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1、12019 中考英语练习:话题(科技与社会)话题-科技与社会.词语运用用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子(每空仅限 1 个单词) 。1.We didnt receive any n ews during his long . (absent) 2.I hope that in a few time, you will come back to visit our school. (year) 3.Many people think that sharks are too strong to be , but they are wrong. (endanger) 4.Doctors say

2、that too much is not good for a childs development. (pressure) 5.I believe that a better environment can be in Chin a and we should work together to make it come true. (create) 6.I think online saves a lot of time because people dont have to wait in line. (shop) 7.If you talk with others about your

3、problem, you are halfway to it.(solve) 8.The girl explained everything very . (clear) 9.The population of China might fast because of the two-child policy(政策). (increase) 10.In order to provide passengers with better service, about 300 trains in China started Wi-Fi service this ye ar. (free) .短文填空阅读

4、下面短文,根据首字母、音标以及语境的提示在空白处填入适当的单词(1 个单词);或根据汉语意思的提示,在空白处填入适当的短语,使短 文语意连贯,意思完整。Many children spend a lot of time watching or playing video games, using computers 1. so on.So, it is natural that parents should know 2.a the “screen time” the children spen d 3. (在前) an 2electronic device. Perhaps parents

5、can stop worrying so much about screen time, 4. (至少) for older boys and girls. 5. October 2016, the American Academy of Ped iatrics (AAP) listed several suggestions for 6.p and children. Avoid digital media use in children younger 7.t 18 to 24 months. And avoid usi ng media as a way to 8. k mft your

6、 child. For children 9. two to five, allow one hours screen time on “high-quality programming” a day and watch it 10.w your child. For children aged 6 and older, dont spend 11. (太多) time using media. Also, make sure that screen time does not 12. (代替) healthy sleep, exercising and doing homework. Doi

7、ng more other activities 13. good for the children. Make sure to have media-free 14.t together as a family, such as dinner or driving. 15. (关闭) your childs electronic devices an hour before bedtime. 参考答案.1.absence 2.years 3.endangered 4.pressure 5.created 6.shopping 7.solving 8.clearly 9.increase 10.free.1.and 2.about 3.in front of 4.at least 5.In 6.parents fort 9.from 10.with 11.too much 12.take the place of 13.is14.time 15.Turn off3


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