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1、1Unit 4 Sharing李仕才一、阅读理解。A visit to Australia would not be complete without taking the chance to see some of these animals in their natural environment.Frilled LizardThe Frilled Lizard is found in the eastern and northern parts of Australia, living within the bush. The Frilled Lizards frill normally

2、 hangs around its neck, and is made out of a flap of skin. When threatened the Frilled Lizard will raise its frill making it seen more dangerous.BandicootThere are several species of Bandicoot around Australia, and although occasionally they can be seen during the day, they are generally nocturnal.

3、Bandicoots are small creatures only about the size of a rat and eat small insects and plants. Several of the Bandicoots around Australia include the Eastern Barred Bandicoot, which is now rare around Australia and the Southern Brown Bandicoot found in eastern and western parts of Australia.KoalaKoal

4、as are small bearlike creatures that live along the east coast of Australia, with their habitat amongst(在之中) the famous Eucalyptus trees. However, koalas only like to eat a small percentage of the Eucalyptus trees found around Australia. Koalas have hard black noses, with sharp claws and a thick fur

5、ry coat and can grow to a weight of about 10kg. Most of their time is spent asleep in the trees, which is the best place to see a koala.DingoDingoes are found in various areas across Australia, and unlike domestic dogs they do not bark. Instead,the Dingo makes a howling sound that is very particular

6、. Dingoes generally eat mice, rabbits and rats, although sometimes they can also attack livestock when hungry.21.When in danger the Frilled Lizard will raise its frill to _.A.look more beautifulB.make itself comfortableC.frighten its enemyD.attract the opposite sex2.What does the underlined word “no

7、cturnal” mean in the passage?A.Dangerous when attacked.B.Active at night.C.Small in size.D.Gentle in the daytime.3.According to the passage, which animal likes resting in the tree?A.Frilled Lizard.B.Dingo.C.Bandicoot.D.Koala.参考答案: 1.C; 2.B; 3.D解析: 1.细节理解题。根据原文对 Frilled Lizard 的描述“When threatened the

8、 Frilled Lizard will raise its frill making it seen more dangerous.”可知,当Frilled Lizard遇到危险的时候会 raise its frill其目的是为了吓唬来犯的动物。2.词义理解题。根据原文对 Bandicoot的描述“and although occasionally they can be seen during the day, they are generally nocturnal.”可知,尽管偶尔在白天可以看到它们,由此推断出它们主要还是通常在夜晚活动,因此可知划线单词的意思与 B项的解释最接近。3.

9、细节理解题。根据原文“Most of their time is spent asleep in the trees, which is the best place to see a koala.”可知 Koala通常在树上睡觉。二、单句语法填空1.The other day, I _ (hear) from one of my former teachers inviting me to his wedding anniversary.答案:heard32.The teacher _ (distribute) the sweets among the children when a boy

10、 burst out crying.答案:was distributing3.Id like to apply for the position of assistant manager,sir.What experience do you have that is relevant _ this position?答案:to4.The state encourages citizens to take part in _ (volunteer) labour.答案:voluntary5.We thought it _ privilege to have been invited to suc

11、h a wedding party,where all guests drank a toast for the bride and bridegroom.答案:a6.He missed his mother so much that he was dying _ (meet) her at the airport.答案:to meet7.During the last three decades,the number of people _ (participate) in physical fitness programmes has increased sharply.答案:partic

12、ipating8.When a child is studying abroad, he must learn to adjust to _ (live) on his own.答案:living9.I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born,_ what you are doing and how you do it in your life.答案:but10.The school organizes a project in which students bring food and money to

13、 share with those _ need. 答案:in三、完形填空。A 4yearold girl named Norah and her new friend Mr. Dan have given us the glimmer of humanity we desperately need right now. A chance meeting in the grocery store pushes the _1_ of depression aside and ends up changing a life. Norahs mother, Tara Wood, wrote on F

