SAE EIA-836B-2010 Configuration Management Data Exchange and Interoperability (Formerly TechAmerica EIA-836B Includes Access to Additional Content).pdf

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SAE EIA-836B-2010 Configuration Management Data Exchange and Interoperability (Formerly TechAmerica EIA-836B Includes Access to Additional Content).pdf_第5页
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1、 Access to Additional Content for SAE EIA-836B, Dated: March 2010 Reaffirmed September 2015 (Click here to view the publication) This Page is not part of the original publication This page has been added by IHS as a convenience to the user in order to provide access to additional content as authoriz

2、ed by the Copyright holder of this document Click the link(s) below to access the content and use normal procedures for downloading or opening the files. EIA836B Information contained in the above is the property of the Copyright holder and all Notice of Disclaimer Version 1.2 has the changes accept

3、ed. Unlike Version 1.0, where the Business Objects were located within the reference schema, the Business Objects in the interim versions 1.1 and 1.2 consist of individual schemas that relate to a Program or Project, a Product or an Instance of a Product. The elements used in the Business Objects ar

4、e defined in the Reference Schema, which is linked to and accessible from each of the business objects. An XML schema language conversion of the Reference Schema DTD is included and is an exact equivalent. Jan 2004 A This revision provides significant technical changes: the data model was restructur

5、ed using a disciplined modeling language; the data model/data dictionary is now independent of implementation conventions; as opposed to separate Business Objects in the prior releases, CM objects that may be the subject of data exchange are now an integral part of the model; a method of constructin

6、g exchange messages incorporating any model object is provided. Mar 2007 B This revision provides corrections and additions to terms in the data dictionary; minor revisions and additions to the text of the standard and the format of the data dictionary to promote easier use and understanding; and up

7、dated references and citation of references in the data dictionary definitions. The approved and incorporated Requests For Change for this revision are listed in Annex K, Approved ANSI/EIA-836A Requests For Change. Mar 2010 Table of ContentsIntroduction (Informative) . vii1. Scope (Informative) 12.

8、References (Normative) . 33. Terms and Definitions (Informative) 53.1. General Terms and Definitions . 53.2. Data Dictionary Structural Terms and their Definitions . 64. Symbols and Abbreviated Terms (Informative) . 94.1. Symbols . 94.2. Abbreviated Terms . 95. Data Dictionary Overview (Informative)

9、 . 115.1. Concepts Used in the Development of the Data Dictionary . 115.1.1. Configuration Management (CM) Concepts 115.1.2. Namespace . 135.2. Data Dictionary Primer (Informative) . 145.2.1. Data Dictionary Concepts 145.2.2. Navigation . 155.2.3. Understanding the Data Dictionary . 155.2.4. Object,

10、 Part, Datatype . 155.2.5. Code Lists 175.2.6. Primary Datatype Elements . 196. Data Dictionary (Normative) . 21A. Acknowledgements (Informative) 325A.1. Acknowledgements 325A.2. Background 325B. References (Informative) . 327C. Overview of the EIA-836 Standard (Informative) 331C.1. Purpose 331C.2.

11、Terms and Definitions . 331C.3. Creating and Using an Example Data Dictionary 331C.3.1. Example Modeling Language 333C.3.2. Example Data Dictionary 335C.3.3. Example Reference Schema 343C.3.4. Using the Example Reference Schema . 347C.4. Additional Concepts Used in the Development of the Data Dictio

12、nary 352C.4.1. Modeling Concepts 352D. Description of Modeling Language (Informative) . 355D.1. Purpose 355D.2. Terms and Definitions . 355D.3. Modeling Language . 355D.3.1. Overview . 355D.3.2. Language Concepts . 356D.3.3. Elements, Properties, Characteristics and Rules . 356D.4. Modeling Language

13、 Implementation . 358D.4.1. XML Schema . 358D.4.2. Modeling Language Schema Diagrams 365E. Reference Schema (Informative) 375E.1. Purpose 375E.2. Terms and Definitions . 375E.3. Mapping Rules 375E.3.1. General 375E.3.2. Mapping Rules 376vEIA-836E.3.3. Implementing the Mapping Rules . 379E.4. Referen

14、ce Schemas 398E.5. Tailoring the Reference Schema 398F. Schema Diagrams (Informative) . 401F.1. Schema Diagrams List . 401F.2. Schema Diagram Symbols 404F.3. How to Understand the Schema Diagrams . 405F.4. Element to Schema Diagram Cross-Reference 410F.5. Referenced Object to Schema Diagram Cross-Re

15、ference 422G. How to Use EIA-836 to Exchange Data (Informative) . 425G.1. Introduction 425G.2. Combined Effort between Sender and Receiver . 425G.2.1. Identify Trading Partners 426G.2.2. Identify Elements to Transfer . 426G.3. Sender Efforts . 429G.3.1. Create Message Schema . 429G.3.2. Create Data

