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1、- 1 -Unit 4 Dont eat in class一课一练达标闯关. 单项选择1. Lang Ping is strict _the players in China Womens Volleyball Team. 导学号38504032 A. for B. about C. in D. with 【解析】选 D。考查介词辨析。句意:郞平对中国女排的运动员们要求很严格。 “be strict with”意为“对要求严格”, 是固定搭配, 故选 D。2. Mary doesnt like soccer and she doesnt like basketball, _. A. too B

2、. also C. either D. only 【解析】选 C。考查副词辨析。句意:玛丽不喜欢足球也不喜欢篮球。表示“也”时, too和 also用于肯定句中;而 either用于否定句中, 故选 C。3. Hey, Steve. Do you _me? Sure. Youre Cindy, Lauras cousin, right? A. think B. call C. teach D. remember 【解析】选 D。考查动词辨析。think 想;call 给打电话;teach 教;remember 记得。由下文“当然, 你是辛迪, 劳拉的表姐, 是吗? ”, 可知上文空白处应意为“

3、记得”, 故选 D。4. How do you _healthy, Eric? Well, I eat well and play sports every day. A. keep B. follow C. feel D. find 【解析】选 A。考查动词辨析。keep 保持;follow 跟随;feel 觉得;find 找到。由下文“我吃得好并每天进行体育运动”, 可知上文应是问对方如何保持身体健康, keep意为“保持”, 后面可以跟形容词作表语, 故选 A。5. There are _rules in my home and _homework at school. I cant s

4、tand (忍受)them. 导学号 38504033 A. too much;too many B. too many;too muchC. too much;too much D. too many;too many【解析】选 B。考查短语辨析。too many修饰可数名词复数, too much修饰不可数名词, rules是可数名词复数, homework 是不可数名词。故选 B。. 短文填空- 2 -从方框中选择恰当的词语并用其适当形式完成短文。make ones bed, be late, rule, relax, before, more, read, becauseAt home

5、, Molly Brown has too many 1. _. At 6:00 a. m. , she has to get up and 2. _. After breakfast, she has to wash the dishes. Then she runs to school because she cant 3. _. She cant play basketball after school 4. _ she must do her homework. She can play only on weekends. After dinner, she cant 5. _ eit

6、her. She must 6. _ a book before she can watch TV. But she has to go to bed_7. _ 10:00. At school, she has 8. _ rulesdont be noisy, dont eat in class, . . . What can she do? Please write her a letter to give her some advice. 答案:1. rules 2. make her bed 3. be late 4. because 5. relax 6. read 7. before 8. more


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