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1、1Unit 1李仕才一、词汇复习(一)单句语法填空1、The children dressed _ long wool coats stopped to look at us. 答案:in 句意为:穿着长羊毛外套的孩子们停下来看着我们。be dressed in 意为“穿着” ,为固定搭配。2(2015福建厦门双十中学检测改编)The desire for selfimprovement has led many Chinese students to pursue educational opportunities _ physical classrooms. 答案:beyond 句意为:自

2、我完善的愿望促使许多中国学生去追求超越实体课堂教育的机会。beyond 意为“超出” 。3(2015山东菏泽联考改编)With new technology, pictures of underwater valleys can be taken _ color. 答案:in 句意为:由于有了这项新的科技,水下的山谷可以被拍成彩色照片。in color意为“彩色的” ,符合句意。4(2015江苏南通中学改编)She works well with those who are superior _ her in the company. 答案:to 句意为:她与公司那些职务高于她的人相处得很好。

3、be superior to 意为“优于;高于” ,为固定短语。5(2015江苏盐城调研改编)_ the Hong Kong singers current popularity, she was largely unknown in Chinese mainland before the talent show. 答案:Despite 句意为:虽然这个香港歌手现在很受欢迎,但是在才艺秀之前她在内地还不为人知。despite 意为“虽然” ,符合句意。(二)英汉互译1. California_2. Californian_3. illustrate vt. _4. distinct adj.

4、_5. distinction n. _6. immigrant n._7. live on _8. strait n. _9. Bering _10. Arctic adj. _11. the Arctic _212. means n. _13. by means of _14. prehistoric adj. _15. majority n. _16. ministry n. _17. Catholic adj. n. _18. Alaska n. _19. San Francisco n. _20. adventurer n. _ 21. make a life _22. despit

5、e prep. _23. hardship n. _24. elect vt. _25. federal adj. _26. rail n. _27. percentage n. _28. Los Angeles n. _29. Italy n. _30. Italian n adj. _31. Denmark n. _32. keep up _33. Hollywood n. _34. boom n vi. _35. aircraft n. _36. Cambodian n. _37. Korea n. _38. Korean n. adj. _39. Pakistan n. _40. Pa

6、kistani adj. n. _41. immigrate vi. _42. immigration n. _43. racial adj. _44. crossing n. _45. vice n. shaved, shaven) _59. cable n. _60. cable car _61. Andrew Hallidie _62. tram n. _63. apparent adj. _64. apparently adv. _65. brake n. Vi. some are formed with spots of green peeking(窥探) out. Its defi

7、nitely something you wouldnt want to miss.Yosemite isnt the only great national park but based on my experience I highly recommend going out and enjoying nature with family and friends. Its a great time to bond, laugh, and take in what Mother Nature offers.【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过讲述自己和家人一起自驾游览 Yosemite公

8、园的经历,建议人们多去户外亲近大自然。1The author writes the first paragraph mainly to Aintroduce the topic of this passageBoffer an example to usCtell us his future plan for hikingDdescribe a national parkA 解析:写作意图题。通读全文尤其是第一段的第一句可知,文章主要介绍了作者和家人去 Yosemite公园游玩的经历;据此可以判断,第一段旨在引出文章主题,故 A项正确。2While climbing up rocks, the

9、 author was Anerveracking BinjuredCpleased DworriedC 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Climbing up rocks . a lot of fun.”可知,攀岩是作者最喜欢的项目,作者从中体会到了许多乐趣。C 项意为“高兴的” ,符合7语境,故 C项正确。3According to the passage, Yosemite Ais crowded with visitors every dayBis the only great national parkCis worth travelling toDis nothing but a

10、 common destinationC 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的最后一句和第二段的第一句以及最后一段“Yosemite isnt the only great . Mother Nature offers.”可知,去 Yosemite公园是一次快乐而冒险的经历;据此可知,Yosemite 公园值得一游。4The author suggests Akeeping a good bond with other peopleBvisiting Yosemite now and thenCtrying to protect the environmentDgoing out to enjoy

11、the beauty of natureD 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“I highly recommend going out and enjoying nature with family and friends.”可知,作者建议我们到外面去欣赏大自然的风光,故 D项正确。三、七选五Top Ways to Spend the Holiday Season with PetsTaking a nap is a great way to refresh during the holidays,and a nap with your dog or cat(or both)is an ex

12、cellent bonding opportunity.Holiday time is here.The decorating,the shopping,the cooking,the cleaning,the wrapping._1_ In the seasons craziness our furry family members tend to get ignored or overstimulated(过度刺激的)_2_ But they dont have to:be sure to pay attention and give them a break from the activ

13、ity when they need it and add them to the fun when they dont.Rest time.If your pet seems stressed,have a safe place for him away from activity.Cats should have a quiet,cozy spot to sleep with food,water,and their litter box._3_ Be sure to have a soft area for sleep,a toy or two,water,and some food.B

14、ut you might need a nap,too,to refresh for holiday festivities.So use this time to take one together.8_4_Many Christmas tree farms welcome pets on a leash(皮带)Your pet will just love being with you outdoors while you share one of the seasons most honored traditionspicking out the perfect tree.Just be

15、 sure to call the farm first to confirm that pets are welcome.and you have a new annual tradition.Go have a catch.Give your pup a good run and wear him out ahead of when company visits._5_ This way,hell be happy and relaxed when greeting guests.Dog parks are ideal as pups can run,chase tennis balls,

16、and socialize with others.Always remember to walk to and from the park with your pup on a leash and poop bags in hand.AKeep pets on a leash.BDogs love playing catch.CDogs might also need one.DBut where do our pets fit in?EPick out the family Christmas tree.FAs a result,pets can experience restlessne

17、ss and anxiety.GMany pets would love to be included in some of the activities.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。如何在假期和宠物一起度过一段美好时光?作者给我们提出了几条建议。难句分析:Your pet will just love being with you outdoors while you share one of the seasons most honored traditionspicking out the perfect tree.(倒数第二段第二句)译文:当你与你的宠物分享这个节日中最神圣的传统活动

18、挑选圣诞树时,它是非常乐意与你外出的。1D 根据空格前面“The decorating,the shopping, the cooking, the cleaning,the wrapping.”可知,我们通常在假期会把时间花在装饰、购物、烹饪、打扫等事情上,D 项表示“但我们把宠物置于何地?”与上文衔接紧凑,符合语境。故选 D项。2F 根据上句“In the seasons craziness, our furry family members tend to get ignored or overstimulated(过度刺激的) ”可知,此处应选 F项,指“这样的话,宠物可能休息不好或焦

19、虑” ,与上句构成因果关系,符合语境。故选 F项。3C 根据上句“Cats should have a quiet, cozy spot to sleep with food,water,and their little box.”及下句“Be sure to have a soft area for 9sleep,a toy or two,water,and some food.”可知,此处指宠物和人都需要有舒适的地方来休息。故 C项“狗也需要一个这样的地方”能够承接上文,符合语境。故选 C项。4E 文章倒数第二段主要介绍了作者建议我们带着宠物去挑选圣诞树。故 E项“挑选家庭圣诞树”符合题意,适合做本段标题。故选 E项。5B 根据本段标题中的关键词“catch”和空格处后的“This way,hell be happy and relaxed when greeting guests.”可知,B 项“狗喜欢玩接球”符合语境。故选 B项。


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