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1、12019年高考英语一轮完形填空和语法填空选练(12)李仕才高考英语完形填空+短文语法填空。Part A:完形填空AIn the spring of 1919, Princess Bazaar of Luxembours royal family met the royal kitchen helper Leon. Many nights, Leon went into the kitchen and made _1_ for Bazaar. They always talked about the good times _2_they were having ice cream. They

2、soon fell in love. But _3_ their different social status, both of them buried the _4_Soon, Bazaar was made to accept an arranged royal marriage. For days, Leon could not see Bazaar, and he was_5_ with impatience. Finally, Bazaar _6_ at the table a month later. While serving desserts, Leon _7_ the le

3、tters “DOVE”, which is an abbreviation of DO YOU LOVE ME with hot chocolate on Bazaars ice cream. Leon _8_ that Bazaar could understand his feelings.A few days later, Bazaar got _9_. One year later, Leon could not _10_ the mental suffering and left the royal kitchen. Years later, he and his own fami

4、ly _11_ a candy store.Many years later, they met again. Bazaar _12_ that that afternoon she ate the ice cream made by Leon, but didnt see the _13_ letters then.Hearing this, Leon broke down in tears, and he finally understood the past _14_If that chocolate had been_15_, those letters would never hav

5、e melted, and he would not have lost his last chance. Leon decided to _16_ a solid chocolate which can _17_ a long time.After lots of _18_, the chocolate DOVE was finally made and each piece of chocolate was_19_engraved(刻) with the letters “DOVE”. Its a symbol of the love between Leon and Bazaar.Now

6、 more and more people fall in love with this chocolate. Giving someone DOVE means sending the_20_ of love: DO YOU LOVE ME?1A. dishes Bchocolate2Cice cream Dcakes2A. until BifCwhile Donce3A. because of B thanks toCapart from Dregardless of4A. feelings BdifferenceCsilence Dneeds5A. calling BburningCwo

7、rking Dtalking6A. stood up Bturned upCstayed up Ddressed up7A. wrote BsentCmixed Dnoticed8A. expected BdeclaredCallowed Dpromised9A. sick BangryCmarried Dbored10A. reduce BstopCrepeat Dbear11A. left BvisitedCran Dlooked12A. realized BrememberedCwondered Dthought13A. confusing BinterestingCmelting Da

8、nnoying14A. misunderstanding BcompetitionCjudgment Dprejudice15A. stable BpowerfulCfrozen Dsolid16A. buy Bfind3Ccreate Denjoy17A. stand BspareCtake Dpreserve18A. breaks BresearchC pressure Dproblems19A. luckily BimmediatelyCquickly Dfirmly20A. story BmemoryCwhisper Dsecret(一)【要点综述】本文叙述了公主 Bazaar和皇宫的

9、一个帮厨 Leon之间的爱情故事。两个人的身份悬殊,各自隐藏着自己的感情。有一天,Leon 在公主的冰淇淋中放了写有字母“DOVE”的巧克力,可是由于融化了,所以公主没有看到字母,后来 Leon就离开了皇宫。许多年之后他们又相遇时,Leon 明白了真相,并决心做一种不容易融化的巧克力。后来这种巧克力就成了传递爱情的巧克力了。1C 根据 they were having ice cream可知选 C。2C 当他们吃冰淇淋的时候,他们谈论美好的时光。故选 C。while 当的时候。3A 因为他们不同的社会地位,所以他们两个埋藏了他们的感情,故选 A。because of 因为; thanks to

10、 由于; apart from 除之外; regardless of 不管。4A 5B Leon 几天不见 Bazaar,所以他没有耐心了。burn 表示有强烈的情感,故选 B。6B 最后 Bazaar出现了,故选 B。stand up 站起来; turn up 出现; stay up 熬夜; dress up打扮。7A 当 Leon端上甜点时,他写上了字母“DOVE” 。故选 A。8A Leon 期待 Bazaar能够理解他的感情。故选 A。9C 几天以后,Bazaar 结婚了。故选 C。10D 一年后,Leon 不能忍受精神上的折磨,所以他离开了皇宫。故选 D。11C 几年之后,他和他的家

