TIA EIA-732-841-2001 Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) System Specification SNDCP PICS Proforma (Upgrade of TIA EIA IS-732-841)《蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)系统规范 SNDCP PICS形式表 TIA EIA IS-732-84.pdf

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TIA EIA-732-841-2001 Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) System Specification SNDCP PICS Proforma (Upgrade of TIA EIA IS-732-841)《蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)系统规范 SNDCP PICS形式表 TIA EIA IS-732-84.pdf_第1页
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TIA EIA-732-841-2001 Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) System Specification SNDCP PICS Proforma (Upgrade of TIA EIA IS-732-841)《蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)系统规范 SNDCP PICS形式表 TIA EIA IS-732-84.pdf_第2页
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TIA EIA-732-841-2001 Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) System Specification SNDCP PICS Proforma (Upgrade of TIA EIA IS-732-841)《蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)系统规范 SNDCP PICS形式表 TIA EIA IS-732-84.pdf_第3页
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TIA EIA-732-841-2001 Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) System Specification SNDCP PICS Proforma (Upgrade of TIA EIA IS-732-841)《蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)系统规范 SNDCP PICS形式表 TIA EIA IS-732-84.pdf_第4页
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TIA EIA-732-841-2001 Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) System Specification SNDCP PICS Proforma (Upgrade of TIA EIA IS-732-841)《蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)系统规范 SNDCP PICS形式表 TIA EIA IS-732-84.pdf_第5页
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1、ANSI/TIA/EIA-732-841-2001 Approved: June 7, 2001 TIA/EIA STANDARD Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) System Specification SNDCP PICS Proforma TIA/EIA-732-841 OJpgrade of TINEINIS-732-841) JULY 2001 TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Tlie Telecoininiiiiicatioiis Industry Association represents

2、tlie communications sector of NOTICE TIA/EIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandmgs between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecti

3、ng and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of TIA/EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications, nor shall the ex

4、istence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than TIA/EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Standards and Publications are adopted by TIA/EIA in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI

5、) patent policy. By such actio% TMIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Standard or Publication. This Standard does not purport to address all safety problems associated with its use or all applicable regulatory requi

6、rements. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before its use. (From Standards Proposal No. 4033-841-UG, formulated under the cognizance of the TIA TR-45.6 Subcommittee o

7、n Adjunct Data Packet Wireless Technology.) Published by TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION 2001 Standards and Technology Department 2500 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 2220 1 PRICE: Please refer to current Catalog of EIA ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ALLIANCE STANDARDS and ENGINEERING PUBLICATIONS or

8、call Global Engineering Documents, USA and Canada (1-800-854-7179) International (303-397-7956) All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. TINEIA-732-841 Contents 1 Introduction 841-1 2 Scope . 3 Supplier Action .841-1 4 PICS . 841-2 4.1 PICSPurpose .841-2 5 Abbreviations and Special Symbols .841-2 5.1 S

9、tatusSymbols 841-3 5.2 OtherSymbols 841-3 6 Definitions . .841-4 7 Instructions for Completing the PICS Proforma . .841-5 7.1 Generalstructure . 841-5 7.2 Additional Information .841-6 7.3 Exceptional Information . .841-7 7.4 Conditional Status .841-7 7.5 Predicates 841-8 8 Global Statement of Confo

10、rmance .841-8 9 Identification .841-9 9.1 Protocol Summary . .841-10 10 Protocol Capabilities .841-10 10.1 Procedures Supported by the IUT . .841-10 10.2 TCPLP Protocol Header Compression . .841-12 10.3 TCPLP Protocol Header Decompression . .841-13 10.4 CLNP Protocol Header Compression .841-15 CLNP

11、Protocol Header Decompression .841-16 10.5 841 -i TINEIA-732-841 841 -i i TINEIA-732-841 PART 841 SNDCP PICS Proforma Foreword This foreword is not part of the Standard This Standard has been produced by the TR-45.6 Subcommittee of the TIAIEIAPTR-45 Committee. This document contains significant port

12、ions of material originally submitted by the Cellular Digital Packet Data Forum Inc. This document set constitutes the Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) System Specification. CDPD is a technology intended to provide packet data networking services to mobile hosts. The media used to provide these s

13、ervices consists of radio channels typically used for Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) cellular service. Document Structure This Standard is published as a series of Parts. Each Part contains information pertaining to one aspect of the system. The functional structure of the Cellular Digital Pack

14、et Data System Specification is as follows: o Introduction and Overview 841-iii TINEIA-732-841 SNDCP PICS Proforma This document provides an overview of the CDPD Network and serves as a guide to the remainder of the system specification for specific detailed information. In this Part, design objecti

