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1、12019年高考英语一轮完形填空和语法填空选练(5)李仕才第一部分:完形填空AI always had a dream.In it,I was a little girl again,rushing about,trying to get _1_ for school.Deep inside I knew _2_ it came from.It was some unfinished _3_ in my life.As a kid I loved school.Most of all I _4_ to receive my diploma.That seemed more _5_ even t

2、han getting married.But at 15,I had to _6_ because my parents couldnt afford my _7_.Pretty soon I married and had three children.I thought, “There goes my diploma.”_8_,I wanted my children to be educated.But Linda,the youngest,had a serious heart disease,which made it impossible for her to _9_ in a

3、normal classroom.One day,I saw an ad for evening courses.“Thats the _10_.Linda always feels better in the evening,so Ill just _11_ her up for night school.”Linda was busy filling forms when the school _12_ said, “Mrs Schantz,why dont you come back to school?”I laughed, “Theres no _13_!Im 55!”But he

4、_14_ me and I attended class with Linda.Surprisingly,both Linda and I felt great there and my _15_ steadily improved.It was exciting to go to school again,but it was no _16_.Sitting in a class full of kids was _17_,even if they were respectful.Whenever I was down,Linda encouraged me, “Mom,you cant _

5、18_ now!” Together we made it _19_.Finally,I got my diploma with Linda and realized my _20_ of years.1A.started BconcernedCfinished Dprepared2A.when BwhereChow Dwhy3A.homework BdiplomaCaccident Dbusiness4A.required BmanagedClonged Dstruggled5A.annoying Bincredible2Cappealing Dridiculous6A.drop out B

6、give inCbreak up Dturn away7A.living BteachingCworking Dschooling8A.As usual BUntil thenCEven so DIn fact9A.recover BfunctionCbenefit Darrive10A.problem BanswerCdeal Dresult11A.sign BputCcall Dpick12A.secretary BcolleagueCemployer Dreferee13A.rush BtimeCway Dclass14A.urged BdemandedCpersuaded Dinfor

7、med15A.grades BattitudeChealth Dmoods16A.fun BgameCgood Dwonder17A.available BawkwardCawesome Dawful18A.miss BrejectCresign Dquit19A.up BoutCoff Dthrough20A.dream BambitionCplan Dthought【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了已为人母的作者梦想着自己能够再年轻一次重新回到课堂,最后在女儿的带动下实现了自己梦想的故事。1D 根据下文作者和女儿一起回到课堂的事可知,此处指“准备上学” 。get prepared 3

8、for“为做准备” 。故选 D。2B 根据语境可知,此处指作者知道这种想法(再次年轻并回到校园)来源于哪里(where)。故选 B。3D 根据下文内容可推知,这个梦想是作者未完成的事(business)。故选 D。4C 根据常识及语境可知,作者渴望得到自己的毕业证书。long to do sth.“渴望做某事” 。故选 C。5C 根据上文的“As a kid I loved school.Most of all I _4_ to receive my diploma”可推出,对于作者来说上学甚至比结婚更有吸引力。annoying“讨厌的,令人气恼的” ;incredible“难以置信的” ;a

9、ppealing“有吸引力的” ;ridiculous“荒谬的” 。故选C。6A 根据上下文可推知,因为家里负担不起作者的学校教育费用,所以作者不得不辍学。drop out“辍学” ;give in“屈服” ;break up“破碎” ;turn away“拒绝” 。故选 A。7D 参见上题解析。schooling“学校教育” 。8C 根据语境可知,尽管这样,作者还是想让孩子接受教育。故选 C。as usual“像往常一样” ;until then“直到那时” ;even so“即便这样,尽管如此” ;in fact“事实上” 。9B 根据语境可知,此处指“在一间正常的教室里上课对琳达来说是不

