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1、1Unit 18 Beauty李仕才【阅读理解】Angry men appear to gain influence in a group,but angry women lose influence,according to a new study.Researchers from Arizona State University(ASU)published their findings in the journal Law and Human Behavior.Jessica Salerno is a psychologist and was coauthor of the study.T

2、he findings suggest that“women might not have the same opportunity for influence when they express anger”.The study found that when men expressed their opinion with anger,participants rated them as more believable.But when women expressed anger,they were viewed as more emotional and,thus,less convin

3、cing.In other words,a man could benefit from using anger in power and persuasion.A woman,however,could be ignored or hurt by her group if she expressed anger.The study was based on the responses of 210 students.They were shown evidence and photographs online from a real murder trial.A man was said t

4、o have murdered his wife.The students were asked to decide if the man was guilty or not.Before making their decision,the students discussed the case online with five jurors(陪审员).But these were not real jurors:They were computers making responses and comments back to the students.Some of the fake jur

5、ors had male identities. Others had female identities.Some male jurors were angry about the judgment.When this happened,the students reacted by doubting their own decisions about the case.Confidence in their responses on the judgment “dropped obviously,”said the study.But,when female jurors seemed a

6、ngry,the student participants“became obviously more confident in their original judgments,”the study found.The study could have wider importance.“Our results have implications(启示)for any woman who is trying to have influence on a decision in their workplace 2and everyday lives,”said Salerno.She adde

7、d that in a political debate,a female candidate might have less influence if she shows anger.1.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Powerful Men Must Be Those Who Often Get AngryB.Women,be Careful Not to Turn Angry EasilyC.Angry Men Win Influence While Angry Women LoseD.Angry Women Are Not Un

8、fit for Leaders While Men Are2.The underlined word“rated”in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by“_.”A.forgaveB.ignoredC.regardedD.praised3.How did the students react to the female jurors anger with their judgments?A.They more firmly stuck to their judgments.B.They began to doubt about their judgments.C.Th

9、ey gave up their judgments willingly.D.They had to change their judgments.4.If a woman politician wants to have more influence,shed better_.A.always keep smilingB.avoid losing her temperC.become angryD.give orders firmly参考答案: 1.C; 2.C; 3.A; 4.B解析: 1.主旨大意题。本文讨论的话题是生气的男人更有影响力,而生气的女人却会减少影响力。由主题段第一段得出。2

10、.词义猜测题。研究发现,当男人用气愤的方式表达意见时,参与者认为他们更可信。rate此处的意思是“认为”,与 regard同义。3.细节理解题。试验中,如果女陪审员对学生的判断生气,学生会更坚信自己的判断。由第五段最后一句得出。4.细节理解题。女政治家要想获得更大的影响力,不要生气发火。由第六段 She added that in a political debate,a female candidate might have less influence if she 3shows anger得出。完形填空When I was diagnosed with breast cancer a f

11、ew years back, I reacted like most who receive a cancer diagnosis and the first thing that came to mind was a “death sentence” ._1_, instead of complaining, I decided to look for the _2_ side of it.I realized that I was about to _3_ a new beginning.I knew that I had to develop and gain _4_ from all

12、my experiences.Even with the pain I had to _5_ through each diagnosis, and all the _6_ Ive dealt with all my life, I still felt truly lucky.I _7_ myself that I still have my life, so why am I to _8_?One day, I had an unusual experience.I turned that experience into a _9_ and I called it “Peace” .Wri

13、ting had become therapy(治疗) for me.I took that poem, along with many others I had _10_ during my breast cancer period and placed them in book form.I was _11_ enough to have that book published.I later had another inspirational childrens book _12_, with a third one _13_Im hoping that anyone who has t

14、he chance to read my first book of poems will benefit from it.My poems are from the heart, and I wish to have a positive _14_ on someone whos ill.I _15_ believe when you survive a serious _16_ like cancer, its for a reason, and I want to live to _17_ exactly what that is for me.Thats what Im all abo

