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1、1第四讲 七年级下 Unit 5Unit 8单元话题Unit 5 Animals in a zoo(动物园的动物) Unit 6 Everyday activities(日常活动) Unit 7 The weather(天气) Unit 8 The neighborhood(街坊邻里)熟词生义1.save (v.)使免除 If you lent me 500 yuan, it would save me a trip to the bank.如果你能借我 500 块钱,我就省得去一趟银行了。保留 We will save some dinner for you if youre late.你要

2、是回来晚了,我们会给你留饭。储蓄,存钱 Im saving for a new bike.我正攒钱想买辆新自行车。2.place (v.)使处于(某种境地) This places me in a very difficult situation.这让我很为难。3.over (prep.)在期间 Will you be home over the summer vacation?暑假期间你在家吗?使用,通过 I heard the news over the radio.我是在收音机里听到这个消息的。4.just (adv.)方才,刚才 Ive just been out shopping.我

3、刚才出去买东西了。的确,确实 I just love being in the mountains.我确实很喜欢待在山区。差一点就不,勉强 He just managed to get home before dark.他刚好赶在天黑之前到家。25.still (adj.)静止的,不动的 Please sit still and dont make noises in the doctors office.请在诊室里坐着别动,不要喧哗。6.behind (prep.)支持 I suppose Im lucky because my parents were behind me all the

4、way.我想我是幸运的,因为父母一直支持我。词汇拓展1.beauty(n.) (adj.)漂亮的 (adv.)美丽地 (反义词)丑陋的 2.south(n.) (adj.)南方的 3.sleep(v.遗忘 5.danger(n.) (adj.)有危险的;不安全的 6.cut(v.) (过去式/过去分词)砍;切 7.drink(v.) (过去式) (过去分词)喝 8.man(n.) (pl.)男人;人 9.child(n.) (pl.)儿童 10.rain(n.) (adj.)阴雨的;多雨的 11.wind(n.) (adj.)多风的 12.cloud(n.) (adj.)多云的 13.sun(

5、n.) (adj.)晴朗的 14.snow(n.) (adj.)多雪的 15.bad(adj.) (比较级)更坏(的);更差(的) (最高级)最坏(的);最差(的) 16.hot(adj.) (比较级)较热的 (最高级)最热的 17.visit(v.) (n.)游客;访问者 318.sit(v.) (过去式/过去分词) (现在分词)坐 19.country(n.) (pl.)国;国家 20.pay(v.北部的 22.spend(v.) (过去式/过去分词)花(时间、金钱等) 短语归纳1. 稍微;有点儿 2. 迷路 3. 处于(极大的)危险之中 4. 砍倒 5. 由制成 6.read newsp

6、apers 7.make soup 8.go to the movies 9.eat out 10.drink tea 11.take a message 12. 给某人回电话 13. 度假 14. 在对面 15. 在前面 16. 沿着(这条街)走 17. 向左转 18. 向右转 情景交际描述动物1. ?你为什么喜欢熊猫?Because theyre kind of interesting.因为它们挺有趣的。2. ? 狮子来自哪里? Theyre from South Africa.它们来自南非。询问状况7. ? 最近怎么样? Great! /Not bad./Terrible.很好!/不错。

7、/很糟糕。问路和指路8. ?这附近有银行吗? Yes, there is. Its on Center Street.是的,有银行。它在中央大街上。4谈论他人或自己正在干什么3. ?他正在做什么? Hes studying at his friends home.他正在他的朋友家学习。4. ?你正在干什么? Im watching TV.我正在看电视。5. ? 你正在做作业吗?Yes, I am./No, Im not.是的,我在做作业。/不,我没在做作业。描述天气6. ?天气怎么样? Its cloudy./Its sunny./Its raining.多云。/晴天。/正在下雨。9. ?旅馆

8、在哪里? Its behind the police station.在警察局后面。请求10. ?我能给他捎个口信吗? Yes.可以。11. ?你能让他给我回个电话吗? OK.好的。语法回顾1.why, what, where, how 引导的特殊疑问句2.现在进行时的用法及句式变化3.There be 句型的用法及句式变化4.表地点的介词【参考答案】【词汇拓展】1.beautiful; beautifully; ugly 2.southern 3.slept 4.forgot; forgotten 5.dangerous 6.cut 7.drank; drunk 8.men 9.childr

9、en 10.rainy 11.windy 12.cloudy 13.sunny 14.snowy 15.worse; worst 16.hotter; hottest 17.visitor 18.sat; sitting 19.countries 20.paid 21.northern 22.spent5【短语归纳】1.kind of 2.get(be) lost 3.be in (great) danger 4.cut down 5.be made of. 6.读报纸 7.做汤;煲汤 8.看电影 9.出去吃饭 10.喝茶 11.捎口信12.call sb. back 13.on(a) vac

10、ation 14.across from 15.in front of. 16.go along (the street) 17.turn left 18.turn right 【情景交际】1.Why do you like pandas 2.Where are lions from 3.Whats he doing 4.What are you doing 5.Are you doing your homework 6.Hows the weather 7.Hows it going 8.Is there a bank near here 9.Wheres the hotel 10.Can I take a message for him 11.Could you tell him to call me back


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