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1、- 1 -Module3 Journey to space【 教学内容】Module3 Journey to spaceUnit 3 Language in use【课型】Revsion【备课日期】 【上课日期】 【二次备课审批人】一、学习目标:1. 熟记本模块词汇2、巩固现在完成时态在句中的用法。3、了解太空知识,拓展阅读领域。二、学习重难点:1. 能够根据不同情况在现在完成时中正确使用 already, just, yet. 2. 正确区分 have been to , have gone to的用法三、学习过程:一:词汇训练:1. 翻译短语1)、最新消息 2)、绕着太阳转 3、太阳系 4

2、、几次 =_ 5. 为了 6. 获取信息 7. 独自 8. 和交流 9. 足够的远_ 10. 在宇宙飞船 11. 在地球上_12. 航天旅行 (目的:考查本模块重点词汇。方法:学生个体活动。 )2. Do A6、A8、A9.二:语法训练3.) They havent been to Mars. (yet)2.Read Language practice together, and sum up.结论:我们发现副词 just, already, ever, yet常与现在完成时连用。Just 和already通常用在 (肯/否)定句中,放在 havehas之 (前/后);ever通常用在疑问句或

3、 (肯/否)定句中;yet 通常用在疑问句或否定句中,放在 (句中/句末)。3. Do Activity1.题组二:请选用 have gone to或 have/ been to的适当形式填空。1.My father _ Beijing. Maybe he is on his way now. 2. I _New York three times. 3. Is your brother in? No. He _the library an hour ago.4. Where you _? Sydney, Chicago and some famous cities all over the w

4、orld. 5. Both of them _the USA. They returned last week. 6. The girl Tokyo and she will never go back to England. 结论:主语+ have /has been to+地点:某人去过某地(现在已经回来了)如:I have been to Qingdao.(现在已经不在青岛了)主语+ have /has gone to+地点:某人去了某地(现在还没有回来)如:My father has gone to Qingdao.(现在人不在这儿)(目的:依然区别 have gone to 和 ha

5、ve been to 要求学生分析上下文并运用。 方法:学生个体活动或两人一组。 )3.Do A2.A3三语篇训练On November 3rd, 2011, Shenzhou docked (对接 ) with the Tiangong-1 module. Two unmanned Chinese spacecraft have docked in for the first time. Then on November 14th, 2011 they docked successfully for the second time. Wu Ping, spokeswoman for the

6、China Manned Space Engineering Office, said the docking could be called the first step to success because more challenging exercises lay ahead. But she said it was a historic breakthrough(突破) because China mastered spacecraft technology in a rather short time. China started development work on space

7、craft docking equipment only in the mid-1990s and did not produce its first piece of hardware until 2000. Zhou Jianping, captain designer for the manned space programme, said China aimed to conduct 20 manned space tour over the following ten years. The country hopes to complete a permanent(永久性的)spac

8、e laboratory by 2016 and a permanent manned station by 2020. 根据短文内容,按要求完成下列各小题1. When did Shenzhou dock with the Tiangong-1 module for the first time? - 2 -_2. Why did Wu Ping say it was a historic breakthrough? _3. In which year did China produce the first piece of hardware on spacecraft docking de

9、vices? _4. Two great aims on space programme that our country hopes to achieve by 2020 5. The underlined word “unmanned” in the first paragraph means _ in Chinese. A. 非人类的 B. 无人的 C. 人类的 D. 载人的(目的:让学生更进一步了解中国宇航的发展。方法:学生个体,然后讨论核对答案。)Homework:Remember important points in Module 3板书设计Unit 3 Language in

10、use课后反思:【主备人】 【从备人】 【 教学内容】Module3 Journey to space【课型】Writing【备课日期】 【上课日期】 【二次备课审批人】训练一:(一)写作任务:假如你是一名宇航员,曾驾驶宇宙飞船去太空探索。在太空中你看到了美丽的景象,也看到了太阳和许多其他的星星。请你用第一人称的形式描述你的经历和感觉。要求语言准确,作文中包含如下信息,语法正确,可适合发挥,70 词左右。(二)内容提示:1我是一名宇航员,我曾驾驶宇宙飞船去过太空。2.我环绕地球多次,看到了一个上面有蓝色、棕色和白色的美丽发光球体,那就是我们的家园地球。3.我也看到了太阳和很多其他的星球。4.在太空,我跑得更快,跳得更高,就像在空中飞翔。5. 太空如此美丽,我希望我可以再次进入太空- 3 -


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