1、 ISO 2015 Geographic information Transfer Nodes Information gographique Noeuds de transfert INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 19147 First edition 2015-06-15 Reference number ISO 19147:2015(E) ISO 19147:2015(E)ii ISO 2015 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2015, Published in Switzerland Al
2、l rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested f
3、rom either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyrightiso.org www.iso.org ISO 19147:2015(E)Foreword iv Introduction v 1 Scope .
4、1 2 Normative references 1 3 T erms and definitions . 2 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 4 4.1 Acronyms . 4 4.2 UML Notation . 5 4.3 Package abbreviations 5 5 Transfer node requirements 5 5.1 Transfer node context . 5 5.2 Semantics . 7 6 Conformance . 8 Annex A (normative) Transfer nodes informatio
5、n model . 9 Annex B (normative) Services and facilities 22 Bibliography .60 ISO 2015 All rights reserved iii Contents Page ISO 19147:2015(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of prepa
6、ring International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in l
7、iaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC
8、Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives). Attention is drawn to the possibility th
9、at some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent d
10、eclarations received (see www.iso.org/patents). Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement. For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as informat
11、ion about ISOs adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 211, Geographic information/Geomatics.iv ISO 2015 All rights reserved ISO 19147:2015(E) Introducti
12、on All over the world, the authorities are facing serious problems due to the steady rise in the traffic volume. This rise will sooner or later call for very dramatic measures; one first step might be to persuade or force car users to change modes partly or entirely. In order to help this process, t
13、he authorities will need a complete overview of where it is possible to change modes of transport. Over the last few years, substantial work in this field has been carried out by CEN/TC 278 Intelligent Transport Systems. EN 28701 was published in 2012. This work is motivated by the fact that the pub
14、lic transport sector needs data on a number of objects and events in their transport networks in order to have them work efficiently. The work done by CEN/TC 278 has been one of the sources for the motivation and background material for the ISO 19147 work done by ISO/TC 211. ISO 2015 All rights rese
15、rved v Geographic information Transfer Nodes 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the data types and code lists associated with those types for the implementation of transfer nodes and their services in transport modelling and location based services. This International Standard includes th
16、e following: defines transfer nodes in a multimodal way so that the definition is general and valid for all types of transport means and modes; links transfer nodes to a location; focuses on the attributes defining the transfer node in relation to nodes in mode-specific networks; defines the attribu
17、tes of transfer nodes that are relevant for travel planning and modelling of interoperable transport systems by transport planners; defines a set of services and facilities that may be related to transfer nodes and a way to provide information on accessibility, deviations and restrictions related to
18、 these services and facilities. This International Standard is applicable for transport infrastructure owners and operators when defining and/or describing their transport infrastructure and for transport-related Service Providers when providing information to travellers and others. This Internation
19、al Standard is limited to the transport of persons and is also limited to the static getting- on and getting-off points. The main focus is on transfer nodes being part of public transport networks, that are located in road networks, but this International Standard is also applicable for transfer nod
20、es in rail networks and in air and sea transport networks. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the lat
21、est edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 639, Code for the representation of names of languages ISO 3166, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions ISO 19103: 1) , Geographic information Conceptual schema language ISO 19107, Geogr
22、aphic information Spatial schema ISO 19108, Geographic information Temporal schema ISO 19133, Geographic information Location-based services Tracking and navigation ISO 19134, Geographic information Location-based services Multimodal routing and navigation ISO 19136, Geographic information Geography
23、 Markup Language (GML) ISO 19155, Geographic information Place Identifier (PI) architecture 1) To be published. (Revision of ISO/TS 19103:2015) INTERNATIONAL ST ANDARD ISO 19147:2015(E) ISO 2015 All rights reserved 1 ISO 19147:2015(E) 3 T erms a nd definiti ons For the purposes of this document, the
24、 following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 access point location (3.8) where travellers can enter or exit a transfer node (3.18) Note 1 to entry: An access point may not be a stop point (3.15). An access point may for example be the entrance to a railway station or the connection between a parking
25、area and a railway station. 3.2 accessibility ability to access and benefit from the functionality provided by a service (3.14) or a facility (3.5) Note 1 to entry: Accessibility is often associated with disabilities. According to the concept of universal design, accessibility is, however, a matter
26、that permanently or temporarily is relevant to all of us, e.g. people with heavy luggage, people with broken legs, people with small children, elderly people, etc. 3.3 accessibility information information about accessibility (3.2) issues Note 1 to entry: According to the concept of universal design
27、, accessibility information should be addressed in a neutral way, i.e. not directed towards people with specific disabilities. 3.4 deviation divergence from a plan or the normal situation Note 1 to entry: These may be deviations with respect to the time schedule or the accomplishment of the transpor
28、t or deviations with respect to the services (3.14) or facilities that are provided. 3.5 facility physical installation or physical area that may be accessed and used EXAMPLE Elevators, restaurant areas, waiting areas, seats, toilets, shops. Note 1 to entry: Such facilities may be available on-board
