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1、有关交通方式的表达法,单元语法聚焦三,1How do you get to school?你怎样到校? I ride my bike. 我骑自行车。 2How long does it take to get to school? 到校要花多长时间? It takes about 15 minutes.大约花费15分钟。 3How far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校多远? Its only about two kilometers.仅仅大约两千米。,教材典句,4Do they take the bus to school? 他们坐公交去上学吗?

2、 No, they dont. They walk. 不,他们不,他们走路。 5Does your dad drive his car to work? 你爸爸开车去上班吗? No, he doesnt.不,不是。,语法探究,how作为疑问副词,可以用来询问交通方式。 How do/does sb. get to?某人如何到? 乘坐不同交通工具的表达方法有以下几种: 1take限定词交通工具名词(常在句中作谓语): take the bus/train/subway等。 How does your father go to Guangzhou? He takes the train. “你父亲

3、怎样去广州?”“他乘火车去。”,2动词to地点名词(在句中作谓语)。这类动词有walk, drive, fly, ride等。 He rides to his friends home.他骑车去他朋友家。 注意:动词(如walk, drive等)后面接地点副词(here, there, home等)时,介词to要省略。,3by交通工具名词(在句中作状语): by bus/train/taxi/air等。 How do you go to Beijing? I go to Beijing by plane. “你怎样去北京?”“我乘飞机去北京。” 注意:该短语中的交通工具名词前不加任何冠词,而且

4、也不用复数形式。,4in/on限定词交通工具名词(在句中作状语): on a bus/bike, on the train, in his car等。 How does Lily go to school? She goes to school on her bike. “莉莉怎样去上学?”“她骑自行车去上学。” 5on foot意为“步行”。 Lucy goes to school on foot every day. 露西每天步行去上学。,6how还可以与long, far, old, many, much等构成短语。 (1)how long意为“多长时间;多长”,对一段时间或物体长度提问

5、。 (2)how far意为“多远”,对距离提问,答语常用“Its数词miles/meters/kilometers”,也可直接用“数词miles/meters/kilometers.”。 (3)how old意为“多大”,用于询问年龄。 (4)how many意为“多少”,用于询问可数名词的数量。,(5)how much询问不可数名词的数量时,意为“多少”;询问物品价格时,意为“多少钱”。 How old are your grandparents?你的祖父母多大了? How many factories are there in your hometown? 你的家乡有多少工厂? How

6、much bread is there on the table?桌上有多少面包? How much is the black and white sweater? 那件黑白相间的毛衣多少钱?,实战演练,.单项填空 ( )1.2018青岛More and more people in Qingdao go to work _ subway now. Awith Bon Cin Dby,D,( )2.2017资阳My son lives a little far from his office, so he always goes to work _ bus. Aon Bby Cwith Din

7、,B,【解析】考查介词用法。句意:我儿子居住得离他的办公楼有点远,因此他总是乘公共汽车去上班。介词短语by bus意为“乘公共汽车”,作方式状语。故选B。,( )3.2016怀化Does your mother go to work by bike every day? No. She sometimes takes _ bus. Aa Ban C/ ( )4.2016天水 My father often goes to work on _ foot. It is good for health. But my father drives _ car. Athe; the B/; an C/;

8、 the Dthe; /,A,C,( )5.2016福州 _ is the nearest hospital from here? Er, its about ten minutes walk. AHow long BHow far CHow often,B,1_ is the child? She is ten years old. 2_ does it take you to take a shower every morning? About fifteen minutes.,.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,How old,how much, how old, how far, how long, how,How long,3_ does your father usually go to work? He rides his bike to work. 4_ is this pair of shoes? Its six dollars. 5_ is it from the hotel to the train station? Its 20 kilometers.,How,How much,How far,


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