16、File 431G.3.3. Validate Data File 439G.3.4. Transmit Data . 440G.4. Receiver Efforts . 440G.4.1. Receive Data 440G.4.2. Data Validation . 440G.4.3. Import Data 440G.4.4. View Data 440H. ANSI/EIA-649 Principles Cross Reference (Informative) . 441I. Data Dictionary Index (Informative) 445J. Alias Inde

17、x (Informative) 493K. Approved ANSI/EIA-836A Requests For Change . 501L. Related GEIA Documents (Informative) . 503viEIA-836List of Figures1. Canonical Model vii5.1. Object, Part, or Datatype Details in the Data Dictionary . 165.2. Object, Part or Datatype Example in the Data Dictionary . 175.3. Uni

18、oned Code List Details in the Data Dictionary 175.4. Unioned Code List Example in the Data Dictionary 185.5. Enumerated Code List Details in the Data Dictionary 185.6. Enumerated Code List Example in the Data Dictionary . 195.7. Primary Datytype Details in the Data Dictionary 195.8. Primary Datatype

19、 Example in the Data Dictionary 20C.1. Real Objects . 331C.2. Pertinent Information about Real Objects . 332C.3. EIA-836 Creation and Use Processes . 333C.4. Example Modeling Language . 334C.5. Example Modeling Language Definition of Object . 335C.6. Example Modeling Language Definition of Associati

20、on 335C.7. XML Representation of the Example Data Dictionary . 335C.8. Structure of Box View . 338C.9. Example Reference Schema . 343C.10. Schema Diagram for Book . 345C.11. Schema Diagram for refBook . 345C.12. Schema Diagram for Organization . 346C.13. Schema Diagram for refOrganization . 346C.14.

21、 Schema Diagram for Person . 347C.15. Schema Diagram for refPerson . 347C.16. Example Message Schema . 348C.17. Example Message Schema Diagram . 349C.18. Message Document Example 349C.19. Message View - Books by Publisher . 351C.20. Message View - Books by Author 352D.1. XML Schema Modeling Language

22、 359D.2. Modeling Language Schema Diagram . 365D.3. Object Schema Diagram . 366D.4. Part Schema Diagram . 367D.5. Datatype Schema Diagram 368D.6. Enumerated Code List Schema Diagram 368D.7. Unioned Code List Schema Diagram . 369D.8. Primary Datatype Schema Diagram . 369D.9. Property: Generalization

23、Schema Diagram 369D.10. Property: Attribute Schema Diagram 370D.11. Property: Association Schema Diagram 370D.12. Property: Component Schema Diagram 371D.13. Property: Classified Object Schema Diagram 371D.14. Property: Enumeration Schema Diagram 371D.15. Property: Code List Name Schema Diagram 372D

24、.16. Property: Characteristic Schema Diagram . 372D.17. Term Schema Diagram 373E.1. XSL Stylesheet for Transforming the Data Dictionary into the Reference Schema 379E.2. File Relationships of the Non Tailorable Reference Schema . 398E.3. File Relationships of the Tailorable Reference Schema 399F.1.

25、Baseline Schema Diagram 406F.2. Baseline Data Dictionary Example . 407vEIA-836G.1. Data Exchange Steps 425G.2. DoD Engineering Change Proposal long form ECP 4048 427G.3. User Defined Other Domain 428G.4. User Defined CM Domain . 429G.5. Message Schema . 429G.6. Message Schema Diagram . 431G.7. XML D

26、ata File for ECP 4048 . 431viEIA-836Introduction (Informative)EIA-836 logically extends the Configuration Management (CM) principles of ANSI/EIA 649. It provides for interop-erability between trading partners by establishing a common language for the exchange of data between dissimilardatabases. The

27、 Data Dictionary, which is the normative portion of this standard, identifies standard terms, their defin-itions, and relationships. It provides a comprehensive data model that can be implemented in the World Wide WebConsortium (W3C) XML schema language, as shown in Annex D, in EXPRESS as defined in

28、 ISO 10303-11, or throughother model representations.This standard is used to formulate information exchanges that are correctly interpreted by all recipients and effectivelymapped by each to their own database. In addition to providing a standard data exchange mechanism, this standardplays a signif

29、icant role in mapping the content of two or more dissimilar databases. Rather than map each database toanother database on a point to point basis, organizations will use this standard in the role of a canonical model, asgraphically depicted in Figure 1 vii, to which all databases are mapped. This me

30、thod significantly reduces the costand complexity of data mapping.$% a complete vehicle;or a software program.InstanceA language that is used to systematically structure the Data Dictionary. (See Annex)Modeling LanguageA correlation of a specific XML vocabulary with a uniform resource identifier (UR

31、I).NamespaceA class of things that exist in the real world such as: Engineering Drawing, Standard or Person.Real ObjectAn XML Schema representation of the Data Dictionary. (See Reference Schema 375)Reference SchemaAn item that is named and defined in the Data Dictionary.TermAn organization (external

