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1、Unit 2,Working the land,Section Using Language,自 主 预 习,.单词速记 1_ (n.)营养;滋养;食物 2_ (vt.)画底线标出;强调_ (adj.)画线的 3_ (n.)总结;摘要;强调_ (n.)强调,总结 4_ (n.)评论;议论(vi.&vt.)表达意见;作出评论 5_ (vt.)使迷惑;使为难confusing(adj.)令人迷惑的 confused(adj.)感到迷惑的confusion(n.)迷惑,nutrition,underline,underlined,summary,summarize,comment,confuse,6

2、_ (vt.)遗憾;惋惜(n.)遗憾;懊悔regretful(adj.)后悔的 7_ (adj.)化学的;关于化学的chemistry(n.)化学 8_ (n.)生产;制造produce(v.)生产 9discover(vt.)发现_ (n.)发现;发觉 10_ (vt.)减少;减缩reduction(n.)减少,regret,chemical,production,discovery,reduce,.短语互译 1对造成损害 _ 2洗掉 _ 3逐渐增强;建立;开发 _ 4导致;造成(后果) _ 5turn to _ 6focus on _ 7keep.free from/of. _ _ 8pr

3、event.from. _,cause damage to,wash off,build up,lead to,转向,集中(注意力、精力等)于,使免受(影响,伤害等),使不含(有害物),阻止做,.课文理解 First 略读主旨 1Match the general idea of every part. Part 1 (Para.1) _ Part 2 (Para.2) _ Part 3 (Paras.3&4) _ AFarmers and customers turn to organic farming and how farmers keep their soil rich. BScie

4、ntists have found that chemical fertilizers cause damage to the land and peoples health. CSome of the problems caused by chemical fertilizers.,B,C,A,2What does the passage tell us? Since chemical fertilizers have caused _,farmers have turned to _ using _ to keep the soil rich.,damage,organic farming

5、,natural waste,Second 细读细节 1From the passage,we can see organic farmers are those who _. Agrow crops with chemical fertilizers Bgrow crops with natural fertilizers Cproduce organic fertilizers Dcare for the environment,B,2From the fourth paragraph,we know that _. Aits not good to plant grass between

6、 crops Bpeanuts use the grounds surface Cpeas and soybeans should be grown together with corn and wheat Dvegetables that put down deep roots are harmful to the soil,B,3According to the text,which of the following is NOT the problem caused by chemical fertilizers?_ ACrop diseases can be stopped. BChe

7、micals stay in the ground and underground water for a long time. CThe helpful bacteria and pests are killed as well as the harmful ones. DMany of these chemicals are dangerous to peoples health.,A,Third 精读语篇 Recently scientists have found that 1._ use of chemical fertilizers can cause 2._ to the lan

8、d and,even more dangerous,to peoples health.So some farmers and many customers are beginning to turn to 3._ farming.Organic farming is simply farming without using any 4._.,longterm,damage,organic,chemicals,Organic farmers focus on how to have a healthy soil which can 5._ disease and help crops 6._

9、strong and healthy.They prefer using natural 7._ from animals as fertilizer,which will make the soil in their fields richer in 8._ and also keep the air,soil,water and crops free from chemicals.To keep the soil fertile,they also use many 9._ methods,such as changing the kind of crop in each field ev

10、ery few years,10._ crops to use different levels of soil and so on.,reduce,grow,waste,minerals,other,planting,合 作 探 究,It is important to explain this again or we will confuse the students. 再次对此作出解释是很重要的,否则我们会让学生感到迷惑的。 You must be confusing me with someone else. 你一定是把我和其他什么人搞混了。 (2018江苏高考)For example

11、,there are huge amounts of reference books which I am often confused to choose from. 例如,这里有很多参考书我经常困惑的不知如何选择。,1confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难,重 点 词 汇,根据句意用confuse及其派生词的适当形式填空。 She always _ John with his twin brother. 她总是把约翰和他的孪生兄弟分不清楚。 Someone has _ all his papers on his desk,and he was annoyed with the _. 有人把他