11、人经营了一个糖果店。故选 C。12B Bazaar 记得那天下午她是吃了 Leon 做的冰淇淋,但是没有看到融化的字母。故选B。413C confusing 令人困惑的; interesting 有趣的; melting 融化的; annoying 令人讨厌的。14A Leon 最终理解了过去的误解。故选 A。misunderstanding 误解; competition 竞赛;judgment判断; prejudice 偏见。15D 如果巧克力是固体的,它就不会融化了。故选 D。stable 稳定的; powerful 强有力的; frozen 冻结的; solid 固体的。16C Leo

12、n 决定创造一种固体的巧克力。故选 C。17D 这种固体巧克力能够保存很长时间。故选 D。preserve 保存。18B 在经过许多次研究之后,带有 Dove的巧克力终于被做成了。故选 B。19D 每块巧克力都牢固地刻着字母“DOVE” 。故选 D。luckily 幸运地; immediately 立刻; quickly 快地; firmly 坚定地,牢固地。20C 给某人 DOVE巧克力意味着传递爱的话语。故选 C。B(2015云南师大附中适应性练习)Being the eldest son of my parents,I became the “big boy” of the family

13、.My parents gave me the _1_ of a “big boy” and started giving me some _2_ that were somewhat challenging for me at that young age.Whenever I had some _3_ in doing a certain task,they used to _4_ me by saying, “You are a big boy and you can do it.”_5_ I was a small boy at that time,my confidence leve

14、l grew to a new height and I started _6_ myself like a big boy.That “big boy” concept slowly developed into the “I can do” _7_ which has helped me a lot throughout my life.The opinion of “I can do” prepares you _8_ as well as physically,and helps you to do what otherwise you think you _9_ do.The “bi

15、g boy” concept increases your _10_ energy level to such a degree where you start believing “you can do”And that is the starting _11_ which opens the doors of success for you.Whenever I _12_ a challenge,I say to myself “I can do it because I am a big boy” and that inspires me a lot in _13_ my fears a

16、nd provides my body with the extra energy needed to do that “_14_” task.The “big boy” concept is always helpful to anyone.It _15_ all your weaknesses and thus enables you to accept big challenges.By accepting big 5challenges,you _16_ big opportunities and thus get big _17_.Success in life comes to t

17、he people who think big,act big and are always willing to _18_ big responsibilities.Make yourself feel big.Plan something big.Amaze your colleagues by accepting big responsibilities.Be always _19_ to do big tasks.Once you think of yourself as a big boy or a big girl then _20_ can block your way of s

18、uccess.【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作为家里的长子,父母从小就把“我”当成大孩子看待, “我”于是有了一种责任和担当,正是这种责任和担当使“我”终身受益。1A.state BstatusCevidence Dexcuse解析:选 B。考查名词辨析。根据前一句“Being the eldest son of my parents,I became the big boy of the family.”和下文中“You are a big boy and you can do it.”可知,此处表示父母给了“我”大儿子的身份。status 意为“地位,身份” ,符合语境。故选 B项。

19、state 意为“状态” ;evidence 意为“证据” ;excuse 意为“借口” ,都与语境不符。2A.rules BviewsCtasks Dapproaches解析:选 C。考查名词辨析。根据下句中的“a certain task”可知,父母让“我”做一些富有挑战性的任务。task 意为“任务” ,符合语境。故 C项正确。rule 意为“规则” ;view意为“观点” ;approach 意为“方法” ,都与语境不符。3A.conclusion BimpressionCinstruction Dhesitation解析:选 D。考查名词辨析。根据上句中“somewhat chall

20、enging for me at that young age”及本句中“You are a big boy and you can do it.”可知,每当“我”下不了决心去做某项工作时,父母总是说“你是一个大孩子,你能行”来鼓励“我” 。hesitation意为“犹豫,下不了决心” ,符合语境。故 D项正确。conclusion 意为“结论” ;impression意为“印象” ;instruction 意为“说明,教导” ,都与语境不符。4A.allow BwarnCencourage Dforce解析:选 C。考查动词辨析。根据空格后“me by saying, You are a b

