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1、1陕西省榆林高新完全中学 2018-2019 学年八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(考试时间: 100 分钟 试卷满分:120 分) .听力理解(本大题分为四部分,共 25 小题,每小题 1 分,共 25 分)1.听句子,选图片(5 分)( )1.A. B. C. ( )2.A. B. C. ( )3.A. B. C. ( )4.A. B. C. ( )5.A. B. C. 2.听短对话,选答案(5 分)( )6.What does Jane do every morning?A. She plays basketball. B.She reads. C. She runs.( )7.How o

2、ften does the girl eat vegetables?A. Hardly ever. B.Twice a week. C.Six times a week.( )8.When does the woman often drink milk?A. At breakfast. B.At lunch. C.At supper.( )9.Why does the girl think a healthy lifestyle is important to us?A. Because she thinks it helps us sleep well.2B. Because she thi

3、nks it helps us get good grades.C. Because she thinks it helps us stay happy.( )10.Is Paul more outgoing than his sister?A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. Sorry, we dont know.3.听长对话,选答案(5 分)听第一段对话,回答第 11 至 12 小题。( )11.What does Jenny want to do this afternoon?A. She wants to do some reading. B. She

4、wants to see a movie. C. She wants to have a swim.( )12.What time will they leave?A. At 300 p.m. B. At 400 p.m. C. At 500 p.m.听第二段对话,回答第 13 至 15 小题。( )13.What does the English study center need?A. A weekend student helper for primary school students.B. A weekend teacher helper for primary school stu

5、dents.C. A weekend teacher helper for middle school students.( )14.Which student is more outgoing?A. Jenny. B. Jack. C. Jenny and Jack.( )15.When can they do the job?A. From Monday to Friday. B.At the weekend. C. Every day.4.听短文,选答案(5 分)( )16.Whats the relationship between Bill and Mary?A. They are

6、classmates. B.They are teammates. C. They are roommates.( )17.Who is Larry?A. Bills best friend. B. Marys best friend. C. Bobs best friend.( )18.What is Bill like?A. Hes funny. B. Hes quiet. C. Hes outgoing.( )19.Whats Bob like?3A. He is funny and athletic. B. He is smart and outgoing. C. He is funn

7、y and smart.( )20.What subject does Bill like best?A. Physics. B. Math. C. History.5.听短文,完成表格(5 分)Information CardName Fruit Vegetables Chocolates RiceAnn 21._ always never 22._Alice 23._ usually 24._ 25._ . 完形填空 (每小题 1 分,共 20 分) ATed is my brother. He had a 26 lifestyle before. For example, he hard

8、ly ever 27 up before seven oclock in the morning. After supper, he always played computer games 28 doing his homework. He didnt like drinking milk and he ate a lot of 29 every day. Then one day, he got ill. He had to be in hospital 30 . Then he knows that he must look after 31 well.Now Ted 32 early

9、every morning. Usually he runs before breakfast. He only plays computer games 33 Saturdays or Sundays. He has good 34 habits, too. He drinks milk every day. 35 he likes junk food very much, he only eats it once a week. A good lifestyle helps him keep healthy.26. A. good B. healthy C. bad D. fine27.

10、A. get B. gets C. got D. getting28. A. before B. or C. and D. when29. A. fruit B. junk food C. vegetables D. rice30. A. once a week B. two weeks ago C. for three weeks D. twice a week31. A. he B. him C. his D. himself32. A. exercises B. gets up C. sleeps D. goes to bed33. A. in B. on C. at D. for34.

11、 A. eat B. eats C. eating D. ate435. A. And B. But C. Although D. BecauseBFriends are very important in our lives. Some friends have 36 views(观点) and hobbies, and 37 have the same things. Should friends be different 38 the same? I dont care. I have two best friends,Wang Li and Lin Ying.Wang Li 39 me

12、. Im 40 than most of the students in my class, and Wang Li is also quiet. And we both enjoy 41 . On weekends, we often go to the library to do some reading. But the other best friend of mine, Lin Ying, is 42 different from me. She is much more outgoing. She feels like 43 and often makes me laugh. Sh

13、e also likes 44 , so she is much stronger. I dont think differences are important in a 45 .Whats your idea? ( )36. A. same B. different C. serious D. primary ( )37. A. any B. another C. other D. the other( )38. A. and B. but C. or D. then( )39. A. likes B. doesnt like C. like D. dont like( )40. A. q

