SAE AMS 3041E-2008 Magnetic Particles Nonfluorescent Wet Method Oil Vehicle Ready-to-Use《即用型以油为媒介物的非荧光磁性粒子用湿方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、AEROSPACE MATERIAL SPECIFICATION AMS3041 REV. E Issued 1974-03 Revised 2008-11 Reaffirmed 2014-08 Superseding AMS3041D Magnetic Particles, Nonfluorescent Wet Method, Oil Vehicle, Ready-to-Use RATIONALE AMS3041E has been reaffirmed to comply with the SAE five year review policy. _ SAE Technical Stand

2、ards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole res

3、ponsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be revised, reaffirmed, stabilized, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright 2014 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be rep

4、roduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: +1 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Fax:

5、724-776-0790 Email: SAE WEB ADDRESS: http:/ SAE values your input. To provide feedback on this Technical Report, please visit http:/ 1. SCOPE 1.1 Form This specification covers nonfluorescent magnetic particles in the form of

6、a mixed, ready-to-use suspension in an odorless inspection oil vehicle. 1.2 Application These products have been used typically as the inspection medium in a wet magnetic particle inspection system in accordance with ASTM E 1444, but usage is not limited to such application. 1.3 Safety - Hazardous M

7、aterials While the materials, methods, applications, and processes described or referenced in this specification may involve the use of hazardous materials, this specification does not address the hazards which may be involved in such use. It is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure familiar

8、ity with the safe and proper use of any hazardous materials and to take necessary precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of all personnel involved. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS The issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purchase order forms a part of this specificat

9、ion to the extent specified herein. The supplier may work to a subsequent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified. When the referenced document has been cancelled and no superseding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply. SAE I

10、NTERNATIONAL AMS3041E Page 2 of 6 2.1 SAE Publications Available from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), AMS2641 Vehicle, Magnetic Particle Inspection, Petroleum Base AS5282 Tool

11、Steel Ring for Magnetic Particle Inspection 2.2 ASTM Publications Available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Tel: 610-832-9585, ASTM D 1966 Test Method for Foots in Raw Linseed Oil ASTM E 11 Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing P

12、urposes ASTM E 1444 Magnetic Particle Examination 3. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Material The product shall be composed of durable magnetic particles, suitable for long-time use, which may have been treated to attain the color specified. Particles shall be supplied ready-to-use, mixed in the proper p

13、roportion with odorless inspection oil conforming to AMS2641, or equivalent. 3.2 Storage Life The product shall meet the requirements specified in 3.3 when tested at any time up to twelve months from date of manufacture. 3.3 Properties The product shall conform to the following requirements; tests s

14、hall be performed on the product supplied and in accordance with specified test procedures. 3.3.1 Contamination The product shall show no evidence of foreign material, agglomeration, or scum, determined by visual examination of the test suspension at the following times: Immediately after mi

15、xing the test suspension. After mixing the test suspension, allowing it to stand for not less than 30 minutes, and agitating it slightly. During tests to determine other characteristics of the product. 3.3.2 Concentration The concentration of magnetic particles in the vehicle shall b

16、e 1.0 to 2.4 mL of magnetic particles in 100 mL of suspension, determined by mixing the suspension thoroughly, filling a 100 mL calibrated centrifuge tube as specified in ASTM D 1966, demagnetizing, allowing to stand undisturbed for at least 30 minutes, and reading, on the calibrated tube, the volum

17、e of particles settled from the suspension. SAE INTERNATIONAL AMS3041E Page 3 of 6 3.3.3 Sensitivity The product shall provide indications of at least the first 6 holes of the test ring specimen of 4.4 when tested as follows: Place the ring on a 1-inch (25-mm) diameter copper bar and circula

18、rly magnetize in a standard magnetic particle inspection unit by passing 2500 amperes of direct current through the bar immediately before flushing the ring with the agitated test suspension which has passed the concentration, and contamination tests. Examine the ring under a white light of not less

19、 than 100 foot-candles (1000 lx) at the examining surface. 3.4 Color The color of the magnetic particles in suspension shall be black, red, gray, or as specified by purchaser, determined by observing a well-dispersed sample of the test suspension in a glass container under a white light of not less

20、than 100 foot-candles (1000 lx) at the examining surface. 3.5 Particle Size The magnetic particles shall be of such size that not less than 98% by weight shall pass through a 3-inch (76-mm) diameter U.S. Standard No. 325 (45 m) sieve, as defined in ASTM E 11, determined by passing a 1-quart (1-L) sa

21、mple of agitated test suspension through the sieve. After the test suspension vehicle has completely passed through the sieve, rinse with 1 quart (1 L) of the original AMS2641 vehicle. Dry the sieve to remove all liquid and determine the weight of the residual particulate material not passing throug

22、h the sieve. A comparison sample shall be obtained by passing 1 quart (1 L) of agitated suspension through a preweighed #2 Whatman filter paper, or equivalent. Dry the filter and retained particles to remove all liquid and re-weigh. The weight of the particles retained on the sieve shall not be grea

23、ter than 2% of the weight of particles retained on the filter paper. 3.6 Mechanical Durability Magnetic particles shall retain their initial sensitivity, color, and brightness of indication after placing not less than 400 mL of agitated suspension in a 1-quart (1-L) capacity, constant speed blender,

24、 operating the blender at approximately 10 000 to 12 000 rpm for a total of 10 minutes in 2-minute intervals, allowing the suspension to cool for 5 minutes during each period between stirring cycles and, at the end of the cumulative 10 minutes blending, conducting the sensitivity tests (See 3.3.3).

