1、W-C-Lb4 54 W 777777L1 OOL2600 1 W .T ii-C-1684 April 4, 1977 FEDERAL SPECIFICATION CASSETTES, MAGNETIC TAPE, AUDIO RECOPDING (TWIN-HUB , COPLANAR) This specification was approved by the Commissioner, Federal Supply Service, General Services Administration, for the use of all Federal agencies. Y. 1.
2、SCOPE AND CLASSIFICATION 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the requirements for twin- hub, coplanar, tape cassettes, with unrecorded magnetic recordina audio tane suitable for mono/stereo compatible use. specification shall be identified by an item identifvina part number, consisting of indicator
3、s compiled from the part number codes (see 1.2.1) as shown below: 1.2 Classification. Each individual configuration of cassette covered by this - AP I 0- - Ca - Playing oxide Packgina Leader time characteristic indicator indicator indicator indicator (see (see (see (see 1.
4、2.1.2) 1.2.1 Part number cades. Playing time indicat-. The playing time indicator indicates the minimum total playinu time (both sides) at 4.76 cm/s (1-7/8 in/s) . The playing time shall be indicated as follows: Indicator code C-30 c-45 C-60 c-90 c-120 Playinq time per side at 4.76 cm/s (1-7
5、/8 ids) 15 minutes 22.5 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes 60 minutes Oxide characteristic indicator. The oxide characteristic indicator identifies a particular oxideby its characteristics , as specified herein. The oxide characteristic shall be indicated as follows: AP See table III Pack
6、aging indicator. The packaqinq indicator indicates whether the cassette is packaged in a unit container or packaqed for bulk packinu (see 5.1). Packaging shall be indicate8 as follows : Zndicator code Packasing -_ I II Method I - Unit packagincr Method II - Bulk packaqinq Leader indicator. T
7、he indicator “WP“ identifies cassettes supplied without leaders or with magnetic oxide coated leaders. identifies cassettes supplied with uncoated leaders. The absence of the indicator FSC 5835 . THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PAGES. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted witho
8、ut license from IHS-,-,-W-C-3 6 8 4 2. APPLICABLE WCUMGITTB 2.1 The following documents, of the issues in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified lierein Federal Standards: Fed. Ctd. No. 123 - Marking for Shipment (Civi
9、l Agencies). Fed. Tost Method Std. No. 406 - Plastics: tlethods o Testing. Fed, Test Method Std, No. 406/1013 - Tensile Properties of Thin Sheets and Filns. (Activities outside the Federal Government may obtain copies of Federal Speci- fications, Standards, and Iandhooks as outlined under General In
10、formation in the index of Federal Specifications and Standards and at the prices indicated in the Index. The Indexl which includes cumulative monthly supplements as issued, is for Sal on a subscription basis by the Superintendent o Documents, U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, DC 204 02.
11、 (ingle copies of this specif ication and other Federal Cpecif ications required by activities outside the Federal Government for bidding purposes are available without charge from Business Service Centers at the General Services Adriiinistra- tion Regional Offices in Boston, New York, Washington, D
12、C, Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, 140, Port Worth, Denver, 5an Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle, UA. (Federal Government activities may obtain copies of Federal Specifications, Standards, and Iandbooks and the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards from established distribution points in t
13、heir agencies.) Military Standard: MIL-CTD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by AttriluteU. (CQpieS of Military Specifications and Standards required Gy contractor in connec- tion trith specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by
14、the contracting officer.) to the extent specified herein. Unless a specific issue is identified, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply. 2.2 Other publicati6ns. The followinq documents form a part o this Specification International Electrotechnical Con
15、mission (ICC) Reconnendations: IEC 94 and Amendment No, 1 - Magnetic Tape Recording and Renroducing Cystens: Dimensions and Characteristics. IEC 94A - Supplement to Publication 94: Cassette for Conmer- cia1 Tape Records and Domestic Use, Dimensions and Characteristics. (Copies may ha obtained from t
16、he American National standards Institute, 1430 Electronic Inilustrias Association (EIA) Standards: Broadway, Now York, NY 10018.) R5-399A - Dimensional Standard Coplanar Magnetic Tape Cartridge Type CP II (Compact Cassette), (Copies may be obtained from the Electronic Industries Association, Enginee