10、可能的” 。function意为“运转,正常工作” ,符合语境。recover“恢复” ; benefit“使受益” ;arrive“到达” 。故选 B。10B 根据语境可知,那就是解决琳达上学问题的方法,因为琳达在晚上身体感到很不错。故选 B。 problem“问题” ;answer“解决办法,答案” ;deal“交易” ;result“结果” 。11A 根据语境可知,女儿在晚上时身体感觉舒服,因此作者就为女儿在夜校报了名。sign up for sth.“报名(参加课程)” 。故选 A。12A colleague“同事” ;employer“雇主,老板” ;referee“裁判员,调解人”

11、 。根据语境可知选 A。the school secretary“校办秘书” 。13C 根据空后的“Im 55”可推知,作者认为 55岁的自己不可能再回到校园了。there is no way意为“不可能” 。14C 根据上下文可知,此处指作者被劝服。urge“催促” ;demand“要求” ;persuade“劝服” ;inform“通知” 。故选 C。15A 根据语境及常识可推知,令人吃惊的是,作者的成绩稳步提高。grade“成绩” ;attitude“态度” ;health“健康” ;mood“情绪” 。故选 A。16B 根据语境可知,重回学校对于作者而言是一件兴奋的事,但这并不是个游戏

12、。故选 B。417B 据下文的“even if they were respectful”可推出,作者认为和孩子们坐在一起是尴尬的。available“可获得的” ;awkward“令人尴尬的” ;awesome“令人惊叹的” ;awful“可怕的” 。根据语境可知选 B。18D 根据“encouraged me”和下文的“Together we made it”可推知,女儿鼓励作者不能放弃。miss“思念” ;reject“拒绝接受” ;resign“辞职” ;quit“放弃” 。故选 D。19D 此处考查固定搭配。make it through,意为“成功渡过” 。20A realize

13、ones dream“实现某人的梦想” ,符合语境。ambition“雄心” ;plan“计划” ;thought“想法” 。B(2015贵阳高三适应性监测二)Once a young man, an itinerant(流动的) horse trainers son, was dreaming of owning a horse ranch(养马场) of his own though his family wasnt rich.When he was a senior, he was asked to write a_1_ about what he wanted to be and do

14、 when he grew up. That night he wrote a sevenpage paper _2_his goal.He wrote it in great _3_and he even drew a _4_ of a 200acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings,the stables and the track.But two days later he _5_his paper back with a large red _6_ on the front page and a note that re

15、ads, “See me after _7_ ”The boy with the_8_went to see the teacher after class and asked, “Why did I get an F?”The teacher said, “This is an unrealistic dream for a _9_young boy like you.You come from an itinerant family with no resources.Owning a horse ranch _10_a lot of money.Theres no _11_you cou

16、ld ever do it.” Then the teacher added, “If you will _12_this paper with a more realistic goal,I will reconsider your grade.”The boy went home and _13_about it long and hard.He asked his _14_what he should do.His father said, “Look, son, you have to _15_your own mind on this.However, I think it is a

17、 very important _16_for you.”Finally, the boy turned in the same paper making no _17_at all.He stated, “You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream.” Years later, the boy _18_his dream.5Later, his teacher admitted when seeing his ranch, “When I was your teacher,I was something of a dream _19_During tho

18、se years I stole a lot of kids dreams.Fortunately you had enough gumption(进取心) not to _20_yours.”1.A.novel BpoemCpaper Dletter2.A.recalling BdescribingCseeking Drecognizing3.A.detail BtotalCneed Dtime4.A.line BsignalCsign Ddiagram5.A.received BpostedCaccepted Dbrought6.A.C BDCE DF7.A.all BnoonCschoo

19、l Dclass8A.dream BpictureCranch Dpride9.A.rich BcleverCpoor Dkind10.A.earns BrequiresCwastes Dcollects11.A.point BwayCuse Didea12.A.report BexplainCexcuse Drewrite13.A.wrote BthoughtCsighed Dlaughed14.A.mother Bteacher6Cfather Dfriend15.A.make up Blook upCpick up Dclose up16.A.work BreasonCmind Ddec

