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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 34及答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time) 0 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Hotel Arbitrage Booking Form Booking #: (1) Vehicle Registration #: (2) Date of Arrival: 21 May Room #: 501 Type of room: Standard?

2、Deluxe ? Suite ? (3) Extra requirements: (4) Identification: Drivers Licence Length of stay: (5) 5 Complete the map below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer. 11 The SIS is ( A) a non-profit making organization. ( B) owned by an international corporation. ( C) a collective owned by ordinary

3、 people. 12 The SIS ( A) has no fees. ( B) has low fees. ( C) avoids paying fees. 13 SIS accounts with the same customer number ( A) will be charged for setting up automatic payments. ( B) attract no service charges. ( C) must have a minimum balance. 13 21 What period of English literature will the

4、conference cover? 22 How many panel discussions have been arranged? 23 What is the aim of a panel discussion? To present _ 23 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.Procedure (dealt with by prof.) Identify topic of interest involving some (24) Invite panellists Select a (25) D

5、ecide on (26) Guidelines Introcluction of topic sealers set (27) information From proof. Each panelist speaks For Z rains make a hand (28) to show time is up Primary function = panel discussion (about 40 mines) Close discussion give (29) Seconclary Function = question time (about 15-20 rains) At end

6、 of question time, panel is thanked and audience shows appreciation by (30) . 30 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.Hydropower Renewable constant source (31) from natural hydrologic cyde (32) 90% of hydro energyelec tricity Clean no air or (33) pollution (34) & curable sim

7、ple to operate Flexible can start adapt quickly to meet demandleads to (35) of power supply. 35 Label the diagram below. Write no more than TWO WORDS for each answer.39 To be effective, hydroelectric dams should be built across rivers with both sufficient head and _. 40 There needs to be a balance b

8、etween the needs of _ living in developed environments and the preservation of natural habitat. 雅思(听力)模拟试卷 34答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time) 0 【听力原文】 GUEST: Good afternoon. My name is Kelvin Jones I booked by Internet yesterday. RECEPTIONIST: Good afternoon, Mr Jone

9、s. Welcome to the Arbitrage Hotel. Can you spell your first name for me please? GUEST: Certainly. K-E-L-V-I-N. RECEPTIONIST: Thank you. Do you have your booking number or perhaps you printed out your confirmation? The guests first name is Kelvin so K-E-L-V-I-N has been written in the space. Now we s

10、hall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 5. GUEST: Good afternoon. My name is Kelvin Jones-I booked by Internet yesterday. RECEFUONIST: Good afternoon, Mr Jones. Welcome to the Arbitrag

11、e Hotel. Can you spell your first name for me please? GUEST: Certainly. K-E-L-V-I-N. RECEPTIONIST: Thank you. Do you have your booking number or perhaps you printed out your confirmation? GUEST: Yes, of course. I dont have the printout but I did remember to note down the number. Its double O L238142

12、 zero. RECEFHONIST: Thanks. OOL-238-1420. Oh, I see youve stayed with us before. GUEST: Yes, on several occasions. RECEPTIONIST: And do you still have the same vehicle registration number? HQW 5919? GUEST: Well no, this time I have the company car. RECEPTIONIST: And what is the registration number?

13、GUEST: Oh dear, I cant remember. Hang on a minute, here it is on the key ring: HUV triple 3 one. RECEPTIONIST: Thanks. HUV 3331. Now, todays the 21st of May and I see youve booked a deluxe room on the fifth floor, room 501. GUEST: Really? I booked a deluxe room? I usually only ever have a standard d

14、ouble room. RECEPTIONIST: Its the off-season, Mr Jones and weve upgraded you. GUEST: How nice! And what does the deluxe room have? Is it as good as a suite? RECEPTIONIST: Almost it has all the usual plus a spa bath, fully-stocked bar fridge, a king-size bed and a balcony. GUEST: Is there a view from

15、 the balcony? RECEPTIONIST: Yes. GUEST: Is that a view of the bay? RECEPTIONIST: Yes, and a glimpse of the blue lagoon as well. GUEST: Very nice I hope itll be warm enough to sit out there. RECEPTIONIST: We cant guarantee the weather, Mr Jones, although we do try to make your stay as comfortable as

16、possible. GUEST: Thank you. Now that you mention comfort, is it possible to have some extra pillows, please? I have a sore shoulder, you see, and I need to prop it up at night or I dont get any sleep. RECEPTIONIST: Well, youll find pillows on the bed of course and we can send up a couple more later.