12、桌上的文件弄乱了,他对这一片混乱感到恼怒。 The situation is _ to all of us. 形势使我们大家都感到迷惑了。 They were _ about the present situation. 他们对当前的形势感到困惑。,confuses,confused,confusion,confusing,confused,(1)vt.遗憾;惋惜 A man without a long head would regret what he has done. 无远见的人将后悔自己所做的事。 I have regretted having left the work unfin

13、ished. 这件工作我没有做完,感到有些遗憾。 (2)n.遗憾;懊悔 I declined with much regret your kind invitation. 很遗憾,我不能接受您的盛情邀请。,2regret,单句语法填空 I declined your kind invitation _ great regret. Much _ my regret,I cant accept your invitation. I regret _ (tell)you that your problems are beyond my power.Youll have to turn to some

14、 other one,Im afraid. 翻译句子。 他后悔没有采纳她的建议。 He regretted not follow her advice.,with,to,to tell,(1)n.焦点;中心点 Im so tired that I cant focus on anything today. 今天我太累了,精神集中不起来。 (2017天津高考卷)My fundraising focus also gave me new motivation to exercise regularly. 我的募集资金的焦点也给了我新的激励,让我定期锻炼。 Theres a new frontier

15、 in 3D printing thats beginning to come into focus: food. 这里有一个开始成为焦点的3D打印的新前沿:食物。,3focus,(2)vt.集中;聚焦 She always wants to be the focus of attention. 她老想成为人们注意的中心。 (2017全国高考卷)We were respectful of craft(技艺)and focused on digging into the characters we were going to play. 我们尊重技艺而且集中注意力挖掘我们将要表演的角色。,com

16、e into focus(某物)轮廓明显,清晰;(问题)突出 in focus焦距对准;清晰 out of focus焦距没对准;模糊 the focus of attention关注的焦点 Please focus your minds on the following problems. 请集中精力思考下列问题。,翻译句子。 The coffee shop is the focus of social life in French. 在法国,咖啡馆是社交生活的中心。 完成句子。 All our eyes _ the speaker. 大家的目光都集中在发言人身上。 _ those tree

17、s. 把照相机的焦点集中在那些树上。,were focused on,Focus your camera on,A healthy soil reduces disease and helps crops grow strong and healthy. 肥沃的土壤减少了病害并且有助于农作物的茁壮成长。 (2017全国高考卷)Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food. 你的三餐中

18、有足够的脂肪和盐将会减少三餐之间吃点心的冲动,而且也将会改善你的食物的口味。 She reduced her weight by five kilograms. 她把体重减轻了5千克。 (2018天津高考)3D printing can reduce fuel use and emissions. 3D打印能减少能源使用和排放。,4reduce vt.减少;减缩,Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and _ (reduce) to ruins,the city took on a new look. 解析:句意:这座城市在经历大

19、地震并陷入一片废墟后不久,就呈现出了新面貌。考查非谓语动词。空格处与suffering from.为并列成分,均为介词after的宾语,the city与reduce之间是逻辑上的被动关系。 (2017全国高考卷)These animals consumed large amounts of vegetation (植被),which _ (reduce)plant diversity in the park. 解析:动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时。句意:这些动物会消耗大量的植被,这会减少公园里植物的种类。,being reduced,reduced,(1)n.评论;议论 Swap summa

20、ries with your partner and give each other comments. 与你的搭档交换课文概要,然后相互作出评论。 (2)vi.&vt.表达意见;作出评论 He commented that he thought it was time for us to go home. 他发表意见说我们回家的时间到了。,5comment,完成句子。 She _ my work.(comment n.) 她对我的工作提出了有益的意见。 He _ what I said.(comment v.) 他对我的话未作评论。,made helpful comments on,did

