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1、- 1 -宁夏青铜峡市高级中学 2018-2019 学年高二英语上学期第一次月考试题第卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How much will the man pay for the four tickets?A. 15 pounds. B. 30 pounds. C. 45 pounds.2. Why is the

2、 man late according to his words?A. He knocked down an old man.B. He sent an old man to a hospital.C. His bike was broken on the way.3. Whats the date today?A. 16th. B. 17th. C. 18th.4. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. At a bookshop. B. At a bank. C. At a restaurant.5. What is

3、 the womans attitude to the dishes?A. She thinks it is just so-so. B. She dislikes it. C. She likes it very much.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小 题 5 秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. What is J

4、ames hobby?A. Collecting match boxes. B. Collecting envelopes. C. Collecting coins.- 2 -7. How old was James when he got the match boxes as a gift from his father?A. 16. B. 15. C. 14.听第 7 段材料,回答第 810 题。8. What is the job of the man?A. A guide. B. An engineer. C. A teacher.9. What is the mans advanta

5、ge in English?A. Speaking. B. Listening. C. Reading.10. How many English words has the man grasped according to himself?A. Almost 500. B. Almost 5,000. C. Almost 5,500.听第 8 段材料,回答第 1113 题。11. What did Joe do last night?A. He saw a film. B. He worked for a design. C. He had a meeting.12. Why will Joe

6、 catch the first bus?A.Because he will meet an important customer.B.Because he will take part in an interview.C.Because he will be the first to arrive at the company.13. What does the woman prepare for the man?A. Boiled eggs. B. Fried eggs. C. Cakes.听第 9 段材料,回答第 1416 题。14. What does the man want to

7、do?A. To exchange for some cash. B. To put aside some money.C. To lend some money.15. Which is better in cashing a travelers check according to the woman?A. A stocking center. B. A hotel. C. A bank.16. Which of the following neednt the man offer to the woman?A. Address. B. Passport number. C. ID car

8、d.听第 10 段材料,回答第 1720 题。17. What is the age of Miss Bao?A. In her 20s. B. In her 30s. C. In her 40s.18. How much can Miss Bao earn one month in her company?- 3 -A. $1,450. B. $1,415. C. $1,410.19. Which is Chinas largest C to C(customer to customer) website?A. T. B. S. C. D.20. What is the main idea

9、of the passage?A. Buy it online, a whole new way of shopping!B.Buy it on TV, a whole new way of shopping!C.Buy it on a magazine, a whole new way of shopping!第二部分 阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)A It all started at the beginning of this term. At first, Carmen wasnt really sure what was happening. In cla

10、ss, she had to squint (眯眼) to see the blackboard clearly. As it got worse, she became more and more worried. It was important for her to see the notes and homework the teacher wrote on the board. In class, she asked for a desk that was closer to the blackboard. One day, her teacher said, “Carmen, Iv

11、e noticed you squinting a lot. Are you having trouble seeing the board?” Carmen shook her head. “Im fine, Mrs. Cruz.” At home, she had to sit closer and closer to the television. Her mother noticed her squinting as she watched her favorite shows.“Tomorrow I will go to see a doctor,” she said firmly.

12、 Three days later, Carmen had new glasses. She was told to wear them all the time. “All of the kids at school will think Im a nerd (书呆子),” she said. “You look just as beautiful with those glasses on as you do without them,” her mother said. But Carmen didnt believe her.The next day, Carmen kept the

13、glasses in her pocket as she walked into the schoolyard. Suddenly, she heard her friend Theresa shout. “Whats wrong?” she asked.“My silver ring is gone!” Theresa cried. Carmen could tell that Theresa was very upset. They all looked for the ring in the grassy area of the playground.Carmen realized th

14、at she could search better if she could see better. She - 4 -took the glasses out of her pocket and put them on. Everything looked so different! So clear! And a glimmer (微光) of silver caught her eye.“Here it is,” she shouted. “Thanks Carmen,” Theresa said. “I didnt know you wore glasses. They look g

15、reat!” “Thanks,” Carmen replied shyly.As they walked back toward the school building, two more girls praised her glasses. Carmen smiled. “Maybe wearing glasses wont be so bad after all,” she thought.21. According to the text, Carmen _. A. doesnt like doing homework.B. often tells lies to her teacher

16、.C. cares how well she does in lessons.D. has trouble getting along with her classmates.22. When Carmen wore glasses for the first time, she felt _. A. sad B. pleased C. surprised D. disappointed 23. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs? A. Other girls expect to have new glasses. B. Carmen

17、 will get used to wearing glasses. C. Wearing glasses will make Carmen look beautiful. D. Carmen hopes to receive more comments on her glasses. 24. The purpose of the text is to tell readers _. A. how to protect their eyes.B. never to make fun of others.C. things arent always as bad as we expect.D.

