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1、1Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.第 6 课时 3a Self CheckI. 知识目标类别 课时要点重点词组1. plenty of dialogues 大量的对话 2. spread joy 传播快乐3. spend with your loved ones陪伴你喜爱的人 4. do an excellent job 表现优异 5. describe the future 描述未来 6. play the hero 扮演英雄人物重点句式1. The comedy has plenty of dialogues which are very h

2、umorous.这个喜剧有大量十分幽默的对话。2II. 课堂环节自主学习方案【新词自查】根据汉语提示完成单词。1.We have planted 100 trees in total in a week.2. He put a bandage on the wound himself so that it wouldnt lose much blood.3. Its really a pity that I cant attend your birthday party next week.4. This song made him recall his happy life with his

3、 wife.5. The teacher praised me for my progress in my English.课堂导学方案Step 1 完成教材 3a-ab 部分的任务。1. 要求学生在课文 71 页 3a 的表格中填入,你最喜爱什么类型的电影或音乐?你最喜爱的歌曲和电影是什么? 2.根据 3a 写的提要以及 3b 方框中所给的的提示向报纸杂志写一篇文章介绍你最喜爱的音2. Although he is an actor who does not have much experience, he did an excellent job in the new war film.虽

4、然他是一个没有许多经验的演员,但他在这部新的战争电影中表现的相当好。3. I dont think movies that try to describe the future are very interesting.我认为那些试图描述未来的电影并不是很有趣。4. You mean the new police story which was filmed in five countries?你指的是那部在五个国家放映的新警察故事吗?5. The actor who plays the hero used to be a schoolteacher.那个扮演英雄的演员过去曾经是学校老师。6.

5、 It sounds like something that we both will enjoy.那听起来像我们俩都喜爱的东西。3乐或电影。学生完成后评出优秀的作文在班上展示。环节说明:本节主要是将读、写的任务结合起来不仅锻炼了学生的写作及对语言综合运用能力,还巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、综合运用。Step 2 完成教材 self check 1-2 部分的任务。1.选用方框中所给的单词或短语完成句子。给出 5 分钟的时限,并请 4 位同学朗读自己的句子,核对答案。1. plenty of 2. suppose 3. spare 4. actor 5. war2. 选用 who, that which 填空完成对话。给出 5 分钟的时限,并请 2 位同学分角色朗读对话,核对答案。1. that/which 2. which/that 3. who/that 4. that 3. 根据提示,完成关于自己的句子。环节说明:本节主要是针对本单元的主要目标语言进行加强巩固训练,巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用。当堂评价方案(详见当堂训练部分)


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