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1、12019 年中考英语完形填空金榜题(三)含答案【能力选练】 A(2018 中考教育类选练)Good manners means kindly and thoughtful consideration(体贴)for others. Polite boys and girls will always obey the following rules:(1). As to themselves: Be honest, truthful, and pure. Do not use 1 language. Keep out of bad company(族, 群).(2). At home: Help

2、 your parents as much as you can. Do your best to 2 them. Do not be selfish, but share all your good things.(3). At school; Respect your 3 .Obey the 4 rules. Do not “copy“ or cheat in any way. Do not cut the desk.(4). At play: Do not cheat at games. Do not bully(倚强凌弱). Be pleasant and not quarrelsom

3、e. Do not call your schoolmates names.(5). In the street: Greet your teachers and acquaintances(熟人) when you meet them. Do not push or run against people. Do not 5 on doors, walls, or on gates with chalk. Do not throw stones, or destroy property. Do not throw orange peel 6 banana skins. Do not make

4、7 of old or 8 people, but be polite to them, as well as to strangers and foreigners.(6). Everywhere: Never be rude to 9 , whether older or younger, richer or poorer, than yourself. Remember to say “Please“ or “Thank you“, “Yes, Sir“ or “Yes, madam“. “No, sir“ or “No, madam“. Before 10 a room it is o

5、ften polite to knock at the door Do not forget to close the door quietly after you. Never interrupt when a person is speaking.Always mind your own business. Be punctual. Be tidy.( )1.A. good B. bad C. kind D. honest( )2.A. please B. happy C. glad D. play( )3.A. parents B. workers C. teachers D. book

6、s( )4A. traffic B. school C. family D. factory( )5.A. wrote B. put C. dig D. draw2( )6.A. or B. and C. with D. without( )7A. laugh B. smile C.fun D. fan( )8.A. young B. blind C. rich D. bad( )9.A. anybody B. somebody C. nobody D. none( )10.A. go B. go into C. going D. entering答案:1B 2A 3C 4B 5D 6A 7C

7、 8B 9A 10D【能力选练】 B2016 中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案健康保健类A cold is a common (普通的) illness. It often starts with a sore . You sneeze (打喷嚏) and your nose runs. You usually a headache, too. Its not a serious illness, but you can feel very .What should you do when you have a cold? You should have a good rest. It is g

8、ood a lot of water, too. You can and take some medicine. Maybe you can try some Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is now very all over the world.Where does Chinese medicine ? A long time ago, when people were not feeling , they found that some could make them feel better. They ate the leaves, the r

9、oots (根), the fruits or the seeds (种子) of the plants. Today people make much Chinese medicine those plants.【小题 1】 Athroat Bhand Cleg Darm【小题 2】 Agive Bhave Cbring Dfind【小题 3】 Abad Bhappy Cshy Dclever【小题 4】 Adrinking Bdrink Cto drink Ddrinks【小题 5】 Asee a dentist Bgo to a party Cgo to school Dsee a do

10、ctor【小题 6】 Adifficult Bdifferent Cdelicious Dpopular【小题 7】 Acome to Bcome from Cget up Dget to【小题 8】 Asad Bwell Ctired Dbusy3【小题 9】 Aplants Banimals Chuman Dair【小题 10】 Ato Bin Cfrom Don【能力选练】 C【2*连云港】 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。One day, a boy found the cocoon(茧) of a butterfly and brou

11、ght it home. A few days later, the boy saw a small 16 in the cocoon. He sat and watched for several hours as a butterfly struggled to make 17 body through that little hole. Suddenly it stopped.So the boy 18 to help the butterfly, thinking the butterfly might be 19 .He took a pair of scissors(剪刀) and

12、 cut the hole 20 .The butterfly came out of the cocoon but it 21 a little different. It had a weak body and small, thin 22 .The butterfly didnt start to fly. In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling(爬行) around with a weak body and thin wings. It was never able to fly.The boy acted

13、with 23 but he didnt understand why it could be like this. 4When a butterfly crawls out of the cocoon, it must struggle. The hard work of 24 out of the cocoon makes the fluid(液体) from the butterflys body into its wings. It helps the butterfly be 25 to fly. If the butterfly never has to squeeze(挤压) i