18、it is necessary to give a hand to those in troubleBIslands of Adventure at Universal Orlando in Florida It is best known as the home of the “Harry Potter Theme Park”. The Wizarding World is the most popular part of the park. Other popular rides - 5 -include the Adventures of Spider-Man, Popeye $29.9

19、5 for ages 14 and over.PI-O Indoor Theme Park in LongueuilThe PI-O Indoor Theme Park features (以为特色) 16 rides, a small sea train, a kid-sized bowling alley (保龄球场), a mirror maze (迷宫), theme rooms which include the Christmas room on the sea, and a private reception room. “I wanted to create a safe en

20、vironment for kids aged 1 to 10,” explains owner Jocelyne Pinard. She noted how many competing amusement parks have sections that can be unsafe for young kids such as the ball rooms full of loose plastic balls. So this is how it is different from other amusement parks.Open seven days a week. The adm

21、ission fees are $16.99 for individuals (个人) and $64 for families. Legoland Windsor Theme Park in LondonLegoland Windsor is the best choice for young families. The park is designed for children from 3 to 12. There are over 50 rides as well as live shows, workshops, and other attractions aimed at youn

22、ger children, and especially those who are already fond of building-block (积木) toys.The park is open every single day. Adults: $35; Ages 3-15 and 60+: $26. Buy online and save $3 per person.Wonder La Theme Park in IndiaWonder La is a worldclass amusement park. Its modern, clean and green, and has al

23、l kinds of attractions. There are over 50 rides, 12 of which are water based and nine especially for small children. If you love getting wet, dont miss the Rain Disco an indoor dance floor with a rain system that provides showers of warm water to the music.Monday to Friday 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. Satur

24、day, Sunday, Holiday and Festival seasons 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. Single adult / child $13.50; Family ticket (for any four people) $50.00; Children 3 and under Free.- 6 -25. If Jim is free this Sunday, he can choose to visit the following parks EXCEPT _. A. Islands of Adventure B. PI-O C. Legoland Wind

25、sor D. Wonder La 26. How is PI-O Indoor Theme Park mainly different from other parks? A. It is much safer. B. It features more rides. C. It is much cheaper. D. It offers more activities. 27. If a couple want to visit Legoland Windsor Theme Park with their 5-year-old son, how muchdo they need to pay

26、when booking online? A. $96. B. $87. C. $93. D. $70. 28. Which of the following about Wonder La Theme Park is NOT true? A. It is located in India. B. It is free for Children 3 and under. C. There are nine rides especially for small children. D. The Rain Disco lets children enjoy cool rain while danc

27、ing. CDo you know how it is when you see someone yawn and you start yawning too? Or how hard it is to be among people laughing and not laugh yourself? Well, apparently its because we have mirror neurons(#l13/)in our brains.Put simply, the existence of mirror neurons suggests that every time we see s

28、omeone else do something. our brain imitate(模仿)it, whether or not we actually perform the same action. This explains a great deal about how we learn to smile, talk, walk, dance or play sports. But the idea goes further: mirror neurons not only appear to explain physical actions, they also tell us th

29、at there is a biological basis for the way we understand other people.Mirror neurons can undoubtedly be found all over our brains, but especially in the areas which relate to our ability to use languages, and to understand how other people feel. Researchers have found that mirror neurons relate stro

30、ngly to - 7 -language. A group of researchers discovered that if they gave people sentences to listen to(for example: “The hand took hold of the ball“ ). the same mirror neurons were triggered as when the action was actually performed (in this example.actually taking hold of a ball).Any problems wit

31、h mirror neurons may well result in problems with behavior. Much research suggests that people with social and behavioral problems have mirror neurons which are not fully functioning. However, it is not yet known exactly how these discoveries might help find treatments for social disorders.Research

32、into mirror neurons seems to provide us with ever more information concerning how humans behave and Interact(互动). Indeed, it may turn out to be the equivalent(相等物) for neuroscience of what Einstein s theory of relativity was for physics. And the next time you feel the urge to cough in the cinema whe