14、uiet B. quieter C. outgoing D. more outgoing( )41. A. reading books B. playing games C. watching TV D. going to the movies ( )42. A. not B. more C. quite D. lots of( )43. A. doing sports B. telling jokes C. going to parties D. going shopping( )44. A. sports B. books C. movies D. subjects( )45. A. ga

15、me B. competition C. family D. friendship. 阅读理解 (A 篇每小题 1 分,B、C、D 篇每小题 1.5 分,共 20 分)AReading is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons. First, reading is fun. You can always keep yourself happy if you like reading. You will never feel bored or tired. Next, you can read a book anywhere in a car, on a

16、plane, or even in the bathroom. All you need is a book!Another good reason for reading is that it is useful. If you read as a 5hobby, you will get better and better at it. And you will read faster and find it easier to understand what you read. As you reading skills improve, you will probably find y

17、our schoolwork becomes much better.Some people say that reading is out of date(过时的). This is not true. You can read on computers, and the better you read, the better your computer skills will be.Good readers may become writers, too. They always have more things to write about.Reading is a wonderful

18、hobby. Why not start reading right now?( )46. According to the passage, reading can keep you bored and tired.( )47. You can read a book almost everywhere.( )48. If your reading skills improve, you school work will become much better.( )49. It is true that reading is out of date.( )50. Good readers m

19、ay become writers.BThere are four people in my family, my grandfather, my parents and me. My grandfather exercises every day. He never uses the Internet. He eats vegetables three times a day, but he hardly ever drinks milk. And he watches TV every night. My father is a taxi driver. Hes very busy. He

20、 never exercises, but he sometimes surfs the Internet. He watches TV on Saturday and Sunday evening. He often eats vegetables and drinks milk. My mother is a housewife. She watches TV three times a day. She never surfs the Internet. She sometimes eats vegetables, but she drinks milk three times a we

21、ek. Exercise? Of course she does. She exercises every day by doing housework. Im a middle school student. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I often exercise. But on Saturday and Sunday, I dont exercise because I have too much homework to do. I watch TV only on Sunday evening. But I surf the Inte

22、rnet once a week. I drink milk every day, but I dont like vegetables. My mother often says to me, “Why do you eat so much meat, Mike? Its not good for your health.” But I like it very much. 6( )51. _ sometimes surf the Internet in his family. A. Mike and his father B. Mike and his mother C. Mikes pa

23、rents D.Mikes father and grandfather ( )52. _ watch TV every day in his family. A. Mike and his grandfather B. Mikes mother and grandfather C. Mikes parents D. Mikes father and grandfather ( )53. What does Mikes father do? A. He often eats vegetable. B.He sometimes surf the Internet. C.He is very bu

24、sy. D.He is a taxi driver. ( )54.Why dont Mike exercise on Saturday and Sunday? A. Because he wants to surf the Internet. B. Because he wants to watch TV. C. Because he has too much homework to do. D. Because he has to go to school. CLast Sunday it was snowy. Maria stayed at home. Her cousin Cara ca

25、me to visit her. She came back from Beijing. She told Maria something about her vacation. “It was pretty good.” she said. Cara visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall. She took a lot of photos. It was lunch time. Marias parents were not at home. They decided to cook by themselves. Maria cooked

26、some noodles with some pepperoni, tomatoes, and peppers. After Cara ate up the noodles, she said slowly, “I think it is delicious!” But Maria thought the food was awful. She said, “Cara, thank you, but I put too much peppers.” ( )55.Where did Cara go on vacation?A. Sichuan. B. Hunan. C. Shanghai. D.

27、 Beijing. ( )56._ cooked noodles. A.Cara B. Marias mother C. Caras mother D.Maria ( )57.What did Cara think of the food?A. It was terrible. B. Just so-so. C. We dont know. D. It was delicious.7DEveryone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It make

28、s your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise are more alert(灵活). That means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those who dont exercise. They are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways: You have to

29、like what you are doing. Exercise enough- but not too much. Its best to exercise twice a week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of sports until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you. You can exercise at fitness centers. They have a lot of equipment(设备)there.