15、ves are described and are followed by the design concepts used to realize the stated objectives. The resultant network is then described in terms of its external interfaces, major network elements and network services. A listing of key identifiers in CDPD is then followed by a comprehensive glossary

16、 of CDPD terms and a reference list of non-CDPD documents. This Part contains the detailed listing of all Parts of the Cellular Digital Packet Data Specifications. Part 300 to Part 799-Protocols and Interfaces These Parts form the heart of the CDPD System Specification. They define the communication

17、s architecture of CDPD, including communications layer entities, services, protocol stacks, the three key interfaces, Radio Resource Control, Mobility Management, Accounting Management, Support Services and Network Management. Part 800 to Part 899-Supplementary Protocol Information These Parts conta

18、in further specification of the primary CDPD protocols. State transition matrices are used to define protocol state machines, and Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements (PICS) are provided for implementors. Part 900 to Part 999-Protocol Test Specifications Following an overview of protocol t

19、esting, these Parts contain Abstract Test Suites (ATSs) and Protocol Implementation extra Information for Test (PIXIT) for the protocols specified in Part 300 to Part 799. Part 1000 to Part 1999-Guidelines for Service Providers These Parts describe guidelines for CDPD Service Providers. 841 -iV Intr

20、oduction TINEIA-732-841 PART 841 SNDCP PICS Proforma 1 I n t ro d u ct i o n To evaluate conformance of a particular implementation, it is necessary to have a statement of which capabilities and options have been implemented for a given protocol. Such a statement is called a Protocol Implementation

21、Conformance Statement (PICS). 2 Scope This Part provides the PICS proforma for Part 404 in compliance with the relevant requirements and in accordance with the relevant guidance given in IS0-96461. This PICS proforma applies to both the user side and network side CDPD SNDCP interfaces. The user side

22、 interface can only be an M-ES. The network side of the interface can only be an MD-IS. 3 Su pp I i er Act ion The supplier of a protocol implementation claiming to conform to Part 404 is required to complete this PICS proforma, and is required to provide the information necessary to fully identify

23、both the supplier and the implementation. 841 -1 TINEIA-732-841 SNDCP PICS Proforma 4 PICS 4.1 A completed PICS proforma, including Additional Information and Exception Information, is the PICS for the implementation in question. The completed PICS specifies the implementations capabilities and opti

24、onal features. It also specifies any omitted features. This ensures that the implementation can be tested for conformance against relevant requirements, and against those requirements only. PICS Purpose The PICS serves a number of functions, including: Identifies the equipment under test Identifies

25、the conformance tests applicable to a given product based on answers provided in the PICS Is used during the static conformance review Is provided in a standard format Allows vendors/manufacturers to supply IUT information in a standardized manner (this benefits both VendorsManufacturers and Testing

26、 Agencies) Benefits Abstract Test Suite developers, as they can determine whether all relevant parameters have been identified and adequately tested Benefits the protocol implementor, as it clearly identifies which protocol capabilities are Mandatory, Optional, Conditionally Mandatory or Conditional

27、ly Optional. This reduces the risk of failing to conform to the standard through implementation oversight or misunderstanding. Benefits suppliers and potential purchasers of protocol implementations, as the PICS provides a detailed indication of capabilities claimed to be supported by an IUT Benefit

28、s users, as it can be used to do preliminary evaluations of IUT interworking. Although interworking can never be guaranteed, failure to interwork can often be identified by comparing the PICS of IUTs considered for interworking. 5 Abbreviations and Special Symbols This section presents summary lists

29、 of the symbols used in a PICS. 841 -2 Abbreviations and Special Symbols TINEIA-732-841 5.1 Status Symbols 5.2 M Mandatory NIA Not Applicable O Optional O.ci Optional, but, if chosen, support is required for either at least one or only one of the options in the group labelled by the same numeral P P

30、rohibited A. instead, the supplier shall write the missing answer into the Support column, together with an Xci reference to an item of Exception Information, and shall provide the appropriate rationale in the Exception Information item itself. An implementation for which an Exception Information it

31、em is required in this way does not conform to this Standard. Note-A possible reason for the situation described above is that a defect in the standard has been reported, a correction for which is expected to change the requirement not met by the implementation. Conditional Status The PICS proforma

32、contains conditional items. These are items for which the status-Mandatory, Optional or Prohibited-that applies is dependent upon whether or not certain other items are supported, or upon the values supported for other items. In many cases, whether or not the item applies at all is conditional in th

33、is way, as well as the status when the item does apply. Where a group of items is subject to the same condition for applicability, a separate preliminary question about the condition appears at the head of the group, with an instruction to skip to a later point in the questionnaire if the “Not Appli

