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1、1模块1 Unit3 Travel Journal1.【新疆乌鲁木齐第一中学2019届高三上第一次月考】Bob! How is your project? I heard you started it last Friday, right?Oh! I _ for it. But I havent decided when to do it.A. will prepare B. had preparedC. have been preparing D. was preparing2.【2018届北京市朝阳区高三3月综合练习(一模)】His suggestion that she _ in his

2、 home suggested he _ very warm-hearted.A. would stay; was B. stayed; beC. should stay; be D. stay; was3.【2018届北京市朝阳区高三3月综合练习(一模)】 Why didnt Ann see me wave to her? She _ in the other direction.A. looked B. was looking C. has looked D. is looking4.【2018届北京市朝阳区高三3月综合练习(一模)】I think Anna _ her packing s

3、ince she started getting things ready early this morning.A. finishes B. has finished C. had finished D. would finish5.【徐州一中2018-2019学年第一学期高三年级阶段性检测(一)】Are you used to checking your social accounts or browsing news updates right before going to bed? If so, you should consider changing this habit.Oh,

4、I forgot to tell you, I _the habit for theres no secret that blue light harms our vision by damaging the eyes retina.A. had quit B. would quit C. did quit D. have quit6.【江苏省南京市金陵中学2017-2018学年高二下学期期末考试】Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to _ our schools campaign “Help the Needy”, which was started by o

5、ur former headmaster three years ago.A. sponsor B. launch C. organize D. plan7.【江苏省南通市通州区2017-2018学年高二下学期期末调研测试】Have you searched the kitchen for your car key?No. It was in the study I remember I left it.单项选择2A. which B. where C. that D. as【湖北省2018届高三(五月)冲刺】One of the main decisions you must make wh

6、en traveling is deciding where to stay. A place to stay can often make or break a holiday. Whether you are looking for a classy hotel or a night under the stars, we can guide you through your different options.Bed and BreakfastAn English invention, bed and breakfasts, offers exactly what they sugges

7、t, a bed for the night and breakfast in the morning. “B&Bs”,are usually someones private home,often found in the countryside.HostelsFor those traveling on a tight budget, hostels are the best accommodation option. Informal places usually with a lovely relaxed atmosphere, they offer dormitory beds fo

8、r rent. Bathrooms are usually down the hall.Remember to check reviews by previous guests online before you book your hostel.Couch SurfingAn unusual but interesting option, couch(沙发) surfing is a growing trend among young internationals. The idea is that you become a member of the online couch-surfin

9、g community (www. couchsurfing. com) and then when you travel, look up other members in that country and ask to stay on their couch. Most hosts will suggest sightseeing trips and take you out in the evening, making it a great way to see things that arent in your guidebook. And remember, it may be fr

10、ee but dont forget to offer to buy your host a drink or dinner.CampingSleeping under the stars! For budget travelers staying at camping grounds is the cheapest way to travel. The drawback is having to carry a tent with you. Camping grounds can be found across Europe, America and Australia. However,

11、if you intend on camping in busy cities check first where the nearest place for camping is. More often than not, they are on the edge of cities, which can mean lengthy bus rides into town when you want to eat or see the sights.8. What will hostels provide for budget travelers?A. A positive experienc

12、e. B. Dormitory beds for sale.C. Reviews by previous guests. D. Beds and private bathrooms.阅读理解39. What is the advantage of couch surfing?A. You can have a couch to sleep on. B. You dont have to pay any money.C. You can explore the nightlife there. D. The host will share the expense with you.10. Wha

13、t is the disadvantage of camping?A. Sleeping in the open air. B. Taking some extra articles.C. Camping near big cities. D. Using public transportation.11. What may the four alternatives have in common?A. They help you save money. B. They help you make friends.C. They offer you good reviews. D. They

14、offer you nice views.【全国市级联考】山东省淄博市2018届高三下学期第一次模拟考试】This past summer I went on a journey to Canadas Arctic with Students On Ice. When I left Calgary I _12_what I would find, what I would learn and who I would meet. On the trip to Ottawa I was wrapped _13_a blanket of uncertainty and _14_.But when I

15、 first met the group of students, scientists and leaders, I knew that I didnt have _15_to worry about. The group was amazingly receptive and I was soon part of a big family _16_on an amazing adventurean adventure of a lifetime!When we reached the _17_.I was surprised by its great size and beauty and

16、 my senses were repeatedly _18_and amazed.I stood on the Kapitan Khlebnikov and _19_twelve Polar bears. They walked in _20_of seal holes, and _21_waited for a meal.I learned that polar bears are _22_only one out of every twenty hunting attempts. I saw a vast land that appeared untouched and original

