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1、1Unit 6 Design词汇积累分层单词写作词汇1. adj.贵重的,有价值的 2. vt.毁灭,毁坏 3. n.细节,详情 4. n.(色彩的)浓淡;阴影 5. n.目的,意图 6. adj.狭窄的 7. adj.浅的 8. n.想象(力) 9. adv.在市区,往市区 adj.市区的 10. adj.潮湿的 11. n.公寓住宅 12. vi.洗澡;沐浴 13. n.(书写或印刷的)字,字体 14. n.特征,特色 15. n.垃圾,废物 答案 1.valuable 2.ruin 3.detail 4.shade 5.purpose 6.narrow 7.shallow 8.imagi

2、nation 9.downtown 10.damp 11.apartment 12.bathe 13.character 14.feature215.garbage阅读词汇1.jewellery n. 2.poetry n. 3.fold n. 4.religious adj. 5.pattern n. 6.architect n. 7.fairytale n. 8.elegantly adv. 9.basement n. 10.dynasty n. 11.abstract adj. 12.insect n. 13.concrete n. 答案 1.珠宝(总称) 2.诗(总称) 3.皱褶 4.

3、宗教的;虔诚的5.式样,模式 6.建筑师 7.童话 8.优雅地 9.地下室10.王朝,朝代 11.抽象的,深奥的 12.昆虫 13.混凝土拓展词汇1. adj.狭窄的 v.变窄;使窄小 adv.勉强地;狭隘地 2. adj.典型的 adv.典型地;有代表性地 3. n.结论;结束 v.结束;推断出 4. adj.贵重的,有价值的 n.价值 vt.重视 5. n.细节,详情 adj.详细的 6. n.展览会 v.展览,显示 7. vi.洗澡;沐浴 n.洗澡;洗浴 8. n.慈悲,怜悯,同情心 adj.仁慈的,宽容的 9. n.想象;想象力 v.想象 adj.富于想象力的 310. vt.把与联系

4、起来 adj.有联系的;相关的 n.关系;联系 11. adj.宗教的;虔诚的 n.宗教;宗教信仰 12. n.诗(总称) n.诗 n.诗人 13. n.痛苦;疼痛 adj.痛苦的,疼痛的 adv.痛苦地 答案 1.narrow;narrowly 2.typical;typically 3.conclusion;conclude 4.valuable;value 5.detail;detailed 6.exhibition;exhibit 7.bathe;bath 8.mercy;merciful 9.imagination;imagine;imaginative 10.relate;rela

5、ted;relation/relationship11.religious;religion 12.poetry;poem;poet 13.pain;painful;painfully高频短语1. 注视,凝视 2. 有几分地 3. 追溯(到) 4. 屏住呼吸 5. 试验,试用 6. 与分享 7. 涉及,有关联 8.next to 9.wave goodbye to 10.be deep in thought 11.in the shape of 12.be home to 13.be used as 14.so far 答案 1.fix ones eyes on 2.sort of 3.dat

6、e back (to) 4.hold ones breath 5.try out 6.share.with. 7.relate to 8.紧靠,挨着 9.向挥手告别 10.陷入沉思 11.以的形式 12.是的产地;是的栖息地 13.被用作 14.到目前为止4经典句型1.I dont like (你说话的方式) to her. 2.They all walked out and left me (坐在那里) by myself. 3.The woman scientist entered the room, (被跟着) her students. 4. (为了找到) the missing child, villagers have been doing all they can over the past five hours. 答案 1.the way (in which/that)you speak 2.sitting there3.followed by 4.In order to find/To find


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