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1、- 1 -河北省临漳县第一中学 2018-2019 学年高一英语下学期第一次月考试题第一部分 听力(满分 30 分)第一节: (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What did the man want to do? A. Ask his way B. Drink some water. C. Find the teacher 2. Where is the woman

2、? A. At school B. At a bus station. C. In a supermarket. 3. How did the woman come to school this morning? A. By bus B. By bike C. By taxi 4. Where did the woman get the book? A. From her deskmate . B. From her cousin. C. From her teacher. 5. What is Mr Zhangs cellphone number? A.18936400376 B.18963

3、400376. C.13896400376 第二节听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍听。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。 6. Why does the woman refuse to help the man? A. It is against the ruleB. His instrument is too heavy.C. She doesnt know where

4、 to make a call 7. Where will the man go?A. To the reception. B. To the dining room. C. To the bag office听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。 - 2 -8. What color of overcoat does the woman like? A. The black one.B. The silver white oneC. The silver grey one9. What does the woman think of the overcoat? A. It is of b

5、ad quality. B It is very expensive. C. Its style is old.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10.What can we know about Betty?A. She works in a Mexican hotelB. She has been to MexicoC. She is a guide11. What was the weather like in Mexico City?A. Cool B. Warm C. Cold12. What does Betty suggest to the woman? A. Pu

6、tting off their trip.B. Reading the guide book.C. Making early plans.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. When did the woman dream of becoming a singer? A. When she was 12 years oldB. When she was 5 years oldC. When she met Rene. 14. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The womans parents were singers.

7、B. The womans father sent the tape to ReneC. The womans parents ran a piano bar.15. How did Rene feel when he first heard the woman singing? A. He was moved.B. He was surprised.C. He was disappointed- 3 -16. What did her mom send to Rene? A. A piano B. A tape. C. A radio 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17.

8、 How will the listeners get to the post office?A. On foot B. By boat C. By bus. 18.When will the listeners reach Lundy? A. At 10: 15 a. m B. At 10: 00 a. m C. At 9: 00a. m19. What does David Cook probably do? A. A bus driver B. A hotel clerk. C. A tour guide 20. What does the speaker ask the listene

9、rs to do? A. Wait for the bus in Clovelly B. Avoid missing the boat. C .take care of themselves. 第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。ADo you want to learn English better? If you do, the following classes might besuitable for you.Junior CoursesOur E

10、nglish courses for Juniors are good for all the young people who want to develop their English language skills by taking part in exciting cultural and social activities. We offer this course to groups at every LSI school year round. We accept individual(个人的) young learner in our schools in the UK, t

11、he USA and Canada in our summer and winter camps.Teaching methods and social activities in the junior courses are specially designed to suit kids and teenagers. Our English for junior courses are a - 4 -great way for learners to make friends with other teenagers from all over the world. LSI offers E

12、nglish language courses to suit all abilities and levels.Evening ClassesLSI offers general language classes and exam classes in the evening. Students can take evening classes at a number of different LSI schools around the world. LSI London Central has a special foreign language department which off

13、ers classes in over 40 languages. Evening language classes are taught in open groups at LSI school buildings. We also organize language training that can be arranged either in or outside the school at any time for individuals and closed groups.Our evening language courses are for everyone. We train

14、business people who require language skills for specific purposes and those who expect to gain some basic survival skills for their holidays. We provide quality training for all students at all levels, whatever their purposes are.21. The English for junior courses would attract those who want to _.A

15、. travel to foreign countriesB. learn some difficult grammarC. attend exam classes in the eveningD. improve English through activities22. What do we know about evening classes of LSI schools around the world?A. Each school offers classes in over 40 languages.B. Language training only takes place in

16、the school.C. Language training doesnt accept individual learners.D. Theyre taught in open groups at LSI school buildings.23. The text is meant to _.A. advertise some English classesB. tell how to choose English classesC. encourage readers to learn English wellD. advertise some cultural and social a

17、ctivitiesB- 5 -Getting paid to talk about the World Cup is a great job. Im not a football commentator(评论员), though just an English teacher in Japan.I came to Japan two years ago, and didnt think I would stay, but Japan has that effect on you. People often end up living here longer than they planned.