30、 The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you healthy. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But its very expensive. ( )58. the underline word “fitness centers” in the passage means _. A. 商务中心 B. 购物中心 C. 医疗中心 D.健身中心( )59. The sport “_” is not told in

31、 the passage. A. playing soccer B. skateboarding C. walking D. running ( )60. Its best to exercise _. A. at fitness centers B. in groups C. in the morning D. twice a week . 完成句子(根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每小题 2 分,共 10 分)61.由于天气太差,我们完全看不清下面的景色。We couldnt see anything below _ the bad weather.62.有 40 多学生每周至少看 3-4 次电

32、视。There are more than forty students watch TV_three or four times a week.63.最重要的事情是要学精彩的东西,并且能玩的开心。The most important thing is to learn _ and have fun.64.我真的不在乎我的朋友和我相同还是不同。8I dont really _ what others think of me.65.事实上,我对音乐一点也不感兴趣。, Im not interested in music at all. 选词填空。用所给词语的适当形式填空(每小题 1 分,共 10

33、 分)Im Lily Allen. I have a 66 sister called Lucy Allen. Lucy was born five minutes 67 me. Some people say we look the same. But I dont think so. Here are some photos of my family. Look! Lucy is a little 68 than me. She has blue eyes but I have brown eyes. I have straight black hair but she has long

34、curly brown hair. In 69 free time, I like singing and dancing while she likes reading books. Thats why I am 70 outgoing than her. She is a little shy and doesnt like talking to 71 . On weekends, I always do some outdoor 72 but she often stays at home. We are so different, but there are still some th

35、ings that 73 like doing. For example, we like small animals. We 74 a cat, two dogs and two birds in our house. Watching cartoons is also our favorite. 75 my parents complain (抱怨) that we cant watch news that we are always watching cartoons.任务型阅读 根据短文内容完成下列各题(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) In America, boys and girl

36、s like watching TV. Some children spend six hours a day at school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV sets. Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday.Television is like books and films. A child can learn both good things and bad things from it. (1)Some TV programs he

37、lp children to understand the news, the people and places in other countries. With TV, children do not have to go to the movies. They can listen to interesting music or watch a game at home. (2)But some programs are bad for children, so parents sometimes should help them to find other interesting an

38、d useful things to do.76. How many hours a day do some children spend at school?77. How many hours a day do some children watch TV on Saturday?other, have, both, after, activity, much, we, sometimes, young, tall978. 将(1)句译成汉语_. 79. 将(2)句译成汉语_.80. The parents had better not let their children watch _

39、on TV.A. good programs B. bad programs C. news D. weather report. 情景交际(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)(A) 根据对话内容,选择方框内符合对话情境的句子,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。A: Hi Jim. 81 B: Yes, I did.A: 82 B: I went to the mountains.A: Great! 83 B: Some of my friends.A: 84 B: We had a picnic there What about you? 85 A: It was a little bori

40、ng. I looked after my sister the whole day.(B) 完成句子。根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语,使对话完整正确。A: Whos the girl in red in the photo?B: 86 .A: Really? I dont know you have a cousin. 87 ?B: I took the photo when I visited her last month.A: Do you often go to visit her?B: 88 .A: 89 ? B: I visit her once a month. I lik

41、e to stay with her.A: 90 ?B: Because she is outgoing, friendly and always brings me lots of fun. 书面表达(15 分) 假如你是 Peter,你去年暑假去北京旅行,遇到了你多年未见的好朋友 Tom, 你们谈论A. With whom did you go?B. How did you go there?C. How was your last Saturday?D. Where did you go?E. What did you do there?F. Did you enjoy yourself

42、 last Saturday?G. What time did you start to go there?10到如下话题:1.你告诉他怎样去的北京,和谁去的,去北京哪些地方玩了;2.你们谈到了彼此的生活方式和饮食习惯;3.你们谈到了彼此在外貌、性格和爱好等方面的相同点和不同点。参考词汇:Beijing, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum exercise, watch TV, use the Internet , twice a week, healthy, habit taller, thinner注意事项:1.书写工

43、整,卷面整洁;2.注意正确使用各种时态;3.词数:80100 词;4.注意作文段落布局。1 C 12 A 13 C 14 A 15 B 16 C 17 C 18 A 19 B 11110 B 111 B 112 B 113 A 114 B 115 B 116 A 117 A 118 B 119 C 120 B 126 C 127 C 128 A 129 B 130 C 131 D 132 A 1 21. often33 B 1 22.usually34 C 1 23.never35 C 1 24.always36 B 1 25.sometimes37 C 1 61.because of38 C

44、 1 62.at least39 C 163.something wonderful40 B 1 64.hardly 12ever41 A 1 65.In fact42 C 1 66.minutes43 B 1 67.younger44 A 1 68.taller45 D 1 69.our46 B 1 70.more47 A 1 71.others48 A 1 72.activities49 B 1 73.both50 A 1 74.have51 A 1.5 75.Sometimes52 B 1.553 D 1.554 C 1.555 D 1.556 D 1.557 D 1.558 D 1.559 B 1.560 D 1.581 F 182 D 183 A 184 E 185 C 113


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