25、4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for Inspection The manufacturer of the product shall supply all samples for manufacturers tests and shall be responsible for the performance of all required tests. Purchaser reserves the right to sample and to perform any confirmatory testing deemed

26、 necessary to ensure that the product conforms to specified requirements. 4.2 Classification of Tests 4.2.1 Acceptance Tests Contamination (3.3.1), concentration (3.3.2), sensitivity (3.3.3), color (3.4), and particle size (3.5) are acceptance tests and shall be performed on each lot. 4.2.2 Periodic

27、 Tests Mechanical durability (3.6) is a periodic test and shall be performed at a frequency selected by the manufacturer unless frequency of testing is specified by purchaser. SAE INTERNATIONAL AMS3041E Page 4 of 6 4.2.3 Preproduction Tests All technical requirements are preproduction tests and shal

28、l be performed prior to or on the initial shipment of a product to a purchaser, when a change in ingredients and/or processing requires reapproval as in 4.5.2, and when purchaser deems confirmatory testing to be required. 4.3 Sampling and Testing Shall be as follows: 4.3.1 For Acceptance Tests Suffi

29、cient product shall be taken at random from each lot to perform all required tests. The number of determinations for each requirement shall as specified in the applicable test procedures or, if not specified therein, not less than three. A lot shall be all product produced in a single produc

30、tion run from the same batch of raw materials under the same fixed conditions and presented for vendors inspection at one time. A statistical sampling plan, acceptable to purchaser, may be used in lieu of sampling as in 4.3.1. 4.3.2 For Periodic and Preproduction Tests As agreed upon by purc

31、haser and manufacturer. 4.4 Tool Steel Test Ring Shall be in accordance with AS5282. 4.5 Approval 4.5.1 Sample product shall be approved by purchaser before product for production use is supplied, unless such approval be waived by purchaser. Results of tests on production product shall be essentiall

32、y equivalent to those on the approved sample. 4.5.2 Vendor shall use ingredients, manufacturing procedures, processes, and methods of inspection on production product that are essentially the same as those used on the approved sample. If necessary to make any change in ingredients, processing techni

33、ques, or manufacturing procedures, vendor shall submit for reapproval a statement of the proposed changes in ingredients and/or processing and, when requested, sample product. Production product made by the revised procedure shall not be shipped prior to receipt of reapproval. 4.6 Reports The vendor

34、 of the product shall furnish with each shipment a report stating that the product conforms to all technical requirements. This report shall include the purchase order number, lot number, AMS3041E, manufacturers material designation, date of manufacture, and quantity. 4.7 Resampling and Retesting If

35、 any sample used in the above tests fails to meet specified requirements, disposition of the product may be based on the results of testing three additional samples for each nonconforming sample. Failure of any retest sample to meet specified requirements shall be cause for rejection of the product

36、represented. Results of all tests shall be reported. SAE INTERNATIONAL AMS3041E Page 5 of 6 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Packaging and Identification 5.1.1 Magnetic particles in the form of a mixed, ready-to-use suspension shall be packaged in containers of a type and size agreed upon by purchase

37、r and vendor. 5.1.2 A lot of particles may be packaged in small quantities and delivered under the basic lot approval provided lot identification is maintained. 5.1.3 Each container shall be identified, with a durable label that is legible on receipt by purchaser, with not less than the following in


39、ers identification or lot number. * May be on a separate sheet. 5.1.4 Individual packages or containers shall be packed in an exterior shipping container capable of protecting the product, during shipment and storage, against damage from exposure to moisture, weather, or any other normal hazard. 5.1

40、.5 Containers of the product shall be prepared for shipment in accordance with commercial practice and in compliance with applicable rules and regulations pertaining to the handling, packaging, and transportation of the product to ensure carrier acceptance and safe delivery. 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENT A vend

41、or shall mention this specification number and its revision letter in all quotations and when acknowledging purchase orders to this specification. 7. REJECTIONS Product not conforming to this specification, or to modifications authorized by purchaser, will be subject to rejection. 8. NOTES 8.1 A cha

42、nge bar ( l ) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this document. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the document, includ

43、ing technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor in documents that contain editorial changes only. 8.2 Terms used in AMS are clarified in ARP1917. SAE INTERNATIONAL AMS3041E Page 6 of 6 8.3 Dimensions in inch/pound units and the Fahrenheit temperatures are prim

44、ary; dimensions In SI units and the Celsius temperatures are shown as the approximate equivalents of the primary units and are presented only for information. 8.4 Purchase orders should specify not less than the following: AMS3041E Type of vehicle desired if other than AMS2641 Type and size of containers desired Quantity of product desired. PREPARED BY AMS COMMITTEE “K”


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