17、ring National Motor Freight: Traf ic Association, Inc., agent: Departmnt, 2003. Eye Street, FiCl, Washington, CC 20006.) llationa1 llotor Freight Classification. (Application for copies should be addressed to the Anerican Trucking Associations, Inc, Traffic Department, 1616 P Street, tl.Fi., Washing
18、ton, DC 20036.) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-W-C-1689 58 7797974 0012602 5 = W-C- 16 8 4 Uniform Classification Committee, Agent: Uniform Freight Classification. (Application .for copies should be addressed to the Uniform Classific
19、ation Com- mittee, Room 1106, 222 South Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606.) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard: D-638 - Tensile Properties of Plastics: Eletiod of Test for. (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Ra
20、ce Street, Philadelphia, PA 13103.) 3. REQUIREBIEEJTS 3.1 General. The magnetic tape and the cassettes furnished under this specif ica- tion shall be new and shall have been manufacture6 in accordance with the requirements given in IEC 94A; the dimensional measurements given in GIA RS-399A; and as s
21、pecified herein. Whenever this specification differs from IEC 94A and EIA RS-399A then this specific-ation shall govern. 3.1.1 Component parts. One complete unit shall consist of a length of magnetic oxide-coated tape, with or without tape leaders, as applicable, contained within a cassette housing
22、as specified herein, and packaged in accordance with 5.1.1 or 5.1.2 as applicable. 3.2 Qualification. The items furnished under this specification shall be products that have been tested, and passed the qualification tests specified herein, and have been listed or approved for listing on the applica
23、ble Federal Qualified Products List (QPL) (see 4.3 and 6.3). The general rules and regulations governing Federal Qualified Products Lists, as covered by the “Provisions Governing Applications by Manufacturers for Inclusion on Federal Qualified Products Lists“ (Appendix 4-A to GSA Federal Standardiza
24、tion IIandhook PPEIR 101-29), shall apply (see 6.4). 3.2.1 Process change. Qualification, once established, applies only to those cassettes manufactured by the same process used to make the cassettes that passed the qualification tests. All proposed process chances shall be reported to the General S
25、ervices Administration, Federal Supply Service, with a statement by the supplier as to the general nature of the changes and the extent of such changes on the delivered product. The General Services Administration reserves the right to require six weeks notice, and sufficient sanples of the new prod
26、uct, for quality assurance tests, from the supplier prior to delivery of products manufactured under any such change in process. the manufacturer of delivery requirements, quality control, and testing necessary to insure that all products delivered under this specification are eyualto those products
27、 originally submitted for qualification. The foregoing requirement does not in any way relieve 3.3 Materials. 3.3.1 Tape. The tape shall consist of a layer of magnetic material on a backing of polyester plastic, or equivalent, and shall have the physical, magnetic, and other characteristics specifie
28、d herein. the intended use and shall conform to the physical, dimensional, and other requirements specified herein. 3.3.2 Cassettes. The cassettes shall be constructed of materials suitable for 3.4 Cassette dimensional requirements. The cassette dinensions shall conforrti to the measurements given i
29、n EIA RS-339A. F I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-W-C- 16 8 4 3.5 Cassette physical requiremnts. 3.5.1 Cassette assemb9-. Cassette halves shall be bound tosether with an ultrasonic weld or wrscrews. The finish of the cassette halves
30、shall be clean, and free from cracks and sharp flash. The seam on the front of the cassette housing where the two cassette halves come together shall be located outside the normal tape path, Drop resistance. dislocation bf parts wichxn the overall tolerances Given in EIA FC-399A and must per
31、form satis%actorily in the reference recorSer/renroducer after beincr subjected to the drop test of 3.5.2 Corner tape uides. Corner tane puides shall be provide8 and shall have a mh%Thub diazeter of 7.11 rom (0.280 in). shall be flanged. 3.5.3 Windows. Each side of the cassettes shall be pr
32、ovided with a window to observe the amount of wound and unwound taw. Minimum viewable dimensional measurements shall be 6.35 m (0.25 in) wide and 19.05 mm (0.75 in) lona. Each window-nane shall be capable Qf withstanding a pressure of 1.59 ka (3.5 lbs), evenly distribiited over the minimum allowable
33、 window surface, for a period of not less than 5 seconds, without cracking, loosenins, or showing visible distortion. There shall he no visible indica- tion of excess adhesive around the window-pane edcres. 3.5.4 Friction liners. The cassettes shall be provided with antifriction liners o suitable ma