17、 GUEST: Well, Id appreciate that. RECEPTIONIST: One more thing you paid by credit card over the Internet can I see your credit card please? GUEST: Oh, of course. RECEPTIONIST: And some photo ID? GUEST: What would you like? Drivers license? RECEPTIONIST: Yes, thats fine. Youre staying for five days,

18、is that right? GUEST: That was the original plan, yes. But the conference has been cut short by two days because the key note speaker is ill, so Ill be going home on Wednesday. RECEPTIONIST: So, thats just three nights in all. GUEST: Afraid so. 1 【正确答案】 OOL 238 1420 2 【正确答案】 HUV 3331 3 【正确答案】 deluxe

19、 4 【正确答案】 (2/two/extra) pillows 5 【正确答案】 3/three nights 5 【听力原文】 RECEPTIONIST: Is there anything else I can help you with? GUEST: Actually, there is. The conference is in a building called Chancery Chambers but I dont have any idea how to get there. RECEPTIONIST: Oh, thats the funny-shaped building

20、on the corner of King and Richard streets. Its quite straightforward really and only a few minutes walk. Look, Ill show you on this map. GUEST: Good. A map I like to follow a map if possible. RECEPTIONIST: Right, well, step out the front entrance of the hotel and youre on Hob Street. Head south on H

21、ob Street toward Gorse Lane and take the second on the left onto Vickers Street West. Go all the way down the hill past the Mexican ear on your left, the Rebel Hostel on your right and the big church on the corner of Allen Street. GUEST: Oh, I think I know the one. It has a huge steeple. RECEPTIONIS

22、T: Yes, youre right. When you get to the bottom of the hill, youll have to cross over the main street. GUEST: Whats the name of the main street? RECEPTIONIST: Mill Street. GUEST: Mill Street, ah yes, there it is. RECEPTIONIST: Cross the main street and continue onto Vickers Street East. Theres a big

23、 bank next to a bookshop on the corner. Go up the hill towards the entrance to the park. GUEST: Ive heard its very beautiful. RECEPTIONIST: Oh, yes, well worth a look when youve got some free time. Anyway, dont go in the park turn left into Kitchen Street youll walk past Bowens Bistro. Actually, pro

24、bably the best place to get a good lunch at a reasonable price. After Bowens take the second left into Bakers Lane its a very short street-then take the first on your left onto King Street and you should see the art-deco Chancery Chambers building a bit further along on the corner of Richard Street.

25、 GUEST: Oh, thank you for that. Im most grateful. 6 【正确答案】 Mexican car 7 【正确答案】 Mill 8 【正确答案】 bookshop 9 【正确答案】 Kitchen 10 【正确答案】 King 10 【听力原文】 Welcome to the information line of the State Investment Society. Why would you choose to put your money into an investment society and not a bank? Well, SI

26、S offers everything youd expect from a bank but the difference is were a cooperative. Were 100% owned by our customers people like you and that means we always put your best interests first. You wont see our profits going into large foreign-owned finance corporations. No, youll see them coming back

27、to you and your local community. As a co-operative, we work hard to keep our fees competitive and absolutely minimal. Even better, we can advise you about ways to avoid fees. Here are some suggestions: firstly, we recommend you carry out as much of your personal banking as possible with us. We wont

28、charge account fees unless your account becomes inactive for some reason. See? No unnecessary fees. Secondly, if you maintain certain minimum account balances, you wont have to pay any transaction charges for transferring money between any accounts that have the same customer number, although there

29、may be some service charges that apply such as the establishment of automatic payments. So, how can we help you? 11 【正确答案】 C 12 【正确答案】 B 13 【正确答案】 A 13 【听力原文】 Lets look first at Savings Options. We can give you three options. Our Internet Account earns you interest from your very first dollar deposi

30、ted. You dont have to maintain a minimum balance and you earn a good interest rate from the start. Interest calculated daily and paid into your account monthly. You always have immediate access to you money by using the Internet, Text, or Telephone banking. Whats more there are no account or transac

31、tion fees. With our Stairs Saver scheme, the more you save the higher interest you earn. Again, there is no minimum balance but as your balance grows, youll earn higher interest rates. There are three interest tiers or steps plus bonus interest. Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. Now, wh

32、at about access to your money? You are free to make as many withdrawals as you like but if you restrict them to one a month and your balance increases over that month, then youll earn that bonus interest. With our Simple Saver scheme, access is available anytime and we dont impose penalties for with

33、drawals. This scheme has one interest rate, no minimum balance and interest is calculated daily and paid annually at the end of the financial year the 30th of June. So, you can see that savings accounts are ideal if youre starting from scratch. Do you know you can open a savings account with as litt