14、tself out of the cocoon, its wings will never get the fluid and it can never fly.26 struggles are what we need in our lives. If we lived our lives without any problems, we would never learn or grow. We would not be _27_ we could have been and we would never fly.In our lives, pain and suffering is th

15、e key to all windows, and sometimes even 28 growth, without it , theres no way of life. We cant avoid 29 or problems. So, next time you are 30 a problem or difficulty, remember the butterfly. Struggle a littlethen fly!16. A. hole B. worm C. tall D. snake17. A. it B. its C. itself D. its18. A. decide

16、d B. asked C. showed D. ordered19. A. afraid B. interested C. surprised D. grateful20. A. slimmer B. bigger C. shorter D. smaller21. A. touched B. sounded C. looked D. smelt22. A. wings B. feet C. eyes D. head23. A. success B. excitement C. kindness D. humour24. A. get B. getting C. to get D. got25.

17、 A. ready B. quiet C. glad D. used26. A. Somewhere B. Something C. Some time D. Sometimes27. A. as helpful as B. as weak as C. as strong as D. as creative as28. A. repeats B. recommends C. requires D. represents29. A. happiness B. difficulties C. pleasure D. hope530. A. served with B. growing into C

18、. bringing in D. faced with【主旨大意】本文通过一只蝴蝶遇到困难时少挣扎了一点,而是通过小男孩的帮助从茧里出来的故事。告诉我们一个道理:当我们遇到问题或困难时,多挣扎一下,就能起飞。16.A 根据上下文意思,句意:那小男孩发现茧子上有一个小洞。以及第一段的最后一行“through that little hole”。17.D 代词的用法。句意:让它的身体通过那个小洞。在这里要修饰“body” ,用形容词性物主代词。18.A 句意:它停止了,因此小男孩决定帮助它。根据后一句:他拿出剪刀剪开洞。故选 A。19.D 句意:小男孩决定帮助它,他认为蝴蝶会感激他。故选 D。20

19、.B 因为一开始那洞太小,蝴蝶才半天没爬出来,所以小男孩用剪刀把洞剪大来。21.C 句意:蝴蝶出来了,它看起来有点不同。 “It had a weak body and small, thin”都是用眼睛看出来的。故选 C。22.A 根据后一句“a weak body and thin wings” ,前后照应。故选 A。23.C 句意:虽然小男孩不理解为何会这样,但他还是用好心行动。故选 C。24.B work of 中“of”是介词,介词后加动名词。故选 B。25.A 根据上下文意思:努力地离开茧子让蝴蝶身体的液体进入他的翅膀。它帮助蝴蝶准备飞行。be ready to “准备” ,故选

20、A。26.D 句意:有的时候奋斗/挣扎是我们生活中必须的。some time 表示“一些时间“或“一段时间” ,可以用作名词或副词短语。sometimes 用作副词,表示“有的时候” ,可以把它放在句首,句尾或句中。故选 D。27.C 根据句意:我们将没有原本有的强大,我们将永远不会飞。上下文:如果我们挣扎了,我们就会有原本的能力,没有挣扎,反倒落后了。故选 C。28.D 句意:疼痛和苦难是所有窗户的钥匙,有时,甚至代表着成长。没有它,生活没有路。repeat“重复” , recommend“介绍,推荐” , require“要求” , represent“象征,代表” 。29.B 根据下一行

21、“problem or difficulty” ,故选 B。30.D 句意:下次你面对一个难题或困难时,记得那只蝴蝶。根据意思,故选 D。【能力选练】 D阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出能填入短文相6应空白处的最佳选项。Jack _41_ in a small town in England.He always stayed in England _42_ his holidays,but last year he thought, “Ive never been to _43_ countries.All my friends go to Spai

22、n,_44_ they like it very much,so this year Im going there,too.” So he got on a _45_ to Spain and _46_ at the airport of the capital,Madrid,and stayed in a hotel for a few days.On the first morning he went _47_ for a walk.In England people drive on the left,but in Spain they drive on the right.Jack f

23、orgot about this,and _48_ he was walking on a busy street,a bicycle knocked him down.Jack _49_ on the ground for a few minutes and then he sat up and said, “Where am I?”Just then an old man selling maps went past him.When he heard Jacks words,he said to him _50_, “Maps of the city,sir?” ( )41.A.flew

