1、 . (OAN) (COAN)(ISO 4656:2012, IDT) , ()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION(ISC)ISO 46562013, 1.092 . 1.22009 . , - . , , -, 1 160 - , - () - , 42 (-)3 , ( 27 2013 . 59-) : ( 3166) 00497 ( 3166) 00497 AMBYKGMDRUTJUA - 4 ISO 4656:2012 Rubber compoundingingredients Carb
2、on black Determination of oil absorption number (OAN) and oil absorption number ofcompressed sample (COAN) . . (OAN) (COAN). SC 3 () ISO/TC 45 (ISO). (en). , - , , , . . (IDT)5 20 2014 . 212- ISO 46562013 1 2016 .6 II ISO 46562013 -, - . () . , - - , 2014 -, III ISO 465620131 .12 13 .24 .25 .26 37 3
3、8 .39 .510 .511 5 A () 6 B () 10 C () 12 D () 13 () 1515IV ISO 46562013 . (OAN) (COAN)Rubber compounding ingredients. Carbon black.Determination of oil absorption number (OAN) and oil absorption number of compressed sample (COAN) - . , . - , , - .1 . . - ,N ASTM D 1756, (DBP) , OAN OAN . , - , , , -
4、. , , . - . .2 . -().ISO 1126 Rubber compounding ingredients Carbon black Determination of loss on heating( . . )ASTM D 1765 Standard classification system for carbon blacks used in rubber products ( , )ASTMD 4821 Standard guide for carbon black Validation oftestmethod and bias ( - . )1 ISO 46562013
5、 201601013 . - . -, , , .4 (SVHC) , . . -. .4.1 , c11425= 1,042 1,047 /3.4.2 (1034) 2/ (1034) - 40 .4.3 SRB1).5 5.1 2), , 5.25.5. :a) ( , DABS), ;b) ( B), - . , .5.2 . , , (8.2.9) - SRB F. - . . 16 .5.3 , (5.2), - 13 / (125 /).5.4 , - .1) Laboratory Standards and Technologies,227 Somerset Street, Bo
6、rger, TX 79007, USA, tel/fax: +1 806 273 3006, -mail: , -:http:/. ISO , .2) Brabender GmbH m (8.3), . D.11 :a) ;b) , ;c) (125 );d) (COAN OAN);e) ;f) ;g) ( 70 % );h) ;i) ;j) .5 ISO 46562013 () .1 () , , COAN.2 165 , .3 .3.1 , 10 .3.2 , (125 c177 1) c1775.3.3 ( ).3.4 , 4,2 / 165 .3.5 .3.6 .3.
7、7 850 .3.8 38 .3.9 .4 (.3.2) 125 1 . (.3.9) .5 .5.1 (. .1).5.1.1 (.3.3) - (.3.4). - . , , .5.1.2 ,.1,0,1. .1 , N630, N642, N700, N765 30 N800 N900, SRB D7 SRB D8 45 ( N765) 25 - 5 , .5.1.4 , . - , .5.1.5 , .5.1.6 165 . , , 1 , .6 ISO 46562013 . ENERPACRC2564), 16524000 (psi) 7,916 2 131 (29450 -) 5710 - , RR3084357 .4)ENERPAC RC256 RR308 , ENERPAC. - ISO - . , - .7 ISO 46562013a) ( 0,3048 ).1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 .1 .5.1.7 , -.,(.3.6).5.1.8