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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 75及答案与解析 0 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer. Health club customer research Example Answer Name: Selina Thompson Occupation: 【 L1】 _. Age group: 【 L2】 _. Type of membership: 【 L3】 _ Length of membership: 【 L4】 _years Why joined: Recommended

2、by a 【 L5】 _ Visits to club per month: Eight(on an average)_ Facility used most: 【 L6】 _ Facility not used(If any): Tennis courts (because reluctant to 【 L7】 _) Suggestions for Have more 【 L8】 _ improvements: Install 【 L9】 _in the gym. Open 【 L10】 _later at weekends. 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】

3、5 【 L5】 6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L10】 10 Complete the flow chart below. Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 11-16. A air B ash C earth D grass E sticks F stones G water Making a steam pit Dig a pit. Arrange a row of 【 L11】 _over the pit. P

4、lace 【 L12】 _on top. Light the wood and let it burn out. Remove 【 L13】 _. Insert a stick. Cover the pit with 【 L14】 _. Place wrapped food on top, and cover it with 【 L15】 _. Remove the stick and put 【 L16】 _into the hole. 11 【 L11】 12 【 L12】 13 【 L13】 14 【 L14】 15 【 L15】 16 【 L16】 16 Choose TWO lett

5、ers, A-E. Which TWO characteristics apply to the bamboo oven? A Its suitable for windy weather. B The fire is lit below the bottom end of the bamboo. C The bamboo is cut into equal lengths. D The oven hangs from a stick. E It cooks food by steaming it. 18 Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO pieces of

6、 advice does the speaker give about eating wild fungi? A Cooking doesnt make poisonous fungi edible. B Edible wild fungi can be eaten without cooking. C Wild fungi are highly nutritious. D Some edible fungi look very similar to poisonous varieties. E Fungi which cannot be identified should only be e

7、aten in small quantities. 20 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Research project on attitudes towards study 21 Phoebes main reason for choosing her topic was that ( A) her classmates had been very interested in it. ( B) it would help prepare her for her first teaching post. ( C) she had been insp

8、ired by a particular book. 22 Phoebes main research question related to ( A) the effect of teacher discipline. ( B) the variety of learning activities. ( C) levels of pupil confidence. 23 Phoebe was most surprised by her finding that ( A) gender did not influence behaviour significantly. ( B) girls

9、were more negative about school than boys. ( C) boys were more talkative than girls in class. 24 Regarding teaching, Phoebe says she has learned that ( A) teachers should be flexible in their lesson planning. ( B) brighter children learn from supporting weaker ones. ( C) children vary from each othe

10、r in unpredictable ways. 25 Tony is particularly impressed by Phoebes ability to ( A) recognise the limitations of such small-scale research. ( B) reflect on her own research experience in an interesting way. ( C) design her research in such a way as to minimise difficulties. 25 What did Phoebe find

11、 difficult about the different research techniques she used? Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter A-G, next to questions 26-30. Difficulties A Obtaining permission B Deciding on a suitable focus C Concentrating while gathering data D Working collaboratively E Processing data

12、 she had gathered F Finding a suitable time to conduct the research G Getting hold of suitable equipment Research techniques 26 Observing lessons_ 27 Interviewing teachers_ 28 Interviewing pupils_ 29 Using questionnaires_ 30 Taking photographs_ 30 Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO

13、 WORDS for each answer. Saving the juniper plant Background 31 Juniper was one of the first plants to colonise Britain after the last_. 32 Its smoke is virtually_, so juniper wood was used as fuel in illegal activities. 33 Oils from the plant were used to prevent_spreading. 34 Nowadays, its berries

14、are widely used to_food and drink. Ecology 35 Juniper plants also support several species of insects and_. Problems 36 In current juniper populations, ratios of the_are poor. 37 Many of the bushes in each group are of the same age so_ of whole populations is rapid. Solutions 38 Plantlife is triallin

15、g novel techniques across_areas of England. 39 One measure is to introduce_for seedlings. 40 A further step is to plant_from healthy bushes. 雅思(听力)模拟试卷 75答案与解析 0 【听力原文】 Narrator: You will hear a woman being interviewed by a market researcher in a health dub, about her membership of the club. First,

16、you have some time to look at Questions 1-5. You will see that there is an example which has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first. Man: Oh, excuse me, I wonder if youd have the time to take part in some market research? Woman: Umm . Whats i