21、not comment on,一句多译。 许多国家对这次卫星发射失败(the failed satellite launch)发表评论。 a.Many countries _ (comment v.). b.Many countries _ (comment n.).,commented on/upon the failed satellite launch,made comments on/about the failed satellite launch,Please write me a summary of this report. 请给我写一份这份报告的摘要。 He made a s

22、ummary of what had been done. 他总结了所做的事情。 In summary,this programme has benefited me a great deal. 总而言之,这个计划令我获益良多。,6summary n.总结;摘要;概要,完成句子 _,the campaign has been a great success. 总的看来,这场运动成绩很大。 Here is _. 下面是新闻摘要。 We had to _ of the chapter. 我们要给这一章写个摘要。,In summary/To summarize,a summary of the ne

23、ws/a news summary,write a summary,(1)增加;积聚 Traffic is building up along the road to the coast. 通往海边的道路上的车辆在不断增加。 (2017全国高考卷)It builds up their strength. 它增强他们的体力。,1build up,重 点 短 语,(2)逐渐获得,建立 He has built up a good business/reputation. 他已经使他的生意兴隆起来/他已经获得了好的名声。 Hes built up the family firm into an mu

24、ltinational company. 他把家族公司发展成为一家跨国大公司。 (3)盖满了房屋 The district has been built up since I was last there. 该区自从我上次去过以后已经盖满房屋。,写出下句各句中build up的意义。 Im very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually _.(逐渐增多) He devoted himself to _ the ruined country.(建立) In view of the present situation,we have to _

25、our other industries.(开发),building up,building up,build up,单句语法填空。 Practising Chinese kung fu can not only build _ ones strength,but also develop ones character. 解析:build up“增强”。句意:练习中国功夫不仅可以增强体质还可以磨炼意志。 Taking some exercise every day will build _ your health. 解析:build up“逐渐增强,建立,开发”。句意为“每天进行体育锻炼会增强

26、你的健康”。,up,up,Bears build _ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep. 解析:句意:狗熊在夏天和秋天开始脂肪的储存以使他们有足够的能量来度过冬眠。build up逐步建立。,up,(1)导致,造成(后果) Many of these chemicals can lead to cancer or other illnesses. 这些化学物质中很多会引起癌症或其他疾病。 (2017全国高考卷)Resear

27、ch shows that giving up driving is one of the key reasons for a fall in health and wellbeing among older people,leading to them becoming more isolated(隔绝) and inactive. 研究表明放弃开车是老年人健康和幸福下降的重要原因之一,这导致他们变得更加与世隔绝和钝化。 (2018天津高考)False fire alarms are illegal and may lead to imprisonment. 假火警是犯法的而且可能导致坐牢。

28、,2lead to,(2)通往 All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。,完成句子。 He _,and _ a village of Tibet.There we found the local people _. 他带路,把我们领到了西藏的一个小村庄。在那里,我们发现当地人过着幸福的生活。,led the way,led us to,led/leading a happy life,单句语法填空。 Look over theretheres a very long,winding path _ (lead) up to the house. 解析:句意:看那儿有一条长

29、长的弯曲的小径通往那座房子。lead to通往,用其非谓语形式作后置定语。 His friends gave away some information,which led to his _ (arrest). 解析:句意为“他朋友泄露出一些信息,这导致他被逮捕”。lead to“导致”,to为介词,后接动名词,此处考查动名词复合结构的被动形式。,leading,being arrested,This also keeps the air,soil,water and crops free from chemicals. 这还有助于空气、土壤、水和农作物免受化学物质的污染。,3keep.fre

30、e from/of使免受(影响、伤害等);使不含(有害物),单句语法填空。 He wants to keep himself free _ some of his responsibilities. His illness kept him _ continuing his work. We shouldnt kept anything _ her;that is,we should tell her everything. 完成句子。 I think it important that we _. 我认为与时俱进是很重要的。 You must _ the little boy _. 你一定别