29、 transport means (3.19) during the transport, at arrivals to and at departures from a transfer node (3.18), and at transfer nodes. 3.6 journey movement of a person who is travelling between two locations (3.8) Note 1 to entry: May consist of one or more journey segments (3.7). 3.7 journey segment pa
30、rt of a journey (3.6) defined by a start and a stop location (3.8) Note 1 to entry: A journey segment may be carried out by means of a trip (3.20) or a subset of a trip between locations that may be transfer nodes (3.18). A journey segment may also be road use (driving, walking and cycling). 3.8 loc
31、ation identifiable geographic place Note 1 to entry: A location may be represented by one or more data types that describe a point position, a curve or an area in the real world. A location may be referenced by coordinates from a coordinate reference system or an address from an address system.2 ISO
32、 2015 All rights reserved ISO 19147:2015(E) SOURCE: ISO 19112:2003, 4.4, modified Note 1 to entry has been added. 3.9 location-based service LBS service (3.14) whose return or other property is dependent on the location (3.8) of the client requesting the service or of some other thing, object or per
33、son SOURCE: ISO 19133:2005, 4.11 3.10 restriction formal or informal obligation to refrain from doing something Note 1 to entry: In this International Standard, a restriction refers to a transfer node (3.15) or transport service (3.19) criterion that limits permissible courses of action. SOURCE: ISO
34、 19152:2012, 4.1.19, modified Note 1 to entry has been added. 3.11 service distinct part of the functionality that is provided by an entity through interfaces SOURCE: ISO 19119:2005, 4.1 3.12 stop point location (3.8), e.g. a platform, at a transfer node (3.15) where the transport means (3.16) stop
35、to enable the traveller to board or alight from the transport means 3.13 transfer persons activity to switch between transport modes (3.17), transport networks (3.18) or transport means (3.16) 3.14 transfer link link that connects transfer nodes (3.15) or stop points (3.12) within a transfer node No
36、te 1 to entry: A transfer link enables travellers to move between the different transfer nodes and stop points within a transfer node. 3.15 transfer node location (3.8) that facilitates transfers (3.13) between transport modes (3.17), transport networks (3.18) and/or transport means (3.16) Note 1 to
37、 entry: A transfer node may contain other transfer nodes and may be related to one or more transport modes and transport networks. It may also contain stop points (3.12) and facilities for the users of the transfer node. A transfer node may host services (3.11) that are provided to the users of the
38、transfer node, e.g. information services, ticket sales, etc. Note 2 to entry: A transfer node may be a part of a hierarchy of transfer nodes. Thus, a transfer node may be related to many transport modes and transport networks. However, only transfer nodes that are related to just one transport netwo
39、rk will have stop points. Note 3 to entry: The stop points related to different transfer nodes, which may serve different transport modes and networks, may, in real life, have the same physical locations. A tram and a bus may for example share the same platform, but conceptually they may belong to d
40、ifferent transfer nodes. ISO 2015 All rights reserved 3 ISO 19147:2015(E) 3.16 transport means any type of vehicle, associated with any transport mode (3.17), that is used for the transport of persons or goods 3.17 transport mode means that travellers can choose for transport Note 1 to entry: In thi
41、s International Standard, the term ”transport mode” is frequently shortened to “mode” for convenience. Transport mode is usually covering groups of vehicles, e.g. transport means (3.16) used for road transport, rail transport, sea transport, air transport and cable transport. A mode for inland water
42、-borne transport is also added. SOURCE: ISO 19134:2007, 4.14, modified Note 1 to entry has been added. 3.18 transport network physical network infrastructure for mobility of transport means (3.16), containing infrastructure and equipment that facilitate traffic management Note 1 to entry: A transpor
43、t network is associated to a specific transport mode and specific types of transport means. The road network, consisting of streets in a city may for example support several transport networks such as transport networks for pedestrians, bicycles and use private cars. The network served by a bus serv
44、ice (3.11) is also a transport network. 3.19 transport service service (3.14) that is offered to a person with a transport demand Note 1 to entry: This may be services supporting mobility (e.g. public transport services) or services such as luggage handling, assistance, etc. 3.20 trip instance of a
45、transport service (3.19) supporting mobility, for example, a specific flight, a specific ferry departure or a specific taxi tour Note 1 to entry: May follow a pre-defined trip pattern (3.21) or the trip may be ad hoc according to specific mobility demands. Depending on the nature of the trip, it may
46、 start and stop at several transfer nodes (3.15). Note 2 to entry: A trip may serve many travellers, and the travellers may make use different part of a trip (e.g. different legs between different bus stops), and these parts may be whole journeys (3.6) or journey segments (3.7). 3.21 trip pattern pr
47、e-defined path defined by means of two or more transfer nodes (3.15) and the links and waypoints in between Note 1 to entry: Defines a path to be followed by a transport service (3.19); also called route. 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms 4.1 Acronyms GML Geographic Markup Language LBS Location-Based
48、Service UML Unified Modelling language4 ISO 2015 All rights reserved ISO 19147:2015(E) 4.2 UML Notation The diagrams that appear in this International Standard are presented using the Unified Modelling Language (UML). UML notation is used as described in ISO 19103 and in the UML standard OMG Unified
49、 Modelling Language (OMG UML), Superstructure, Version 2.2. 4.3 Package abbreviations Two letter abbreviations are used to denote the package that contains a class. Those abbreviations precede class names, connected by a “_”. The International Standard in which those classes are located is indicated in parentheses. A list of those abbreviations follows. GM geometry (ISO 19107) AD address (ISO 19133) NT network (ISO 19133) TM temporal (ISO 19108) TN transfer node SF services and facilities AT accessibilit