17、t about? Man: About this club and your experiences and opinions about being a member. Itll take less than five minutes. Woman: Oh . OK then . as long as its quick. Man: Can I start by taking your name? Woman: Its Selina Thompson. Man: Is that T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N? Woman: Yes. Man: Great, thanks. Narrator

18、: The womans name is Thompson, with a p, so Thompson has been written in the space. Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer Questions 1-5. Man: Oh, excuse me, I wonder if youd have the time t

19、o take part in some market research? Woman: Umm . Whats it about? Man: About this club and your experiences and opinions about being a member. Itll take less than five minutes. Woman: Oh . OK then . as long as its quick. Man: Can I start by taking your name? Woman: Its Selina Thompson. Man: Is that

20、T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N? Woman: Yes. Man: Great, thanks. And what do you do for a living? Woman: Well, Im an accountant but Im between jobs at the moment. Man: I understand, but thats the job Ill put down on the form. And would you mind my asking which age group you fall into? Below thirty, thirty-one to fi

21、fty and above. Woman: Over fifty . I think we can safely say. Man: Great, thanks. And which type of membership do you have? Woman: Sorry, Im not sure what you mean? Do you mean how long . ? Man: No, is it a single person membership . ? Woman: Oh right. no, its a family membership. Man: Thanks and ho

22、w long have you been a member? Woman: Oh . let me see . I was certainly here five years ago . and it was probably two to three years more than that. Man: Shall I put down eight? Woman: I remember now . its nine . definitely . sorry. Man: No problem . Ive got that. And the last question in this first

23、 part is, what brought you to the club? Woman: Sorry . ? Man: How did you find out about the club? Did you see any ads? Woman: Well, I did actually but I have to say I wasnt really attracted to the club because of that. It was through word of mouth. Man: So you were recommended by a friend? Woman: A

24、ctually my doctor. Id been suffering from high blood pressure and he said the club was very supportive of people with that condition, so I signed up. Man: Great. thanks. Narrator: Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at Questions 6-10. Now listen and answer Questi

25、ons 6-10. Man: Now for the second part of the form I want to ask a bit more about your experience of the club. Woman: Sure. Man: How often would you say you use the club . ? Woman: It varies enormously depending on how busy I am. Man: Of course . but on average . per month? Woman: Id say it averages

26、 out at twice a week. Man: OK, so eight on average. Woman: Yeah. And four of those are aqua-aerobics classes. Man: That leads me to the next question . would you say the swimming pool is the facility you make most use of? Woman: Fair to say that. yeah. Man: Right, thanks . And are there any faciliti

27、es you dont use? Woman: One area I realise Ive never used is the tennis courts . and theres one simple reason for that . Man: You dont play tennis? Woman: Actually, Im not bad at it. its that Im not happy having to pay extra . for that privilege. Man: Ive made a note of that. thanks. Now in the last

28、 section are there any suggestions or recommendations you have for improvements to the club? Woman: Only about health and fitness? Man: Anything at all . Woman: Well, Id like to see more social events . it isnt just a question of getting together for games or classes but other things, you know. Man:

29、 Yes, sure. Woman: And another thing that I was thinking when I had my yoga class in the gym last night we were all sweltering in the heat was that I think they should put in . you know . Man: air conditioning. Woman: Thats exactly what I mean. The rooms are really light and well designed but they d

30、o need proper installations. Man: Sure . well Ive made a note of that. Woman: Good. Man: . so is there anything else youd like to suggest. about quality of service, for example? Woman: Oh, everyones very nice here . they couldnt be more friendly and helpful. oh but I tell you what. its a shame the r

31、estaurant isnt open in the evening on Saturday. and Sunday as well for that matter. Man: So . the club should . Woman: . open it later on those days. Man: OK . well thank you very much, thats all the questions . 1 【正确答案】 (an)accountant 2 【正确答案】 over 50 3 【正确答案】 family(membership) 4 【正确答案】 nine/9 5 【

32、正确答案】 doctor 6 【正确答案】 (swimming)pool 7 【正确答案】 pay(extra) 8 【正确答案】 social events 9 【正确答案】 air conditioning 10 【正确答案】 (the)restaurant 10 【听力原文】 Narrator: You will hear a trainer giving a talk to people who want to learn outdoor survival skills. First you have some time to look at Questions 11-16. Now