18、 I think its best to teach in a biggest city where there are other foreigners to mix with, rather than a small town where English teachers often complain of feeling like a goldfish in a bowl. Many people choose to live in Tokyo, of course, which is good for the nightlife factor. But Id say that for

19、general quality of living, cities of neither too large nor too small, like Sapporo where I live, are better choices.I teach English privately, which means Im my own boss. If you want to devote yourself to private teaching, its well worth doing a TEFL course first, because your lessons will be much b

20、etter for it. The problem with private teaching is finding students: it took me a year to build up a schedule(日程表) )of private lessons, so I started out teaching in schools part-time.Most of my foreign friends here work full-time for big English conversation schools. The salary is fine to live on. B

21、ut whether you can save money depends on how much going out and traveling you do here.The schools are reluctant to take time off-even teachers with tickets for the England-Argentina game had trouble getting the day off.24. From the passage we know in Japan the writer likes to live in _A. Tokyo B. a

22、small townC. a city of middle site D. a big city25. According to the writer, one had better_ first to do private teaching better.A. take a TEFL courseB. decide his or her own lessonsC. find studentsD. build up a full schedule26. The underlined sentence in the second paragraph implies that _- 6 -A. t

23、here are many foreigners in JapanB. Japan is good for nightlifeC. they can teach English privately in JapanD. Japan has something more attractive than expected27. The underlined word “reluctant“ in the passage may probably mean _A. kind B. unwillingC. free D. careless CThe spread of Western eating h

24、abits around the world is bad for human health and for the environment. Those findings come from a new report in the journal Nature.David Tilman is a professor at the University of Minnesota. In the study,he examined information from 100 nations to show what people ate and how diet affected health.

25、Mr. Tilman noted a movement beginning in the 1960s. He found that as nations industrialized(工业化), population increased and earnings rose, More people began to adopt what has been called the Western diet. The Western diet is high in sugar, fat, oil and meat. By eating these foods, people began to get

26、 fatter and sicker.“The food, let us say, in the 15 richest nations of the world, right now contains about 400 or 500 extra calories(热量)a day that are eaten beyond what people need, and that leads people to gain weight. ”David Tilman says overweight people are at greater risk for diseases like diabe

27、tes, heart disease and some cancers. Diabetes is shooting to very high rates in the United States and across Europe. Heart disease is a major cause of death in the Western nations. Unfortunately when people become industrialized, if they adopt this Western diet, they are going to have these same hea

28、lth problems.A diet bad for human beings, it seems, is also bad for the environment. As the worlds population grows, experts say more forests and areas will become - 7 -farmland for crops or grasslands for raising cattle. These areas will be needed to meet the increasing demand for food.Mr. Tilman c

29、alls the link between diet, the environment and human health, “a dilemma”, a situation where it is very difficult to decide what to do. He says onepossible solution is leaving the Western diet behind.28. Why did people get fatter in the 1960s?A. They ate foods high in caloriesB. They adopted a weste

30、rn lifestyleC. They set aside little time for exercise.D. They had a better life and became lazier.29. According to the text, overweight people may suffer the following diseases EXCEPT _.A. diabetesB. heart diseaseC. cancersD. skin disease30. Which of the following sentence is NOT right ?A. More and

31、 more people began to prefer the Western diet in the 1960s.B. Diabetes is a main reason for death in the Western countries.C. A bad diet is harmful to the environment where people live.D. We should attach great importance to the link between diet, the environment and human health.31. What is the pur

32、pose of the author in writing this passage?A. To tell people effective ways to keep healthy.B. To draw peoples attention to environmental protection.C. To show the problems industrialized nations are facing.D. To call on people to give up the Western diet.D- 8 -The only reason auditioned(试演) for my

33、high schools here and now was that friends had persuaded me. Part of me thought there was no way Id be able to memorize all those lines(台词)and still get good grades. Not having been in a play, I was unsure whether I could live up to everyones trust. But the rest of me was excited to perform.Surprisi

