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1、1Lesson 2 Parties即时检测一、根据句意及首字母提示填空1Too much a is bad for you,but a glass of wine with dinner is probably fine. 答案:alcohol2His friend asked him to make a speech at a wedding r . 答案:reception3He was forced to r early because of his poor health. 答案:retire4The monthly s that he earns is not enough for

2、his own spending. 答案:salary5His letter of c gives me a great deal of pleasure. 答案:congratulation6A t is someone who is between thirteen and nineteen years old. 答案:teenager7He was a big man in his forties,s dressed in a suit and tie. 答案:smartly8To her surprise,she got a b of flowers as a present on h

3、er birthday. 答案:bunch二、语法填空21My uncle has applied a post in the company. 答案:for2You can depend him to come tomorrow. 答案:on3We got up early so that we would arrive there time. 答案:on/in4We want to congratulate you winning first prize. 答案:on5I hope I can get a good job a good salary. 答案:with6He made up

4、 his mind to apply a scholarship. 答案:for7What has Tom been busy with since he retired politics? 答案:from三、完成句子(每空一词)1 他觉得自己适合做那份工作,于是发了封电子邮件去申请。He thought he was fit for the job,so he sent an email to it. 答案:apply for2 这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。In this way,they can better theory practice. 答案:apply;to3 一切取决

5、于你能否通过考试。Everything you can pass the examination. 答案:depends on whether4 母亲节那天我送了妈妈一束花。I gave Mom on Mothers Day. 答案:a bunch of flowers5 既然你是去见一位朋友,没必要穿得太正式了。Since you are meeting a friend,you dont have to . 答案:dress too formally3四、完形填空The party began shortly after Mr Wood,who lived in the flat belo

6、w,signed to himself as he heard exciting voices and the noisy music.Luckily he had 1 some work home from the office, 2 he kept himself busy for a couple of hours,thus managing to pay no attention to the noise 3 .But by eleven oclock he felt 4 and was ready to go to bed,though from his earlier experi

7、ence he knew it was 5 trying to get to sleep.He undressed and lay for a while on the bed,trying to read,but he 6 himself reading the same page over and over again.He then turned off the light and 7 his head in the pillow.But 8 he could not shut 9 the noise;finally,after 10 seemed hours,his 11 was go

8、ne. He jumped out of bed, 12 some clothes,marched 13 up the stairs,and walked into his neighbors flat.The owner of the flat,who 14 him in his dressing gown,came 15 the room and, 16 Mr Wood could say anything,cried,“My dear fellow,come and 17 .I know our party 18 you.I meant to send you 19 .” Mr Wood

9、s anger disappeared then and there.He said,“Id better go and get 20 .” Minutes later,he returned,properly dressed,only to find that the party was nearly over. 1A.taken B.carried C.brought D.fetched解析:伍德先生从办公室里带回来一些工作,take 表示“带回”,符合题意。答案:A2A.with which B.from whichC.where D.when 解析:此处为 keep busy with

10、 sth.的变形结构,which 代指先行词 work。答案:A3A.outside B.overhead C.downstairs D.nearby 解析:伍德先生住在楼下,由后文提到他跑到楼上去制止邻居的聚会可知,噪音是从上面传出来的。答案:B4A.bad B.tired C.sick D.hopeless解析:这时已经是晚上十一点,伍德先生又工作了几个小时,因此感到很劳累。答案:B5A.useless B.necessary C.possibleD.helpful解析:根据后文他没有睡觉而是在读书可知,他已经知道入睡很难。答案:A6A.had B.found C.caught D.fel

11、t解析:此处与后面的动词- ing 构成 found sb.doing sth.结构,意为“发现某人正在做某事”4,符合题意。答案:B7A.buried B.rested C.shook D.turned解析:他把头埋进枕头里是为了不让自己听到楼上传来的噪音。答案:A8A.till then B.worse stillC.strange enough D.even so解析:even so“即使如此”,此处指即便把头埋到枕头里。答案:D9A.away B.off C.down D.up解析:shut off 意为“切断,使隔绝”,符合题意。句意:即便如此,也不能隔绝楼上传来的噪音。答案:B10

12、A.it B.what C.that D.which解析:after 为介词,后面所填的词引导宾语从句,从句中缺主语,故用 what。看起来好像有几个小时的样子。答案:B11A.sleep B.strength C.patienceD.anger解析:伍德先生试了很久后仍然受到噪音的干扰不能入睡时,他便失去了耐心。答案:C12A.pulled on B.dressed upC.selected D.wore解析:根据后文伍德先生又回去换衣服可知,他第一次穿得很随意,只是随手拿了件衣服。dress up“打扮得整整齐齐”;select“挑选”,这两个词与下文意思不符。wear 表状态,本句是用

13、and 连接几个表示动作的并列谓语动词,故也可排除。答案:A13A.sadly B.proudly C.quietly D.firmly解析:前文提到伍德先生失去了耐心,决定要制止楼上的噪音。firmly 意为“坚定地”,符合题意。答案:D14A.made fun of B.stared atC.was angry with D.caught sight of解析:make fun of 意为“取笑”;stare at 意为“ 瞪,盯着”;be angry with 意为“生的气”,这三个短语与下文意思不符,可排除。catch sight of 意为“看见”,符合文意。答案:D515A.acr

14、oss B.around C.towards D.by解析:come across 此处意思为“穿过来到,过来”,符合题意。答案:A16A.as B.before C.though D.until解析:伍德先生还没来得及开口,聚会的主人便向他发出了邀请。答案:B17A.meet us B.sit hereC.join us D.scold me解析:根据后面伍德先生回家换衣服再来参加聚会可知,此处是聚会的主人邀请伍德先生参加聚会。答案:C18A.may trouble B.would troubleC.may bother D.must bother解析:聚会的主人知道举行聚会一定会打扰伍德先

15、生,故排除 A、C、D 三项。must 语气不合适,此处用 would 比较委婉地表达聚会主人的想法。答案:B19A.a notice B.a messageC.an invitation D.an apology解析:由上下文可知,此处为“发出邀请” 。答案:C20A.washed B.changed C.dressed D.prepared解析:根据后文的 properly dressed 可知此处应该用 changed,表示“换衣服” 。答案:B五、短文改错Today I visited the Smithsmy first visit to a American family.They

16、 lived a small town.It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home.The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.They offered me coffee and other drinks.We have a good time talking and laugh together.They eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question.In fact,they are planning to visit China in next year.答案:第一句:aan第二句:lived 后加 in第三句:forof;drovedrive第四句:histheir第六句:havehad;laughlaughing第七句:eager 前加 were;questionquestions第八句:去掉 in


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