31、让那个小男孩伤着自己。,from,from,from,keep up with the times,keep,from hurting himself,1Recently,however,scientists have been finding that long term use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land and,even more dangerous,to peoples health. 然而,最近科学家发现长期使用这些肥料会造成土地受损,甚至更危险的是,会对人们的健康造成危害。,经 典 句 式,(2)have be

32、en finding是现在完成进行时。现在完成进行时表示一个动作开始于过去,持续到现在,并强调现在还在进行。 No wonder you are so tired.You have been working all day. 难怪你这么累,你工作一天了。 Because of illness,he has been lying in bed all day. 由于生病,他整天都躺在床上。,完成句子。 Look!I _ the house the whole morning. 看,今天上午我一直在粉刷房子。 The number of foreign students attending Chi

33、nese universities _ steadily since 1997. 从1997年以来上中国大学的外国学生的数目在稳定上升。,have been painting,have been rising,Tom,who _ for many years,is fluent in Spoken English now. 汤姆多年来一直学英语,现在英语口语很流利。 (2015陕西高考)Marty _ really hard on his book and he thinks finished it by Friday. 马蒂一直非常努力地写书,他认为他将在周五前完成。,have been s

34、tudying English,has been working,2They fell that this makes the soil in their fields richer in minerals and so more fertile. 他们觉得这可以让地里的土壤更富含矿物质,从而变得更肥沃。,(3)make宾语宾语补足语(n./adj./do/done)。 He tried hard to make his future brighter. 他尽力使未来更光明。 The boss usually makes his workers work extra hours. 老板通常让工

35、人加班。,仿写句子。 他们认为他们已把事情弄明白了。 They feel that they have made everything clear. 他们觉得这让他们更加幸福快乐。 They feel that this makes them happier and more cheerful.,3Some organic farmers prefer planting grass between crops to prevent wind or water from carrying away the soil,and then leaving it in the ground to bec

36、ome a natural fertilizer for the next years crop. 为了阻止风把土壤吹走或水把土壤冲走,使用有机耕作的农民们喜欢在作物之间种草并且把它留在地里成为下年作物的天然肥料。,(3)“to prevent.”及“to become.”为目的状语。 He prefers walking along the river in the morning. 他喜欢在早上沿河散步。 He got up early to catch the early bus. 他早早起床来赶早班车。,仿写句子 他们喜欢欣赏美丽的大自然来放松身心。 They _ the beauti

37、ful nature _. 她喜欢读英文书来逐渐增加词汇量。 She _ English books _.,prefer enjoying,to relax their bodies and mind,prefers reading,to build up her vocabularies,4Crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back into the soil,making it ready for crops such as wheat or corn that need rich and fertile soil.

38、 像豌豆或大豆这样的农作物将重要的矿物质带回土壤,从而使之适宜种植要求土壤肥沃的农作物,比如小麦或玉米。,He hurried to school,only to be told there was no class. 他匆匆赶到学校,结果却被告知当天没课。 He lifted a stone only to drop it on his own feet. 他搬起石头,却砸了自己的脚。,单句语法填空。 The return of snow and freezing weather in the south blocked about 14,000 km of roads,_ (delay)

39、more than 12,000 passengers on Sunday alone. 解析:_more than 12,000 passengers on Sunday alone.”作结果状语,与主语“The return of snow and freezing weather”是主谓关系,没有时间先后关系,仅仅说明了主语造成的一种很自然之中的结果。句意为“南方的大雪及冰冷天气的再次出现使大约14,000千米的公路受阻,仅仅星期天一天就有12,000多名乘客因此而耽搁了行程”。,delaying,European football is played in 80 countries,_ (make) it the most popular sport in the world. 解析:句意:有80多个国家踢欧式足球,使足球成为全球最流行的运动。现在分词作结果状语,表示一个自然而然的结果。,making,


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