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1、Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained,There are many people who often discuss whether aliens(外星人) are real or not.There are also some different stories about aliens.Do aliens really exist in space?When you think of aliens,what comes to your mind?Whatever pictures we have of aliens in our mind is due to th

2、e influence from newspapers,the Internet and the TV.There could be life forms as tiny(极小的) as some micro-organisms or as large as giant dinosaurs.Scientists argue that the universe is far too huge and it is very unlikely that only our planet can support life.There must be other planets which support

3、 life but are unknown to us.,话题导入,One of the organizations working on outer space life is SETI.Astroph-ysicist(天体物理学家) Carl Sagan believes the presence of life outside the Earth.Frank Drake,founder of SETI,is another scientist who has devoted his life to providing the presence of life outside the Ea

4、rth.Many other research projects have been and are still being carried out to collect evidence of life outside the Earth.In fact,Bruno DArgenio and Giuseppe Geraci have found evidence of life in 4.5 billion-year-old meteorites(陨石),Just as there are people who support the existence of life outside th

5、e Earth,there are others who think of it as a far-fetched idea.They argue,if there is life outside the Earth,why have we not been able to get any hard evidence till today?,根据上文判断正(T)误(F) 1.The scientists are sure that there are some aliens outside the Earth.( ) 2.People have different opinions on wh

6、ether there is life outside the Earth.( ),F,T,基础自测,内容索引,要点探究,达标检测,课文预读,Period One Welcome to the unit & Reading,基础自测,1. adj.无法解释的,神秘的v.说明,解释 2. adj.困惑的,茫然的adj.令人困惑的 3. adj.由于,因为;预期的;适当的 4. vi.消失;失踪vi.出现 5. n.目击者,证人 vt.目击,见证,unexplained,explain,puzzled,puzzling,due,disappear,appear,witness,.重点单词,6. n

7、.& vi.闪光,闪耀 7. vt.假定;认为 8. n.施工;建筑物vt.建设;建造 9. vi.发生 10. adv.& prep.在(轮船、飞机、火车等)上;上(轮船、飞机、火车等) 11. n.可能性adj.可能的 12. n.案件;具体情况,实例,flash,assume,construction,construct,occur,aboard,possibility,possible,case,13. adj.令人惊奇(惊叹)的 14. n.伤害 15. vt.不予考虑;解雇;解散,amazing,injury,dismiss,1. 加紧,加强,促进 2. 由于,因为 3. 出现,现

8、身 4. 负责,掌管 5. 编造,杜撰;构成 6. 调查,.重点短语,step up,due to,show up,take charge of,make up,look into,1.Thats why.那就是的原因。it is called a UFO! 那就是它被称为UFO的原因! 2.see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事 Witnesses also say they towards his house at 10.45 p.m. 目击者也都说,当晚10点45分他们看到贾斯廷往回家的方向走。,.重点句式,Thats why,saw Justin walking,3.

9、表语前置的倒装句with white skin and large black eyes. 里面站着许多白皮肤、眼睛又黑又大的奇怪生物。 4.so that以便,目的是 The aliens took me aboard the UFO they could do research on me. 那些外星人将我劫持到飞船上,以便他们在我身上做研究。,Standing inside were lots of strange creatures,so that,5.状语从句的省略about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens,Detect

10、ive Sam Peterson,who has taken charge of the case,told journalists. 当被问及贾斯廷被外星人劫持的可能性时,负责调查此案的萨姆彼得森侦探告诉记者,When asked,课文预读,1.Justin Foster,a high school student,was last seen Wednesday night. ( ) 2.Kelly heard her brother,Justin Foster,put on his favorite CD that night. ( ) 3.Justins friends said tha

11、t Justin went to school after the game.( ) 4.Mrs Mavis Wood said that she had ever been taken away by the aliens. ( ),.根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F),答案,F,T,F,T,.课文阅读理解,答案,1,2,3,4,5,1.The main idea of this passage is . A.that aliens took away a boy B.that aliens do exist C.that a boy was murdered D.about differen

12、t opinions of a missing boy,2.When and where was Justin missing? A.On Friday morning,at home. B.On Friday night,at home. C.Last week,at the baseball field. D.On Friday night,at the baseball field.,答案,1,2,3,4,5,3.The report cited(引用) Kellys words in order to tell us that . A.Justins disappearance had

13、 nothing to do with his friends B.Justin played games with his friends that day C.Justin was taken away by aliens D.Justin arrived home at about 11 p.m.,答案,1,2,3,4,5,4.The sentence “Its happened to me!” in the last but one paragraph suggests that Mrs Mavis Wood wanted to say that . A.aliens didnt ex