15、ut now, inspiration.I would have _18_ become a writer, producing inspirational poems and stories, if I had not gone through all that I did.Im a true example that you can _19_ cancer, as long as you have faith and allow that faith to _20_ your path.【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者患癌症, 但没有抱怨, 而是通过写诗歌和小说来阐述人生, 最终他

16、战胜了病魔。1.A.However BBesidesCTherefore DOtherwiseA 解析:上文说, 作者对于患上癌症首先想到的是 “死亡判决” ; 下文说, 作者并没有抱怨。据此可以判断, 空处前后文之间是转折关系, 故 A项正确。2A.bad BoppositeCright DpositiveD 解析:根据该句中 “instead of complaining” 可知, 作者没有选择抱怨而是4决定寻找癌症积极的一面; D 项意为 “积极的” , 符合语境。3A.mark BmissCface DfindC 解析:根据语境可知, 作者将面对新的开始。C 项意为 “面对, 面临”

17、, 符合语境。4A.advantage BstrengthCknowledge DskillB 解析:根据该句中的 “from all my experiences” 可以判断, 作者决定从自己的经历中获得战胜癌症的力量; B 项意为 “力量” , 符合语境。5A.express BhideCgo DbearD 解析:根据该句中的 “with the pain” 可知, 作者要忍受癌症的痛苦; D 项意为“忍受” , 符合语境。6A.chances BstrugglesCdecisions DbusinessesB 解析:根据该句中的 “Ive dealt with all my life”

18、并结合前文作者对患癌症的叙述可以判断, B 项 “挣扎” , 符合语境。7A.persuaded BshowedCreminded DtaughtC 解析:根据语境可知, 作者提醒自己, 自己仍然活着; C项意为 “提醒” , 故C项正确。 A 项意为 “说服” ; B 项意为 “展示” ; D 项意为 “教” 。8A.complain Bencourage Cdisappoint DpleaseA 解析:根据第一段最后一句中的 “complaining” 并结合语境可知, A项正确。B项意为 “鼓励” ; C 项意为 “失望” ; D 项意为 “取悦” 。9A.poem Bnovel Cdi

19、ary DplayA 解析:根据下文的 “I took that poem” 可知, 作者将那次经历写成了一首诗;A项意为 “诗歌” , 符合语境。10A.read Blearned Cwritten DcollectedC 解析:根据上句中的 “Writing” 可以判断, 这些诗是作者在患癌症期间写的, 故 C项正确。11A.confident Blucky 5Ccareful DshockedB 解析:根据该句中的 “enough to have that book published” 可以判断, 作者足够幸运, 出版了自己的诗集, 故 B项正确。A 项意为 “自信的” ; C项意为

20、“仔细的” ; D 项意为 “震惊的” 。12A.published Btranslated Ctyped DreviewedA 解析:根据上句中的 “have that book published” 及本句中的 another可以判断, 作者又出版了一本书, 故 A项正确。B 项意为 “翻译” ; C项意为 “打字” ; D项意为 “审查” 。13A.in the dark Babove the averageCahead of time Don the wayD 解析:根据该句中 “another.with a third one” 可以判断, 第三本书将要出版; on the way

21、意为 “即将发生” , 符合语境。14A.impression BinfluenceCresult DconclusionB 解析:作者的诗歌源于心灵, 作者希望它们对病人有积极的影响。have an influence on为固定短语, 意为 “对有影响” , 故 B项正确。A 项意为 “印象” ; C项意为 “结果” ; D 项意为 “结论” 。15A.hardly Bhonestly Ctruly DwidelyC 解析:作者真的相信, 一个人能从像癌症这样的重疾中存活下来, 这肯定是有原因的; C 项意为 “真正地” , 符合语境, 故 C项正确。16A.accident Bdiagn

22、osisCdisaster DdiseaseD 解析:根据该句中的 “like cancer” 可以判断, 这里指像癌症那样的重疾, 故 D项正确。17A.look for Bfind outCconcentrate o Dpick outB 解析:根据该句中的 “its for a reason” 可知, 作者要弄清楚对他来说那是什么; B项意为 “弄清楚, 弄明白” , 符合语境。A 项意为 “寻找” ; C项意为 “全神贯注于” ; D 项意为 “挑选” 。18A.ever Balready Cjust DneverD 解析:根据语境可知, 如果不是癌症, 作者肯定不可能成为作家, 写出

