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1、1Lesson 59 Keep Your Choices Open单词闯关 merchant _短语互译1.长大_2决定做某事 _3.do well in _4graduation songs_句型在线1.你的教育使你有多种选择。Your education _ your choices _2在上学阶段做得好,决定权就会掌握在你自己手里!_ _ _ school, and the decision will be yours!3或许商人是适合你的职业。Or _ a merchant is the job _ _.1 Your education keeps your choices open.

2、你的教育使你有多种选择。探究 keep 为系动词,意为“_” ;后面可以跟_词表示“使某物保持某种状态” ;keep 后面还可以跟 v.ing 形式,意为“一直做某事” 。Keep smiling.保持微笑。 Please keep at least two windows open while you are away. Its good to keep indoor air fresh.当你离开的时候,要保持至少两扇窗户开着。保持室内空气新鲜有好处。活学活用21(1)Dont keep the windows _ (open) in the evening.(2)Keep _, and y

3、ou will succeed at last.Atry Bto try Ctrying Dtries2 Do well in school, and the decision will be yours!在上学阶段做得好,决定权就会掌握在你自己手里!探究 (1)本句由“祈使句and简单句”构成,其中祈使句相当于_引导的条件状语从句,and 后面的陈述句表示结果,常用_时态。Take more exercise, and youll feel healthy.If you take more exercise, youll feel healthy.多锻炼,你就会身体健康。(2)do well

4、 in 意为“在某方面做得好” ,相当于短语_,反义短语是 do badly in。2.(1)2018长春 Work hard and be patient, _ your dream wont come true.Aor BandCbut Dso(2)Tom said he did well in playing the piano.(改为同义句)Tom said he _ _ _ playing the piano.3 Or maybe a merchant is the job for you.或许商人是适合你的职业。探究 maybe 作副词,意为“也许;大概” 。辨析 maybe 与

5、may bemaybe 作副词,在句中作状语,意为“也许;大概” ,通常位于句首,也可位于句中,还可单独作为答语。may be 由“情态动词 may动词原形 be”构成,在句中作谓语,意为“可能是” 。It may be in your pocket.Maybe its in your pocket.它可能在你的口袋里。3可能今晚他要去看电影。_ he will go to the cinema tonight.3详解详析Lesson 59 Keep Your Choices Open【课前自主预习】单词闯关商人短语互译1grow up 2.decide to do sth.3在(方面)做得好 4.毕业歌句型在线1keeps; open 2.Do well in3maybe; for you【课堂互动探究】句型透视1 保持 形容(1)open (2)C2 if 一般将来 be good at (1)A (2)was good at3 Maybe


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