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1、- 1 -广东省佛山市 2019 届高三英语教学质量检测试题(一)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFantastic Fall Festivals You Wont Want to MissSeymour Apple FestivalAdmission to the Seymour Apple Festival is free and so is the entertainment! More than 15,000 people

2、 from all over the region come out to take part in the activities, ranging from drawings, vendor booths, food, apple contests, bike-decorating contests, and more.Marionville Apple FestivalThe popular Marionville Apple Festival is home to countless activities and events. The carnival, pony rides, and

3、 games will keep the kids busy, while adults will enjoy watching the pie-eating contest and browsing dozens of craft vendor booths.Humansville Fall FestivalThe Humansville Fall Festival may be hosted by a small town, but that doesnt mean its lacking big fun. Perfect for all ages, this fall festival

4、is celebrating its 70th year and will provide three full days of fun. This years festival will feature live music from fantastic local musicians, which will definitely make it different from the ones in other years. Youll also find fun carnival rides, talented artisans selling their goods, and an am

5、azing parade to wrap up the event on Saturday.Southside Fall FestivalThe Southside Fall Festival is perfect for family celebrations, with an alcohol-free environment and free admission. Enjoy a colorful parade and float contest, delicious food vendors, live music, karaoke, and more.Fall Into Arts Fe

6、stivalMake sure to bring the kids along for this festival that celebrates all things creative. The Fall Into Arts Festival features a host of kid-friendly activities like a lego build, sand art, bubble stations, chalk the sidewalk, a - 2 -jump house, and more. Parents will have plenty to do as well,

7、 with an excellent variety of artists, festival food, a mini film festival, and much more.,21. Which festivals are free of charge?A. Southside Fall Festival and Fall Into Arts FestivalB. Seymour Apple Festival and Southside Fall Festival,C. Humansville Fall Festival and Fall Into Arts FestivalD. Sey

8、mour Apple Festival and Marionville Apple Festival.22. What makes Humansville Fall Festival special this year?A. Fun activities on Saturday.B. The duration of the festival.C. The area of the hosting town.D. Musicians live performance.23. Fall Into Arts Festival is specially welcomed by .A. movie lov

9、ers B. modern artistsC. visitors of all ages D. families with kidsBIn a win for literary fiction amid declining sales, Sally Rooneys novel Normal People has been named Waterstones book of the year in 2018.Rooneys second novel, which follows two young people falling in love in Ireland, has sold 41,00

10、0 copies in hardback in the UK since it was released in August-five times the hardback sales of her 2017 debut, Conversations With Friends. At 27, Rooney is now the youngest winner of the award, which is given by the UKs biggest bookshop chain, Waterstones.Normal People received almost universal app

11、lause upon its release. Longlisted for the Man Booker prize, the book won novel of the year at the An Post Irish book awards in November of2018 and has also been shortlisted for the Costa novel of the year, announced in January of 2019.The reader response to Normal People had been astonishing. As we

12、ll as the universal praise, it has been a huge word- of-mouth (口头的) hit. Therere customers returning to buy multiple copies as gifts. Normal People strengthened Sally Rooneys reputation as the voice of her generation and one of the most exciting novelists around today. Its success is a testament to

13、the health of literary fiction and indicates that there is still significant appetite for - 3 -excellent storytelling.The award, established in 2012, tends to go to books that are already bestsellers near Christmas. It has previously been won by the late American author John Williamss Stoner, the co

14、okbook Polpo by Russell Norman, and last years choice, Philip Pullmans La Belle Sauvage.James Daunt, Waterstones managing director, said Rooneys win was a sign of the healthy state of literary fiction, which has seen sales decrease over the last decade. “We are delighted to name it our book of the y

15、ear,“ he said.24. What do we know about the current situation of literary fiction?A. It sells well in Waterstones.B. It doesnt enjoy popularity.C. It mainly tells love stories.D, It is a big winner in 2018.25. What can we infer about Normal People?A. It was Britains most popular book in 2018.B. It w

16、on different awards in a lot of countries.C. It received praise soon after it was published.D. It made its author the voice of young people.26. The underlined word “testament“ is closest in meaning to“ “.A. examination B. evidence C. concern D. statement27. What is the main function of Paragraph 5?A

