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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 89及答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time) 0 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Moving to Banford City Example Linda recommends living in suburb of:_Dalton_ Accommodation - Average rent: 【 L1】 _a month Transport - Linda trav

2、els to work by 【 L2】 _ - Limited 【 L3】 _in city centre - Trains to London every 【 L4】 _minutes - Poor train service at 【 L5】 _ Advantages of living in Banford - New 【 L6】 _opened recently - 【 L7】 _has excellent reputation - Good 【 L8】 _on Bridge Street Meet Linda - Meet Linda on 【 L9】 _after 5.30 pm

3、 - In the 【 L10】 _opposite the station 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L5】 6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L10】 10 What advantage does the speaker mention for each of the following physical activities? Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 11-1

4、6. Advantages A not dependent on season B enjoyable C low risk of injury D fitness level unimportant E sociable F fast results G motivating Physical activities 11 using a gym _ 12 running _ 13 swimming _ 14 cycling _ 15 doing yoga _ 16 training with a personal trainer _ 16 Choose TWO letters, A-E. F

5、or which TWO reasons does the speaker say people give up going to the gym? A lack of time B loss of confidence C too much effort required D high costs E feeling less successful than others 18 Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO pieces of advice does the speaker give for setting goals? A write goals d

6、own B have achievable aims C set a time limit D give yourself rewards E challenge yourself 20 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Project on using natural dyes to colour fabrics 21 What first inspired Jim to choose this project? ( A) textiles displayed in an exhibition ( B) a book about a botanic

7、garden ( C) carpets he saw on holiday 22 Jim eventually decided to do a practical investigation which involved ( A) using a range of dyes with different fibres. ( B) applying different dyes to one type of fibre. ( C) testing one dye and a range of fibres. 23 When doing his experiments, Jim was surpr

8、ised by ( A) how much natural material was needed to make the dye. ( B) the fact that dyes were widely available on the internet. ( C) the time that he had to leave the fabric in the dye. 24 What problem did Jim have with using tartrazine as a fabric dye? ( A) It caused a slight allergic reaction. (

9、 B) It was not a permanent dye on cotton. ( C) It was ineffective when used on nylon. 24 What problem is identified with each of the following natural dyes? Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 25-30. Problems A It is expensive. B The colour is too str

10、ong. C The colour is not long-lasting. D It is very poisonous. E It can damage the fabric. F The colour may be unexpected. G It is unsuitable for some fabrics. H It is not generally available. Natural dyes 25 turmeric _ 26 beetroot _ 27 Tyrian purple _ 28 logwood _ 29 cochineal _ 30 metal oxide _ 30

11、 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. The sleepy lizard (tiliqua rugosa) Description - They are common in Western and South Australia - They are brown, but recognisable by their blue 【 L31】 _ - They are relatively large - Their diet consists mainly of 【 L32】 _ - Their main

12、predators are large birds and 【 L33】 _ Navigation study One study found that lizards can use the 【 L34】 _to help them navigate Observations in the wild Observations show that these lizards keep the same 【 L35】 _ for several years What people want - Possible reasons: - to improve the survival of thei

13、r young (but little 【 L36】 _has been noted between parents and children) - to provide 【 L37】 _for female lizards Tracking study A study was carried out using GPS systems attached to the 【 L38】 _of the lizards This provided information on the lizards location and even the number of 【 L39】_taken - It

14、appeared that the lizards were trying to avoid one another This may be in order to reduce chances of 【 L40】 _ 31 【 L31】 32 【 L32】 33 【 L33】 34 【 L34】 35 【 L35】 36 【 L36】 37 【 L37】 38 【 L38】 39 【 L39】 40 【 L40】 雅思(听力)模拟试卷 89答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time) 0 【听力原文】 LI

15、NDA: Hello, Linda speaking. MATT: Oh hi, Linda. This is Matt Brooks. Alex White gave me your number. He said youd be able to give me some advice about moving to Banford. LINDA: Yes, Alex did mention you. How can I help? MATT: Well, first of all - which area to live in? LINDA: Well, I live in DaIton,

16、 which is a really nice suburb - not too expensive, and theres Example a nice park. MATT: Sounds good. Do you know how much it would be to rent a two bedroom flat there? LINDA: Yeah, you should be able to get something reasonable for 850 pounds per month. Q1 Thats what people typically pay. You cert

17、ainly wouldnt want to pay more than 900 pounds. That doesnt include bills or anything. MATT: No. That sounds alright. Ill definitely have a look there. Are the transport links easy from where you live? LINDA: Well, Im very lucky. I work in the city centre so I dont have to use public transport. I go

18、 by bike. Q2 MATT: Oh, I wish I could do that. Is it safe to cycle around the city? LINDA: Yes, its fine. And it keeps me fit. Anyway, driving to work in the city centre would be a nightmare because theres hardly any parking. And the traffic during the rush Q3 hour can be bad. MATT: Id be working fr

19、om home but Id have to go to London one or two days a week. LINDA: Oh, thats perfect. Getting to London is no problem. Theres a fast train every 30 minutes which only takes 45 minutes. Q4 MATT: Thats good. LINDA: Yeah, the train service isnt bad during the week. And they run quite late at night. Its

