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1、- 1 -Unit 4 Dont eat in class一课一练达标闯关. 单项选择1. Dad, _I call Ms Smith now? No, you neednt. You _call her after dinner. A. can; must B. must; cantC. can; mustnt D. must; can 【解析】选 D。考查情态动词用法。句意:爸爸, 我必须现在给史密斯女士打电话吗? 不, 你不必。你可以在晚饭后给她打电话。第一个空白处表示“必须”;第二个空白处意为“可以”, 故选 D。2. When do you usually do your homew

2、ork _weekends? _ night. A. on; At B. at; On C. on; On D. at; At 【解析】选 A。考查介词用法。表示“在周末”用 on weekends;表示“在晚上”用 at night或 in the evening, 故选 A。3. Peter, do you want to go swimming with us? Id love to, but I _do my homework at home. A. can B. have to C. mustnt D. dont have to 【解析】选 B。考查情态动词辨析。句意:彼得, 你想和

3、我们一起去游泳吗? 我想去, 但我必须在家做作业。空白处意为“不得不;必须”, 故选 B。4. Mr Smith has a habit of taking a shower _breakfast. A. on B. before C. in D. for【解析】选 B。考查介词辨析。句意:史密斯先生有个在早饭前洗澡的习惯。空白处意为“在以前”, 故选 B。5. (2017来宾中考) Linda works hard and she practices _English every day. 导学号38504031 A. speak B. speaks C. speaking D. to sp

4、eak【解析】选 C。考查非谓语动词用法。句意:琳达很努力地工作, 她每天练习说英语。动词 practice(练习)后跟名词或动词-ing 作其宾语, practice doing sth. 意为“练习做某事”, 故选 C。. 完成句子- 2 -1. 他们有时候在周六晚上外出。They sometimes _ _ _ Saturday evening. 2. 在上学的日子里玛丽不能去见朋友。Mary cant _ _ _ school days. 3. 我妹妹每个周日都洗碗碟。My sister _ the _ _ Sunday. 4. 我哥哥和他的朋友们每天放学后练习足球。My brother _ _ with his friends _ school every day. 5. 莫莉经常帮她妈妈做晚饭吗? Does Molly often _ her mom _ _? 答案:1. go out on 2. see friends on 3. does ;dishes every 4. practices soccer after 5. help ; make dinner


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