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1、1Module 8 Sports lifeUnit 1 Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time.单词闯关1.记忆;回忆 _ 2.比分 _ 同义词 _3.决定(名词) _ 动词 _4.(辩解的)理由;借口 _ 5.中午;正午 _ 6.座椅;座位 _ 坐(动词) _7.公平的;合理的 _ 反义词 _8.踢 _ 9.生气的;恼火的 _ 同义词 _短语互译1.stand for_2no way_3play against_ 24be mad at _5在中午_ 6为欢呼_连词成句1.chosen, but, team, for, wasnt, the, D

2、aming, last time(但是上次大明没有被选入球队。)_2no, truth, Tony, youve, the, face, got, chance(面对现实吧,托尼。你们没有机会的!)_3mad at, hell, harder, win, so, to, us, try, hes, to, were, that, show, just, wrong(他如此生我们的气,所以会更努力去赢,只为证明我们错了!)_4this, hope, I, win, they, do, time(我真的希望这次他们会赢。)_31 decision n决定 观察 He made a decision

3、 to buy a used car. 他决定买一辆旧车。探究 make a decision (to do sth.)意为“决定(做某事 )”,相当于 decide (to do sth.)。拓展 decision 的动词形式为_,其后常接动词不定式或宾语从句。(1)decide (not) to do sth.决定(不)做某事He decided not to smoke from then on. 从那时开始,他决定不吸烟了。(2)decide宾语从句Lets decide where we should go. 咱们决定应该去哪里吧。活学活用12017云南 My father has

4、made a _ that he will buy a camera for me.Asuggestion BsecretCproblem Ddecision2 no way 决不;不可能观察 Can I borrow your car? 我能借用你的汽车吗?No way! 不可能!探究 no way 常用在口语中,表示断然拒绝做某事。拓展 no way 还可译为“不会吧;不可能” ,用在口语中,表示不相信或惊讶。Shes 45? No way! 她 45 岁了? 不会吧!活学活用22017莱芜My shirt needs washing. Could you please help me w

5、ith that, Mary?_. Do it yourself.ANo way4BNot reallyCNo problemDSounds great3 be mad at 生的气 观察 The teacher was mad at me for being late. 我迟到了,老师十分生气。探究 mad 为形容词,意为“生气的,恼火的” 。be mad at sb.意为“生某人的气” 。拓展 be mad with/at sb.be angry with sb.be cross with sb.,意为“生某人的气” 。活学活用3.My father is never _ (生气的)at

6、me and he is a good father.1 Didnt they beat you last time?难道他们上次没有打败你们吗? 探究 Didnt they?是一般疑问句的否定形式,通常在 be 动词、助动词或情态动词后加 not,构成简略形式 nt,并放在句首。它常用来表达一种特殊感情或观点。Isnt it interesting? 难道它不有趣吗?拓展 在回答否定疑问句时,no 意为“是” ,yes 意为“不” 。Wont you come here tomorrow? 难道你明天不来这里吗?Yes, I will. 不,我来。No, I wont. 是的,我不来。活学活

7、用1难道你没有告诉他这个消息吗?(翻译句子)_52 Hes so mad at us that hell try harder to win, just to show were wrong! 他如此生我们的气,以至于会更努力去赢,只为证明我们错了! 探究 句中的“to show were wrong”是动词不定式作目的状语。拓展 动词不定式作目的状语的三种形式:to动词原形;in order to动词原形;so as to动词原形。He practised again and again to pass the driving test.他一次又一次地练习就是为了通过驾照考试。She got

8、 up early in order to/so as to be on time for morning exercises. 为了按时做早操,她起床很早。活学活用22017天水 Well do what we can _ the sick man.Ato help BhelpChelps Dhelped3 I do hope they win this time.我真的希望这次他们会赢。 探究 (1)do 在本句中强调谓语动词 hope,起加强语气的作用。英语中强调谓语可以用“助动词 do/does/did动词原形”表示。I did return the book to the libra

9、ry yesterday. 我昨天的确把书还给了图书馆。(2)win 意为“赢” ,后常接 prize, match, game, war 等词作宾语。试比较: 事物(competition/game/prize/match/war)win赢 sb./teambeat/defeat打 败一言辨析: The Chinese womens volleyball team beat Serbia 31 in the final at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, winning their Olympic gold medal.,中国女排在里约奥运会决赛 31 击败了塞尔

10、维亚队,获得了她们的奥运金牌。活学活用63I think we will _ them and _ the match.Abeat; winBwin; beatCbeat; beatDwin; win详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1. memory 2.point; score 3.decision; decide4. excuse 5. noon 6.seat; sit 7.fair; unfair8. kick 9.mad; angry/cross短语互译1是的缩写;代表 2.决不;不可能 3与比赛 4.生的气 5.at noon6cheer for连词成句1. But Daming w

11、asnt chosen for the team last time.2. Face the truth, Tony. Youve got no chance!3. Hes so mad at us that hell try harder to win, just to show were wrong!4. I do hope they win this time. 【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 decideD 考查名词辨析。suggestion 意为“建议” ;secret 意为“秘密” ;problem 意为“困难” ;decision 意为“决定” 。句意:我爸爸已经决定给我买一部照相机了。故选 D。2 A 考查交际用语。No way 意为“决不;不可能” ;Not really 意为“事实上不是”;No problem 意为“没问题” ;Sounds great 意为“听起来好极了” 。由下文“Do it yourself”可知,答语表示直接拒绝别人的请求。故选 A。3 mad句型透视1 Didnt you tell him the news?2 A 考查非谓语动词。句意:我们将会尽我们所能来帮助这个生病的人。此处用动词不定式作目的状语,故选 A。3 A


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