21、ig boy and you can do it.”可知,每当“我”下不了决心去做某项任务时,父母总是用“你是个大孩子,你能行”这句话来鼓励“我” 。encourage 意为“鼓励” ,符合语境。故 C项正确。allow意为“允许” ;warn 意为“提醒,警告” ;force 意为“强迫” ,都与语境不符。5A.As BThough6CBecause DSince解析:选 B。考查连词辨析。分析空格后“I was a small boy at that time”和“my confidence level grew to a new height”之间的关系可知,此处指尽管那时“我”还只是一

22、个小男孩,但是“我”有很强的自信心。由此可知,空格处引导让步状语从句。though 意为“尽管,虽然” ,引导让步状语从句,符合语境。故 B项正确。as 意为“当时,因为” ;because意为“因为” ;since 意为“因为,既然” ,都与语境不符。6A.dressing BprovingCamusing Dbehaving解析:选 D。考查动词辨析。根据空格前“my confidence level grew to a new height”及空格后“myself like a big boy”可知, “我”的自信程度达到了一个新高度,也开始在行为上表现得像个大孩子。behave 意为“

23、行为,表现” ,behave oneself 为固定搭配,意为“举止规矩” ,符合语境。故 D项正确。dress 意为“穿,打扮” ;prove 意为“证明”;amuse 意为“使开心” ,都与语境不符。7A.belief BremarkCstep Dchoice解析:选 A。考查名词辨析。句意为:那种“我是大孩子”的想法逐渐发展成了“我能行”的信念,这种信念让我终身受益。belief 意为“信念,信条” ,符合语境。故 A项正确。remark意为“言辞,评论” ;step 意为“步骤” ;choice 意为“选择” ,都与语境不符。8A.formally BmentallyCmaterial

24、ly Dnaturally解析:选 B。考查副词辨析。根据空格后的“physically”可知,空格处与本句中的“physically”形成对应关系,表示“身体和心理上都做好了准备” 。mentally 意为“精神上,心理上” ,符合语境。故选 B项。formally 意为“正式地” ;materially 意为“物质上” ;naturally意为“自然地” ,都与语境不符。9A.cant BwontCshouldnt Dneednt解析:选 A。考查情态动词。根据该句中“otherwise”这个词的转折含义提示可知,此处应表示“做不到” ,强调没有能力。cant 意为“不能,不会” ,符合语

25、境。故选 A项。wont意为“不愿” ;shouldnt 意为“不该” ;neednt 意为“没必要” ,都与语境不符。10A.outer Bbroad Cdeep Dinner解析:选 D。考查形容词辨析。句意为:“我是个大孩子”的想法会把你内在的潜能激发到某种程度,你会开始相信“你确实能做到” 。inner 意为“内在的” ,符合语境。故 D项正确。outer 意为“外在的” ;broad 意为“宽广的” ;deep 意为“深的,深厚的” ,都与语境7不符。11A.record BtestCfancy Dpoint解析:选 D。考查名词辨析。根据空格前“starting”和空格后“whic

26、h opens the doors”可知,句意为:那正是人生的起点,它为你开启了通往成功的大门。point 意为“点”,符合语境。故 D项正确。record 意为“记录” ;test 意为“测验” ;fancy 意为“想象” ,都与语境不符。12A.begin with Bagree withCplay with Dmeet with解析:选 D。考查动词短语辨析。句意为:每当我遇到挑战时,我就会对自己说:“我能行,因为我是大孩子” meet with 意为“遇到,碰到” ,符合句意。故 D项正确。begin with意为“以开始” ;agree with 意为“同意” ;play with

27、意为“与玩耍” ,都与语境不符。13A.getting off Bgetting overCgetting across Dgetting down解析:选 B。考查动词短语辨析。根据空格后的“fears”可知,此处表示“克服恐惧” 。get over意为“克服” ,符合语境。故 B项正确。get off 意为“下车,离开” ;get across意为“使被理解” ;get down 意为“写下” ,都与语境不符。14A.uneasy Bimpossible Cunnecessary Dunfair解析:选 B。考查形容词辨析。根据句中“_my fears and provides my bo