23、鼓舞人6心的诗歌和故事, 故 D项正确。19A.cure Bdevelop Csurvive DtreatC 解析:根据第三段最后一句中的 “survive” 可知, 作者是从癌症中存活下来的真实例子, 故 C项正确。 20A.direct Bcross Cfollow DwalkA 解析:根据该句中的 “your path” 可知, 只要你有信念, 并让信念指引你的方向, 那么你就可能会战胜癌症。A 项意为 “指引” , 符合语境。语法填空My name is Wil Wheaton and I am a nerd (怪人)Its awesome to be 1._ nerd.When I

24、was a little boy, people really teased me about that and 2._ (make) me feel like there was something wrong with me for loving strange things.Now that Im an adult, Im a 3._(profession) nerd, and the world has changed.I think we 4._(realize)that being a nerd is not about what you love 5._ about how yo

25、u love.So theres going to be a thing in your life that you love.I dont know what its going to be.It might be sports or science or reading or6._ (tell) storiesit doesnt matter what it is.Some of us love Game of Thrones, while others love Star Wars.But we all love those things so much that we travel 7

26、._ (thousand) of mileswhich is 8._ (probable) easy for you, but were still using fossil fuels, so its difficult to be around people who love the things that we love the way that we love them.Thats 9._ being a nerd is awesome.I want you to work hard because everything worth 10._ (do) is hard.I want y

27、ou to be awesome, and I will do my very best to leave you a planet that you can still live on.【解题导语】 一个人不要在意别人对你的看法,你该关注的是做你想做并认为值得做的事情。1a 解析:考查冠词。设空处后的名词 nerd在此句中表示泛指,故与不定冠词连用。2made 解析:考查动词的时态。根据并列连词 and可知设空处与前面的谓语动词teased并列,又根据上下文关系,可知设空处答案为 made。73professional 解析:考查词性转换。设空处后为名词,由此可判断设空处应为形容词。4hav

28、e realized 解析:考查动词的时态。根据上下文的意思可知此空用现在完成时。5but 解析:考查连词。固定搭配 not.but.。句意:我认为我们已经意识到了当一个怪人不是你爱什么而是你怎么去爱。6telling 解析:考查非谓语动词。根据设空处前的 or及前面的 reading可知设空处与 reading并列作表语,故设空处用动名词形式。7thousands 解析:考查固定搭配。thousands of 为固定搭配,意为“数以千计的”。8probably 解析:考查词性转换。根据设空处后的形容词,可知设空处需用副词修饰形容词(easy)。9why 解析:考查表语从句。why being

29、 a nerd is awesome作表语。句意:那就是成为怪人很可怕的原因。10doing 解析:考查固定用法。sth.be worth doing 意为“某事值得做” 。、七选五How to Use Social Media PositivelyNowadays so common is social media in our society that almost everyone is connected to some form of it, whether it is Twitter, Facebook or even Pinterest.We are in a fastpaced

30、, technologically evolving society and we are addicted to social media.1. So how does one ensure a positive online reputation? Its simple:Keep it clean.Party photos with alcohol are an absolute nono.Would you want to have your boss see these photos? 2. Make sure to post contents that you feel positi

31、vely reflect you,your creativity and your skills.3 You have a private Twitter account so can you post anything you want? This is decidedly not the case.Privacy settings make it harder to see your full account, but its not impossible.Under no circumstance should you rely on privacy settings as a way

32、to protect inappropriate contents.Ensure youre careful and professional.Keep it classy (优等的)! Discover your brand, or what you want people to think of you.Proper spelling and grammar is always a plus, but it may not be your brand. 4. In this way, you can earn approval.Follow these simple rules and y

