1、EIA TSH4L 94 3234600 0557028 TOT I TIA/EIA TELECOMMUNI CATIONS SYSTEMS BULLETIN I NOVEMBER 1994 TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION EIA TSBYL 94 = 3234600 0557029 946 NOTICE TIA/EIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstand
2、ings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude
3、 any member or nonmember of WEIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publicaions, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than WEIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically o
4、r internationally. Recommended Standards, Publiaions and Bulla are adopted by WEIA in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) patent policy. By such action, WEIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting
5、 the Recommended Standard, Publication or Bulletin. Technical Bulletins are distinguished from WEzA Recommended Standards or Interim Standards, in that they conain a compilation of engineering data or information useful to the technical community, and represent approaches to good engineering practic
6、es that are suggested by the fomulating committee. This Bulletin is not intended to preclude or discourage other approaches that similarly represent good engineering practice, or that may be acceptable to, or have been accepted by, appropriate Mes. Parties who wish to bring other appmhes to the atte
7、ntion of the fomulating committee to be considered for inclusion in future revisions of this Bulletin are encouraged to do so. It is the intention of the formulating committee to revise and update this Bulletin from time to time as may be occasioned by changes in technology, industry practice, or go
8、vernment reguiations, or for other appropriate reasons. (From Project No. 2985, formulated under the cognizance of the TIA “R-45.2 Subcommittee on Cellular intersystem Operations) Published by -0MMUNICATlONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION 1994 Standards and Technology Department 2001 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., W
9、ashington, D.C. 20006 PRICE: Please refer to the current Catalog of EIA, JEDEC and TIA STANDARDS and ENGINEERING PUBLICATIONS or call Global Engineering Documents, USA and Canada (1-800-854-7179) International (303-397-7956) Ail rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. - EIA TSBYL 74 3234600 0557033 5T4 TI
10、NEIA TSB 41 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i7 18 19 as 21 P P 24 5 26 27 29 3l n z? 33 34 5 36 37 38 a 40 41 4? 43 44 45 a 47 41 8 50 51 9 53 54 56 58 5I 50 9B m m e2 63 64 s TABLE OF CONTENTS DOCUMENT HISTORY . iv INTRODUCTION 1 ASSUMPTIONS AND ISSUES . 1 ASSUMPTIONS FOR DEFINITION OF REGIS
12、. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Definition of “Validation” and “Profile” 3 Validation and Profile Expiration . 4 Repetitive Registration Prevention . 4 Fraud Analysis Responsibility 5 Duration of AuthorizationDenied Period 5 Use of RegistrationNotification vs. Quali
13、ficationRequest 5 Actions for ESN Change . 6 Abnormal RoutingRequest Treatments . 6 Unreachable Visiting Subscribers . 7 Registration Cancellation by VLR 7 Deregistration 8 Error Code Usage 8 UnrecognizedESN Error Code Usage 8 ResourceShortage Error Code Usage . 8 SystemFailure Error Code Usage . 8
14、UnrecognizedParameterValue Error Code Usage 9 Trunk Status Parameter . 9 Inclusion of Compliance Guidelines . 9 Mutual Exclusion of Channel Parameters . 9 Mutual Exclusion of AuthorizationDenied Parameter 10 QualificationInformationCode Clarification . 10 Clarify LocationRequest and RoutingRequest P