17、. To attract readers attention.B. To introduce other prize winnersC. To serve as background information.D. To compare Sallys novel with other books.CIn 201 l, Nancy Ballard went for a routine checkup that turned into something extraordinary. In fact, she was carrying a painting of a plant shed done

18、when she arrived at her doctors San Francisco office. “It would be great if we had artwork like that for our chemotherapy (化疗) rooms,“ the nurse said. Ballard asked to see one.She was shocked by what she found. The walls were dull and bare, and the paint was chipping(剥落). It was a depressing room fo

19、r a depressing routine - patients restricted to chemo drips for perhaps several hours, often with nothing - 4 -to look at other than those sad walls. Ballard didnt have cancer herself, but she could sympathize with the patients. “I couldnt imagine how anyone could even think about getting healthy in

20、 a room like that,“ she says. As it happens, Ballards physician, Stephen Hufford, was ill with cancer himself, so finding time to decorate the rooms was low on his to-do list. So Ballard made it her mission to brighten up the place.She started by e-mailing 20 local designers. “I wrote, You dont know

21、 me. But my heart hurts after seeing these rooms,“ she remembers. She then asked whether they would donate their time and money to transform just one of Dr. Huffords rooms each.As it happened, six of them wrote back almost immediately. Six rooms got new paint, light fixtures, artwork, and furniture.

22、 Dr. Hufford was delighted. “All the patients feel relieved of the pain because of it,“ he said. He even noted that his own tone of voice was different in the rooms and that he was better able to connect with his patients.Ballard was so encouraged by the patients reactions that she created a nonprof

23、it, Rooms That Rock 4 Chemo, to raise money and decorate more spaces. Since then, she has worked on 20 projects, including one in Pennsylvania. “We were in Philadelphia for a ribbon cutting, and a woman was there on her third battle with cancer,“ says Ballard. “When she saw what wed done, she said,

24、Im gonna beat it this time. I thought I wasnt going to, but now I know Im gonna beat it“28. What made Ballard decide to help decorate the chemotherapy rooms?A. Her sympathy for cancer patients.B. Her passion for room decoration.C. The good relationship with Hufford.D. The request of a nurse in San F

25、rancisco.29. What outcome does Ballards effort bring about?A. More hospitals will be built,B. Hufford cured more patients.C. The cancer patients were feeling better.D. Huffords chemotherapy rooms got good fame.30. Which words best describe Nancy Ballard?A. Loving and devoted.- 5 -B. Talented and ene

26、rgetic.C. Rich and generous.D. Ambitious and creative.31. Which can be a suitable title for the passage?A. Design for HopeB. Battle against CancerC. Donation for PatientsD. Decoration in HospitalDPlants are boring. They just sit there photosynthesizing (光合作用) while animals have all the fun. Right? N

27、ot so much. A new study has found that there is a long history of interactions between ants and plants. The ant and plant co-evolution (协同进化) started with ants feeding on plants and plants evolving ant-friendly features.Plants make a number of different structures that are specific for ant use. Some

28、 plants have evolved features that persuade ants into defending them from attack from other insects and even mmml. h nlud hollow thorns that nt will live nd, or tra ntr (琼浆) n lv or stems for the ants to eat. Some ants will just cheat and take the nectar and run, but some will stick around and attac

29、k anything that tries to hurt the plant. Other plants get ants to help them move their seeds around, by providing them with rich food packets attached to the seeds. The ant will pick up the seed and carry it away, eat the food packet, and leave the seed - often in a nutrient-rich area where itll gro

30、w better, and since its farther away from its parent, they wont have to compete for resources.But scientists werent sure how the evolutionary relationship between ants and plants got started. If evolution is an arms race between species developing ways to make use of their neighbors, then scientists

31、 wanted to know whether plants or ants fired the first shot. It was a chicken-and-egg question, whether things started with ants developing behaviors to take advantage of plants, or plants evolving structures to take advantage of ants.The history of ants and plants evolving together goes back to the

32、 time of the dinosaurs, and its not easy to tell from fossils who fired the first shot. - 6 -However, it is a question of little significance. Scientists say their study maters because it provides a look at how these widespread and complex interactions evolved.32. Some plants attach food packets to