28、dy with the extra energy”可知,此处表示“有能力做到原以为不可能做到的事情” 。impossible意为“不可能的” ,符合语境。故 B项正确。uneasy 意为“不安的” ;unnecessary意为“不必要的” ;unfair 意为“不公平的” ,都与语境不符。15A.takes away Bputs awayCkeeps away Dturns away解析:选 A。考查动词短语辨析。根据前一句“Thebig boy concept is always helpful to anyone.”可知,此处指“大孩子”的思想可以帮任何人战胜弱点。take away意为“

29、拿走,带走” ,符合语境。故 A项正确。put away 意为“收好,储存” ;keep away 意为“远离” ;turn away 意为“将拒之门外” ,都与语境不符。16A.appreciate BshareCcontact Dwin解析:选 D。考查动词辨析。句意为:通过迎接大的挑战,你会赢得更好的机会win意为“赢得” ,符合语境。故 D项正确。appreciate 意为“欣赏,感激” ;share 意为“分享” ;8contact意为“联系” ,都与语境不符。17A.prices BawardsCrewards Dprizes解析:选 C。考查名词辨析。根据空格前“_ big op

30、portunities and thus get big”及前后逻辑可知,此处指你会赢得机会并因此获得回报。reward 意为“奖赏,回报” ,符合句意。故 C项正确。price 意为“价格,价钱” ;award 意为“奖品” ;prize 意为“奖品”,都与语境不符。18A.obey BadvocateCundertake Dexpect解析:选 C。考查动词辨析。根据空格后“big responsibilities”及上文内容可推知,此处指成功只属于抱负远大、有担当的人。undertake 意为“承担” ,符合语境。故 C项正确。obey意为“遵守” ;advocate 意为“倡导” ;e

31、xpect 意为“期待” ,都与语境不符。19A.pleased BtouchedCbalanced Dsurprised解析:选 A。考查形容词辨析。根据上文中“think big,act big” “_ big responsibilities”和“Plan something big”可知,勇于担当、接受“大任务”的人会获得成功。由此可知,此处表示乐意去做一些大任务。pleased 意为“高兴的” ,符合语境。故A项正确。touched 意为“感动的” ;balanced 意为“平衡的” ;surprised 意为“惊讶的” ,都与语境不符。20A.anything Bnothing C

32、everything Dsomething解析:选 B。考查代词辨析。句意为:一旦你把自己当成有担当的大孩子,就没有什么能够阻挡你成功。nothing 意为“没有什么东西” ,符合语境。故 B项正确。anything 意为“任何东西” ;everything 意为“一切” ;something 意为“某样东西” ,都与语境不符。Part B:短文语法填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项 A、B、C 和 D中,选出最佳答案。“I wish Id known this before” is a statement often said by us when we realize

33、weve made bad decisions.1._ you dont want to have regrets,you must realize some factors that cause poor decisions. For example,lack of foresight is 2._ of such factors. Many times,we tend to concentrate only on the “right now” of a certain decision 3._ fail to understand its effects on our future. I

34、deally,we 4._ practise proactive thinking (主动思考) to 9predict the changes in future.Often,we get confused and leave some important decisions of our life in the hands of others,5._ can be harmful. Instead,we must avoid asking others to decide for us at all costs.Making incorrect assumptions also can c

35、ause bad decisions. We often base our views 6._ the history of our experiences. However,as people and things keep changing,its best to judge them 7._ they are. For example,you decide not to interact much with your colleague because you thought she was unable. However,she was 8._ only one who helped

36、you in completing your task.(八)1. If 考查状语从句的引导词。如果你不想留有遗憾,你必须知道那些导致错误决定的因素。2. one 考查代词。缺乏远见是其中一个因素。3. and 考查并列连词。该空连接两个谓语,且表示并列关系,故填 and。4. should 考查情态动词。我们应该练习主动思考,预测未来的变化。5. which 考查定语从句的引导词。该空引导非限制性定语从句指代前面整句内容,且在从句中作主语,故填 which。6. on 考查介词。baseon将建立在的基础上。7. as 考查状语从句的引导词。该空引导方式状语从句,as they are 意为“照他们现在的样子” 。8. the 考查冠词。the only one 唯一的人。


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