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1、1Unit5 Topic1 SectionB . Material analysis本课是九年级第五单元第一个话题的第二课时,主要活动为 1a 和 3。对话内容由 Jane 和Kangkang 带着 Susanna 去参观故宫博物院展开,介绍了中国的龙文化,然后以同一话题为载体进一步学习了本话题的语法重点定语从句的用法,并通过第三部分听力任务的设置呈现了华表的历史沿革。通过本课的学习,学生将进一步掌握听说技能,提高自己的听说水平,在惊叹于龙文化的悠久和故宫博物院的宏伟的同时,激发他们作为龙的传人的民族自豪感。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:1) Words an

2、d phrases:stone, guard, Its said that, a symbol of , play an important part in 2) Grammar:进一步掌握 that /which 引导的定语从句的用法。3) Functions:表达同意。2. Skill aims:1)能听懂有关谈论中国龙文化的对话,找出文章大意。2)能听懂对话的内容,记录简单信息,完成细节信息的搭配。3)理解所听到的短文内容,进行信息转换。3.Emotional aims:1)遇到问题能主动请教,勇于克服困难。2)对祖国文化有更深刻的了解,激发学生作为龙的传人的民族自豪感。4.Cultur

3、e awareness: 加深学生对中国文化的理解,了解中国的龙文化与西方的龙文化的差异,关注中外文化异同。5.Learning strategies:1) 运用已有信息激活头脑中预存的信息,找到正确的答案。2) 注意通过音像资料丰富自己的学习,主动查找信息。2. The key points and difficult points1.Words and phrases: stone, guard, Its said that, a symbol of , play an important part in 2. Sentences: 1) Its said that theyre powe

4、rful animals which guard the whole nation. 2) Thats correct! 3) It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals.4) Anything else about dragons? 3. Grammar: Attributive clauses (which/that). Teaching aids多媒体课件,或故宫博物院、黄山、长城、黄果树瀑布、西湖和华表的图片。. Teaching proceduresStage(time period)Interactionpatterns

5、Teacher activity Student activity Remarks1Getting students ready for learning(5 mins)Class activity1.Greeting.2.Show pictures about the places of interest which students learnt last lesson. And let students say something about them with attributive clause.1.Greeting 2.Students report their passage p

6、repared at home. Introduce the places of interest they learnt last lesson.鼓励学生用定语从句进行描述。本环节活动的设计也可成为2b 活动的铺垫。2Pre-listening(5 mins)Individual work1.Show the picture of Forbidden City. Let students introduce the 1.Look at the picture of Forbidden City. 激活情境。3great buildings according to the knowledge

7、 they have known.2.Show the content of 1b, and ask students to read through the sentences.Think about the great buildings according to the knowledge they have already known.2.Read through the sentences before listening. Make sure they can understand the meanings of them.让学生在听前对给出的问题进行细致的了解,弄清每个选项的含义

8、。3While-listening(3 mins)Individual workPlay the record of 1a, let students listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers.Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers.Individual work1.Ask two students to check the answers. 2.Play the flash of 1a and ask students to finish 1c

9、.1.Report the answers. 2.Watch the flash of 1a and match the words in 1c with their descriptions. 4Post-listening(18 mins)Group work3.Ask students to solve something difficult.3.Students ask some questions they cant understand and 教师可拓展对话的最后一句,介绍有关龙的故事及其他艺术形式,播放有关龙的音乐,如龙的传人等,激发学生作为龙的传人的民族自豪感。以“兵教兵”的

10、方式解决问题,4solve them with the help of each other. Class activity1.Point out the key and difficult points.2.Stress the usage of attributive clauses, and then organize students to finish 2a in groups by discussing.1.Note the key and difficult points.2.Complete the sentences of 2a with the correct attrib

11、utive clauses.Individual workAsk students to finish 2b, and then check the answer.Complete the sentences with the information in Section A2. Then read them aloud.提高学生的质疑能力。指导学生养成记笔记的好习惯。5Pre-listening(3 mins)Individual workAsk students to read through the table of 3. Read through the table before li

12、stening. 提醒学生在听短文时可以根据时间顺序来获取信息。6While-listening(3 mins)Activity workPlay the tape and let students listen to the passage and complete the table.Listen to the passage and write down the answers or the capital letters of the words. 在听短文时,对于较长的单词可先写出它的首字母或前几个字母即可,要保证所听材料的完整性。57Post-listening (5 mins)P

13、air work1.Organize students to check the answers. 2.Ask students to introduce Huabiao to their partners. 1.Report the answers. 2.Introduce Huabiao according to 3 to their partners in pairs. And their partners listen carefully without books. Then change the roles.信息转换可以帮助学生更好地理解听力材料。8Summarizing and

14、assigning homework(3 mins)Class activity1.Ask students to sum up the key points.2.Repeat the key points. 3.Ask students to find out the differences between the Chinese dragon and the dragon of western countries. 1.Sum up the main content of this class. 2.Read through what they have learnt after the

15、teacher.3.Search on the Internet or look up some information from some books to compare the differences of meanings of dragons in different 教师在总结本节内容时,可以简单地提及在中国被奉为祥瑞的龙在西方神话中有着截然不同的含义,激发学生的好奇心和求知的欲望。6countries. Blackboard designTopic 1 China attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.Section B1.stone n. 石头2.guard v. 守卫,保卫;看守3. a symbol of 的象征4. Its said that theyre powerful animals which guard the whole nation.据说他们是守护整个国家的威猛动物。Its said that 据说关系代词 which 引导的定语从句修饰的是先行词 animals。5. Thats correct! 很正确!6. play an important part in 在中扮演重要角色


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