14、ist B.Justin was really taken away by aliens C.Justin was indeed murdered D.she didnt believe what Kelly said,答案,1,2,3,4,5,5.The writers attitude towards the whole story is . A.convinced B.objective C.enthusiastic D.indifferent,答案,1,2,3,4,5,.课文阅读填空,missing,police,aliens,friend,base-,ball,Witnesses,f

15、lying,research,evidence,CD,_,.阅读课文,并试着以约30个词概括课文(P23)的文章大意。,This story is about the strange disappearance of an American boy,Justin Foster,a high school student.Some people including his sister said he was taken away by aliens.But there is no hard evidence to prove it.At the same time the police are

16、 looking into other possibilities.,登陆UFO探秘网http:/ A:Have you ever read some reports about UFOs in China? B:_ A:Are you interested in UFOs? B:_ A:Are they really from another planet? B:_ A:Why do you think UFOs visit our planet? B:_,核心素养提升,要点探究,Boy missing,police puzzled 男孩失踪,警方茫然,(1)puzzled adj.困惑的,

17、茫然的 be puzzled about./that从句 对迷惑不解 (2)puzzle n.谜;智力游戏;疑问;v.使困惑;使为难 be in a puzzle (about)(对)不知如何是好 puzzle over/about仔细琢磨;冥思苦想 (3)puzzling adj.令人困惑的,重点词汇,(1)He had a puzzled look on his face. 他脸上有困惑的表情。 (2)His last paintings are perhaps ,which even puzzle all the artists. 他最后的绘画也许是最令人困惑的,甚至使所有的艺术家困惑。

18、,the most puzzling,一句多译 (3)消防员们对这场火灾的起因困惑不解。 The firemen the cause of the fire.(puzzle n.) The firemen the cause of the fire.(puzzled) the cause of the fire.(puzzle v.,主语从句),were in a puzzle about,were puzzled about,What puzzled the firemen was,Police in America have stepped up their search for a fi

19、fteen-year-old boy who went missing three days ago in Dover,New Hampshire. 美国警方现已加紧对一名15岁男孩的搜索,该男孩三天前在新罕布什尔州的多佛市失踪。,step up加紧,加强,促进;走上前;提高(速度等) in step步伐一致;(行为或观点)一致,相同 out of step步伐不一致;(行为或观点)不一致,不合拍 take steps/measures/action to do sth. 采取措施做某事 step by step逐步地,(1)We will be stepping up production

20、to meet the increased demand. 为了满足增长的需求,我们将提高产量。 (2)The dancer is with the beat. 那个舞者的舞步与节拍不合。 (3)We should to protect our earth. 我们应采取措施来保护我们的地球。 (4)A foreign language must be learned . 外语必须循序渐进地学习。,out of step,take steps/measures/action,step by step,(5)The ministry of education is efforts to reduc

21、e the burden on students with the intention of promoting quality-oriented education(素质教育).(2018如东高级中学高一上检测) A.stepping up B.making up C.putting up D.bringing up,答案,解析,解析 step up提高,走进,加紧;make up组成,编造;put up举起,张贴;bring up培养。句意为:为了推进素质教育,教育部正在加紧努力来减轻学生的负担。根据句意可知选A。,单项填空,This incident has received great

22、 interest due to reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy disappeared. 该事件引起了公众的极大兴趣,原因是有各种关于男孩失踪前后天空中出现奇怪光亮和外星人造访地球的新闻报道。,incident n.事件;事变;事情,易混辨析 incident,accident,event incident指令人不快的、不寻常的事或暴力事件,还可指国家间的摩擦和冲突。 accident强调偶然或意外发生的事,尤指事故。 event尤指历史上重大的、引人瞩目的事件。

23、,选词填空 incident,accident,event (1)His left knee was hurt in a traffic . (2)The founding of the Peoples Republic of China is a great in the history of mankind. (3)There was an on the bus:a man fought with the conductor.,accident,event,incident,(4)The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to

24、heavy snow. 因为大雪,这个镇子与外界隔绝了。 (5)Has he been paid the money him? 他是否已得到了应得的钱? (6)She promotion soon. 她期望很快得到晋升。,due to,due to由于,因为,归功于;应属于 be due to do sth. 预定/预计做某事 be due for sth. 期望得到某物,is due for,单项填空 (7)The sports meet,originally be held last Friday,was finally delayed because of the bad weather