34、terial. The liners shall he of uniform workmanship, free from manufacturing defects, such as, frays, tears, ani! wrinkles. The tme contact surface of the liner shall, be electrically conductive to reduce build up of static charges to the tape. The antifriction area of each liner shall cover not less
35、 than 90 percent: of the tape contact surface, excludinq the cassette window area. 3.5.5 !it the force corresponding -. to 3 percent elongation; and the tensile force at break,- for the tape of a particular type cassette, when measured in accordance with, shall equal or exceed the value spe
36、cified in table II for that particular type cassette. 5 C Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-c- u o 4 3.9.2 Elongation under stress. The elongation of the tape for a particular type ca6scttei when nieasured in accordance with, s
37、hall not exceed the value specified in table II for that particular type cassette. TABLE II. 3agnetic tape physical requirements I I Reauirement i Characteristic (3.81 mm O.i50 in tape width) C-30; C-45; (2-60 I c-9 o I c-120 I I n.544 IQ (i.? 3bS) 0.363 Ie measured ?Or conformance to the measuremen
38、ts given in EIA RS-399A. Appropriate “GO“, “HO-GO“ gauges may be used to determine conformance to outside dimensional requirements. The record/reproduce head opening width, the erase head openin width, and the ends of head opening (seo e, g, and h below) shall be measured at upper and lower corners.
39、 i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-W-C- 16 8 4 Outside dimensions to be measured: Length. Wid th. Thickness. Capstan holes; size and location. Locating holes; size and location. Erase head opening; height and width. Record/reproduce h
40、ead opening; height and width. Extreme ends of head openings. Hub spindle holes; size and location. Hub spoke inside diameter. Hub spoke; size, number, and location. Support planes flatness and parallelism. Detail dimensional measurements. All other dimensions shall be measured to determine
41、conformance with 3.4. 4.6.6 Cassette mechanical measurements. 4.G.6.1 Frictional torque. A torque tester, such as the Information Terminals Model W-400, or Plinnetech Labs Model MTM 200 series, or equivalent, shall be used to perform this test. The cassette shall be inserted into the tester such tha
42、t the nearly full hub is on the takeup side. The torque tester shall be started, and with no holdback torque applied to the supply hub, the average torque reading on the meter shall be noted for conformance to the requirement of 3.8.1. The foregoing test shall be repeated with a holdback torque of G
43、.8 x Nm (8 gm. cm) applied to the supply hub to determine conformance to the requirement of 3.8.2. The tape shall then be wound on the opposite hub and the foregoing tests repeated. for conformance to the reyuirement of 3.8.3. Pressure pad pressure. The pressure pad pressure shall be measure
44、d 4.6.7 Magnetic tape performance nieasurements . Definitions. Reference tape and cassette. The reference tape shall consist of a recorded and unrecorded length of DIN Calibration Tape 4.75/3.81 mm in accordance with DIN 45 513, Sheet 6, in a cassette housing that conforms to IEC 9
45、4A (see 6.2). Secondary reference tape. The secondary reference tape is an unrecorded lerigth of tape, the magnetic characteristics of which have been calibrated against those of the “Reference Medium“ section of the reference tape. The secondary reference tape is use for preliminary adjus
46、tments of the reference test recorder/reproducer and as a working reference. Operating bias current. Operating bias current is that bias current through the recording head which will give a 2.5 dT) fall-off (over bias peak) of the peak output from the “Reference Medium“ section of the refe
47、rence tape (see when a 6.3 kIIz signal is recorded at standard recording level (see Reference recording level. The reference recording level is that voltage level of a 333 Hz input signal which, in conjunction with operating bias current (see , will produc
48、e a permanent induction in the “Reference Medium“ section of the reference tape (see , such that upon playback the output signal level conforms to the reference output level. level that is obtained by reproducing the “Reference Level“ section of the DIN Calibration Tape (see t
49、he reference recording level (see Reference output level. The reference output: level is the output 4.G.7.1.6 Standard recording level. Standard recording level is 20 di3 below Standard output level. Standard output level is that reproduce output voltage measured on playback of a 333 Iiz signal that has been recorded on the “Reference Medium“ section of the reference tape (see at standard recording level (see 4.6