33、listen, and answer Questions 11-16. Trainer:Good morning everyone, and welcome to our outdoor survival programme. As you know, this week youll be learning some of the basic information and skills you need to look after yourself independently in the outdoors. These first two days well be based here i

34、n the classroom, and then well be taking a camping trip to put into practice some of the things youve learned. Im going to start off with the topic of food. And to start with Ill describe just two methods which well be putting into practice at our camp, and which make use of natural resources: the s

35、team pit and the bamboo pot. Ive got two posters here to make things clearer. And Ill start with the steam pit here . To make this youll need some dry sticks, some grass, some loose earth and some stones. And for this week only, some matches! The first thing you do is to dig a shallow pit in the pla

36、ce youve chosen to do your cooking. Lets say about twenty five centimetres deep, and thirty centimetres wide. Your sticks have to be a bit wider than the pit, because you have to put a line of them along the top from one end of the pit to the other. Before setting light to these you take some large

37、stones and arrange them on top. Then you start the fire and wait till the wooden platform burns through and the stones fall into the pit. At this point, brush away any pieces of hot ash from the stones you can use a handful of grass and then take another stick and push it down into the centre of the

38、 pit, between the stones. After that you cover the whole pit with a thick layer of grass. And then you can put your food on it. wrapped in more pieces of grass, like parcels. Finally, cover the whole thing with earth. You have to pat it firmly to seal the pit. Then all you have to do is take the sti

39、ck out and pour a bit of water into the opening that it leaves. It should take about four hours for your food to cook, as it cooks slowly in the steam thats created inside the pit. Narrator: Now you have some time to look at Questions 17-20. Now listen and answer Questions 17-20. Trainer: So . simpl

40、e but effective. The other method youre going to practise this week is the bamboo oven. Now the steam pit is ideal in certain conditions because the heat is below ground level, for example, if theres a strong wind and youre afraid a fire might spread. But when its safe to have an open fire you can u

41、se the bamboo oven method. You get a length of bamboo, which as you probably know is hollow, and consists of a number of individual sections with a wall in-between. You use a sharp stick to make a hole in each of the dividing walls apart from the end one. Then you lean the bamboo over a fire, with t

42、he top propped up by a forked stick and the bottom sitting on the ground. You pour enough water in the top to fill the bottom section, and then light a fire underneath that section to heat the water. Then you put your food inside the top section, and the steam coming up the bamboo through the holes

43、you made cooks it. Im going to move on now, to food itself, and talk about some of the wild plants you might cook. Im going to begin with fungi thats mushrooms and toadstools. Im sure youll be aware that some of these are edible, and theyre delicious, but some of them are highly poisonous. Now wheth

44、er theyre poisonous or not, all fungi that you find in the wild should be cooked before eating, because that helps to destroy any compounds in them that might be mildly toxic. But be aware that any amount of cooking wont make poisonous varieties any safer to eat. Unless you can definitely identify a

45、 fungus you should never eat it. Its not worth the risk. And you need to be really sure, because some fungi that are poisonous are very similar in appearance to certain edible varieties. They can easily be mistaken for each other. So . having said all that, fungi are delicious when theyre freshly pi

46、cked, and although they are only moderately nutritious, they do contain minerals which the body needs. Ill move on now to leafy plants, which are generally . 11 【正确答案】 E 12 【正确答案】 F 13 【正确答案】 B 14 【正确答案】 D 15 【正确答案】 C 16 【正确答案】 G 17 【正确答案】 B 18 【正确答案】 E 19 【正确答案】 A 20 【正确答案】 D 20 【听力原文】 Narrator: Yo

47、u will hear a woman called Phoebe, who is training to be a teacher, talking to her tutor, called Tony, about research she has done in a school. First you have some time to look at Questions 21-25. Now listen and answer Questions 21-25. Tony: So how did you get on with your school-based research, Pho

48、ebe? Phoebe: Well, it was exhausting but really valuable. Tony: Good. What was the specific focus you chose? Phoebe: My title is Attitudes towards study among eleven-twelve year-old pupils. Tony: Right. And what made you choose that focus? Phoebe: Well, thats a bit difficult. lots of my classmates decided on their focus really early on.mainly on the basis of what they thought would help in their future career, you know, in their first years teaching. Tony: So thats what helped you decide? Phoebe: Actually, it was that I came across a book written by experienced teachers on stud


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