32、 or internal) with whom business is conducted and with whom config-uration management or other related data may be exchanged. Aliases: Acquirer, Supplier, Oper-ator, Maintainer, Customer, Buyer, End-User.Trading Partner5EIA-8363.2. Data Dictionary Structural Terms and their DefinitionsThe following

33、terms and definitions apply only to understanding the modeling language as used in this standard. Fora functional explanation of how these terms work together, see Modeling Language 355.DefinitionTermA characteristic of certain elements (object, part, datatype) whose presence signifies that theeleme

34、nt is not real.AbstractA list of alternate names for elements, properties or values.AliasesA namedproperty whose instances identify a relationship with a referenced object.AssociationA namedproperty whose instances describe a range of values that a feature may take.AttributeA set of values that indi

35、cate the minimum and maximum number of times a property can occur.Cardinality1. A namedvalue, e.g. color - green.2. A type of property whose instances describe a feature of a primary datatype.CharacteristicOne of the following indicators: “decimal”, “boolean”, “string”, “date”, “duration”, “time”,“d

36、ateTime”, “any”, “integer”, “base64Binary”, “none”, “code”, “anyURI”.Characteristic TypeA named description of a set of things that share the same properties and relationships.ClassAn unnamed property whose instance identify an object that is a member of a classifierobject.Classified ObjectA charact

37、eristic of certain elements (object, part, datatype) whose presents signifies that itsproperties are alternate means of representing the element.ClassifierA property of a UnionedCodeList whose instances define an entry in the list.CodeListNameA namedproperty whose instances describe a set of related

38、 properties.ComponentA namedproperty whose instances describe a set of related attributes.DatatypeA characteristic of a namedproperty, element or value that consists of a text that describes theterm, the identification of the source of the text, and optionally, a list of the references used inthe cr

39、eation of the text.DefinitionA characteristic of certain elements (object, part, datatype) whose instance provides a list ofthe ANSI/EIA-649A Principle identifiers with which the element is associated.EIA 649A PrincipleA basic building block of the Data Dictionary whose instances are used to describ

40、e real objects.ElementOne of the following indicators: “Object”, “Part”, “Datatype”, “PrimaryDatatype”, “Enumer-atedCodeList”, “UnionedCodeList”.Element TypeA property of an EnumeratedCodeList whose instances define an entry in the list.EnumerationAn element whose instances are a finite list of stan

41、dardized values.EnumeratedCodeListAn unnamed property whose instances identify the parent element from which properties areinherited.GeneralizationA characteristic of an attribute whose presents signifies that the attribute plays a role in uniquelydistinguishing one instance of an object or part fro

42、m another.IdentityA section of a elementsData Dictionary entry that lists the properties it pocesses through in-heritence.Inherited PropertiesA mechanism associated with certain elements (object, part and datatype) by which a more-specific element incorporates the properties of a more-general elemen

43、t.Inheritence6EIA-836DefinitionTermWhat you call a thing. Names are given to the terms defined within the Data Dictionary. Namesare given to elements and most properties. Element names, when coupled with their associatednamespace, are unique within the Universe. Property names are unique within the

44、element in-which they are used. Parent Name, Defining Element Name, Code List Name, ReferencedObject Name and Object Name are pseudonyms for element names.NameAn element whose instances decribe a class of real things that are distinguishable one fromanother, a generalized class of real things, or a

45、list of real things that represent alternatives.ObjectAn element whose instances describe the properties a component can possess.PartA property whose instances describe acceptable values of a Primary Datatype expressed as aRegular Expression.PatternAn element whose instances describe the data to be

46、exchanged.Primary DatatypeA generalized description of a distinguishable aspect of a real object.PropertyOne of the following indicators: “Attribute”, “Association”, “Component”, “Characteristic”,“Pattern”, “ClassifierObject”, “Enumeration”, “CodeListName”.Property TypeAn element whose instances ide

47、ntify a list of other Code Lists and represents a list of all thevalues from all the listed Code Lists.UnionedCodeList1. A piece of data.2. An characteristic of an Enumeration whose instances identify a piece of data to be ex-changed.ValueA section of an elementsData Dictionary entry that provides t

48、he information about where andhow the element is used by other elements in the Data Dictionary.Where Used7EIA-8368EIA-8364. Symbols and Abbreviated Terms (Informative)4.1. SymbolsThe symbols used in this standard for the schema diagrams are described in Sub-clause F.2, Schema Diagram Sym-bols 404.4.

49、2. Abbreviated TermsThe following abbreviated terms are used in this standard.DefinitionTermAmerican National Standards InstituteANSIAmerican Society of Mechanical EngineersASMEContractor and Government EntityCAGEConfiguration Control BoardCCBConfiguration ManagementCMDepartment of the Army PamphletDA PAMDefense Federal Acquisition Regulation SupplementDFARSDepartment of DefenseDoDDepartment of Defense DirectiveDODDDepartment of Defense InstructionDODIData Universal Numbering SystemDUNSElectronic Business Extensible Markup LanguageebXMLElectronics Industries AllianceEIAFedera


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