34、ngly, my lines were easier to learn than I had thought. But as opening night approached, we practiced every day. We became stressed and emotionally drained, forgetting the lines we had known for weeks. We no longer laughed at funny parts. Our director was disappointed, frequently screaming at us to

35、get our act together.Opening night finally arrived. When we all stood together to pray for a successful performance, I realized this was what we all had been working toward for the last two months. And thats when I was faced with stage fright. However, stepping into the bright lights, all my fears j

36、ust disappeared. I knew my lines perfectly and actually had fun. I had no reason to be nervous. After all, I knew my lines! I had prepared myself well for the play. I saw my family and friends in the front row and smiled broadly before falling back into my character.We finally put on a successful pe

37、rformance. As we gathered for one last group hug, I felt sad. I had understood my character almost as well as I understood myself. All those weeks were over, those weeks of working together, of failing painfully but somehow knowing wed come through. We had started out as a group of studentswhose onl

38、y thing in common was the play and we had become friends. I knew that I would miss it all.32. We can learn from Paragraph I that the author _.A. felt thankful to her friendsB. joined the play for good gradesC. had mixed feelings for the playD. was good at performing on the stage- 9 -33. How did the

39、author feel while preparing for the play?A. Relaxed B. StressedC. Excited D. Disappointed34. It was _ that touched the author most after the successful play.A. the importance of teamworkB. the meaning of real friendshipC the power of patienceD the beauty of performing35. What does the author mainly

40、talk about in the text?A. Her favorite hobby at school.B. Her efforts in realizing a dream.C. Her understanding of performance.D. Her first experience in performance.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。ENotetaking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoo

41、l work. 36 The following are some tips that might help you take good notes.Write down key facts and ignore unimportant details. 37 Some teachers write notes on the blackboard, and thats great. You can copy them in class. Some teachers may not write anything down. You should take notes of the importa

42、nt points said by them.38 dont be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat what you miss. Comparing your notes with your classmates can be good for your learning. It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes.39 The notes of different subjects should be written in different notebooks so

43、 that you can find everything easily when a test comes.40 but in the long run it saves time. If you get into the habit of recopying your notes every evening, you will find that you have got a better - 10 -understanding of your lessons.A. Good note-taking takes time,B. If your teacher speaks too fast

44、,C. Good note-taking is not just copying.D. Your teachers might do things differently.E. Note-taking also needs good organization.F. Note-taking also needs good memorization.G. It can also make you feel more confident when you are studying.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅

45、读下面短文,从短文后各题 所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Valerie was very worried about her dad. For some time she had noticed he was 41 his hair. One day, she asked him,“Daddy, every day you have less hair. 42 is that?“ Her father smiled and said, “Its the hair thief. He visits my 43 during the night when

46、Im asleep. One by one he pulls out my hair, and theres no way to 44 him.” This worried Valerie, but she was 45 to help her dad. That night she stayed 46 as long as she could. When she was 47 her dad and mom had fallen asleep. she took a hammer and went to their bedroom slowly and 48. She didnt want

47、the hair thief to 49 her. When she arrived at her fathers side, she carefully inspected her fathers head in order to catch the hair thief as soon as he 50. Before long, she saw a shadow on her fathers head and she 51 it with the hammer.Her father 52 a loud cry and got out of bed at once. He turned t

48、he 53 on, and trembling with 54 he saw Valerie waving her hammer in the air.“Daddy, I 55 got him. But it looks like he 56 ! said Valerie. Meanwhile, the mother 57. She burst into 58 when she knew what had happened So Valeries father had to explain that the hair thief didnt exist, and - 11 -that losi

49、ng hair is something that just happens naturally to most fathers. Valerie still 59 about her daddy, but she no longer waited for the hair thief. 60 she bought her father a very nice sleeping hat.41.A. checking B. losing C. touching D. protecting42. A. When B. Where C. Why D. What43. A. neck B. face C. ears D. head44. A.catch B. throw C. hold


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