15、arameters . 10 Rescind CallDataRequest 10 Combine ServiceProfileDirectve and QualificationDirective . 11 Combine ServiceProfileRequest and QualificationRequest . 11 Clarification of MIN Parameter 11 Clarification of LocationAreaID Parameter 11 clarification of Digits Parmeter 11 (Reserved) . 11 Numb
16、ering of Extended Parameter Identifiers . 12 Add a RETURN RESULT to FlashRequest . 12 Mandatory/OptionaI/Required Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Clarification of Chained Errors . 12 Global Title Translation - MIN vs. Digits 12 VLR-HLR Inactive Synchronization 13 Clarification of Inactive Locati
17、onRequest Procedures . 13 Partial Service Profile Updating . 13 Response Philosophy 14 MODIFICATIONS TO IS-41.1-B 15 3. DEFINITIONS . 15 4. SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 15 4.1 LOCATION PHASE . 16 MODIFICATIONS TO IS-41.2-B INTERSYSTEM “DOFF PROCEDURES . 16 1 Table of Contents EIA TSB4L 94 = 3234600 055
18、7032 430 TINEIA TSB 41 4.1.2 Handoff Measurement Reply . 16 4.2 “DOFF PHASE . 16 4.2.7 Serving MSC Initiation of a Hash Request . 16 4.2.8 Anchor MSC Reception of a Flash Request 17 4.4 PRINCIPLES FOR OPERATION AS A TANDEM MSC . 18 4.4.2 Tandem MSC Flash Request Handling 18 4.5 “DOFF TIMER VALUES 19
19、 4.1 REGISTRATION NOTIFICATION . 20 4.1.2 VLR Receiving RegistrationNotification INVOKE 20 4.1.3 HLR Receiving RegistrationNotification INVOKE 21 4.3 REMOTE FEATRE CONTROL REQUEST . 22 4.3.3 HLR Receiving RemoteFeatureControlRequest INVOKE . 22 4.4 LOCATION REQUESTROUTiNG REQUEST 23 4.4.1 MSC Initia
20、tion of Call Delivery 23 4.4.2 HLR Receiving LocationRequest INVOKE 24 4.4.3 VLR Receiving RoutingRequest INVOKE . 28 4.4.4 MSC Receiving RoutingRequest INVOKE . 29 4.5 CALL DATAIROUTING REQUEST . 3 1 4.5.1 MSC Initiation of Call Data Request . 31 4.5.2 HLR Receiving Call Data Request INVOKE 31 4.5.
21、3 MSC Initiation of Routing Request . 32 4.9 SERVICE PROFILE REQUEST . 32 4.9.1 MSC Initiation of Service Profile Request 32 4.9.3 VLR Receiving ServiceProfileRequest INVOKE . 32 4.9.4 HLR Receiving ServiceProfileRequest INVOKE . 32 4.10 SERVICE PROFILE DIRECTIVE 33 4.10.1 HLR Initiation of Service
22、Profile Directive . 33 4.10.2 VLR Receiving ServiceProfileDirective INVOKE . 33 4.10.3 VLR Initiation of Service Profile Directive . 33 4.10.4 MSC Receiving ServiceProfileDirective INVOKE . 33 4.1 1.1 MSC Initiation of Qualification Request . 33 4.1 1.2 VLR Initiation of Qualification Request 34 4.1
23、1.3 VLR Receiving QualificationRequest INVOKE . 35 4.1 3 CELLULAR SUBSCRIBER STATION INACTIVE . 36 4.13.1 MSC Detection of CSS Inactive 36 4.13.2 VLR Detection of CSS Inactive 36 4.13.3 VLR Receiving CSSInactive INVOKE . 37 MODIFICATIONS TO IS-41.3-B AUTOMATIC ROAMING PROCEDURES 20 4.9.2 VLR Initiat
24、ion of Service Profile Request . 32 4.1 1 QUALIFICATION REQUEST . i 33 4.13.4 HLR Receiving CSSInactive INVOKE . 37 MODIFICATIONS TO IS-41.5-B MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS . 39 8.1.1 TCAP Formats . 39 TCAP RE“ ERROR 39 Mapping of Operations onto Package Types . 39 Parameter Identifie
25、r Encoding . 40 QualifcationDirective . 46 RegistrationNotification 49 RegistrationCancellation 52 RoutingRequest 56 FlashRequest 41 QualificationRequest . 43 LocationRequest 54 RemoteFeatureControlRequest 59 ServiceProfileReque
26、st 61 ServiceProfileDirective 61 TransferToNumberRequest . 61 CallDataRequest 67 Table of Contents i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ao 21 P z) 24 a aj 27 24 31 31 a 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 40 41 4 43 44 45 46 4 48 8 SD 51 92 9 54 5 56 9 SB 5B m B1 6? 83 64 w E