14、acebook that her daughter seemed magnetically _2_ to the man when they passed by him at the store. So much 4so that she stood up in the cart and waved _3_, “Hi, old person!Its my birthday today!”The mans expression _4_ and his face lit up when he realized she was speaking to him. “Well, hello, littl

15、e lady! And how old are you today?” he asked.They _5_ for a few seconds and it was super adorable. They continued on their way but a few minutes later, Norah asked if she could hug and take a _6_ with the man, whom they now call “Mr. Dan”. They _7_ together and then hugged each other like they were

16、long lost friends.When she thanked Mr. Dan, Wood received a(n) _8_ she wasnt expecting. He teared up and said, “No,thank YOU. This has been the best day Ive had in a long time. Youve made me so _9_. Ms Norah.” _10_ by the encounter, Wood later posted the photos on Facebook and that night received a

17、private message from someone who _11_ knows Mr. Dan.It _12_ his wife passed away earlier this year, leaving him in deep _13_. The friend said she wassure Norah touched his heart, _14_ the chance meeting was something he “needed”Wood got Mr. Dans phone number and called him a few days later. They met

18、 for lunch the following week and have seen each other on numerous occasions _15_even celebrating his 82nd birthday together.“You guys, I CANNOT _16_ the friendship between Norah and Mr. Dan. I _17_ every time theyre togetherits so pure, simple and perfect,” Wood wrote.Hugs can be physical such as t

19、hose _18_ with an intimate partner, family member or friend; or they can be symbolic such as the _19_ that someone needs a word of encouragement or a helping hand. Hugs can be the interweaving threads that _20_ the fabric of our communities and our society. Hugs are so powerful that they5can shake u

20、s to the core and wake up the humanity within.语篇解读:四岁的小女孩在杂货店偶遇一位丧偶的老人,两人一起拍了张拥抱的照片。照片被小女孩的妈妈传上 Facebook, 感动了许多人拥抱的力量无与伦比, 它可以震撼我们的心灵, 唤醒我们内心的仁慈。1. A. ceilings B. curtains C. manners D. depths【答案】B【解析】 在杂货店的一次偶遇拉开了一位丧偶老人忧郁的一幕。 curtains 意为“幕布” ,符合语境。 故选 B。2. A. drawn B. led C. dragged D. introduced【答

21、案】A【解析】小女孩在杂货店经过老人身边时,被老人吸引住了。be drawn to sb.为固定搭配,意为“被所吸引” 。故选 A。3. A. curiously B. cautiously C. excitedly D. greedily【答案】C【解析】小孩子很激动地向老人挥手打招呼。excitedly 意为“激动地” ,符合语境。故选 C。4. A. darkened B. froze C. betrayed D. softened【答案】D【解析】见到一个小孩和自己打招呼,本来心情抑郁的老人表情一下子温和起来。soften 意为“使温和,使柔暖” ,符合语境。故选 D。5. A. ch

22、atted B. greeted C. inquired D. negotiated【答案】A【解析】打过招呼之后,一老一少聊起天来,场面特别温馨。chat 意为“聊天” ,符合语境。故选 A。6. A. walk B. picture C. rest D. survey【答案】B【解析】小女孩问她是否可以和老人拥抱并合影。take a picture 意为“拍照片” ,符合6语境。故选 B。7. A. posed B. gathered C. cheered D. clapped【答案】A【解析】因为要合影,所以他们都摆了一个姿势(pose),并且拥抱,像走散多年的老友重逢。故选 A。8.