20、 weekends that are a problem. Theyre always doing engineering work and you Q5 have to take a bus to Hadham and pick up the train there, which is really slow. But other than that, Banfords a great place to live. Ive never been happier. LINDA: There are some nice restaurants in the city centre and a b

21、rand new cinema which Q6 has only been open a couple of months. Theres a good arts centre too. MATT: Sounds like Banfords got it all. LINDA: Yes! Were really lucky. There are lots of really good aspects to living here. The schools are good and the hospital here is one of the best in the country. Eve

22、ryone I Q7 know whos been theres had a positive experience. Oh, I can give you the name of my dentist too in Bridge Street, if youre interested. Ive been going to him for years Q8 and Ive never had any problems. MATT: Oh, OK. Thanks! LINDA: Ill find his number and send it to you. MATT: Thanks, that

23、would be really helpful. LINDA: Are you planning to visit Banford soon? MATT: Yes. My wife and I are both coming next week. We want to make some appointments with estate agents. LINDA: I could meet you if you like and show you around. MATT: Are you sure? Wed really appreciate that. LINDA: Either a T

24、uesday or Thursday is good for me. after 5.30. Q9 MATT: Thursdays preferable - Tuesday I need to get home before 6 pm. LINDA: OK. Great. Let me know which train youre catching and Ill meet you in the cafe Q10 outside. You cant miss it. Its opposite the station and next to the museum. MATT: Brilliant

25、. Ill text you next week then. Thanks so much for all the advice. LINDA: No problem. Ill see you next week. 1 【正确答案】 850 【试题解析】 先是出现了定位词 rent,然后出现了答案对应信息 “you shouldfor 850 pounds per month Thats what people typically pay ”,其中定位词 month原词重现, typically对应定位词 average,因此答案为 850。注意数字900是干扰,因为前面用了否定表达 “wou

26、ldnt want to pay”。 2 【正确答案】 bike / bicycle 【试题解析】 在定位词 work、 transport之后紧接着出现了答案对应信息 “I go by bike ”,其中提示词 by原词重现,后面接了交通工具 bike,因此答案为 bike或其同义表达 bicycle。 3 【正确答案】 parking 【试题解析】 在定位词 city centre之后紧接着出现了答案对应信息 “because theres hardly any parking”,其中 hardly any对应定位词 limited(这个较难识别 ),因此答案为 parking。 4 【正

27、确答案】 30 /thirty 【试题解析】 先出现定位词 London,然后定位词 trains和答案一起出现,具体对应信息为 “Theres a fast train every 30 minutes”,其中 train后出现 every 30 minutes,因此答案为 30或其同义表达 thirty。注意 45为干扰数字,因为原文说的是火车运行 45分钟,而不是题目问的火车多久一趟。 5 【正确答案】 weekend(s) 【试题解析】 文中先出现定位词 train service,之后出现了 week一词,但用了否定表达 isnt bad,提示我们其不是正确答案。接着出现了答案对应信

28、息 “Its weekends that are a problem ”,其中 problem对应定位词 poor,因此答案为weekends。 6 【正确答案】 cinema 【试题解析】 定位词、提示词和答案一起出现,具体对应信息为 “a brand new cinema which has only been open a couple of months”,其中定位词 new、 open原词重现, a couple of months对应定位词 recently,因此答案为 cinema。 7 【正确答案】 hospital 【试题解析】 此题有干扰信息,先是出现了 “schools

29、are good”,其中 good跟定位词 excellent reputation看上去有点相似,但事实上程度隔得较远,且 schools是复数名词,不符合我们之前的预测,因此可以排除。接着出现了答案对应信息“hospital here is one of the best in the country”,其中 one of the best in the country对应定位 词 excellent reputation,因此答案为 hospital。 8 【正确答案】 dentist 【试题解析】 先是出现了定位词 Bridge Street,但定位词 good被替换,且出现在答案后,

30、使得定位有一定难度。答案对应的原文信息为 “I can givemy dentist too in Bridge StreetIve never had any problems” ,其中 never had any problems对应定位词 good,因此答案为 dentist。 9 【正确 答案】 Thursday 【试题解析】 文中先出现定位词 meet,紧接着 Linda说 “Either a Thursday or Tuesday is good for me, after 5 30 pm ”,其中定位词 5 30 pm原词重现;然后 Matt说 “Thursdays prefer

31、able”,其中 preferable意为 “更适合的;更合心意的 ”,因此答案为 Thursday。 10 【正确答案】 cafe 【试题解析】 先是出现了定位词 in the,但定位词 opposite the station在答案后才出现,使得定位有一点难度。答案对应的原文信息为 “Ill meet you in the cafe outsideIts opposite the station” ,因此答案为 cafe。 10 【听力原文】 So if youre one of those people who hasnt found the perfect physical activ

32、ity yet - here are some things to think about which might help you make the right decision for you. The first question to ask yourself is whether you would enjoy training in a gym. Many people are put off by the idea of having to fit a visit to the gym into their busy day - you often have to go very