33、their seeds in order to .A. reward the ants B. make a fool of antsC. provide nutrition for the seeds D. get the seeds moved around33. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?A. How plants and ants interact. B. What ants do to protect plants.C. How plants and ants survive attacks. D. Why plants and ants

34、 need co-evolution.34, Which is true about the evolutionary relationship between ants and plants?A. Ants depended more upon plants. B It caused a race for better evolution.C. How it got started was uncertain. D. It was of little value for future studies.35. Whats the authors purpose of writing the p

35、assage?A To introduce a science research method.B. To inform readers of a latest research findingC. To arouse readers interest in science research.D. To criticize peoples traditional views about plants.第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Leaving a good impression can

36、be done in different ways, from clothing to posture, and from talking style to body language. Below are several tips for you to begin with:Physical appearance matters. Were visual creatures after all.Physical appearance is the first clue one relies on to judge who we are. 36 It also means the person

37、 means something to us by dressing properly. If it is a business setting, be aware of the dress rule or culture. 37 A thumbs-up here does not mean the same elsewhere. So do the research! Details from any little areas will affect the impression on the whole. 38 - 7 -A fake (假的) smile can potentially

38、do more harm than good in our attempts to leave a good impression. It is understandable that sometimes it is hard to suddenly force a smile. 39 Remember being positive plays an important part in shaping our first impression.Look into peoples eyes until you see the colors of their iris (虹膜).Keeping e

39、ye contact delivers a sense of friendship to the people we interact with. Consequently, they feel more connected to us and tend to be more positive toward the interaction. 40 Well, try to identify the color of the others irises. Get it? That makes a good eye contact example.Are these the impression

40、we want to leave? Stop staring at the ground and look at people in the eye then!A. What makes a quality eye contact?B. How does eye contact affect interaction?C. The requirement varies from culture to culture.D. Then at least try not to look discouraging and angry!E. Dont fake a smile, or people wil

41、l doubt your sincerity.F. Always smile while interacting with others, especially with a new friend.G. Besides, it is a way to show respect by choosing appropriate clothes for different settings.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项

42、,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。Every year around this time kids perform in their holiday concert. For many schools it is the most well-attended 41 of the year. In years past, my daughter has joined her classmates in singing. This year was 42 though. She had a few 43 parts.My daughter was very 44 about earning these pa

43、rts. Yet with her excitement also came some nervousness. She 45 practiced her lines until she knew them 46 .And, each day her class would prepare for what was going to be a special 47 .Each day she would tell us that she did well but that she was very 48 . She was worried that people would 49 her if

44、 she made a mistake. 50 , she was worried about speaking in front of over a thousand people.- 8 -Then the 51 night came last week. We luckily got front row seats, which was great for 52 . When the time had finally arrived for my daughter to recite her lines, she did it 53 .But she thought she had ma

45、le a mistake, and I could see that she was close to 54 when she had finishedher first part. You can only imagine how 55 it was for me not to run up on stage and 56 her and tell how much I 57 her. What happened next was the reason she is now my 58 .She went back up to the microphone two more times an

46、d spoke her lines perfectly. The 59 it took to do that was something I will never forget. I will not 60 myself in any situation as long as I remember the night my daughter showed me what real courage looked like.41. A. event B. ceremony C. course D game42. A. attractive B. different C. popular D. me

47、aningful 43. A. singing B. dancing C. speaking D. organizing44. A. concerned B. excited C. optimistic D. cautious45. A. occasionally B. abruptly C. rigidly D. repeatedly46. A. on purpose B. by heart C. in turn D. at once47. A. night B. test C. movement D. fair48. A. disappointed B. hesitant C. nervo

48、us D. ashamed49. A. punish B. misunderstand C. pay attention to D. laugh at50. A. However B. Therefore C. Instead D. Besides- 9 -51. A. dark B. mysterious C. big D. risky 52. A. viewing B. performing C. cheering D. departing53. A. calmly B. hopelessly C. perfectly D. formally54. A. tears B. prizes C

49、. failure D. satisfaction55. A. embarrassed B. difficult C. unusual D. important56. A. remind B. greet C. teach D. hug57. A. love B. need C. miss D. understand58. A. singer B. actress C. hero D. speaker59. A. time B. courage C. energy D. responsibility60. A. forgive B. criticize C. scold D. doubt第二节(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。During the teenage years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to. They often seem 61 (dislike) be


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