24、 Blived Cwent Ddropped答案:B解析:根据题意知,杰克住在英格兰的一个小镇上,其他选项不符合逻辑,故选 B。( )42.A.for Boff Cwith Dinto答案:A解析:他常常带在英格兰度假,for 表示目的。( )43.A.all Bboth Cother Dany答案:C解析:根据短文内容他从未去过别的国家,other 后面直接跟名词。( )44.A.and Bbut Cthough Dhowever答案:A解析:结合上句可知朋友们去了西班牙,而且他们也很喜欢,表示顺接关系。( )45.A.bus Bplane Ctrain Dbike答案:B解析:从下文中的

25、airport 看出,杰克登上了去西班牙的飞机,故选 B。( )46.A.reached Bleft Carrived Dstayed答案:C7解析:固定词组。arrive at 直接跟地点;而 reach 是及物动词,后面不跟 at。 ( )47.A.down Bup Caway Dout答案:D解析:结合上下句应是杰克外出散步。( )48.A.before Bwhile Csince Dafter答案:B解析:根据内容“当他在拥挤的路上散步时,一辆自行车撞上了他” ,while 后面跟延续性的动词。( )49.A.lay Bstood Cfell Djumped答案:A解析:根据句义“杰克

26、在地上躺了一会儿然后站起来说我在哪儿” 。( )50.A.once again Bon time Cat times Dat once答案:D解析:情景考查。此处当杰克自言自语时,恰好一位卖地图的人经过,他立刻说:“先生,城市的地图在这儿” 。【能力选练】 E请认真阅读下面短文,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项补全短文。 One day, several young people went for a picnic. They walked in the open air with 36 .As soon as they came to a river, t

27、hey 37 by the clear and calm water. They played with cool water excitedly. Suddenly, a lovely 38 passed by Tom. He tried to catch it, 39 the fish was just swimming a few feet ahead of him. He ran 40 it, hoping to catch it.Gradually, Tom came to the water with waist deep. He felt 41 , so he wanted to

28、 jump out of the water. 42 up and down in the water, he went farther and farther away from the bank. Just at the time, Barry saw this, he offered 43 help to Tom at once. Tom saw someone 44 to him, he caught the person 45 was close to him. Unfortunately, Barry was dragged into the 8water. The two str

29、uggled in the water 46 . Amy, on the bank, noticed that, and she 47 others near the bank. Hearing their cries, two farmers near the river took a long rope there. They threw one end of the rope to 48 of them in the water. Together, all the people on the bank pulled 49 end. Finally, the two boys were

30、saved!The experience has told us 50 we should do something to help others correctly.36. A. sad B. sadness C. joy D. joyful 37. A. are attracted B. were attracted C. attract D. attracted 38. A. fish B. frog C. bird D. insect 39. A. so B. then C. or D. but 40. A. before B. after C. beside D. back 41.

31、A. happy B. bored C. excited D. nervous 42. A. Laughing B. Jumping C. Driving D. Playing 43. A. them B. their C. him D. his 44. A. swimming B. is swimming C. be swimming D. to swimming 45. A. which B. whose C. whom D. who 46. A. tired B. hardly C. hard D. weak 47. A. turned off B. turned on C. turne

32、d to D. turned down 48. A. all B. neither C. both D. none 49. A. another B. either C. the others D. the other 50. A. what B. how C. why D. when 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文中描述了一些年轻人在河边野餐,其中一个名叫汤姆的男孩想要捉住眼前的一条鱼,却没有意识到自己离岸边越来越远的深水区,他的同伴 Barry 想要把他救上9岸来,不料他自己也被卷落入水。岸上的 Amy 大声呼救,闻讯而来的两个农民把一条长绳子的一端扔向水中的两个孩子,岸上的所有人齐力抓

33、住绳子的另一端,终于把落水的两个男孩救上了河岸。这段经历告诉我们帮助别人要采取切实可行的正确的办法。36. C 句意:他们高兴地在户外走着。sad 用作形容词,意为“伤心的” ;sadness 用作名词,意为“伤心” ;joy 用作名词,意为“快乐” ;joyful 用作形容词,意为“愉快的;高兴的” 。固定短语:with joy 意为“高兴地” 。故选 C。37. B 句意:他们一来到河边,就被清澈平静的河水所深深吸引。联系上下文可知,这里叙述的是过去发生过的经历,故句中的动词要用一般过去时,根据句意可知这里表示“被吸引” ,故用一般过去时的被动语态。选项 A 是一般现在时的被动语态;选项