34、le as ten dollars? Theyre usually the best choice for short-term financial goals. For the longer term we recommend some kind of investment account. Lets take a look at our investment options. Starting with the safest.the most secure, low risk option is a basic Term Deposit, starting with a minimum d

35、eposit of $1,000. Interest is calculated daily but you can choose whether to have it paid out monthly, quarterly or at maturity. What we recommend, if you really want to see money grow, is having interest compounded quarterly. Youll only get access to your hands when your Term Deposit matures so be

36、sure to think carefully about the amount of time before you lock it awayit could be anything from 6 months to 5 years. Bonds are generally a longer commitment but they may bring better rewards in the future. There is a minimum deposit of $5,000 and interest is calculated daily. You may choose to hav

37、e interest compounded quarterly or paid out quarterly. And, of course, youll have access to your money when your Bond reaches maturity. Looking really long term, there is our Retirement Fund which is of course a savings plan for retirement. There is no minimum deposit but the good news is that you c

38、an choose to contribute a certain percentage of your income before tax is paid on it. As for interest, well, you choose a particular type of fund, which has a different level of return depending on the level of risk. And access? Well, not before you turn 60 years old. As I said, its a retirement sch

39、eme. 14 【正确答案】 transaction 15 【正确答案】 bonus (interest) 16 【正确答案】 Simple Saver 17 【正确答案】 (the) thirtieth/30th (of) June/30 June/June 30 18 【正确答案】 secure 19 【正确答案】 Bonds 20 【正确答案】 income 20 【听力原文】 PROFESSOR: Come in and sit down, Louise.Stuart. I suppose youre wondering why Ive asked you both to come h

40、ere today? LOUISE: Well, weve heard rumors. PROFESSOR: Forget the turnouts. Ill get straight down to business. You know that Im organising a conference on 17th Century English Literature. STUART: Yes, but. PROFESSOR: Well, Ive arranged for three keynote speakers and Ive invited 25 panellists so that

41、 we can have five panel discussions and I want you two to organize one of the panel discussions. LOUISE: But we havent done that before. Is it like a team presentation? PROFESSOR: No, the purpose is quite different. In a team presentation the group presents agreed-upon views-as you have both done at

42、 the end of a group project. LOUISE: Yes. PROFESSOR: Well, in a panel discussion the purpose is to put forward different views. We want to expose the audience to several different viewpoints at the same session. It can help the audience evaluate their own positions regarding specific issues. And, if

43、 its well conducted, its usually more interesting than a single-speaker forum. 21 【正确答案】 17th/seventeenth century 22 【正确答案】 5/five 23 【正确答案】 (different) views/viewpoints/opinions/positions 23 【听力原文】 STUART: And, what exactly do we have to do? PROFESSOR: Well, youll take the role of leader or moderat

44、or and assistant. LOUISE: Is that like the role of chairman? PROFESSOR: Yes, thats it. STUART: Sounds daunting. PROFESSOR: Not at all. Ive already done a great deal of the preparation myself. Let me run through the procedure with you. Ive singled out an issue that will entail quite some conflict of

45、opinion. Ive selected panelists who are well-informed and will probably have contradictory points of view. Thats very important, you know. LOUISE: Actually, I feel a bit nervous-how many panelists will there be? PROFESSOR: Well, Ive invited five panelists for each panel because thats probably the ma

46、ximum number that an inexperienced moderator can handle. But dont worry, I always invite more than we need because you can be sure someone wont be able to make it-so youll probably just end up with four, which is a very manageable number. STUART: Oh, I see. PROFESSOR: And Ive chosen a moderator that

47、s you, by the way. LOUISE: Ah.but.Stuart will help, right? PROFESSOR: Yes. Ill get onto time-keeping and what-not, shortly. Thats where an assistant is indispensable. STUART: But what procedure do we follow to conduct the panel discussion? PROFESSOR: Dont worry. I was just about to say. Ive also set

48、tled on the format. STUART: What is it? PROFESSOR: There are various formats that can be followed but Ive always found this one to be very effective. STUART: Yes? PROFESSOR: Okay, make some notes on these guidelines as I run through them and ask me questions about anything you dont understand. STUAR

49、T: Were ready. PROFESSOR: Firstly, the moderator introduces the topic and the panelists. LOUISE: But we dont know who the panelists are. PROFESSOR: Dont worry Ive prepared a short biographical introduction for each one of them and Ill give you that information tomorrow. LOUISE: Oh, good. PROFESSOR: Next, the panelists are given a set amount of time to present their views on the topic. Id s


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