33、 early or late as some gyms can get very crowded. But with regular training youll see a big Q11 difference in a relatively short space of time. Running has become incredibly popular in recent years. Thats probably got a lot to do with the fact that its a very accessible form of exercise - anyone can

34、 run - even if you can only run a Q12 few metres to begin with. But make sure you get the right shoes - its worth investing in a high quality pair and they dont come cheap. Another great thing about running is that you can do it at any time of day or night - the only thing that may stop you is snow

35、and ice. Swimming is another really good way to build fitness. What attracts many people is that you Q13 can swim in an indoor pool at any time of year. On the other hand, it can be quite boring or solitary - its hard to chat to people while youre swimming lengths. Cycling has become almost as popul

36、ar as running in recent years. Thats probably because as well as improving their fitness, many people sav being out in the fresh air in a park or in the Q14 countryside can be fun, provided the conditions are right, of course - only fanatics go out in the wind and rain! Yoga is a good choice for tho

37、se of you looking for exercise which focuses on developing both a healthy mind and body. Its a good way of building strength and with the right instructor, theres Q15 less chance of hurting yourself than with other more active sports. But dont expect to find it easy - it can be surprisingly challeng

38、ing, especially for people who arent very flexible. Getting a personal trainer is a good way to start your fitness programme. Obviously there can be significant costs involved. But if youve got someone there to encourage you and help you Q16 achieve your goals, youre less likely to give up. Make sur

39、e you get someone with a recognised qualification, though, or you could do yourself permanent damage. Whatever you do, dont join a gym unless youre sure youll make good use of it. So many people waste lots of money by signing up for membership and then hardly ever go. What happens to their good inte

40、ntions? I dont think people suddenly stop caring about improving their fitness, or decide they have more important things to do. I think people lose interest when they dont think theyre making enough progress. Thats when they give up hope and Q17 & Q18 stop believing theyll ever achieve their goals.

41、 Also, what people sometimes dont realize when they start is that it takes a lot of determination and hard work to keep training week after week and lots of people dont have that kind of commitment. One thing you can do to help yourself is to set manageable goals - be realistic and dont Q19 & Q20 pu

42、sh yourself too far. Some people advise writing goals down, but I think its better to have a flexible approach. Give yourself a really nice treat every time you reach one of your goals. And dont get too upset if you experience setbacks - its a journey - there are bound to be difficulties along the w

43、ay. 11 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 我们先是听到了含定位词的信息 “training in a gym”,其中 training对应 using;然后听到了 training in a gym的缺点 “have to go very early or late as some gyms can get very crowded”,但这不是我们需要的信息,可以跳过;接着听到了 training in a gym的优点 “youll see a big difference in a relatively short space of time(在相对较短的时间内能看到很大的进步 )”,

44、对应 F选项 fast results,因此答案为 F。 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 首先我们听到了定位词 running,随即听到 running的第一个优点“very accessible form of exercise-anyone can run-even if you can only run a few metres to begin with”,其中 anyone can run对应 D选项 fitness level unimportant,因此答案为 D。后面还提到了 running的第二个优点 “you can do it at any time of day

45、or night”,但接着又说 “the only thing that may stop you is snow and ice”,因此 A选项不能选。 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 先是出现了定位词 swimming,然后出现了答案对应信息 “you can swim in an in-door pool at any time of year”,其中 at any time of year对应 A选项not dependent on season,因此答案为 A。 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 先是出现了定位词 cycling,然后出现了答案对应信息 “many peop

46、le say being out in the fresh air in a park or in the countryside can be fun”,其中 fun对应 B选项 enjoyable,因此答案为 B。 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 先是出现了定位词 yoga,然后出现了答案对应信息 “theres less chance of hurting yourself than with other more active sports”,其中 less chance of hurting yourself对应 C选项 low risk of injury,因此答案为 C。

47、16 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 我们先是听到了定位词 personal trainer,然后听到了 personal trainer的缺点 “significant costs”,但这不是我们需要的信息,可以跳过;接着往下听到了 personal trainer的优点 “if youve got someone there to encourage you and help you achieve your goals, youre less likely to give up”,其中 encourage和 less likely to give up对应 G选项 motivating(

48、激发某人积极性的,使人有动力的 ),因此答案为 G。 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 首先听到 people lose interest,对应 give up,提示我们答案快来了。然后听到 “Thats when they give up hope and stop believing theyll ever achieve their goals ”,其中 give up hope and stop believing对应 B选项 loss of confident,因此 B为正确答案。接着听到逻辑连词 also,然后听到 “it takes a lot of determinatio

49、n and hard work to keep training week after week”,对应 C选项 too much effort required,因此 C为正确答案。 “I dont think people suddenly or decide they have more important things to do”可排除 A选项lack of time;原文有提到 people waste lots of money,但并没说放弃健身房的原因是因为健身房花费高,可以排除 D选项 high costs。另外, E选项 feeling less successful than others在文中未提及。 18 【正确答案】


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