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1、12019 中考(人教)英语阅读理解基础编题(8)及答案Passage A(2019 中考教育类选练)According to a recent study, there are about 70,000 blind children in Indonesia. Among them, 60 percent were not born blind. Iyehezkiel Parudani is one of them, who lost his eyesight by accident at age six. He now teaches English to blind students a

2、t the Pajajaran Special SchooL Iyehezkiel Parudani says learning English can help blind people feel better about themselves. “By learning English, they can be an English teacher, a translator, and a tour guide. “ Students read using Braille (盲文). To write, they use special tools, too. Iyehezkiel Par

3、udani says blind people should not let their physical disability influence their dreams. In 2008 , he got a chance to study at the University of Texas. Two years later, he got a masters degree in course development there.“In the US, if I go to the university to study, everything is available - like

4、e-books, Braille books. Here in Indonesia, you know, its difficult to find a reference book in e-book or in Braille. We have to make it ourselves. In the US, I can move wherever I want because everything designed is really accessible for people with blindness. “Eha Lestari, one of his star students,

5、 says learning English has changed her life. She has already traveled to the US with the help of an Indonesia-U. S. program. “I study English because I love English very much. I want to be a translator because I want to go to the other countries and then I want to meet some people from around the wo

6、rld. “Like her classmates, Eha loves to sing. Here, music is part of daily life. Even the students who do not study English can sing some American pop songs, such as Stand By Me , “Stand by me. Please stand, stand by me. Stand by me “Iyehezkiel Parudani says the song has special meaning to the stude

7、nts. “In our life, we need other persons. You have to stand by me. Without you standing by me, Im meaningless. “21. According to what Iyehezkiel says, learning English can help blind students to _ .A. have more chances to get jobs B. visit English-speaking countriesC. get a masters degree easily D.

8、read Braille books quickly2. The underlined word “accessible“ in the third paragraph might mean _ .A. fun to use B. easy to reachC. hard to break D. safe to choose3. From the last two paragraphs, we can infer (推断) that the students _ .A. sang songs side by side B. achieved their dreamsC. had a meani

9、ngless life D. needed help from others4. The best title for the passage may be _ .A. A Blind Girl Learning English B. Blind Children Singing SongsC. A Blind Man Teaching English D. Blind Teachers Living by Me参考答案 1A 2B 3D 4CPassage B【*模拟】If You Are the OneQin Fen is a returned student(回国留学生)The film

10、 consists of stories between him and several ladiesType:ComedyShowtime:December 22,2009Running time:115 minsDirector:Feng XiaogangStars:Ge You,Shu QiPrice:¥60Place:Sunshine Theatre3BoltFor Superdog,every day is filled with dangerType:ComedyShowtime:December 21,2009Running time:96 minsDirector:Chris

11、WilliamsStars:John Travolta,Miley CyrusPrice:¥55Place:Showcase TheatreNobel SonBarkely Michaelson is trying to finish his doctoral dissertation(博士论文) when his father wins the Nobel prize for chemistryType:Black ComedyShowtime:December 5,2009Running time:110 minsDirector:Randall MillerStars:Alan Rick

12、man,Bryan GreenbergPrice:¥50Place:Sunshine TheatreForever EnthralledMei Lanfang is a famous Peking Opera starThe film is about three periods of his lifeType:Biopic(传记片)Showtime:December 5,2009Running time:150 minsDirector:Chen KaigeStars:Li Ming,Zhang ZiyiPrice:¥704Place:Showcase Theatre根据短文内容选出正确的答

13、案。( ) 1The film If You Are the One is on on _ANovember 21,2009 BDecember 21,2009CDecember 5,2009 DDecember 22,2009( ) 2What film can I watch if I have only 50 yuan?AForever Enthralled BBoltCNoble Son DIf You Are the One( ) 3How long is the film Bolt?A1 hr55 mins B1 hr36 minsC1 hr50 mins D1 hr34 mins

14、( ) 4Which of the following is TRUE?AThe director of If You Are the One is Feng XiaogangBBolt is being shown at the Sunshine TheatreCAlan Rickman is an actor in Forever EnthralledDForever Enthralled is a black comedy( ) 5Where can you probably see the above information?AIn a storybook BIn a dictiona

15、ryCIn a report DIn a film magazine答案:1D 由表格第一部分电影的“Showtime:December 22,2009”可知。2C 由表格中 Noble Son 的有关信息可知。3B 由表格中 Bolt 的有关信息可知。4A 通读表格可知。5D 通读表格可知。Passage C【*四川省】Driving a car at a high speed along a highway seems to be fun. You need only to follow the bright traffic signs beside the highways and it

16、 will take you to where 5you wish. But to a London taxi driver, driving is not an easy job. A taxi driver has to have not only skills but also a good knowledge of the city of London, from the smaller road to the most popular bar around. He has to be at service of all kinds of passengers at all times

17、.A certain London taxi driver told of his job as follows.During the night it is quite usual for him to stop two or three times for some refreshments (提神). He said, “I never drink when Im working - I would lose my license.”He usually goes home between 2 and 3 oclock in the night. There are times he h

18、as to stay longer and try to make more runs. He said, “Thats the worst thing about working for yourself. If you dont make any money, no one is going to give it to you.”London taxi drivers not only “take” but also “give”. Every summer hundreds of children from London will go for a day at the sea - by