34、cable” answer is selected. Otherwise, individual conditional items are indicated by one or more conditional symbols (on separate lines) in the Status column. A conditional symbol is of the form “cpred:cx” where “cpred” is a predicate and “cx” is one of the status symbols M,O, O.cn or X. If the value

35、 of the predicate in any line of a conditional item is true, then the conditional item is applicable, and its status is that indicated by the status symbol following the predicate; the answer column is to be marked in the usual way. If the value of a predicate is false, the Not Applicable (N/A) answ

36、er is to be marked in the relevant line. Each line in a multi-line conditional item should be marked; at most one line will require an answer other than N/A. 841 -7 TINEIA-732-841 SNDCP PICS Proforma 7.5 Predi cates 8 A predicate is one of the following: a. An item-reference for an item in the PICS

37、proforma. The value of the predicate is true if the item is marked as supported, and is false otherwise. b. A predicate name, for a predicate defined elsewhere in the PICS proforma (usually in the Protocol Capabilities section or at the end of the section containing the conditional item). See below.

38、 The logical negation symbol “ prefixed to an item-reference or predicate name. The value of the predicate is true if the value of the predicate formed by omitting the “ is false, and vice versa. c. The definition for a predicate name is one of the following: a. An item-reference, evaluated as at (a

39、) above b. A relation containing a comparison operator (=, c, etc.) with at least one of its operands being an item-reference for an item taking numerical values as its answer. The predicate is true if the relation holds when each item-reference is replaced by the value entered in the Support column

40、 as an answer to the item referred to. A Boolean expression constructed by combining simple predicates, as in (a) and (b), using the Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT, and parentheses, in the usual way. The value of such a predicate is true if the Boolean expression evaluates to true when the simple

41、 predicates are interpreted as described above. c. Each item whose reference is used in a predicate or predicate definition is indicated by an asterisk in the Item column. Global Statement of Conformance The implementation specified in this PICS meets all the mandatory requirements of the referenced

42、 standards: Note-Answering “No” or providing an exception condition to this question indicates non-conformance to Part 404 specification. Non- supported mandatory capabilities are to be listed in the PICS below, with an explanation for the abnormal status of the implementation (to be provided in the

43、 Exceptional Information table partition). 841 -8 Identification TINEIA-732-841 TABLE 841-1 Statement of Conformance 9 Name (please print) Signature Date The client will have fully complied with the requirements for a statement of conformance by completing the statement contained in this section. Ho

44、wever, the client may find it helpful to continue to complete the detailed tabulations in the sections which follow. Identification TABLE 841-2 Supplier Information TABLE 841-3 I Supplier Address I ContactName I Contact Address I Phone Number I FaxNumber I E-mail Address Implementation Information N

45、amea Versiona Machine Configuration I Operating System a. The terms Name and Version should be interpreted appropriately to correspond with a suppliers terminology (e.g., Type, Series, Model, etc.). 841 -9 TINEIA-732-841 SNDCP PICS Proforma 9.1 Protocol Summary TABLE 841-4 Protocol Summary Identific

46、ation of the protocol specification Protocol version(s) supported TIAEIA-732-404: Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol (SNDCP) 10 Protocol Capabilities 10.1 Procedures Supported by the IUT TABLE 841-5 Procedures Supported by the IUT Item I Protocol Capability Status Reference Support IP Poe, th

47、e IUT support the transport of the IP protocol? M 1, 3.1 M 1, 3.1 Yes:No:-X:- oes the IUT support the transport of the CLNP M 2.1 Yes:No:-X:_ the IUT support the acknowledged connection ode service class? O 2, 3.2.1 Yes:No:-X:- oes the IUT support compression and decompression TCP/IP protocol header

48、s? CP O 2, 3.2.2 Yes:No:-X:- oes the IUT support compression and decompression CLNP protocol headers? 42FR Does the IUT support V.42 bis data compressioddecompression for both the forward and reverse channels? Does the IUT support from 512 to 8192 inclusive codewords for V.42 bis compressioddecompre

49、ssion? Does the IUT support from 6 to 250 inclusive as the maximum string length for V.42 bis compressioddecompression? Does the IUT preserve NPDU boundaries by ensuring that any partially encoded data contained within the data compression function is transferred within the same SNPDU sequence? 42CW 42SL 42PB M 3.3.2 Yes:No:-X:_ M 3.3.2 Yes:No:-X:_ M M Yes:No:-X:_ Yes:No:-X:_ 3.3.2 841 -1 O Protocol Capabilities TINEIA-732-841 Item JNACK Protocol Capability Does the IUT support the unacknowledged connectionless-mode service class? SGENCR PDU1 Does the IUT support encryption an


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