33、oure on your way to building, or restoring an online reputation.Using social media positively doesnt mean you cant have fun and use it to express yourself; however,you want to ensure that youre OK with anyone seeing everything you post. 5. So your post can get your friends active and happy.8Like it

34、or not, your social networks reflect youmake sure you look like the shining star that you truly are.ATry to do everything as well as you can.BIn fact ,we long for social media and need it.CSocial media is very fast to use but very difficult.DDont trust privacy settings at all.EBe entirely sure about

35、 what youre posting.FOnce you click post, theres no looking back.GMake sure your post is written personally.【解题导语】 如今,几乎每个人都与社交媒体有某种程度的联系,而本文就如何积极利用社交媒体提出了几条建议。1B 解析:根据设空前的“We are in a fastpaced,technologically evolving society and we are addicted to social media.”可知,在这个快节奏的、技术不断发展的社会中,我们都痴迷于社交媒体,下文

36、就如何在社交媒体保持积极的网络信誉提出了几点建议,故 B项(事实上,我们渴望和需要社交媒体。)符合语境。2E 解析:根据设空后的“Make sure to post contents that you feel positively reflect you,your creativity and your skills.”可知,此处指要确保你发出的帖子能够反映你积极的一面,即要确保你发帖子的内容。故选 E项。3D 解析:设空处为本段的主题句,根据本段出现的 private,Privacy settings及最后一句“Under no circumstance should you rely o

37、n privacy settings.”可知,本段是在提醒人们不要完全指望隐私设置。故选 D项,该选项中的 privacy settings与之呼应。4A 解析:根据本段主题句“Ensure youre careful and professional.”及本段中的“Discover your brand.Proper spelling and grammar.”可知,我们要尽力把每一方面都做好。故选 A项。5F 解析:根据设空前的“however,you want to ensure that youre OK with anyone seeing everything you post”可

38、知,你要确保任何人看到你所发出的东西都可以接受,与 F项(帖子一旦发出,就不能收回了)形成对比。、短文改错Living without an aim is like sailing without compass.If there is no aim in our lives,we will get lose. Last term,I couldnt accept the truth which I failed in my math examination.I decided to give it up,so I skipped from classes frequently.Conside

39、red my case,my teacher offered me several detailed approach and advised me to set a shortterm goal to improve my math.Finally,I work harder than ever and made great progress in her math.In my opinion,success lies in a series of goals.However,we should remember to make our targets clearly and spare n

40、o effort to realize our dreams.【答案】 Living without an aim is like sailing without compass.If there is no aim a9in our lives,we will get . Last term,I couldnt accept the truth I loselost whichthatfailed in my math examination.I decided to give it up,so I skipped classes fromfrequently. my case,my tea

41、cher offered me several detailed ConsideredConsideringand advised me to set a shortterm goal to improve my math.Finally,I approachapproachesharder than ever and made great progress in math.In my workworked hermyopinion,success lies in a series of goals. ,we should remember to make HoweverThereforeou

42、r targets and spare no effort to realize our dreams.clearlyclear第一处:compass 前加 a。考查冠词。compass 为可数名词,表示泛指,要用不定冠词。第二处:loselost。考查形容词。此处的 get为系动词,故其后应用形容词。第三处:whichthat。考查名词性从句。名词 truth后为同位语从句,从句中不缺少成分,故用 that。第四处:删除 from。考查介词。skip classes 意为“逃课” ,故 from多余。第五处:ConsideredConsidering。考查介词。此处应用介词 consider

43、ing在句中作状语。第六处:approachapproaches。考查名词。approach 作“方法”讲时,是可数名词;由前面的 several可知,应用复数形式。第七处:workworked。考查动词时态。根据语境可知,work 的动作发生在过去,故应该使用一般过去时。第八处:hermy。考查代词。此处表示“我的数学有了很大进步” ,故代词应用 my。第九处:HoweverTherefore。考查副词。根据语境可知, 此处为因果关系;后面有逗号隔开,故应用 Therefore。第十处:clearlyclear。考查形容词。此处应用形容词作 make的宾语补足语,用于补充说明名词 targets。


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