25、. A.due to B.thanks to C.owing to D.according to,答案,解析,解析 句意为:这个运动会,原定于上周五举行的,最后由于天气不好被推迟了。be due to do sth. 预定做某事;thanks to由于,多亏;owing to 由于;according to根据。,Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his house at 10.45 p.m. 目击者们也说,当晚10点45分他们看到贾斯廷往家的方向走。,witness n.目击者;证人;证据;vt.目击,见证;vi.作证,证明

26、(后接to,其中to为介词) a witness to.的证人/证据 bear/give witness to.为作证;证明,(1)The year 1849 witnessed a great war in that country. 1849年那个国家发生了一场大战。 (2)She witnessed to having seen the man enter the building. 她作证看到那个男子进入了大楼。 (3)She witnessed the accident,but she didnt want to _ _ it. 她目击了那起事故,但她不想去作证。,to,bear/g

27、ive witness,单项填空 (4)Weather forecasts are not always right: their recent mistakes. A.witnessed B.look out C.look for D.witness,答案,解析,解析 句意为:天气预报并不总是正确的:看它们近来的失误就知道。根据上一句可知,时态用一般现在时;witness就是证据,看就知道;look out当心;look for寻找。根据句意选D项。,However,since Mrs Foster thought that Justin was spending the night wit

28、h a friend,she assumed that Kelly was having a bad dream,and sent her back to bed. 但是,福斯特夫人以为贾斯廷在一个朋友家过夜了,因此她认为凯莉只是做了个噩梦,于是将她打发回床上。,(1)assume vt.以为,假定为;(想当然地)认为;承担 assume sb. /sth. to be.认为某人(事)是,假设某人(事)是 It is/was assumed that.人们认为 (2)on the assumption that.假定 (3)assuming (that) .假设(引导条件状语从句,that可省

29、略),(1)Many people assume that too much work can lead to stress. 许多人认为工作过重会带来压力。 (2)Lets assume him to be innocent. 让我们假定他是清白的。 (3)For most of the past century _ the problem had been solved. 在上世纪大多数的时间里,人们认为这一问题已经得到了解决。,it was assumed that/people assumed that,单项填空 (4) that you are chosen to be a volu

30、nteer at the next Olympic Games,what will you do? A.Assumed B.Assuming C.To assume D.To be assumed,答案,解析,解析 句意为:假设你被选为下一届奥运会的志愿者,你将会怎样做?考查固定用法“assumingthat从句”,意为“假设”,assuming that在此处为连词。,Mr Foster was working that night on his road construction job,and was not home when these events occurred. 当晚福斯特先

31、生正忙于他的修路工作,所以这些事情发生时他不在家。,(1)construction n.施工,建筑;建筑物 under construction在建造中 (2)construct vt.建造;建筑 (3)constructor n.建造者,建造商 注意:常见的“undern.”的结构还有: under repair在修理中 under discussion在讨论中 under consideration在考虑中,(1)The new house is a simple wooden construction. 这座新房子是一座简单的木质结构建筑。 (2)Every citizen has th

32、e duty to construct his country. 每个公民都有建设祖国的责任。,单项填空 (3)The new road is still .It will be put into use next month. A.under control B.under construction C.under discussion D.under pressure,答案,解析,解析 under control在控制中;under construction在建设中;under discussion在讨论中;under pressure在压力下。由关键信息road和will be put

33、into use可知B项正确。,(4)Sugar occurs naturally in fruit. 糖分天然存在于水果中。 (5) she could ask for help at the time. 她当时并没有想到可以寻求帮助。,It didnt occur to her that,occur vi.发生;存在;出现;(想法)产生 sth. occurs/occurred to sb. 某人突然想起某事;某人发生某事 It occurs/occurred to sb. to do/that.某人突然想起 注意:occur为不及物动词,因而后面不能直接跟宾语,也无被动语态。,单项填空

34、(6)Truly,Lara began to regard the wall as her journal,and she wrote her thoughts down on the wall the moment they her. A.called up B.reached for C.occurred to D.got over,答案,解析,解析 call up打电话给,使想起;reach for 伸手去拿;occur to 想起;get over克服。句意为:劳拉真的开始把墙当作她的日记。她一想起一些想法就把它们写在墙上。故选C。,When Justin did not show u

35、p for lunch the next day,Mrs Foster became worried and told her husband to call the police. 第二天午饭贾斯廷没有出现时,福斯特太太开始担心了,于是让丈夫打电话报警。,show up出现,露面 show off炫耀,卖弄 show sb. in领某人进来 show sb. out领某人出去 show sb. around/round带某人参观,(1)If you dont want to stay here,let me show you out. 如果你不想待在这里,我领你出去吧。 (2)He coul