27、IA TSBYL Y = 3234600 0557033 377 TINEIA TSB 41 1 2 UnreliableRoamerDataDirective . , . 67 4 8.2.1 BillingID 69 8.2.3 ChannelData 70 6 8.2.6 MobileIdentificationNumber . 70 7 8.2.9 SignalQuality . 71 8.2.1 1 AuthorizationDenied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
28、 74 8.2.14 TrunkStatus 74 8.2.17 FeatureIdentifier 74 8.2.18 AccessDeniedReason . . . 76 8.2.19 Digits . 76 13 8.2.20 MSCID . 78 14 8.2.25 FaultyParameter . 78 8.2.27 DigitalChannelData . 79 8.2.32 LocationAreaLD . 79 8.2.72 DeregistrationType 80 la APPENDIX A: GUIDELINES FOR COMPLIANCE SPECIFICATIO
29、NS . 8 1 3 MODIFICATIONS TO IS-41.5-B PARAMETER DEFINITIONS . . . 69 5 6 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 19 ao 21 ZL P 24 a B P 28 29 30 n P a 34 35 36 37 38 38 40 41 4 63 44 6 a 47 49 4D 53 51 s? S 59 55 56 51 98 9B BI 81 Q 83 64 m Table of Contents EIA TSB41 94 3234600 0557034 203 TINEIA TSB 41 . 6 Revision D
30、ate Remarks 7 8 9 O October 1994 Approved for publication DOCUMENT HISTORY 2 3 1 Document History iv lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 P 21 P 23 24 a as 27 a 29 30 31 a 33 34 !?6 36 37 a 38 40 41 4 43 *d 6 40 41 48 8 90 51 52 3 54 55 56 51 9B 98 W a 6? m 64 R EIA TSBYL 94 3234b00 0557035 L4T = TINEIA TS
31、B 41 1 2 i INTRODUCTION 4 This document identifies the modifications and additions to “Intersystem Handoff” (IS-41.2-B), “Automatic Roaming” (IS-41.3-B), “Operations, Administration, and Maintenance” (IS-41.4-B) and “Data Communications” (IS-41.5-B) required to clarify IS-41 -B Intersystem Operation
32、s. 12 ASSUMPTIONS AND ISSUES 14 15 16 17 18 19 2J 21 P P 24 o a6 a 29 3D n 3? 33 34 This section describes the assumptions and issues used to clarify IS-41-B: Intersystem Operations. ASSUMPTIONS FOR DEFINITION OF REGISTRATION The registration of a mobile station occurs when the HLR sets its location
33、 pointer for the mobile station to point to the VLR. The mobile station is considered to be registered in the VLR as long as this pointer is directed from the HLR to the VLR. Registration of the mobile station in the VLR ceases when the HLR resets its location pointer for the mobile station or direc
34、ts the pointer elsewhere. VLR registration of a mobile station ceases when a RegistrationCancellation is received for the mobile station or after a CSSInactive INVOKE with a DeregistrationType parameter is sent to the HLR. ASSUMPTIONS FOR REGISTRATION STATES * A mobile station which is registered in
35、 a VLR remains registered until one of the following events occurs: 1) the HLR sends a RegistrationCancellation INVOKE to the VLR. 2) the VLR sends a CSSInactive INVOKE with a DeregistrationType parameter to the HLR. 3) the HLR receives a RoutingRequest RETURN ERROR indicating 43 44 UnrecognizedMI”
36、or OperationNotSupported. a ASSUMPTIONS FOR ACTIVUINACTIVE STATES 45 46 A mobile which is registered in a HLR becomes inactive when one of the following events occurs: 1) the HLR receives a CSSInactive INVOKE. 2) the HLR receives an AccessDeniedReason parameter indicating the value of Inactive in th
37、e RoutingRequest RETURN RESULT. 1 Introduction EIA TSB4L 94 3234600 0557036 O86 = TIMIA TSB 41 ASSUMPTIONS FOR VLR STORAGE OF PROFILE As described in IS-41.3-B, Section, the VLR is not required to store the roaming subscribers service profile. The action of registration means that the HLR se
38、ts its location pointer for the mobile station to be directed to the VLR. The VLR has control over its internal memory resources. The VLR can autonomously remove a service profile without informing the HLR if and only if the VLR treats an incoming call in a manner that is not dependent upon the serv
