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1、1语法专项练 6 连词A组 20172018 真题集训1.(2018湖北孝感改编) square dancing is good for the old,sometimes it makes a lot of noise. A.If B.AlthoughC.Until D.Because答案 B解析 “sometimesitmakesalotofnoise”与前面的“isgood”是转折关系,空格处选择表转折的连词。因此答案选 B项。2.(2018湖南郴州改编)My grandfather does Kung Fu every day he is over eighty. A.since B.

2、thoughC.until D.so答案 B解析 句意:尽管我爷爷八十多岁了,但他每天练功夫。since 自从以来;though 尽管;until 直到;so 所以。根据语境,需用 though。故选 B项。3.(2018江苏泰州)Mum wont let Simon go out unless he promises to be back 10 oclock tonight. A.till B.beforeC.as D.since答案 B解析 句意:妈妈不会让西蒙出去的,除非他答应今晚十点前回来。表示“在以前”,用 before。故选 B项。4.(2018江苏泰州)Be patient!Gi

3、ve him more time, he will find the answer to the question on his own. A.but B.orC.and D.so答案 C解析 句意:耐心点!给他更多的时间,他会独自找到这个问题的答案。这两句之间是顺承关系,表示“和,且,又”,应用 and。故选 C项。5.(2018江苏宿迁)The manager of the hotel was waiting at the gate the guests arrived. A.while B.whenC.unless D.after答案 B解析 句意:当客人到来的时候,宾馆的经理正在大门口

4、等待。when 的用法之一:由 when引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时,从句应用一般过去时。表示某个动作正在进行时,另一个动作发生了。故选 B项。26.(2018江苏盐城)Work hard, youll have a big success. A.or B.butC.and D.yet答案 C解析 句意:努力学习,然后你将会获得巨大的成功。根据句意可知两者为顺承关系,应用 and连接。故选 C项。7.(2018四川凉山) his right hand was hurt, he wrote slowly. A.Because;so B.Because;/C.Although;but D.

5、Although;/答案 B解析 句意:因为他的右手受伤了,所以他写得很慢。表因果关系的连词 because与 so不能同时用,故答案选 B项。8.(2017四川眉山)Learning to love is like learning to walk.Yes, we step out bravely,well find its not so difficult. A.as if B.even thoughC.as long as D.as far as答案 C解析 asif好像;eventhough 即使;aslongas 只要;asfaras 至于,远至。根据句意选 C项。9.(2018湖南

6、永州)Im sure youll achieve it in the end you keep on doing something. A.so that B.as long asC.unless D.as soon as答案 B解析 句意:我相信只要你坚持做一件事最后一定能成功。sothat 以便;aslongas 只要;unless 除非;assoonas一就。故选 B项。B组 2019 模拟预测1.(2017甘肃民勤六中第三次诊断)For our safety,we should improve safety awareness(意识) stay away from dangerous

7、things. A.not;but B.not only;but alsoC.either;or D.neither;nor答案 B解析 句意:为了我们的安全,我们不仅应当提高安全意识,而且应当远离危险的东西。not.but.不是而是;notonly.butalso.不仅而且;either.or.或者或者;neither.nor.既不也不。故选 B项。2.Be quick, youll be late for school. A.or B.soC.and D.but答案 A3解析 句意:快点,否则你会上学迟到的。用连词 or(否则),故选 A项。3.(2018浙江温州模拟)What do yo

8、u think of Youth directed by Feng Xiaogang?Its amazing. I dont like its sad ending.I was really moved by the story. A.So B.OrC.Because D.Though答案 D解析 句意:“你觉得冯小刚导演的芳华怎么样?”“它真是太棒了。虽然我不喜欢它的悲惨结局,但我被故事深深感动了。”由“dontlikeitssadending”及“Iwasreallymoved”判断选 D项。4.(2018四川成都模拟) Oscar Pistorius has lost his legs,

9、he never gives up his dream of running.He even attended the Olympic Games in London. A.But B.AlthoughC.Because D.And答案 B解析 句意:虽然奥斯卡皮斯托瑞斯失去了双腿,但他从不放弃跑步的梦想,甚至参加了伦敦奥运会。although表转折,故选 B项。5.(2018江苏徐州泉山模拟)There is only one ticket left for the concert. you your cousin can go to watch it. A.Neither;nor B.Ei

10、ther;orC.Both;and D.Not only;but also答案 B解析 句意:音乐会只剩下一张票了,你或你的表兄可以去看。either.or 或者或者。故选 B项。6.He jumped into the river to save the little boy he heard the cry for help. A.though B.as soon asC.before D.until答案 B解析 句意:他一听到求救声就跳进河里去救那个小男孩。assoonas 一就。故选 B项。7.Could you give me some advice on travelling?Ta

11、ke a map with you you have a guide or you know the city well. A.if B.unlessC.although D.because答案 B解析 句意:“你能给我一些关于旅行的建议吗?”“带上一幅地图,除非你有导游或对那个城市非常了解。”unless 除非,如果不。故选 B项。8.(2018上海徐汇一模)My mother has little interest in football she didnt watch the live match on TV yesterday evening. A.so B.if4C.though D

12、.when答案 A解析 so因此;if 如果;though 虽然;when 什么时候。根据“Mymotherhaslittleinterestinfootball”可知“我”母亲对足球不感兴趣,所以她昨天晚上没有看电视现场直播的比赛。故选 A项。9.(2018吉林长春一模)Many people do not realize the importance of health they have fallen ill. A.since B.until C.while D.after答案 B解析 句意:很多人直到生病才意识到健康的重要性。not.until 直到才。故选 B项。10.(2018安徽合肥滨湖模拟)Im sure that you will succeed in the end you give up halfway. A.as soon as B.ifC.unless D.before答案 C解析 句意:我相信你最终会成功的,除非你半路放弃了。unless 除非。故选 C项。导学号 56714097


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