20、ision17.A.changes BexcusesCcorrections Dmarks18.A.doubted BrealizedCimproved Ddreamed19.A.maker BhelperCstealer Dpromoter20.A.step down into Bkeep up withClook down upon Dgive up on【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。一个出身贫寒的孩子梦想拥有自己的牧场。在一次完成老师布置的有关梦想的写作后,老师认为他的梦想不切实际而给予否定,而男孩却继续坚持自己的梦想,最终梦想成真。1解析:选 C。考查名词辨析。根据本段第二句中“wr

21、ote a sevenpage paper”可知,男孩写了一篇长达七页的文章(paper),由此可知,此处指老师要求他们写一篇文章。故答案选 C。2解析:选 B。考查动词辨析。recall 意为“回忆” ;describe 意为“描述” ;seek 意为“寻找” ;recognize 意为“认出” 。结合空格后“his goal”可知,此处指老师布置完写作任务后,当天晚上他写了一篇七页的文章来描述他的目标。故答案选 B。3解析:选 A。考查介词短语辨析。空格前的 in与选项分别构成固定搭配。in detail意为“详细地” ;in total 意为“总计,合计” ;in need 意为“在危急

22、中” ;in time 意为“及时” 。男孩写了七页纸,且下文说他还配了图,所以此处应是十分详细。故答案选 A。4.解析:选 D。考查名词辨析。line 意为“线” ;signal 意为“信号” ;sign 意为“标志” ;diagram 意为“图” 。根据空格前的动词 drew以及空格后提到的各种关于牧场的信息可知,男孩给自己梦想的牧场画了一幅图。故答案选 D。5解析:选 A。考查动词辨析。receive 意为“收到” ;post 意为“邮寄” ;accept 意为“接受” ;bring 意为“带来” 。根据空格后“his paper back”可知,两天后,老师把学生们的作文批完发下来了,

23、故男孩应该是拿到了自己的作文。故答案选 A。6.解析:选 D。考查行文衔接。根据下文中“Why did I get an F?”可知,此处指7男孩的作文得了 F。故答案选 D。7解析:选 D。考查名词辨析。根据下文中“to see the teacher after class”可知,老师让男孩下课后去找他。故答案选 D。8解析:选 A。考查名词辨析。dream 意为“梦想” ;picture 意为“图画” ;ranch 意为“大牧场” ;pride 意为“自豪” 。 “with the _”作后置定语修饰“The boy” ,根据所给选项并结合上文男孩梦想有自己的牧场可知,此处应指“怀揣梦想

24、的男孩” 。故 A项正确。9解析:选 C。考查形容词辨析。根据文章第一段中“his family wasnt rich”可知,男孩家境并不富裕,因此此处指老师说“对于你这样贫穷的孩子而言这是一个不切实际的梦想” 。故答案选 C。10解析:选 B。考查动词辨析。earn 意为“挣得” ;require 意为“需要” ;waste 意为“浪费” ;collect 意为“收集” 。此处指老师向男孩解释拥有一个这么大的牧场需要很多钱。故答案选 B。11解析:选 B。考查名词辨析。空格前有 no,与选项构成相关搭配。no point 意为“没有意义” ;no way 意为“不可能” ;no use 意为

25、“没用” ;no idea 意为“不清楚” 。根据上文可知,老师认为男孩家境贫寒,拥有一个牧场需要很多钱,所以此处指男孩不可能实现他的梦想。故答案选 B。12解析:选 D。考查动词辨析。report 意为“报告” ;explain 意为“解释” ;excuse意为“找借口” ;rewrite 意为“重写” 。上文提到男孩得了 F,本句中老师说“I will reconsider your grade”,由此可知,老师的条件是如果男孩重写作业,换一个符合实际的理想,就会考虑重新给他(高一些的)分数。故答案选 D。13解析:选 B。考查动词辨析。write 意为“写” ;think 意为“思考”

26、;sigh 意为“叹息” ;laugh 意为“笑” 。结合空格后“long and hard”可知,回家后,男孩思考了很久。故答案选 B。14解析:选 C。考查名词辨析。结合下文中“His father said”可知,男孩询问了父亲的意见。故答案选 C。15解析:选 A。考查动词短语辨析。根据语境可知,父亲并未给出建议,而是让男孩自己拿主意。此处为“make up ones (own) mind”固定搭配,意为“下决心” ,符合语境。故答案选 A。16解析:选 D。考查名词辨析。work 意为“工作” ;reason 意为“理由” ;mind 意为“想法” ;decision 意为“决定”