39、ice profile. If the mobile station requests service, the Visited System must obtain the service profile if it is not stored in the VLR. ASSUMPTIONS FOR HLR MAINTENANCE OF PROFILE RECORDS IN THE VLR Introduction Once the HLR has delivered a profile to a VLR for a registered roamer, the HLR is require
40、d to update the profile as necessary for the duration of registration. The HLR shall send the entire service profile in response to a RegistrationNotification or a QualificationRequest INVOKE if the received QualificationInformationCode parameter has the value “Profile only” or “Validation and Profi
41、le.” 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 la 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 P 21 P P 24 25 a6 27 29 31 n 3? 33 34 5 36 37 38 5 40 41 42 .a 44 45 a 41 4e 8 50 51 a 5 54 56 9B 57 !3 59 m m 5 84 R EIA TSB4L 9L, 3234b00 0557037 TI2 W TINEIA TSB 41 1 DECISION POINTS 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 This section of the Technical Notes TSB iden
42、tifies all the major decisions made in order to clarify interoperability issues identified in IS-41 -B. 1. Definition of “Validation” and “Profile” 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 aD 21 P 23 za a a6 27 29 30 n 8 33 34 s 36 37 38 38 4) 41 4 a3 44 45 46 47 41 43 90 51 52 53 54 55 s 57 5 58 Q a 6? 83 .64 Fc
43、 Problem a b C d e The parameters to be returned in the RegistrationNotification and QualificationRequest RETURN RESULTS for Validation Only and Profile Only QualificationInformationCode parameter values were not defined. For all QualificationInformationCode parameter values, AuthorizationDenied is
44、returned without other optional parameters for an unauthorized CSS. Validation Only requires the return of AuthonzationPeriod parameter for an authorized CSS. Profile Only requires the return of OriginationIndicator, TerminationRestrictionCode and CallingFeaturesIndicator parameters. The Digits (des
45、tination) parameter must be included if so indicated by the Originationindicator. The Digits (carrier) parameter may optionally be included for any CSS. Validation and Profile uses elements of b and c, as required. In response to a request for qualification information, the HLR may respond with more
46、 qualification information than requested by the QualificationInformationCode parameter received from the VLR. 3 Decision Points EIA TSB41 94 m 3234b00 0557038 959 TINEIA TSB 41 2. Validation and Profile Expiration Problem a b Validation and Profile expiration periods were not explicitly defined. Th
47、e expiration of validation is controlled by the interval specified in the AuthorizationPeriod parameter. Per Call AuthorizationPenod indicates that there is no validation period, i.e., the VLR must retrieve validation information from the HLR after MS system access but before providing service. Afte
48、r expiration of the Authorization Period, the serving VLR must retrieve validation information from the HLR before providing service (except for call delivery which has an implicit single call authorization). The serving VLR shall reieve validation information from the HLR with a RegistrationNotific
49、ation or QualificationRequest. The HLR shall provide the CSS authorization changes with a QualificationDirective. A profile remains valid in the VLR until changed with a ServiceProfileDirective or QualificationDirective, or until revoked with a RegistrationCancellation or a CSSInactive with a DeregistrationType parameter. The VLR may discard the profile or validation information at any time. However, registration remains in effect. c d e 3. Repetitive Registration Prevention Problem a No mechanism is defined to prevent r