19、 taxi! Their rides are paid by the taxi drivers, and these all go to the “London Taxi for Underprivileged Children”. At the sea, they are met by the mayor (市长), and a lunch party is also held in honor of the taxi drivers and the children. After a happy day running around the sea beaches and visiting

20、 the markets, the children go home again - by taxi, and free of charge (支出), of course!34. From the first paragraph, we can see that_.A. highways are developing very fast and there are more and more taxis.B. it is easy to get to any place of the country nowC. it is fun to travel everywhere in a carD

21、. the writer wants to tell us that a London taxi driver has many difficulties in his driving35. It is not easy to be a taxi driver in London because _.A. he has to know all the places in the city and serve all kinds of passengers at all the timeB. there is much traffic in London and people there lik

22、e traveling by taxiC. he has to follow the bright traffic sighs 6D. although he works hard he earns little money36. The underlined phrase “Underprivileged Children” in the last paragraph is about the children _.A. who have little knowledge B. whose families are poorC. who will go to sea C. who like

23、taking a taxi37. What is the passage about?A. Traffic in London. B. London taxi for children C. Taxi divers job in London. D. Drivers disliking taxis in London参考答案 3436、DA B Passage D Live MusicLate Night Jazz Enjoy real American Jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player(号手)PLACE: The Jazz C

24、lub DATES: July 15July 23PRICE:$100150 TIME: 10 pm till late!TEL: 84668736Scottish Dancing Scottish Dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance will be held at Jack Steins.PLACE: Jack SteinsDATES: May 10May 20PRICE:$150 TIME: 7 pm10 pmTEL: 84021877The Folk Art Exhibition(展览)PLACE: Interna

25、tional Expo Center 7DATES: June 1June 30PRICE:$60 ($30 for students)TIME: MondayFriday 9 am5 pm;Weekends 9 am9 pmTEL: 84886888根据上述内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的为“T” ,错误的为“F” 。1. At the Jazz Club, you can enjoy real American Jazz. 2. If you have$150, you can watch Scottish Dancing in July. 3. Call 84021877, and you

26、 can watch Scottish Dancing. 4. You can enjoy Scottish Dancing at Jack Steins. 5. The International Expo Center is available to visit at 3 pm every day in June. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇图表型应用文。通过表格的形式介绍了三种休闲娱乐的活动:现场音乐会爵士之夜、苏格兰舞蹈和民间艺术展。1. T 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:在爵士俱乐部,你可以享受真正的美国爵士乐。根据第一个表格的内容可知在爵士俱乐部可以享受真正的美国爵士乐。故此表述正确。

27、2. F 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:如果你有 150 美元,你可以在 7 月看苏格兰舞蹈。根据题干提供的信息,锁定答案在第二则广告,苏格兰舞蹈的时间是 5 月 10 日5 月 20 日,故此表述错误。3. T 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:拨打 84021877,你可以观看苏格兰舞蹈表演。舞蹈属于第二个表格的内容,其电话号码为 84021877,故此表述正确。4. T 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:你可以在 Jack Steins 欣赏苏格兰舞蹈。通过三则广告所给信息可找到 Jack Steins 是在 Scottish Dancing 里,因此在那里可以欣赏苏格兰舞蹈,故此表述正确。5.

28、 T 【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:你可以在六月的每天下午三点参观国际展览中心。根据第三则广告内容可知时间为周一至周五早上 9 点至下午 5 点,周末是早上 9 点至晚上 9点,因此每天下午 3 点的时候,国际展览中心都开放,故此表述正确。Passage E8A new report from the American Heart Association says fitness (健康; 身材适中) levels in children are lower today than they were 30 years ago. The researchers (研究员) looked at t

29、he result from the past 46 years. The surveys were on more than 25 million children in 28 countries. The research team found that on average, todays children run one kilometre about one minute slower than their parents did thirty years ago. The results were almost the same for boys and girls. The di

30、stance (距离) a child can run is becoming a bit shorter by about 0.5% every year. One of the biggest reasons for the slowdown in childrens running ability is obesity. Kids are overweight because they are eating too much and not exercising enough.The researchers say their report is worrying. If childre

31、n are becoming fatter and less fit, they will be unhealthier in the future. The researcher Dr Grant Tomkinson said: “If a young person is unfit now, then they are more likely to get illness, like heart disease later in life.” Dr Tomkinson said: “We need to help to make children and young people to d

32、evelop fitness habits that will keep them healthy now and into the future. They need to choose a few physical activities they like or think they might like to try, and they need to get moving.” He added: “Young people can be fit in different ways. They can be strong like a weightlifter (举重的人), or fl

33、exible (灵活) like a gymnast (体操运动员), or skillful like a tennis player.”( ) 1. A doctor said kids who are unfit now could get _ in the future.A. liver disease B. lung diseaseC. heart disease D. kidney disease( ) 2. The doctor said kids need to develop _.A. fitness habits B. bad habitsC. study habits D

34、. relaxation habits( ) 3. Which of the following is WRONG?A. The researchers said their report is worrying. B. Kids are running more slowly because they have shorter legs. C. Researches looked at the surveys on over 25 million kids worldwide.9D. A doctor said we need to help to make children to start exercising.( ) 4. What does the underlined word obesity mean?A. 不爱吃饭 B. 瘦弱 C. 懒惰 D. 肥胖( ) 5. What is the best title of this passage?A. Children are Becoming Fatter B. Physical activitiesC. Running races D. American Heart Disease【参考答案】1-5 CABDA


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