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1、12019 中考英语写作优享练(5)A(本题共 15 分,A 题 5 分,B 题 10 分)(注意: 文中不能出现考生真实姓名、校名和老师名,否则不赋分)( A ) 6 月 1 日,张丽莉老师班级的学生组织召开了“为老师祈福”的主题班会,会后由你(张佳岩)代表班委会给老师发一封 E-mail。询问她的身体状况,表达感激与思念,并告诉她同学们一定会努力学习,同时祝她早日康复。要求:字数 3050 词。Dear Ms Zhang,How are you?_Yours,Zhang Jiayan(A) One possible version:Dear Miss Zhang,How are you?

2、We all miss you very much (1 分). Thank you for teaching us so well (1 分). Dont worry about us. We must try our best to study hard (1分). Are you feeling better now (1 分) ? We all hope youll get well soon (1 分).Yours,Zhang Jiayan ( B ) 今春我省部分地区发生干旱,水资源严重短缺。请你以 Saving Water 为题用英语写一篇短文。(参考词 tap 水龙头 reus

3、e 再利用 recycle 再循环 drought 干旱)内容包括:1.水的重要性 2.人们浪费水的不良现象 3.提出几条建议要求:1.词数:80100 词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)2.字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。Saving WaterAs we all know, water is important to us all. 2Saving WaterAs we all know, water is important to us all. People cant live without water. Plants and animals will die if there

4、is no water in the world.But there are still some people wasting water. For example, some students often forget to turn off the taps; some people take showers for a long time.Then what should we do to save water? First, we should turn off the taps after we use it. Second, wed better recycle and reus

5、e the water. Third, we should take a bath instead of having a shower.Water is really important to man. Lets save water from now on.B假如你是某报社英文专栏的编辑Lily,下面是一个叫孙林的女孩给你发来的一封电子邮件。请根据邮件内容给她回复,并提出至少两条建议。注意:1. 邮件中不能出现自己的真实姓名和校名;2. 词数:80左右,邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Lily,Now I am new here. I cant understand w

6、hat the teacher says. I am afraid to talk with my classmates in English. The biggest problem for me is that I cant read fast and I even couldnt sleep the night before big exams. Could you give me some advice?Yours,Sun LinDear Sun Lin,Im sorry to learn that you are having some problems with your Engl

7、ish 3learning. _Yours,Lily 【参考范文】One possible version: Dear Sun Lin,Im sorry to learn that you are having some problems with your English learning. Here is some advice for you.Firstly, you should try your best to speak English as much as possible. Dont be afraid of making mistakes. Listening to tape

8、s and watching English movies can also help you. Secondly, you should start reading the books that you can understand. Remember not to look up the new words one by one while reading. Thirdly, dont think too much before exams. Listen to some light music the night before exams, and you will feel relax

9、ed. Yours,Lily C(语言学习) 根据要求完成短文写作。大多数学生都为不知道如何写好英语作文而感到苦恼。假如你是李华,你们班正在征求这方面的建议,请你根据下面内容写一篇英语短文,介绍自己的写作经验。内容包括Error!作文要求:1不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称、老师和学生的真实姓名。2语句连贯,词数 80 个左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Good writing skills will help us improve our grades and benefit us later in life. Here are my suggestions: _4

10、_It is not easy to become a better writer. But with a few simple steps, we can improve our writing skills and learn how to write better articles.【参考范文】书面表达Good writing skills will help us improve our grades and benefit us later in life. Here are my suggestions:Make good word choices. We must take ti

11、me to choose the right words for a sentence. Good word choices are necessary for good writing.Check facts. If we want people to believe what we write,we must make sure our facts are true. We should use dependable facts.Read aloud. Sometimes its easier to find problems with spelling,word usage,and gr

12、ammar when we read aloud. Reading aloud helps us not only find out our problems but also develop our writing.It is not easy to become a better writer. But with a few simple steps,we can improve our writing skills and learn how to write better articles.D假如你是来自中国的 Li Ming,请根据下面的图片写一篇短文,向你的英国笔友 Bill 介绍

13、一下你的家人字数在 60 字左右要求:1书写工整,符合规范 2至少 6 句话3书写成短文Dear Bill【参考范文】5Dear Bill,This is a picture of my familyThere are nine people in my family,my grandparents,my parents,my uncle,my aunt,my two bothers and II have a happy family (揭示主题)My father is a doctorHe works in a hospital of SanyaHe doesnt like watchi

14、ng TV,but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night (介绍爸爸)My mother is a waitressShe works in a restaurantShe has good habitsShe likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every dayShe likes going shopping and reading books 【高分句型一】 (介绍妈妈)I have two brothers (介绍兄弟)One is four years oldHe is m

15、y uncles childThe other is ten years old,his mother is my auntHe is a schoolHe is taller than me (介绍兄弟)My grandparents live with usThey are very kind (介绍祖父母)He is a schoolHe is taller than me 【高分句型二】I love each person in my familyI love my sweet warm home (爱家人)YoursLi Ming 【解析】 高分句型: 句型一:He doesnt l

16、ike watching TV,but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night他不喜欢看电视,但他喜欢看报纸,每天晚上都看 like doing sth 喜欢做某事 read newspaper 看报纸 every night 每天晚上 句型二:He is taller than me他比我高 这是一个比较级的句子,taller 更高的比较级than 比,通常用于比较级写作主要考查学生综合运用英语语言的能力,涉及学生的词汇量,正确运用单词的能力,对所学语法的掌握程度,能否按照英语习惯正确表达所要表达的意思的能力等等E假设你叫林洋,收

17、到了你的笔友 Susan 的一封信,请你给她写一封回信。在信中回答她的问题,提出你的建议,并就此事谈谈你的看法。Dear Lin Yang,6I have a problem these days. My mother doesnt allow me to watch TV even on weekends. She says as a middle school student, my job is to study. After I finish my homework, she says, I should read books and watching TV is bad for me

18、. But I think I need a rest and watching TV helps me learn a lot too.Do you have the same problem? What do you think of my mothers decision? What should I do? Yours, Susan【参考范文】One possible version:I dont have this problem. My mother allows me to watch TV after I have finished my homework. I think y

19、our mother shouldnt do like this. As a student, study is our main job, but it is not all of our life. We also need a rest and enjoy ourselves. Watching TV is a good way for us to relax. Besides, some TV programs are good for our study.I think you should talk about it with your mum. Look for some inf

20、ormation on the Internet to help you. You can also ask your father for help.书面表达评分标准:第一档:(1210 分)完全符合题目要求,观点正确, 要点齐全,字数 60 词以上。句式多样,词汇丰富。语言准确,语意连贯,表达清楚,具有逻辑性。 第二档:(97 分)基本符合题目要求,观点正确, 要点齐全,字数 60 词以上。语法结构和词汇基本满足文章需要。语言基本通顺,语意基本连贯,表达基本清楚。虽然有少量语言错误,但不影响整体理解。第三档:(64 分) 部分内容符合题目要求,要点不齐全。语法结构和词汇错误较多,语言不通顺,表达不够清楚,影响整体理解。第四档:(30 分) 与题目有关内容不多,只是简单拼凑词语,所写内容难以理解。7FG


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