17、._23_, I learned that the Arctic and its people are being threatened by pollution and global warming. I learned that pollutants are _24_by ocean and air and have a bad _25_on all Arctic people. I learned that global warming has put Polar bears at _26_because a warmer climate means that they have a _

18、27_time to hunt seals on the ice.The trip was a _28_for the senses. I have learned more about our environment, and particularly how alive and interesting the Arctic is and _29_it is so important to take .完形填空4care of it. I learned pollution, ignorance of individual and global problems need to be _30

19、_. The Arctic deserves to be preserved. My trip with Students On Ice has made me more determined to try to ensure that I do not leave _31_footprints on either Earth or its people.12. A. remembered B. felt C. doubted D. wondered13. A. in B. with C. up D. son14. A. worry B. excitement C. sorrow D. sym

20、pathy15. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something16. A. setting out B. looking down C. getting along D. breaking away17. A. Calgary B. Arctic C. Ottawa D. Kapitan18. A. frozen B. awoken C. shocked D. destroyed19. A. counted B. seized C. shot D. saw20. A. search B. sight C. direction D. fear

21、21. A. happily B. firmly C. constantly D. patiently22. A. clever B. successful C. alive D. crazy23. A. Therefore B. Besides C. However D. Anyhow24. A. blown B. flowed C. carried D. produced25. A. effect B. result C. habit D. service26. A. war B. peace C. work D. risk27. A. fewer B. shorter C. better

22、 D. harder28. A. challenge B. feast C. test D. comfort29. A. how B. when C. why D. where30. A. solved B. shown C. mentioned D. understood31. A. clear B. solid C. steady D. harmful【2018年每日一题一轮复习-周末培优】May 24, 2016 was my 18th birthday. It was so an important day for me because it meant I became fully

23、grown person. My father has promised he would give me a big present, then I was so excited that he took my mother and myself to Thailand. The trip to abroad was the first time for my family. When we arrived in Thailand, I .短文改错5couldnt help hang around. I could see much kinds of statues everywhere.

24、Riding elephants was one of the most famous travel project. I rode an elephant and it was real exciting. May father kept his promise or I was so thankful to him.1.【答案】C【解析】考查时态。句意:-Bob,你的项目怎么样了?我听说你上周五就开始了,是吗?-哦!我已经在做准备,但还没有决定好什么时候开始做。根据句意可知,我已经开始做准备了,不知道什么时候开始,说明还在准备中,用现在完成进行时最合适,即have been doing,故



27、案】C【解析】 考查强调句。句意:你已经在厨房里找到车钥匙了吗?没有。我记得我把它落在了书房里了。去掉It was和该空,剩余部分可组合成一个完整句子:I remember I left it in the study。根据强调句的判断依据可知,这是一个强调句,故该空应填that。C选项正确。8.【答案】 A【解析】考查细节理解。根据Hostels中的Informal places usually with a lovely relaxed atmosphere这些非正式的场所给你一种友好的轻松的氛围。会让你有一次积极的体验。故选A。9.【答案】C 【解析】考查推理判断。Couch Surfi

28、ng下谈到旅游时寻找这样的家庭,主人给你提供自家的沙发代替旅馆,在夜晚,主人会带你出去转悠,你能看见在旅游指南上找不到的东西。故选C。10.【答案】B【解析】考查推理判断。最后一节谈到露宿,说它能让你在星空下睡觉,不方便的地方是你出门时得带着帐篷,要额外携带一些物品。故选B。11.【答案】A【解析】考查推理判断。本文介绍了四种经济的出行方式:住宿兼次日早餐的旅馆,青年旅舍,睡沙发旅行和露宿。从各部分的介绍看,这四种选择都不像旅馆那么贵,可以帮你省钱。故选A。.阅读理解.完形填空7【答案】12-16.DABCA 17-21.BCDAD 22-26.BCCAD 27-31.BBCAD【解析】12.