27、。根据上一句中“_your own mind on this”可知,父亲虽然没有给出建议,但仍然告诉男孩这个决定很重要。故答案选 D。17解析:选 A。考查名词辨析。change 意为“变化” ;excuse 意为“借口” ;correction意为“修改,改正” ;mark 意为“分数” 。根据上文“the boy turned in the same paper”可知,男孩交给老师的还是原来的那篇作文,没有任何变化。故答案选 A。818解析:选 B。考查动词辨析。根据下一段中的“when seeing his ranch”可知,此处指数年过去了,男孩实现了他的梦想。固定搭配 realize

28、 ones dream意为“实现梦想” ,符合语境。故答案选 B。19解析:选 C。考查名词辨析。本句是老师的感叹与自责。根据下文中“During those years I stole a lot of kids dreams.”可知,此处老师说自己是梦想的“偷盗者”。故答案选 C。20解析:选 D。考查动词短语辨析。step down into 意为“步入” ;keep up with意为“跟上,与保持一致” ;look down upon 意为“小看,鄙视” ;give up on 意为“不再相信,放弃” 。结合语境可知,最后老师感叹,幸好男孩有足够的进取心,并没有放弃自己的梦想。故答案

29、选 D。第二部分:短文语法填空Everyone needs to know how to prevent a fire.It is also important to know what to do when it _1_(break)out.Every year,over 11,000 people _2_(kill)or injured in house fires.These fires could have been avoided.Smokers who are _3_(care)cause about 200 deaths and over 6,000 fires.More tha

30、n of those _4_ die in fires are poisoned or harmed by smoke.If fire happens,do not attempt to fight the fire unless it is small.Try putting out a small fire with water.If _5_ fire has spread or if the flames are more than 20 inches high,shut the door on it.Warn everyone else in the building and tell

31、 them to get out.You should leave and dial 911 for the fire department.Before _6_(go)into a room,check the door.If the handle or the door is hot,do not open it! Instead,put clothing or a wet towel at the bottom of it to keep smoke out.If the door is not hot,open it _7_(slow)If there is a rush of smo

32、ke heat,close it again and shout to warn _8_(other)inside.Now open the window and shout “Fire!” See whether you can drop safely to the ground.Use this _9_ your escape course if you can.If you are not on ground level,break your fall by pushing a mat out first.Lower yourself at arms _10_(long) before

33、dropping.Once outside,stay out outside and make sure the fire department is called.9【语篇导读】 本文主要讲了发生火灾时应注意的事项以及如何在火灾中逃生。1breaks 考查时态。有主句时态可知此处应用一般现在时,在 it后面,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。break out 为不及物动词短语,不用被动语态。2are killed 考查被动语态。根据句意,每年有 11 000个人在着火的房子中伤亡,所以填 kill的被动形式,因为是陈述事实,所以 be动词用现在时。3careless 考查形容词。根据句意,吸

34、烟者引发死伤和火灾,所以是粗心大意的吸烟者。4who 考查定语从句。由句子结构可知此处应填定语从句的引导词,先行词是人并在定语从句中作主语,所以用 who。5the 考查冠词。前文中提到了 fire,所以在此处提到上文提到过的事物时,要用定冠词 the,表示特指。6going 考查动名词。此处的 before是介词,介词后面的名词要用动名词形式。7slowly 考查副词。open 此处为动词,所以用副词形式 slowly。8others 考查代词。others:“其他人” ,此处做 warn的宾语,other 为形容词,后必有名词。9as 考查语境和介词。考查语境和介词。根据句意,在逃跑的过程中使用这个技能,此处 as作为介词,有“作为”的意思。10length 考查名词。空前的 arms是物主代词,后面应该接名词,long 的名词形式是length(长度)。


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