34、B 是一般过去时的被动语态;选项 C 为一般现在时的主动语态;选项 D 为一般过去时的主动语态。故选 B。38. A 根据下文中的“the fish was just swimming a few feet ahead of him” ,可判断句意为:突然,一条可爱的小鱼从汤姆身旁游过去。fish 意为“鱼” ;frog“青蛙” ;bird“小鸟” ;insect“昆虫” 。故选 A。39. D so 意为“因此;所以” ;then“然后” ;or“或者” ;but“但是” 。句意:他尽力想要抓住这条鱼,但是这条鱼正在他前面几英尺远的地方游来游去。根据句意判断这里前后是转折关系,故用连词 bu

35、t。故选 D。40. C 句意:他追赶这条鱼,希望能够捉住它。before 意为“在之前” ;after“在之后” ;beside“在旁边” ;back“在后面;在原处” 。固定短语:run after 意为“追赶;追逐” 。故选 C。41. D 根据前后语境“渐渐地汤姆来到了腰部深的深水区”以及“他想要从深水区游出去到河岸上去”可推知,此时他心情非常紧张不安。happy 意为“高兴的” ;bored“无聊的” ;excited“兴奋的” ;nervous“紧张的” 。故选 D。42. B 由上文中的“he wanted to jump out of the water”可推断句意为:在河水里

36、跳来跳去,他却离岸边越来越远。laugh 意为“笑” ;jump“跳” ;drive“开车;驾驶” ;play“玩” 。 故选 B。43. D 句意:就在那时,他的同伴 Barry 看到了这种情况,他马上给汤姆提供帮助。them用作人称代词的宾格,意为“他们” ;their 用作形容词性物主代词,意为“他们的” ;him 用作人称代词的宾格,意为“他” ;his 用作形容词性物主代词,意为“他的” 。名词 help 前要用形容词性物主代词作定语,由主语 he 可知这里指“他提供他的帮助给汤姆” 。故选 D。44. A 句意:汤姆看到有人向他游了过来。固定用法:see sb. doing sth

37、. 意为“看见某10人正在做某事” 。 故选 A。45. D 句意:他抓住了在他旁边的这个人(的手) 。根据句意和句子结构判断,这里缺少的是定语从句的引导词。which 指代物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语;whose 指代人或物,在定语从句中作定语;whom 指代人,在定语从句中作宾语;who 指代人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。这里指代人,在从句中作主语,故选 D。46. C 根据上下文语境可推断句意为:这两个孩子在水里拼命地努力挣扎。tired 用作形容词,意为“累的;疲劳的” ;hardly 用作副词,意为“几乎不” ;hard 可用作形容词,意为“困难的” ;或副词“努力地” ;weak

38、用作形容词,意为“虚弱的” 。根据句意故选 C。47. C 句意:岸上的另一个同伴 Amy 注意到这种情况,她向河岸上的其他人求助。turn off 意为“关闭;关上” ;turn on“打开” ;turn to sb.“求助于某人;向某人讨教” ;turn down“拒绝” 。由下文其他人把这两个孩子成功救出,可判断用 turn to。故选 C。48. C 由下文把两个孩子都成功从河里救出,可判断句意为:他们把绳子的一端扔向河水里的两个孩子。all 意为“三者或三者以上都” ;neither“两者都不” ;both“两者都” ;none“三者或三者以上都不” 。故选 C。49. D 根据上下文可推知本句句意为:岸上的所有人一起用力拉绳子的另一端。another意为“三者或三者以上当中的另一个” ;either 表示“两者当中的任意一个” ;the others 表示“其他所有的” ;the other 表示“两者当中的另一个” 。根据情境可知:绳子有两端,其中一端扔给了水里的两个孩子,岸上的人抓住的是绳子的另一端。故选 D。50. B 联系上文可知本句是本文的主旨句。句意为:这段经历告诉我们这样一个道理:(当别人遇到困境时, )我们应该怎样采取措施,来正确地帮助他人。what 意为“什么” ;how“怎样” ;why“为什么” ;when“什么时间” 。故选 B。11


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