33、n someone else doeswell perhaps you ll understand why.29. The underlined word“triggered“in the third paragraph probably means“ “.A. set off. B cut off. C. built up. D. broken up.30. We can learn from the passage that mirror neurons A.determine our knowledge and language abilities.B.control human phy

34、sical actions and feelings.C.result in bad behavior and social disorders.D.relate to human behavior and interaction.31. What is the passage mainly about?A.Functions of mirror neurons. B.Problem of mirror neurons.C.Existence of mirror neurons. D.Ways to find mirror neurons.DNothing like the Nobel Pri

35、ze Award existed during the time of William Shakespeare. The first Nobel Prizes were not awarded until 1901, nearly 300 years after the death of the so-called “Bard of Avon”.- 8 -2014 marks the 450th anniversary of William Shakespeares birth. His plays are still widely performed all over the world.

36、But for many people, Shakespeare is something they study in school, not something they read or watch for pleasure.One American theater company is trying to change that. Ross Williams studied acting and directing in school. He set up a theater company called the New York Shakespeare Exchange. Ross Wi

37、lliams loves Shakespeare. But he knows that many people might not share that love. He says 400-year-old English is difficult to understand. And, he says, many people think of Shakespeare as dusty and dull (枯燥的).“So I started thinking about how I could get people to experience Shakespeare in their da

38、y-to-day lives without having to go see a full show. And so we started with the sonnets because theyre concise (言简意赅的).”Sonnets are 14-line poems. Ross Williams and his partners founded the Sonnet Project as part of their theater company. The group hopes to film each of Shakespeares 154 sonnets befo

39、re the great English writers birthday in April. Each piece is being filmed in a different location in New York City.To complete the project, the company requires the talents of many artists. Ross Williams put out a call to filmmakers on the Sonnet Projects website. Twenty-five-year-old Noemi Charlot

40、te was one of many who answered the call. He directed sonnet 71 a few months ago. He likes the idea of presenting Shakespeare in short films.“Fantastic! Doing it in different places in New York brings Shakespeare into the twenty-first century.” 32. Shakespeare is not popular today mainly because _.

41、A. the language he used in his plays is out of date B. people are tired of learning about him in schoolC. it takes too much time to see a full show of his playsD. his sonnets cant be easily understood by many people 33. Ross Williams started his company in order to _. A. get more experience in actin

42、g and directing- 9 -B. introduce Shakespeares sonnets into modern plays C. encourage the development of the theater industry in AmericaD. let people today enjoy Shakespeares works more conveniently 34. What do we know about the Sonnet Project?A. It aims to turn all of Shakespeares plays into films.

43、B. It translates Shakespeares poems into modern English. C. It performs Shakespeares plays in various parts of New York.D. It presents all of Shakespeares sonnets in the form of short films.35. What is Noemi Charlottes attitude towards the Sonnet Project?A. Curious. B. Favorable. C. Uninterested. D.

44、 Disappointed.E根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Life is short. It may feel as if it takes forever sometimes, but the reality is that you live, and a short time later, you die. It happens so quickly that many people dont even realize they had a life until its already over.1. 36 If you dont be

45、lieve in yourself, nobody will. Success starts in your mind, and if all youre doing is putting yourself down and predicting failure, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy(预言)。 37 ,instead of not believing yourself. Not only will you be happier and more successful, youll also spread it to everyon

46、e around you.2. Stop Being LazyLazy people are annoyingits like pulling teeth and getting them to do anything. If I cant do something as simple as going to the movies with you without wasting an hour convincing you to get your lazy butt (臀部) out of bed, Id rather go alone. People have enough trouble

47、 motivating themselves 38 .3. Stop Wasting TimeIve said it before. And Ill say it again. 39 . Dont waste your time on - 10 -unproductive things. If you want to explore the Worlds dark corners, thats great. I still associate with people who have not-so-kosher(没有固定工作的) careers, but I dont hang out wit

48、h those people at the expense of my own short- and long-term goals.4. Stop Being WastefulYou don t finish your meals, and throw away food instead. You leave the faucet running when you brush your teeth, 40 . You drive to places you could easily walk to, burning gasoline (a non-renewable resource). Y

49、ou are wasteful, and it needs to stop.A. Think positivelyB. wasting is a shame.C. Stop Being Selfish.D. Stop Doubting Yourself.E. pouring precious clean water down.F. Time is the most valuable resource we have.G. dont make your friends and family waste their energy motivating you as well.第三部分 完形填空 (共 20 小题, 满分 30 分)In Elisha Otiss time, people were not interested in riding an elevator. They thought elevators were too 41 . To improve elev


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