23、A. admission B. comment C. apology D. response【答案】D【解析】小女孩的母亲感谢老人给孩子带来的欢乐时却得到了一个意想不到的回应。response 意为“回应” ,符合语境。故选 D。9. A. awkward B. delighted C. sensitive D. proud【答案】B【解析】老人流着泪说, “不,应该是我谢谢你们。我已经很久没有这么开心过了。Norah, 感谢你们今天让我这么高兴” 。delighted 意为“高兴的,兴奋的” ,符合语境。故选 B。10. A. Influenced B. Encouraged C. Touc

24、hed D. Reminded【答案】C【解析】 小女孩的母亲感动于这次偶遇, 便把孩子和老人的合影传到了 Facebook上面, 和大家分享。 touched意为“受感动的” ,符合语境。故选 C。11. A. personally B. merely C. sincerely D. eventually【答案】A【解析】发完 Facebook 的那天晚上,她收到了一位认识 Mr. Dan 的网友的私信。personally know sb.意为“认识某人” ,符合语境。故选 A。12. A. figures out B. makes out C. brings out D. turns o

25、ut【答案】D【解析】结果表明,他的妻子去年去世了。it turns out为固定句型,意为“结果是,证明是” 。故选 D。713. A. water B. thought C. depression D. shame【答案】C【解析】原来, 年初的时候,老人的妻子去世了,使得他陷入深深的悲伤和抑郁之中。 depression 意为“抑郁” ,符合语境。故选 C。14. A. predicting B. adding C. arguing D. claiming【答案】B【解析】这位朋友说,很显然 Norah 感动了 Mr. Dan,并补充说,这种偶遇带给他精神上的快乐或许正是老人目前所需要的

26、。adding 在这里意为“补充说” ,符合语境。故选 B。15. A. before B. yet C. since D. thus【答案】C【解析】Wood 得到了老人的电话号码,并在几天后给他打了电话,第二个星期他们见面一起吃了午饭。从那以后(since),他们经常见面,甚至在一起为老人过了 82 岁的生日。故选 C。16. A. develop B. handle C. spoil D. deepen【答案】B【解析】伙计们,我真的无法平静地面对孩子和老人之间的友谊。handle 意为“处理,应付,面对” ,符合语境。故选 B。17. A. remark B. hesitate C.

27、pray D. cry【答案】D【解析】 每次看到他们在一起, 我都感动得落泪(cry), 因为他们的友谊是那样的纯粹,简单而又完美无瑕。故选 D。18. A. shared B. confirmed C. identified D. cooperated【答案】A【解析】 有时候拥抱是一种身体上的亲近, 就像我们和亲密的伴侣, 家人或朋友之间分享的那样。 share with意为“和分享” ,符合语境。故选 A。819. A. approval B. promise C. consequence D. recognition【答案】D【解析】有时候拥抱又是具有象征意义的,比如它可以象征一种认

28、可,认可某个人需要一句鼓励,或者需要一只援助之手。recognition 意为“认识,认可” ,符合语境。故选 D。20. A. produce B. arrange C. strengthen D. rebuild【答案】C【解析】拥抱就是纵横交织的线,它使得我们社区和社会的架构更加稳固。拥抱的力量无与伦比,它可以震撼我们的心灵,唤醒我们内心的仁慈。strength 意为“加强,使巩固” ,符合语境。故选 C。四、单句改错1.Being abroad for so many years, I always look forward to hear from my family._ 答案:he

29、arhearing2.I had a bad cold, otherwise I will have visited more experts who are famous in the financial industry last week._ 答案:willwould3.I doubt that I can solve the problem, but Ill have a shot at it._ 答案:thatwhether/if4.(广东卷)Given the chance, I would make donation to those who still live under t

30、he bottom line of the modern living condition._ 答案:donationdonations5.There are many websites, from there you can find much information relevant to English learning._ 答案:from 后的 therewhere五、单元语法限制性定语从句1.(2016江苏卷)Only those _ have a lot in common can get along well.9I beg to differ. Opposites sometim

31、es do attract.答案:who2.(2016天津卷)I went to a special school _ I got plenty of extra help.答案:where3.(2016北京卷)I live next door to a couple _ children often make a lot of noise.答案:whose4.(2018河南郑州模拟)Travelling abroad, you should follow the customs of the country _ you are visiting.答案:that/which5.I will never forget the day on _ we went to buy guitars in the guitar store.答案:which


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