29、考查动词。remembered 记得;felt 感觉;doubted怀疑;wondered想知道。当我离开Calgary的时候,我想知道我将会发现什么,我将会学到什么,以及我将会遇见谁。根据句意可知选D。13.考查介词。根据句意:我对前往渥太华旅行,充满着未知。wrap in a blanket of本意是包裹着毯子,在这里表示充满着,包裹着。可知答案为A。14.考查名词。worry担忧;excitement 兴奋;sorrow 悲痛;sympathy同情。根据上下文可知,我去渥太华旅行是一件令人兴奋的事,可知答案为B。15.考查不定代词。根据后文提到这个旅行团体的人十分接纳我,我很快就融入这

30、个大家庭可知,我没有什么可担心的。not have anything to worry about表示没有什么可担心,否定句中用anything,而不用something,故选C。16.考查动词短语。setting out 出发;looking down往下看;getting along进展;breaking away脱离。他们开始了一场奇妙的冒险一场一生的冒险!根据句意可知答案为A。17.考查名词。第一段提到了I went on a journey to Canadas Arctic,故这里是指我们到达Arctic,可知选B。18.考查动词。frozen 结冰;awoken唤醒;shocke

31、d震惊;destroyed毁掉。根据后面的amazed“惊讶的”可推知,这里应选择和amazed意思类似的形容词,可知选C。19.考查动词。counted 数数,称得上;seized 抓住;shot 射击;saw看见。我站在Kapitan Khlebnikov上,看到了十二只北极熊。故选D。20.考查名词。search搜寻;sight视力;direction 方向;fear害怕。他们走着寻找密封的洞。in search of寻找,搜寻,故答案为A。21.考查副词。happily高兴地;firmly坚定地;constantly 不断地;patiently耐心地。他们走着寻找密封的洞,耐心地等待着

32、一顿饭。根据句意可知答案为D。22.考查形容词。我了解到,北极熊每二十次尝试中只有一次成功。故选B。23.考查副词。然而,我了解到北极和它的人民正受到污染和全球变暖的威胁。联系上下文此处表示转折,故选C。24.考查动词。blown 风吹;flowed流动;carried搬运;produced生产。我得知由海洋和空气携带的污染物对北极的人都有一个坏的影响。根据句意可知选C。825.考查名词。我得知由海洋和空气携带的污染物对北极的人都有一个坏的影响。have an effect on sth.对有影响,故答案为A。26.考查名词。我了解到,全球变暖让北极熊处于危险之中。at risk处于危险之中,

33、故选D。27.考查形容词。因为气候变暖意味着它们在冰面上捕猎海豹的时间更短。根据句意可知选B。28.考查名词。challenge 挑战;feast宴会;test 测试;comfort安慰。这次旅行是感官的盛宴。故选B。29.考查宾语从句。我对我们的环境有了更多的了解,特别是北极是多么的生机勃勃和有趣,并且为什么要照顾它是如此的重要。此处是why引导的宾语从句,故选C。30.考查动词。solved 解决;shown展示;mentioned提到;understood明白,理解。我了解到污染、个人的无知和全球性的变暖问题需要被解决。故选A。31.考查形容词。clear 清楚的;solid 固体的;s

34、teady 稳定的;harmful有害的。我和学生们在冰上的旅行让我下定决心,要努力确保我不会在地球上或其人民身上留下有害的足迹。根据句意可知选D。【答案】May 24, 2016 was my 18th birthday. It was so an important day for me because it meant I became fully grown such aperson. My father has promised he would give me a big present, then I was so excited that he took my mother a

35、nd had.短文改错9myself to Thailand. The trip to abroad was the first time for my family. When we arrived in Thailand, I couldnt help mehang around. I could see much kinds of statues everywhere. Riding elephants was one of the most famous travel project. hanging many projectsI rode an elephant and it was

36、 real exciting. May father kept his promise or I was so thankful to him.really and【解析】32.考查副词。such是形容词,修饰名词;so是副词,修饰形容词或副词。such an important day如此重要的一天,such修饰名词day。故so改为such。33.考查冠词。person是可数名词,冠词置于形容词修饰语之前。故fully前加a。34.考查动词。句意:父亲曾许诺给我一个大礼物。文章讲述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,根据语境可知,“许诺”这一动作发生在“过去的过去”,用过去完成时。故has改为h

37、ad。35.考查代词。句意:爸爸带着我和妈妈去泰国,让我感到非常激动。主语和宾语不是指同一个人,不用反身代词。故myself改为me。36.考查介词。abroad是副词,其前不用介词。故去掉to。37.考查非谓语动词。句意:到达泰国的时候,我情不自禁地到处去游玩。“can/could not help doing something”表示情不自禁做某事,是常用搭配。故hang改为hanging。38.考查形容词。many修饰可数名词,much修饰不可数名词。kind是可数名词。故much改为many。1039.考查名词。句意:骑大象是最吸引人的旅游项目之一。project是可数名词,“one of + the + 最高级 + 名词复数”表示“最之一”是常用搭配。故project改为projects。40.考查副词。really作状语修饰形容词exciting,作状语要用副词。故real改为really。41.考查连词。句意:我的父亲遵守了诺言,我非常感激他。前后文之间是并列关系,or表示选择关系,and表示并列关系。故or改为and。


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