36、dnt help on the tennis court. 他禁不住在网球场上卖弄起来。 (3)I our school last week. 上星期我带领他们参观了我们学校。,showing off,showed them around/round,单项填空 (4)It is already nine oclock,but the chairman hasnt yet. A.taken up B.shown up C.got up D.set up,答案,解析,解析 句意为:已经九点了,但主席还没有出现。take up 占据;show up出现;get up起床;set up建立。根据句意可

37、知选B项。,Luckily,they returned me home without any injuries. 幸运的是,他们送我回家了,我没有受到任何伤害。,(1)injury n.伤害,损害;受伤处 do sb. an injurydo an injury to sb. 使某人受伤害 (2)injure vt.使受伤;弄伤 (3)injured adj.受伤的 the injured伤者 注意:“the形容词/分词”作主语表示抽象概念时,谓语动词用单数;表示一类人时,谓语动词用复数。,(1)Two players are out of the game because of injur

38、y. 两名队员因伤退出了比赛。 (2)The injured were carried away on stretchers. 伤员们被用担架抬走了。 (3)Dont do that again!Youll yourself. 不要那样做了!你会伤着自己的。,do an injury to/injure,易混辨析 injure,hurt,wound,harm injure多指由于意外或事故受伤,也可表示损害名誉、自尊等。 hurt是一般用语,多指精神或肉体上的伤害,含有较强的“疼痛”意味。 wound主要指外伤(如刀伤或枪伤等),尤指在战争、战斗中受伤。 harm多指给人的健康、权利、事业等带

39、来的伤害。,选词填空 injure,hurt,wound,harm (4)David was badly in the fierce war last night. (5)Thatll his feelings.Dont do that. (6)If exposed to the sunlight for too long,you will get your skin . (7)Two people were badly in the accident this morning.,wounded,hurt,harmed,injured,单项填空 (8)He from the tree and

40、so badly that he was sent to the nearest hospital immediately. A.felt;was injured B.fell;did injure C.falls;has injured D.fell;was injured,答案,解析,解析 句意为:他从树上摔下来伤得很重,所以立刻被送去了最近的医院。根据句中的was sent可知,此处都用一般过去时;第二空表被动意义。故选D项。,When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens,Detective Sam Pe

41、terson,who has taken charge of the case,told journalists,Sometimes people make up such amazing stories. 当被问及贾斯廷被外星人劫持的可能性时,负责调查此案的萨姆彼得森侦探告诉记者:“人们有时候编出这类奇异的故事”,(1)possibility n.可能性;可能 possibility of (doing) sth. 有(做)某事的可能 Theres a/no possibility that/of.有/无可能 (2)possible adj.可能的 It is possible (for s

42、b. ) to do sth. (某人)做某事是可能的。 It is possible that.有可能 (3)possibly adv.可能地,(1)Bankruptcy is a real possibility if sales dont improve. 如果销售情况得不到改善,真有破产的可能。 (2)He refused to rule out the possibility of a tax increase. 他拒绝排除增税的可能性。 (3) the train may be late because of the heavy snow. 火车有可能由于大雪而晚点。 (4)Wou

43、ld it a message for her? 我可以给她留个言吗?,Theres a possibility that/It is possible that,be possible for me to leave,单项填空 (5)When parents know about their childrens attitudes towards life,they have a better chance to reduce the possibility their children will get involved with alcohol,tobacco and illegal d

44、rugs. (2018如东高级中学高一上检测) A.what B.where C.which D.that,解析 句意为:当父母了解孩子们对生活的态度时,他们有更好的机会来减少他们的孩子们接触酒精、烟草和非法毒品的可能性。that放在the possibility的后面,引导同位语从句。故选D。,答案,解析,case n.案子,案件,案例;事实,情况 as is often the case (这是)常有的事 in case以防,万一 in case of假使,如果发生 in any case无论如何,不管怎样 in no case决不(置于句首,引起部分倒装) 注意:case作先行词且在定语

45、从句中作状语时,要用where/in which引导定语从句。,(6)As is often the case,she is late for work. 她上班迟到,这是常有的事。 (7) fire,please press the red button. 万一发生火灾,请按这个红色按钮。 (8) should you give up. 你决不应该放弃。,In case of,In no case,单项填空 (9)Have you ever had a case you were accused of not making the greatest efforts to do something worth them? A.that B.where C.which D.when,解析 句意为:你有没有过这样的情况被指责没有尽最大努力做值得做的事情?此处为定语从句,先行词是a case,是抽象的地点,定语从句缺少地点状语,故用where引导定语从句。故选B。,答案,解析,(10)Ordinary people can own guns in America,but that is not the in China.(2018镇江高一上期末) A.case B.freedom C.fortune D.system,


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