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1、1Topic 3 Now it is a symbol of England“基于课程标准、中招考点、两类结构”的教案设计教学内容:(九下) U5T3 复习课课型:复习课一、学习目标确定的依据课程标准:英语课程标准(2011 年版)要求学生能够会读会写单词和短语,会用 not onlybut also, eitheror, neithernor, bothand,能准确做题2、教材分析本节课是 Topic3 的复习课,要求学生掌握本话题的单词、短语,重点句子及并列连词的用法3、中招考点并列连词的用法是近几年中招考试中必考的,并且常在上下文的语境中体现,因此要求学生不仅牢记,也一定要掌握它的用法

2、4、学情分析本班学生英语基础较差,部分学生对英语的学习兴趣不足,鉴于这一点,我上课应当备足课,节奏慢一点,让学生把知识点一点一点的归纳出来,尽量提高他们的学习兴趣二、学习目标1. 复习 Topic3 的生词、短语并能英汉互译2.复习 Topic3 重点句子,能准确做题3. 复习并列连词 not onlybut also, eitheror, neithernor, bothand,能准确做题三、评价任务1.针对目标 1,通过学生自学,同桌互提,能英汉互译2.针对目标 2,设计一个活动,学生自学,同桌互提,熟记重点句子3. 针对目标 3,设计一个活动,小组合作,讨论 not onlybut al

3、so, eitheror, neithernor, bothand 用法,能准确做题2四、教学过程学习目标 教学活动 评价要点 要点归纳目标 1:复习 Topic3的生词、短语并能英汉互译自学指导一1.自学内容:复习 Topic3 的生词,短语2.自学方法:自读或同桌互提3.自学时间:5 分钟4.自学要求:熟练掌握,并能英汉互译自学检测一英汉译汉:HangAustralianbelowLeaderPrivatePresidentPrizeNeithernorTrustCompleteunitFixtool汉译英:1.要么. 要么2. 的象征3. 的骄傲4. 被当做5. 不但 而且6. 因 而钦

4、佩某人学生自读或同桌互提熟练掌握,并能英汉互译37. 在某人的一生中8. 爆发9. 积极参加10.排除,摆脱11.解放,释放学习目标 教学活动 评价要点 要点归纳目标 2复习 Topic3 重点句子,能准确背出2:.自学指导 2自学内容:大声朗读下面的重点句子自学方法:自读或同桌互提自学时间:5 分钟自学要求:会背或默写自学检测 2补全句子1.We can go to_ Beihai Park _Shichahai.2._ my father _I like it a lot.3._ my mother _my father likes it, but I like it very much4

5、._ Tom _I have a car.5.I really _I can visit some of these places _6.I think we _a lot from the famous people around the world7.Big Ben is _England.8.The Opera House is _Australians9.I _ Thomas Edison both_ his exploring spirit and for his great inventionsAnswers:1.eitheror 2.Not onlybut 学生大声朗读重点句子自

6、读或同桌互提要求会背或默写6目标 3:复习并列连词not onlybut also, eitheror, neithernor, bothand,能准确做题also/Bothand 3.Neithernor 4.Not onlybut also/Bothand 5.hope,some day6.have learned 7.a symbol of 8.the pride of9.admirefor自学指导 3自学内容:复习并列连词 not onlybut also, eitheror, neithernor, bothand,自学方法:小组合作,讨论其用法自学时间:6 分钟自学要求:能准确做题

7、自学检测 3用 not onlybut also, eitheror, neithernor, bothand 填空1.Although he was_ poor _didnt have much education, he never gave up reading books.2. _did she discover radium _she won the Nobel Prize twice in her lifetime.3. I admire Thomas Edison _for his exploring spirit _ for his great inventions.4.Soo

8、n he was _ a highly respected lawyer _a well-known politician.5. _ the northern states _President Lincoln wanted to get rid of those laws.6._you _ I am wrongAnswers: 1.bothand 2.Not onlybut also3. not onlybut also 4. not onlybut 小组合作,讨论not onlybut also, eitheror, neithernor, bothand的用法要求能准确要点归纳1.bot

9、h.and.连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数形式.Both he and Jack were fired2.not only.but also.,either.or.和neither.nor.连接主语时,谓语动词1当堂训练题also/ bothand 5. .Not onlybut also6.Either or当堂训练一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1.Chairmao Mao was the greatest l_ of China.2.More and more p_ family cars appear now.3.Obama was elected the fortyfourth p_

10、 of the United States in 2008.4.A computer is a t_ ,not a toy.5.The English book has six u_二、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1.Tom is a kind boy and always _ _ _ _ _ (积极参加)all volunteer activities.2.Edison invented many inventions_ _.(在他一生中)3.An earthquake _ _ in Xinjiang lastnight. (爆发)4.我父母都不是教师._my father _my mothe

11、r _ a teather.5.Yang Liwei is a national hero and he is _ _ _our country.(骄傲)Answers:1.leader 2.private 3.president4.tool 5.unit1.takes an active part in 2.during his 做题 遵循“就近原则”Not only I but also Tom has a car3. 当 not only 位于句首时引起主谓语倒装Not only did he speak more correctly, but also he spoke more fluently.他不仅讲得更准确,而且也更流利。1life3.broke out 4.Neither nor 5.the pride of


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